Thursday, 10 May 2007

Jake Gyllenhaal - Hollywood's leading man

Some of Hollywood's leading men are reaching what might be termed 'that difficult age'. Cruel as it sounds, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, to name but three, have arguably reached that stage in their lives when they are less likely to appeal as the male lead, except in 'serious dramas'. It happens to actresses so why not to actors? So who is lined up to replace them? I don't know about you, but I can think of one who springs to mind.

This week, an article in the Los Angles Times suggested that Jake Gyllenhaal is not what audiences want, even arguing that Hollywood is becoming more populated with young, hopeful British and Australian actors (such as James McAvoy) because of 'collective Hollywood fatigue with the sensitive young men who have populated filmdom recently'. The sensitive young men the author has in mind are Jake, Orlando Bloom, Josh Hartnett and Tobey Maguire, three of which at least attract movie goers in their millions. Whether James McAvoy would relish being called by default an 'insensitive young man' is another matter.

The biggest film so far this year in terms of Box Office takings must be, one would expect, Spider-Man 3, which features Tobey Maguire. I'm not sure if being overly sensitive is a prerequisite or a drawback for playng a superhero, but there was little evidence of a 'collective fatigue' with Tobey at theatres last weekend. I imagine a similar response to Pirates of the Caribbean 3 when this opens towards the end of May. As for Josh Hartnett, he might be the exception that proves the rule here.

Jake Gyllenhaal is a sensitive actor - of that there is no doubt. He played Jack Twist intuitively, becoming that role to the extent that when one looks on Jack, it's not Jake you see. Jake can convey with a glance or a smile what words are inadequate to say. This was used to remarkable effect in Brokeback Mountain, but also in Donnie Darko and Moonlight Mile. In the latter, there were many minutes when Jake was not required to say a word but, as Jake has said, he was always a master of the ellipse. Jake's performance as Robert Graysmith in Zodiac has earned more excellent reviews for this young, sensitive actor and audiences in Europe will not be disappointed or let out a collective yawn of fatigue when they see Jake on that big cinema screen, making it his own.

Pictures from IHJ.


  1. Oh gaah - another one, two, three punch of romantic Jake pics to stun me. The LA Times does not have their finger on the pulse of what makes a romantic leading man. Testosterone and sensitivity is a deadly combination! I can't think of anyone more perfect than Jake for romantic lead roles, if that's what he'd like to do. :)

  2. Exactly anon - The LA Times hasn't even taken the time to look at Jake - if ever there was a man created for a romantic lead role. I think there are very few roles Jake couldn't take on and make his own.

    Thanks for commenting :D

  3. WDW, who wrote this article? A man? If so, then it's jealousy. If it's a woman, then she's an idiot.

    Yes, Tobey and Orlando are very unsuccessful--with huge movie franchises attached to their names and Jake has an Oscar nomination and a resume of working with really good directors on quality films.

  4. Hi Anon - amazingly it was a woman (I can't post a link to it now as you have to log in to the LA Times website).

    I love this:

    Yes, Tobey and Orlando are very unsuccessful--with huge movie franchises attached to their names and Jake has an Oscar nomination and a resume of working with really good directors on quality films.

    They're clearly washed up and over the hill. I couldn't believe that someone would lump Jake, Orlando and Tobey together as a group of actors that everyone is fatigued with - on the basis of absolutely no evidence at all.

    If Cameron doesn't want Jake in his new film then that's his loss (although he doesn't actually say that), I doubt it's Jake's.

  5. Thanks WDW for another well thought out commentary. I agree that the author of this article doesn't have a clue as to what makes a leading man, And like you said, there is hardly a role that Jake couldn't make his own. He has shown remarkable versatility in everything he has chosen. This is no cookie cutter actor. And when you look at what he did in Brokeback Mountain, there should be no question in anyone's mind that Jake can rise to the occassion and deliver a knock out performance. It's great that Tobey and Orlando have landed these big money making franchises. I like a good summer adventure as well as the next person. But my money will always be on Jake to continue making wise and thought provoking choices!

  6. "I couldn't believe that someone would lump Jake, Orlando and Tobey together as a group of actors that everyone is fatigued with - on the basis of absolutely no evidence at all."

    Once again you hit it right on the head.
    I wish there would be more respect for individuals and the unique contribution of each of them instead of dumping them in slots. There is no dearth of stories waiting to be told, and new stories waiting to be written in this ever-amazing and unpredictable universe of ours. It's upto people to tell these stories and other people to take the risk and back them. I think Jake is following the advice his father gave him to "comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable". And he's going to be around doing this in the foreseeable future.

    And yes anonymous -- I agree about testosterone plus sensitivity, I think that's what makes a real and complete man. Go Jake!

  7. Thanks Dani and Incognita for commenting.

    Thanks for this Incognita: I think Jake is following the advice his father gave him to "comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable". And he's going to be around doing this in the foreseeable future.

    I've been thinking about that and I can think of few better 'rules' to live one's life by, professionally and personally.

  8. "I've been thinking about that and I can think of few better 'rules' to live one's life by, professionally and personally. "

    You are right WDW!
    While on the theme have a look at
    Disturb The Comfortable , a poll I held on another forum setup by me before SMG.

  9. Who IS that woman at LATimes and what rock has she been living under?

    "The LA Times hasn't even taken the time to look at Jake .."

    That says it all!

  10. She's clearly someone who couldn't recognise talent right in front of her when it's on a cinema screen a skyscraper high.

    Maybe someone who had actually seen Jake's films (or those of Orlando and Tobey for that matter) would have made a better choce for author.
