Thursday, 21 June 2007

Rendition trailer - Jake's blue eyes glow

No, I'm sorry I don't have the trailer itself, that is still closely underwraps at the distributors, but what we do have is our first description of it, written by one lucky film critic. This is good timing, as I think it's safe now to mention Jake's co-stars. This is what the fortunate and appreciative viewer has to say:

"Yes, I got to see what looked like a finished trailer for Jake Gyllenhaal's next movie - talk about making a boy's night. The trailer starts, though, with setting up Reese Witherspoon and her Middle Eastern husband's happy life, before he's taken aside in an airport and a black hood's thrown over his head and he disappears into some secret prison where they take off all his clothes and tie him to a chair. Reese, big bellied pregnant, and her other child are waiting for her husband at the airport, he doesn't show, she goes to Peter Sarsgaard for assistance. Meryl Streep is The Man, i.e. Goverment, here and she looks terrific and has what appears to be a Southern accent going; her role, at least from the trailer, was reminding me of what she did in The Manchurian Candidate...

Jake doesn't show up until like halfway through the trailer, with his hair all slicked back and one specific shot that made his blue eyes glow and my knees go wobbly - the trailer builds to this crescendo of Reese wailing about where's my husband and Meryl staring iciliy and Jake grabbing the husband by the throat and yelling that they need to know why he made some phone calls - it was all very dramatic. I kept waiting for Angelina Jolie in brown-face to slide into frame, though. But everybody looked on their game and Gavin Hood impressed me with Tsotsi and... Jake... so I'm sold."

This sounds like a completely different Jake, one free of the physical containment he felt playing Graysmith. I am very ready to see Jake in a dramatic and controversial role of this kind, which I am sure he will dominate, and I'm excited to think how Jake will convey his character's life-changing conflicts on the big screen, complete with those glowing blue eyes and slicked back hair.

I don't want to leave Peter out of this. After enjoying the on-screen relationship between Jake and Peter in Jarhead, I am more than ready to see them share a film again (whether they have screen time together or not).

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. That was exciting WDW. The reviewer certainly captured the feel of the movie very well. And you have summed up
    everything that the role is to Jake and Jake is to the role in these few lines

    "This sounds like a completely different Jake, one free of the physical containment he felt playing Graysmith. I am very ready to see Jake in a dramatic and controversial role of this kind, which I am sure he will dominate, and I'm excited to think how Jake will convey his character's life-changing conflicts on the big screen, complete with those glowing blue eyes and slicked back hair."

    Thank you -- I just looked in before shutting down for the night and I've been rewarded.

  2. oooh, exciting. Sounds like this movie is going to deal with some important human rights issues in a compelling way. And we have Jake getting all tough and dramatic too. *Swoon* - can't wait. Thank you.

  3. WOW -- who knew? This truly is getting exciting. Yes, a "completely different Jake" -- I can't wait.

  4. Wow, this sounds like another great role for Jake - looking forward to seeing it. Can't wait, actually, now that I've heard a little bit about the trailer! :)

  5. Hi friends!

    I know that this film is set to be controversial and possibly not all easy to watch, but the idea of Jake on the screen, standing tall, using some of that incredible physicality of his, is overwhelming. Jake takes us on a new journey with each of his roles, demonstrating each time that he can do yet more, and Rendition is going to show us a Jake that we've not seen before. I'm incredibly excited by that. And through it, as Ruby says, Jake will introduce many of us to important issues.

    So how long will it be before we see the trailer? - I don't think it will be long at all.

    Thanks for commenting and sharing my excitement!

  6. WOW, WDW! I am all excited and breathless just reading the description by that lucky viewer and of course your commentary. This is going to be more than I could ever imagine for Jake. And we get to reap the benefits also. I am anticipating the need to see it multiple times the first weekend. I already have the day of the opening and the day after off from work to make sure this happens. A little rearranging of my priorites is no hardship when it comes to Jake. Jake vs going to work? No contest!

  7. Hi Dani!

    I know - this is going to be so exciting. Seeing a whole new Jake. I can hardly wait.

  8. WDW, thank you for bringing us this preview of "Rendition". Even allowing for the fact that the reviewer is clearly a Jake fan, this sounds like a potentially really good movie. And I think that Jake's glowing blue eyes will go along way to offset any torture scenes (which I am dreading). I so hope this role show us a Jake we haven't previously seen on screen.

  9. hi Birdie

    I think there will be so much in this film to compensate for the difficult scenes. And for me, 'the Rendition look', or the Bafta look, is my very favourite look for Jake and I can't wait to see it on the big screen!

  10. Thanks for posting this WDW :) The more I hear about Rendition the more I can't wait to see it, and not just for the "glowing blue eyes" either (although I can't deny that description from the reviewer made my knees go weak too). I agree that this character sounds like a departure, and a step forward, for Jake. Up until now his characters have been essentially "good guys" but it sounds as if this character is pretty unlikeable, at least in the begining, so I'm really intrigued to see how Jake will come across as a "baddie". The description of Jake's character grabbing the guy by the throat brought to my mind that scene in Jarhead where Swofford loses it with Fergus and threatens to shoot him. Jake was so intense and scary in that scene, and since then I've always thought it would be fascinating to see him playing a nasty, agressive character, and it sounds like I might get my wish :)

  11. Hi Twisted Logic

    My knees definitely buckled too - I am very excited at the idea of Jake exploring that darker side and using that energy, even aggression, of his - which he had to suppress for Graysmith. It sounds like this is a character that changes through the course of the film and so we could see Jake in all his guises, including as the 'baddie'. That's unfamiliar to us and I can't wait to see it.
    Jake's aggression in Jarhead was compelling and, as you say, scarey.

    Thanks for commenting.

  12. I have to say I've been curious about Jake's playing a darker character too, and also am interested in the moral conflict of this role. It really sounds like a powerful role. He's such a versatile actor, I'm always amazed at his work. :)

  13. Hi Marina - I'm very interested to see how Jake will interpret this character. I'm always so impressed by how Jake can portray such deep character changes through a film - thinking hear of Jack Twist and Robrt Graysmith.

    Thanks for commenting.

  14. As if I wasn't already desperate enough to see this film, your description of the trailer for "Rendition" has really whetted my appetite,WDW.
    My admiration continues to grow for Jake's courage in daring to choose work with controversial themes and nothing could be more topical or contentious than this.
    It would seem that we are going to get more of the "Jarhead Jake" here,the darker, more confrontational and complex side of his acting persona. I cannot wait, I tell you!!

  15. Hi Nadine
    Thanks so much for commenting.

    I can't wait for Rendition myself, I'm finding it hard to even imagine what Jake will be like but, as you say, I suspect it will be far more like the 'Jarhead Jake' (with hair!) and I am so excited by that. I am very ready to see this side of Jake again :D

  16. Thank you WDW for this intriguing review, that now has me on the edge of my seat, waiting for November to come, so that I can enjoy Jake in a completely different role.

  17. Hi Sass Thanks so much for commenting. I know, I can't wait. I think we're going to see something special :D

    Thanks, WDW
