So good to see Jake, especially when we've been missing him as we have. This photo comes from
US Magazine who found Jake Gyllenhaal taking a water break in MV. I have to say that I love that look, with the rolled up trouser legs. I also envy anyone who can drive in flipflops.

Picture from
US Magazine.
fwiw - I can drive in flipflops! ;D
ReplyDeleteJust when I am getting withdrawal symptoms a new picture comes up.
ReplyDeleteI like his holiday look - rolled up trousers, Flip Flops and the beard.
But I also feel guilty - as much as I am happy to see new pics, I was also happy that he had some time for himself without being harassed. And I thought MV is paparazzi free??
I guess Jake is enjoing his time on MV before he starts promoting Rendition in a few weeks in Toronto.
ReplyDeleteI also like the shirt he's wearing, and quite befitting for him too....."a star for a star"!!
Ruby How? They get stuck under the pedals?
ReplyDeleteHi Carla - I know it's bad but I'm just so glad to see a picture of Jake and maybe one picture out of all this time is OK? Jake's certainly managed to have his peace away from the cameras. I do like this holiday look ;D
hey Jantoinette - it took all my will power to avoid a headline involving the star motif! Just too good to be true :)
What a nice surprise! Jake looks like he's been to the beach, relaxed. I live in my flip-flops, drive in them, and don't make the switchover until the first snow. ;) Thanks WDW!
ReplyDeleteHi Marina - someone else who can drive in flip flops. I guess I'll have to practise. I can't even walk in them...
ReplyDeleteor bike?
ReplyDeleteMy passion for Jake has been completely exposed at work thanks to me talking about him all the time and drinking coffee out of a mug that sports his face. So most people have been conditioned to ask me how Jake is almost every day. Unfortunately, my answer for most of this summer has been that I have no idea because he has been keeping a pretty low profile so far.
ReplyDeleteSo today when I was asked that question and I had nothing new to say, I also added that it was probably a good thing that he hasn't been seen much because it's helping me get over my obsession.
Well, what a liar I am! I didn't believe it when the words came out of my mouth, but it sounded nice and mature. When I got home all it took was one look at this gorgeous lazy days of summer picture of him in the rolled up pants and flip flops and the heat was back on!
Hi Dani Getting over your obsession for Jake?? This picture didn't come a moment too soon...
ReplyDeleteG'nite, all! Wishin for dreams of Jake with sand in his rolled up trousers!
ReplyDeleteYummmmmm! Gosh he looks so good there. I love the tan. I wonder though is this picture before or after the race he was in. To me his hair looks longer than in the race picture...please say it was after the race and that it is still not buzzed...LOL Ah yes love that look on him....I love his style.....thanks WDW you made my night! Oh gosh someone just shoot I am 46 acting like a 16 year old...I am so mental...
ReplyDeleteWow he looks so sexy! Yummy scruffy face and spiked hair! :D
ReplyDeleteAlthough, I am bummed he was papped on MV. :/
I'm Not There movie trailer
Thanks, Anon, for the I'm Not There video link. I copied and pasted it and was able to see it. Looks very interesteing. Outside of seeing what Heath has to show, I am most interested in Cate Blanchett.
ReplyDeleteIt's always good to see you Jackie...
ReplyDeleteI missed you darling...hope it's been for a good reason...*sniff*
Morning everyone :D Thnks for the comments and I can only agree with you all - I'm loving the hair, the scruff and that whole getup. Holidays definitiely agre with Jake (and hopefully give him the energy to get on and give us a movie ;) )
ReplyDeleteThanks Anon for the link to the trailer :D
Good to see you Xenia and Get Real!
Mmm, very ankle-enhancing look.
ReplyDeleteAnd if the acting thing doesn't work out he can always get a job in Pret a Manger wearing that tee ;)
Anouska the Observant - I knew I'd seen that design before but couldn't place it! Maybe that's this year's summer job for Jake (after all, he would have got tired of the lifeguard stories) ;D
ReplyDeletePret HAS arrived in the US, according to Google ... or it could be a Lone Star state t-shirt :)
ReplyDeleteWDW, I can do anything in flip-flops too, except walk through snow.
Remember Anon 2:18, if "60 is the new 40," then 46 must be the new 26--just Jake's age!
ReplyDeleteMuch as I too love seeing Jake on vacation, and thinking about the whole sand in the trousers thing, wasn't he supposed to be doing a Broadway reading this month too? Does anybody know what happened to that? Why no airport pics or streets of New York pics or...?
Oh flippin heck Kim - you've put back in my head those images of Jake trying to get sand out of those inconvenient places (like trouser hems)- I'd only just got those out of my tiny brain :-)
ReplyDeleteBut that's right, isn't Jake supposed to be singing his heart out soon at a musical 'reading'?
Anouska the Displacer - I bet you can't scubadive in them, eh? Or ski? :D They certainly weren't designed for walking in, in my opinion. Best to stick to Nike ;D
I can't scuba-dive or ski in anything else either :) :)
ReplyDeletePS - isn't Mike Nichols on MV?
Anouska the Astounding I believe it too... ;)
ReplyDeleteMike Nichols is in MV, but Jake's supposed to be doing a reading for a musical in NYC in September - the Bacharach and David Promises, Promises
As you can see, I forgot to make a note of Get Real's linking instructions so I'm going to look for those now :)
I'm with the rest of you who think it's a bit of a shame that Jake got papped in MV when it's been pretty much of a haven for him so far....but that doesn't mean that I'm not absurdly grateful that this pic exists and that you've posted it WDW. I was starting to get the DT's from lack of Jake!
ReplyDeleteHe looks pretty relaxed and laid back here despite the intrusive camera and is it just me, or is even the very definition of his ankle bones and his long,slender feet, really scrummy?!
What am I like??!! You see "anonymous", you are not alone, I'm 47, happily married and behaving like a recycled teenager. You are among kindred spirits!
Never tried driving in flip-flops but I can do it in wellies (and drive, to boot! :-) ).
Phew end of the working day, time for Jaking... ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Nadine, I'm less troubled than I might be by this photo because we've had so few and Jake really has been left alone. It's just so good to see him :D And yes, those ankles are pretty gorgeous, matching the rest of him.
You can drive in wellies! I am in awe of the driving skills of Jake and he WDWies. How can you do it? I can only drive in certain shoes and then I have to change them when I get out. This may be a good point to ask peugeot to do something about their pedals - they're too small! I hesitate to think what else you get up to in wellies, judging by that comment Nadine :)
"Recycled teenager" - I like that, Nadine. Especially since I am a 48 year old one and proud to say it. I am actually enjoying life more now than when I was a teenager! I have to thank Jake for the rejuvenation. My entire family thinks I have taken leave of my senses and should behave according to my age. All I can say is that I am the one who is smiling all the time!
ReplyDeleteI could echo your entire comment, Dani! If Jake could bottle his rejuvenating properties he could singlehandedly reverse the ageing process! ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for driving in wellies, WDW,as a country bumpkin who lived for many years in a village where one could got snowed in in winters past, or snowed out and had to stay with friends for a couple of days,driving in wellies was a must! Must admit, I do have preferred driving shoes myself, too.
My inference that I might do something sordid in wellies was, in fact, just a joke...but the gas mask and flanellette nightie, now that's a different matter! ;-)
Hi everyone,
ReplyDeleteWOW! Jake looks marvelous. I know all about rejuvenation. I'm close to his mom's age and he has made me feel decades younger. I do hope the paps will leave him be, but I knew they would go there, once Reese's picture showed up online..
I'd love a long lovely vacation in a peaceful place like MV; here's hoping he's having a great time.