This photo below looks unassuming and dull and completely off topic - which, it is in a way, but this is the view from my hotel window in Toronto - Yep WDW has just arrived in Toronto for a flying visit and will be attending the gala - call it a miracle, but I got a ticket. So I'm off for a walk to see what there is to see. Noone told me it was so hot here! It's 30 degrees C.
More pictures of Jake here. Thanks to the anon reader who pointed the new pictures out to me, much appreciated after sitting on a plane for over 8 hours.
You are effing KIDDING WDW! ! ! No, you don't kid! OMG! OMJ! Im so glad! Bless yr wild dark and wet heart!
ReplyDeleteThis is so unfair. How is it that everyone but me can afford to just jot off to Toronto whenever they please? Am I that big a loser? Don't answer that.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, WDW, congrats. I hope you get a peek at him, and if you do, ask him to show you his legs so we can see if there's any hair there. :)
Hey Cherita, if it makes you feel any better I've got no chance of getting to Toronto either:( We'll just have to live the experience vicariously through WDW.
ReplyDeleteWDW,I'm not going to pretend I'm not green with jealousy,but I'm so pleased for you that you made it over there :) Hope you have a wonderful time and that you get to meet His Royal Sexyness!! Can't wait to read all about it!
Oh WDW and Bobbyanna,
ReplyDeleteWe'll be hanging on every word, vicariously through you two! Can't wait to hear about TIFF. WHO is the lucky person interviewing Jake? What a dream assignment. Suddenly, my mind is blank, I can't think of a single question, but I liked yours, Cherita!
Have fun guys! :)
Oh WOW WDW!!!! I am so excited for you in that you are there and get to take in the "sites" and see Rendition. I can't wait to hear all about it. I so hope that you get to see Jake and all his yummy self...my heart would be ponding so hard I would probably pass out...BOL Do have a wonderful time and enjoy yourself!!!! I hope you got your camera and lots of film or video ; ) Have fun! Oh and that is a lovely view from your hotel. You are quite high up huh?
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry Bobbyanna, I forgot you're going too. My hopes for a wonderful time to you as well:)
ReplyDeleteAlso forgot to say thanks to Cherita for the link to the interview lady in the other post (can you imagine what my brain would be like if I actually was in Toronto, I'd have forgotten my name by now!). Some great questions there! Like Marina, I can't think of aything to ask either. Well, nothing printable anyway!!
Yay,WDW, the laptop is working in Toronto! So glad you got there safely and the view from your hotel room is lovely. Would be even lovelier if you saw Jake walking throught the front door because he's staying in the same hotel, but that sort of thing only happens in films,doesn't it...?! But you never know your luck :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope you've taken an ample supply of Tena Lady because come tomorrow night you're going to be fair wetting yourself at the prospect of Jake on the Red Carpet and being in that same auditorium, breathing the same air, and getting the first glimpse of the triumph that will be "Rendition"!How fantastic is that?!
Talking of fantastic,love the new photos of Jake at Jar(head) Restaurant,but is that a packet of fags in his pocket or is he just pleased to see us?! But then it could be his Blackberry,I suppose. Hope so,I really want him to do those precious lungs a favour and stay off those cigarettes!
I am SO thrilled for you that you are at the festival as our esteemed emissary WDW(and Bobbyanna too!), you know that! Remember "carpe diem",grab every chance you get,have the time of your life. Keeping everything crossed that you meet that man!
Take care and keep us posted! xxxx
Wha? He'd better not be smoking - let me take a look at those pictures! ;)
ReplyDeleteHey WDW...thanks, as always, for posting such wonderfulness...I just have to gush over Jakey's short hair...it is fabulous...and he looks great...Have a blast in Toronto...and post often...I shall live vicariously through you....Michele
ReplyDeleteNadine, I think it's his phone. It looks too long and thin to be a fag packet. Unless it's one of those longer brands, or they're a different shape in the US? I haven't seen pics of him smoking for a long time, and I think he was pictured about a year ago wearing a nicotine patch, so I assumed he'd given up. Oh dear. Does anyone else sometimes feel they maybe know more about Jake than is healthy?
ReplyDeleteYou're right TL, it probably is his 'phone. I thought he was clutching his phone in his right hand but,on closer inspection, that looks like his car keys.
ReplyDeleteI had heard about the nicotine patch sighting and there were also reports of him having a persistent cough for a while, which worried me at first, until I reassured myself that it often happens when you pack up the fags because all the little villi (tiny projections in your lungs which sweep out any gunk) suddenly come back to life again when they're not being paralysed by smoke,and you get a cough to get rid of the rubbish.
So I too am pretty hopeful he's kicked the habit but am all too aware how easy it is to fall off the wagon. I finally gave up 15 years ago,but it was at my zillionth attempt.
Note to self:- Jake is a big boy,he makes his own decisions and worrying about him won't help (but I know I'll go on doing it anyway ;-) !)
Enough fretting,WDW is at the TIFF! Our glorious leader might meet Jake!! All's right with the world :-)
You go, girl! We're waiting to hear all the news from you and Bobbyanna! We want every detail! And thanks meantime for the gorgeous pictures--
ReplyDeleteKate, I am so happy for you. I hope you see him, and Heath. I hope you see him and Heath touching.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great time.
I think the thing in his pocket is a phone too. :)
You lucky lady! First the Baftas, then Cannes and now the Toronto FF.
ReplyDeleteHow about taking me along next time. Hey, I'll carry your luggage, fetch coffee, shine your shoes, knit you a sweater... *LOL*
Have a great time WDW and Bobbyanna! Can't wait to hear all about it and see some pics. :-)
Have great time WDW and Bobbyanna! Have you met up already?
ReplyDeleteWDW remember what I told you before Cannes? Yes a girl can get lucky again!!!
Bless you both and your venture.
First off WDW, glad to hear you arrived safely in Toronto. Congrats, congrats, and lucky you that your there to see Rendition and hopefully Jake as well in the flesh!
ReplyDeleteCherita, believe me, you are certainly not the only one that life seems unfair at times cause you have no idea the obstacles in my way that prevents me from doing the same. So, you are not alone. My chances of ever getting to TIFF is pretty remote (and I'm already in Canada!).
I am truly happy for you WDW, even though I'll admit I'm a bit envious to say the least but....you go girl! I too am looking forward to living your TIFF experiences vicariously through you WDW!
Hope you get the chance to get some great TIFF pics (especially of Jake).
Nice to see Jake out and about enjoying a nice meal in LA. I too think its his phone/blackberry in his pocket. Even though I would still adore him, I too hope he's quit cigarettes. He lives such a healthy life. On the other hand, some celebrities go out of their way not to be photographed smoking but, it does seem that Jake has maybe quit.
If Heath does make it to the TIFF, he would only be there the middle of next week I would say. It would be great if Heath could make the TIFF.
Have fun WDW and Bobbyanna! Enjoy the great Canadian beer while your there!
Thanks everyone for all your kind words and crossed fingers - and it's worked - you know how I know?
ReplyDeleteI JUST SAW JAKE!!!!
Jetlag is the only thig keeping me awake right now so I'll do a quick post and be back to chat in the morning :)
Oh WDW....hooray for you that you got to see Jake!! Were all waiting with bated breath to hear, when you get a bit of rest. BIG day tomorrow for you I'm sure. I will certainly be thinking of you!