According to one festival-weary journalist: 'As I exit the sleek brand new Hazelton Hotel in Yorkville, I suddenly notice that I've been transported to the Land of Oz. Or at least it feels that way... It is 9:30 p.m. and I've just attended a press screening of Michael Clayton when I step out of the posh hotel and stare into a thousand strange eyes all staring back at me... I wonder if these people even know who they are looking for. Do they know what films are featured in the Toronto International Film Festival?'

'But as I walk through the film fest carnival that is Yorkville, I have the notion that celebrity obsession has finally eclipsed the art of cinema. It seems most people are not as interested in the visual arts of TIFF as they are in getting a simple snapshot of Jake Gyllenhaal, in spite of the fact most of those people probably don't even know what he is here to promote.'

Speaking as the owner of two of those 'thousand strange eyes', I was extremely impressed by the knowledge shown by others about me on the street, whether they were locals or festival visitors. They might not know which star they might see next, all part of the fun, but the waiting time was spent talking about films and stars alike. When I told a couple of girls that I was there to see Jake, they knew all about his film - after all it does have Meryl Streep in it - and I'm pretty sure that everyone knew what films George and Brad were there to promote. A running joke throughout was the fear that one might wait in a crowd only to see Paris Hilton - I think that speaks volumes.
Perhaps it is time for some journalists to remember what it was like to attend a festival for the very fact that you are a fan of film and not because you are paid to go there.

Here is another account of what it was like for actor and journalist alike to experience the press junket. Incidentally, 'Only a handful of studio releases get the royal junket treatment. This year that included "Michael Clayton" starring George Clooney, "The Brave One" with Jodie Foster, and "Rendition" starring Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal.'

For me, obviously, TIFF was all about Jake and Rendition, and here is a brief account of the amazing reception the film received: 'New Line Cinema's "Rendition," Gavin Hood's follow-up to his Oscar-winning "Tsotsi," received a rousing standing ovation after it screened at Roy Thompson Hall. Several "bravos" were heard, along with enthusiastic yells... But while the movie's Reese Witherspoon joined her director for the screening, when it came time for the postscreening dinner at a swanky place called the Fifth, she used pages right out of a CIA handbook. Paparrazi pursued her black Cadillac SUV as it made its way to the restaurant. "She's not in this one, she's not in this one!" yelled the photographer who got to the SUV first. Amid the confusion, Witherspoon, who had pulled a fast one, emerged from another black SUV and quickly was escorted into the building.'
The bravos will ring in my ears for a long time to come.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Where in the world did that week go? It seems like five minutes since we were checking the Blog at short intervals,gagging for your report from the TIFF, and here you are,gathering your thoughts about it 7 whole days later!
ReplyDeleteSome more lovely pictures in this post WDW, and indeed it would perhaps make some journalists less jaded,bored and cynical if they tried to see a Film festival through a fan's eyes once more,rather than as a hardened and sometimes sneering professional.
Besides,don't they know? There is no such thing as a simple snapshot of Jake Gyllenhaal!
Hi Nadine - I know a week, I can hardly believe it. This time last week we were going into the theatre. It's not been an easy week since.
ReplyDeleteThat was definitely my point - TIFF was tremendously exciting, even after Jake left. Just being round so many excited people and stars, plus all the long lines for films round the university and Yorkville area - just a real friendly buzz. I hae to hear journalists moaning about this - they should try my job...
Jake looks different in so many of these Toronto pics. Sometimes I feel like he's maturing before our eyes and I love it :)
Thank you so much for all the wonderful reports, impressions and pictures from Toronto. Sometimes I had the feeling I was in the midst of the crowd with you.
ReplyDelete"Rendition" seems to be another challenging film for Jake and from what I have read it is not easy to watch during some scenes and it gives no simple answers.
I was very happy to read that the audience really liked it and gave it a standing ovation. On the other hand it seems that the american critics (in contrary to their canadian colleagues) does not like the film.
It makes me wonder that some critics critize the script, because I have read it was one of the "best scripts" circulating in Hollywood??
Can it be that you did not publish a review so far or have I missed something? We as Jake fans are certainly it bit biased but I am interested in your opinion - one critic wrote that the characters are one-dimensional and that Gavin Hood has done "Rendition goes Hollywood". And since we got the raving reviews for BBM and ZODIAC I am a bit disturbed, to be honest.
I also would like to see Jake promote and discuss the film on a serious TV show. As much as I like him doing the PR round with the usual suspects like Conan or Letterman - this is too important to be handled in 30 seconds.
Thanks very much Carla - I appreciate that. I'e not done a review as it would be so hard to do that without it being spoilery. I think it's a good idea to do one though so I will, but a spoiler-free as possible. There are things about certain characters I really don't want to mention, or about the structure of the film.
ReplyDeleteAs for the screenplay - I think it's superb. Much of the film is abut experiencing and trying to cope with trauma - that's hard to express. The script succeeds and then Jake enriches that with the moments when words won't do.
Just had to add that there is nothing 'Hollywoody' about the events portrayed in Rendition. Parts of it are horrifying and startling and Jake's acting is so subtle.
ReplyDeleteIt could be true that this is another film for Euro audiences but I do hope American theatres give it its due. I get the sense that some critics have just taken against it, such as Variety (it was from there that we were told Jake was cancelling one-to-ones - nonsense!). I don't understamd why. But having had conversations in the Sutton Place bar with film producers and directors, nothing would surprise me.
All good to Jake for taking on these roles - there has to be an easier path but he's not taking it.
"All good to Jake for taking on these roles - there has to be an easier path but he's not taking it."
ReplyDeleteYes, I agree. When he thinks the project is challenging or the script is interesting - I trust him.
It was a strange experience to read the very good reviews on the canadian sides and then the disliking on HW and Variety. On the other hand - looking at the Box office it seems that the audience does not care much what the critics are saying...:-))
Surely discussing with directors and producers gave you some inside knowledge...
I would like to read your review - perhaps you can "hide" the spoilerish parts? So everyone who wants to avoid spoilers can avoid it??
Has a been a week already!? Doesn't time fly,etc...especially, I find, when Jake's involved ;D
ReplyDeleteNot impressed with that journo! It makes me even gladder that Jake gets to meet a lot of genuine fans at these things, people who DO know all about and appreciate his talent and who ARE interested in his film. I'd hate him to read suff like that and think people only want to see him cos he's famous. There's so many pointless celebrities around these days, the talented ones must wonder how many people even know then for what they do, rather than who they are.
Anyway, I wish the days from here to Oct 19th would go just as quickly! I bought Highway (the only Jake film I haven't seen yet- apart from City Slickers, but that doesn't really count does it?) today so hopefully that'll help take my mind off the waiting :)
Just off to bed but just heard that Jake's in Boston watching the Red Sox play the Yankees at Fenway - probably with Chris who's a big Red Sox fan (although Jake is a Yankees supporter).
ReplyDeleteLet's hope for pictures.
Thanks Carla and Twisted Logic - I'll speak to you tomorrow *)
Wha??? Jake at the Red Sox game? I'll have to turn on the TV! LOL
ReplyDeleteHas it really been a week since the TIFF? Hard to believe. You have such great memories of it, and we're glad you shared them with us.
G'Night, WDW!
I've read so many accounts from journalists whose experiences at TIFF much resembled our own.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice to think we 'got it'; we were seeing things not just through Jake-obsessed eyes, but through eyes of a casual observer as well.
By all accounts this was the biggest TIFF in its 32 year history. I'm so happy we were a part of it. My legs and hips will tell you another story, however. ;-p
Thanks WDW, very interesting tidbits about TIFF and I'm certainly glad that Rendition was chosen as one of the movies to get the royal treatment in publicity there. I can imagine that your glad too, since you experienced it firsthand, congrats!
ReplyDeleteIt's unfortunate when film critics get some satisfaction and ego that they feel they have the power to make or break a film/actor. It so happens I came upon a very interesting article in Variety I believe it was a few months ago that I posted on the movie website that I'm research admin for. It is especially of interest to movie websites and fansites, because it states in the article that the critics and media (newspapers & magazines for ex.) no longer have the last word. Many well known actors/directors have posted and interacted with fans on some movie websites, and it seems to be happening a bit more as time goes on. If your interested in reading the full Variety article, here's the link:
One great example I can think of, of a well known actor who actually admin's his own website and is eagar to interact with his fans is indie actor Joseph Gordon Levitt. I thought it was so great to see a well known actor like JGL be so interested in interacting and responding to his fans in that way.
Carla, I too have noticed and even some posters on IMDb have commented as well, that American critics seem to dislike Rendtion more than the Canadian critics (Cinematical doesn't give a rave review). We can't forget that Ebert said in a brief review, that Rendition was perfection! Unfortunately, I read a commenter say that perhaps Eberts reviews can't be entirely trusted or along those lines sort of speak, and the commenter was probably referring to Ebert's recent health problems, which I think it an unfair judgement. It will be interesting to hear the American critics reviews on Meryl Streep and Tom Cruise's movie, Lions for Lambs.
Actors like Jake, Heath, Ryan Gosling, and Joseph Gordon Levitt just to name a few who don't take the easy path in their careers I feel make better actors.
I guess Joaquin Phoenix at TIFF acted a bit peculiar promoting his film Reservation Road (also starring Jake's Zodiac co-star, Mark Ruffalo). Joaquin supposedly walked out of the press conference too I heard. He's a great actor, and his new movie looks good.
Hey WDW, did you happen to check out the website for the Toronto hotspot restaurant that Jake went to, Sotto Sotto? Your serenaded with Italian music on the site, and there's also a short little video. The menu, looks to die for as well. It's at Sotto Sotto, that a journalist said he was there when Jake was seen in the kitchen taking a picture with "Mama" the chef! Jake stated that her lasagna was great....
Jantoinette, what a great post - lots of interesting things.
ReplyDeleteWell, I went to see Jodie Foster's new movie The Brave One, and I also got to see - yay! the full Rendition trailer on the big screen - it is breathtaking. The more I hear about it, the more I'm anticipating it. Jodie and Terrence Howard were great in The Brave One too, I was surprised at how good it was.
Hi everyone! Thanks for the comments :) I've been galavanting around England's capital today, having a wonderful time reminiscing about last weekend with the lovely Ruby and Anouska - they've worn me out...
ReplyDeleteHi Felicia - I'm exhausted too and I have a cold - but so worth it :) I'm not surprised it's been the biggest - I wasn't expecting crowds like that.
Jantoinette - thanks for that great comment and links. I agree that actors who take the difficult path - such as Jake - are inevitably opening themselves up to criticism. As I said yesterday, it's far easier to do a romcom. I'll be interested to see the Euro reviews.
Oh yes, I'm researching another of my Eating with the Gyllenhaals features - it's on the way. I love doing them.
Hi Marina - I'm glad you got to see th traile - and Jodie and Terrence's film. I feel some affection for these two as I saw them on two occasions ad both times they were signing autographs and chatting with the crowd. I'm glad yu liked their film.
WDW, I thought of that, that you had seen Jodie and Terrence. I saw the trailer for Michael Clayton too, and that looks really good as well. I wasn't expecting to like The Brave One as much as I did, I do like Jodie Foster a lot tho, and I've loved Neil Jordan ever since The Crying Game, and Naveen Andrews too, so I thought I'd see it. It's very well and interestingly done, and thought-provoking about the subject.
ReplyDeleteBut I am so excited about seeing Rendition, hub thought it looked good too. :)
Marina, I'm hoping to hopefully see The Brave One this week with a friend....Here's hoping my friend will want to see it. It sounds and looks good. Oh, and it would be so great if I too could get to see the Rendition trailer! Ah, to see Jake's gorgeous face in front of me....priceless.
ReplyDeleteWell, I just read this evening, that the movie that won the Peoples Choice Award at TIFF voted by moviegoers was Eastern Promises. It does look good, and I guess Viggo has quite an eye opening fighting scene in it, and I'll leave it at that....
You know I don't know if I'm Not There had a press conference, which sucks big time! Or, the TIFF site is very late putting it up on the site. I did see just a few pics of its premiere, and the only actor portraying Dylan that was there, was the young actor along with Todd Haynes. An online friend of mine was going to see INT, so I'll find out from her if there was a press conference. WDW, I noticed in a previous post, that INT will premiere at the London Film Festival in late October. Sorry to hear that Rendition isen't.
If I had my way and the money, I'd live in fine dining restaurants all the time, just like our Jake!
WDW, did you happen to get a chance while you were in Toronto for the TIFF, to catch any of the music going on there? Or was it perhaps only open to the who's who celebrities? I watched some of the Schmooze party, and Hilary Duff's er, um, lip synching performance. I know there was a bunch of musical performances going on all around there. I had wondered if even Rufus would have maybe attended or performed there, cause it so happens Rufus has an acting part in a Quebec film that premiered there.
Hi Jantoinette! Thanks for the info on I'm Not There - shame more of the cast weren't there. Very few films get a press conference apparently but you'd have thought this one would have got something.
ReplyDeleteI didn't get a chance to see any music, just bits and pieces playing in the street as people danced to them. We were very much outside the windows looking in!