The other video clip comes from the BBC1 10pm News, which used Rendition as an entry into a discussion of the extraordinary practice itself. It is a very unusual - and extremely invaluable - opportunity for an actor to profile his film on this stage.

And he's off...
Now that's what I call quick. Barely 24 hours after arriving at Heathrow, Jake Gyllenhaal leaves London for the next stage of Rendition Week - the New York chat show circuit. However speedy, we loved to have you on our shores, Jake, and now we're all looking forward to the next few days and the release of Rendition at the end of the week. I'm not so sure what the scarf is for, unless Jake is feeling a little delicate through very understandable tiredness - a very warm day for us in London today.

And finally...
One of the most eagerly anticipated appearances Jake will make next week is on the Ellen DeGeneres show. It seems Ellen is looking forward to it too (although, as we know from Jake's words at the LA premiere, the show has already been recorded):
"Interview Magazine calls him the hottest bachelor in America. JAKE GYLLENHAAL joins me to talk about his new, ripped from the headlines, movie, "Rendition." Jake stalked me on my last birthday, I'll see what plans he has for me this year. He also says that he can cook a whole meal in two and a half minutes. I'll put him to the test. Then, car jumper CHRIS BRYANT is back. I've been working the phones to help make him a superstar. We'll see if I've made any progress. Plus, I'm going "walking in Burbank" with Grammy Award winner MARC COHN. He's going to sing, "Live Out The String" from his new CD, "Join The Parade." I will be sure to ask him how his marriage to Elizabeth Vargas is going and about his near-death experience when he got shot in the head during an attempted carjacking."

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Yes, a great BIG THANKS to twistedlogic, you are a Gyllenhaalic of the first order! (you know what I mean :D) The vids are scrumptious, and I don't know what I was worried about, thanks to you I have not missed a thing! Thank you THANK YOU TL :* :* :*
ReplyDeleteJR is repeating on the BBC right now! :D
ReplyDeleteThank you, TL and WDW for all the videos, links, etc.! :D
ReplyDeleteWDW, thanks for the BBC news clip. Very interesting.
Again wonderful new pics of Jake looking so classic and sexy in the scarf and glasses!
What a FABULO0US and amazing treat to be able to experinece Jake in London almost simultenously with his visit! Wonderful world and wonderful WDW and TL! ! ! Guys you DID GOOD! ! ! !
ReplyDeleteDo other actors promote their films as generously as does Jake?
(okay Jake you did good, too; now get your ass back home!)
You're all very welcome- I'm glad you enjoyed the videos as much as I enjoyed spreading the Gyllenlove:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pics WDW:) Can't believe he's gone already though :( Oh well, it was short, but sweet.Come back soon, Jake, we miss you already!!
Over to all you US Gyllenhaalics now. I hope you're all waiting for him with towels at the ready;)
Towels! that is so cute - better get out my binocs so Im ready when he passes the statue of liberty !
ReplyDeleteJake's right, there's gotta be a swimming video up on utube pronto.
ooh, just been watching the repeat of Jake's interview - can I just say, this actor is extremely attractive and not a little sharp and witty...
ReplyDeleteThanks Get Real and Anon - TL did a great job. I'm glad you like the pictures. Jake looks tired but happy. I feel a bit like that myself this evening.
Hey Positively Pia - thanks! Wherever Jake is appearing it's so good if we can all experience it together. But yes, he's on his way home. We'll miss him - this visit was way too brief.
Hi Twisted Logic - You did good :) I know, I miss him too. I have to echo what you say - the torch is now passed onto the US section of the Rendition Relay.
Jake's right, there's gotta be a swimming video up on utube pronto - the BBC has already posted it!
ReplyDeletehow I loved JR's appreciation of Jake's stomach muscles! & Jake so cool about his beautiful body. since I have never seen such a gorgeous belly in all of my years, and may the congregation say AMEN it is nice to see this acknowledged in the haha "mother ocuntry". Brits, we DO have a certain awe of y'all, despite our sometimes rudeness.
ReplyDeleteI just think it's great Pia how Jake brings the two sides of the pond together :) And as JR showed, we can be pretty rude over here too!
ReplyDeleteyes WDW isnt it great and isnt it funny? Brit humor is a bit diff'rent, makes me feel as if I live in Political Correctness Land - so glad Jake enjoyed it! - but then we know he's wet dark and wild!
ReplyDeleteWe missed you Sir Jake but we knew you'd be back on home soil soon enough. Next, gearing up for the NYC scene. Sir Jake, you look tired, get some zzzzzzz before your next endevour. BTW, the scarf was for the cold flight home, to keep that sexy neck warm, it's cold in NY these days, good preparation.
ReplyDeleteJake's right, there's gotta be a swimming video up on utube pronto - the BBC has already posted it!
ReplyDeleteLOL! we beat them to it though, WDW! I'm sorry, I just feel ridiculously proud of the fact that JR told Jake he would be on YouTube and we made it happen first:)
And I also love how Jake can bring us all together, wherever we are in the world. Give that man a Nobel Peace Prize!
BE ridiculously proud! I am, of you darlins.
ReplyDeletegonna watch the video ONE TIME MORE
before I go to bed.
Hi Anon - I think Jake's definitely ready for some sleep :)
ReplyDeletehey twisted Logic - you should be rightly proud! It's funny how the BBC put a clip of Jake up swimming after JR's comments - but too late, you'd beaten them to it :)
G'night Positively Pia and everyone - Jake's not the only one feeling tired... What a good 24 hours!
Aww, thanks Pia and WDw:)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to do the same and watch the interview once (or twice!) more before I go to bed. It's been a long night and day, but so enjoyable:) And Jake Week's only just started!
Goodnight everyone xx
TL and WDW, I enjoyed the JR show very, very much, once I saw all the video clips together, the one with Katie and Peter was great too, and Jake's and Jools' reactions. There's something about them together - I'd heard of Katie before, but one day I was traveling out in CA and just had the TV on while I was packing or something, not paying much attention. I think E! or something had a program about she and Andre together, and it was kinda charming. I'd never seen it before. He seems very enamored with her. I'd never seen the JR show before either, and it was very entertaining. It's clear JR thinks very highly of BBM once I saw the entire show in it's proper context, and Jake probably just wanted to move forward and discuss his newest film. But, BBM was anexceptional film and people will want to talk about it.
ReplyDeleteYes, we're waiting for Jake to come back home, but he'll be back to the UK soon I'm sure, he knows how much you love him over there! The BAFTA was proof of that.
Loved the BBC news segment, lots of great films coming out about these subjects - Lions for Lambs looks good too.
BTW, just got back from seeing Michael Clayton, and it's really, really good. We were hanging on every word.
Thanks again guys for bringing this to us! :*
oh one last thing before going to bed - at the end of Jake's remark to the band that he's sorry he's not single for them, but he likes the shirts, he does his little tongue thing! I LOVE IT!
I am always very moved an impressed at how generous and helpful everyone is about getting and sharing videos, photos, information, etc.Jake has a really special group of fans. I hope he finds out some day how really sweet everyone is.
ReplyDeleteJust an FYI, but Reese Witherspoon will be on Jay Leno on the 16th to talk about Rendition. That's the same night Jake appears on Conan. So NBC is giving Rendition a lot of coverage on the 16th.
He looks much nicer flying home. The 24 hours here must have done him good!
ReplyDeleteWDW and TL Thank you! I loved the latest vid of the Green Room, I think Jake was amazed what Jonathan can get away with! And TL you should be proud, I bet Jake himself see's YOUR vid!
ReplyDeleteThat was such a quick visit..but I'm not too sad, how can I be, when there are so many Jake goodies to look forward to this week? I'm especially looking forward to the Ellen show :D
It was really fantastic for Jake to be on the BBC news no less, which I certainly would have missed if it weren't for WDW..
Thank you again!
Hehe, how good to get to see this green room action as well!!!
ReplyDeleteIt was so funny to see Jake's reactions to some parts of the interview, like "Wow, this is how it can go in other places!"
LOL, if this would have been a US talkshow they would have probably cut half of the interview...
I loved how quick Jake's hand was up when he signalled to volunteer as a witness. *grins*
It's really interesting to see, that in Britain Peter André and Katie Prices seem to be still quite popular...
I think in Germany not many people really know that they are still doing stuff... I remember many years ago Peter André had 1 or 2 "hits" which he was singing half naked showing off his abs. And Katie Price was what is called a "Boxenluder" in Germany. LOL!
Have to admit I really liked their "accents", though...
So, when the BBC themselves are posting videos on YouTube! Why the hell can't they also post the video of Jake's other visit at Jonathan Ross' show in 2004 (?), pleeeeeeeese?
Well the reviewer from the News of the world gave Rendition * and called it dross, but then it is owned by Rupert Murdoch isn't it.
ReplyDeleteI'd never seen News of the World before, so I took a look. What drivel! Totally without credibility. AND the review has no byline that I could see.
ReplyDeleteHi everyone -back shortly but just had to say who ever took notice of a review, a headline or a story in the News of the World?! Absolute rubbish....
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, WDW! I bit and looked, but never will again. Yuk!
ReplyDeleteThat was me, I did not take it seriously, just thought you would like to know and as I said it is owned by Rupert Murdoch.
ReplyDeleteWasn't the NOTW actively campaigning to extend detention without trial a while ago? I remember them emotively using a photo of one of the survivors of the 7/7 tube bombings, entirely against his wishes. Classy paper.
ReplyDeleteSorry Anon - I wasn't directing that comment against you - I'm glad you told us as it gives us a chant to rant! :)
ReplyDeleteHi Beckela and bmg :D
Hi, WDW! I'm sooo excited about "Jake Week!" Thanks for starting it off with such a bang -- my tape is all set to record everything this week. I'll no doubt be spending all my time watching and rewinding and watching ad nauseum. Work? What's that?
ReplyDeleteGood Sunday morning to y'all! I wonder if there will be antagonism towards Rendition by some "conservataive: reviewers because of the subject of the filml - Frank Rich's op ed column in today's NYT addresses issue of torture passionately and quotes GWB: "we do not torture" -
ReplyDeleteThe timing of the film is on the button - the response will be very interesting!
Thanks for the heads up, Pia. I'm so glad Frank Rich's column is free now so I can read it. Love that guy! Yes, the timing is perfect -- and I'm wishing the next four days away. One should NOT do that at my age, but there it is.
ReplyDeletehey wdw how do I correct my name, that typo is really awkward, and embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteHe was jsut on the Biography channel 8 AM EST. Sort of anti-climactic...nothing new, all the same interviews and clips.
ReplyDeletehey wdw how do I correct my name
ReplyDeleteNo way to do it. Get gmail.com accout - that will also provide you a blogger account (name).
What the hell where you doing while typing your name, pisutuveky pia??
ReplyDeleteThanks for a big LOL moment! Actually I wouldn't even have noticed if it weren't for your follow-up post...
Saw Rendition...it's an OK movie, I know people will disagree with me but I have to say that both Reese and Jake weren't convincing in their characters. They needed actors with more of an international flare. Some very slow parts of the film...good twist at the end, the way it all comes together. I hope it does well for all the money they are putting out there for promotion but I don't think people want to see another one of these type of films. I wished more acting was seen on Jakes part, that was part of the problem, he just stood there in alot of the scenes and not really did much, although he said he was trying to do less to mean more but it wasn't as effective as in BBM.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, Anon 14:31, but what exactly do you mean by "international flare?"
ReplyDeleteMatt Damon
ReplyDeleteI do like Matt Damon, but he and Jake are VERY different -- and a decade apart in age. I haven't seen the film yet, or "The Good Shepherd," so I have no right to comment. I will be back, though, after Friday. :-)
ReplyDeleteHi Positively Pia - I read that article this morning - very interesting.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about the typo! It gave me a big chuckle - gotta be a good thing. And it made Uli laugh :D
Beckela - I'm wishing these days away too.
Anon 14:31 - thanks very much for your comment. It's always good to have different points of view here. Obviously it's no secret that I've seen the film and I can't wait to see it again to pick up on the bits I missed and to enjoy Jake's performance again. I would say that the whole cast was incredible, whether American, British or North African - truly an international ensemble. I would also argue that Jake, Reese, Meryl and Alan Arkin have 'international flare' in abundance, whilst also, in this film, representing distinct cultures trying/or failing to understand something different. No disrespect to Matt Damon who has many fans here.
There are several scenes when Jake's Douglas is a witness and observer to the action, which is important for his character and is actually part of Douglas' job here. He's passive, becoming active. His hands were tied until he undid them.
We must wait and see how it fares, I imagine that it will do well in the UK for instance where, possibly, our knowledge of rendition is being informed by films such as this - surely that's a good thing.
Thanks for your comment :)
Beckela - I'm very much looking forward to your opinion - roll on Friday.
ReplyDeleteI know it won't be released in much of Europe and the rest of the world until a bit later - it's going to be an exciting time following it's progression :)
I don't disagree that Jake is a marvelous actor, all I'm saying is I'm not sure that part was meant for him. You all will understand more clearly when you see the movie.
ReplyDeleteThanks Anon - As I say, I have seen the movie and I thought the role suited Jake's style of expressive acting perfectly for the reasons I mentioned above.
ReplyDeleteWOw. In the scenes where Jake is an observer of torture, i thought he was excellent. He was all coiled energy, IMO. YOu didn't know what he was going to do, but you got a very strong feeling he was going to do something. That scene with Omar Metwally and Jake ("Explain the phone calls!") actually made me physically recoil.
ReplyDeleteAnd there were times, as he watch the torture that you could actually see him trying not to retch. There wasn't anything passive or "standing around" in his performance, for me. I also loved the scene where Omar confronted him and cursed at him.As Jake pointed out, there really wasn't a lot that was heroic about Douglas Freeman.
I thought Reese was very believeable as a pregnant mother trying to find out what happened to her husband. Ig I had to ppoint to one flaw in the film at all, it was with the passage of time. I wasn't sure how long they detained her husband. And judging the progress of her pregnancy gave me no help. But that was a very small thing. And if I compared her to me when I was pregnant, I looked ready to deliver by my 6th month LOL!!!! and I was never ever that thin.
Thanks WDW for giving us the opportunity on this forum to discuss Jake, something we all have in common. I would like to believe that we are the only ones in love with him and it pains me to have to share him with anyone else, but everyone here seems to feel the way I do. It's odd to me that most everyone I know personally don't care to see his movies let along talk about him, so this I thank you for. Does anyone else have this problem?
ReplyDeleteBobbyanna - what an excellent description of Jake's role in Rendition - it's very true that at times as we watch the torture or other events along with Douglas, it can evoke almost a physical reaction. You put that so well, I can't add to it :)
ReplyDeleteI think the only thing for me that didn't ring so true was Reese's pregnancy - but I've spoken to someone who had a baby and she said that it was believable. So I give up on that one ;)
Thanks Anon 15:28 - you can certainly express yourself here about Jake and hopefully enjoy sharing him with all of us who feel the same. I'm fortunate I realise in that everyone in my life knows of my passion for Jake and this site and that the majority of my friends are either fellow Jakers or humour me very nicely :D Please comment again and perhaps give yourself a name so that we can get to know you?
Yes, anon, I'm forced to keep my admiration for Jake pretty much to myself in RL as well, and this is one of only a few sites where I feel comfortable discussing him or his films. I confess that my desktop, screensaver and self-made wall calendar at work proclaim my "passion," but that is rather passive. And I endure endless teasing for them.
ReplyDeleteBobbyanna, your description of Jake's performance whets my appetite even more! And it doesn't surprise me -- Jake has a deep understanding of the terms "subtle," "subdued" and "less is more." AND he is expressive. How he does that is beyond me, but I admire him more everyday for it.
Squeee! I'm so excited about Jake Week - got my recorder ready. I'm especially looking forward to the Ellen show.
ReplyDeleteI'm planning to see Rendition on Friday night with my hub and then on Saturday with friends. I'll need to see it at least twice to pick up on all of the subtleties that I know will be there. I can't wait to enjoy Jake's, and all of the actors', performances.
I did see The Good Shepherd and I thought it was an amazing film, about the creation of the CIA during the time of the Cold War, a time where government was more closed off to the public than it is now. It's what I call a "textural" film, lots of rich details interwoven with the cinematography. This man's job became his entire life and he sacrificed a lot for it, and did what he had to do with the goal of protecting the country, however distasteful it might have been - not unlike what I imagine Douglas' dilemma in Rendition will be.
It will be interesting to see Jake's interpretation of Douglas and how the films he talked about may have influenced him. Can't wait! :)
Here you go WDW, my identity has been revealed, thanks for the invite. Bobyanna, I too have my Jake stuff and am fairy passive when it comes to him, I'm not fond of the rolling of the eyes and 'here we go again' comments. So thanks again WDW for this forum.
ReplyDeleteSorry that statement was meant to go to Beckela, love you to Bobbyanna.
ReplyDeleteThanks WDW and twisted logic for all your hard work. I've been short on internet access all week but am making special efforts to catch up today - it's so worth it.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the upcoming week of interviews, etc., though I have special anticipation of the Frank Gardner interview presumably done in London yesterday.
Why is Jake wearing so many clothes? The weather was lovely :)
Nadine, thanks for your compliment several threads ago. I think your taste in men is impeccable also :), and your take on JR (and his intentions when interviewing) spot on.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Chillinwitgyllen! I'm so glad you have a name for us and you came back :)
ReplyDeleteHey Marina I'll be seeing the film a couple of times too - I was able to get free preview tickets for Thursday night in my home town and then, of course, I have to see it on the opening day. I'm looking forward to seeing it with friends in London too :)
Hey Anouska - welcome back and I hope you had a good break. And yes, it's flippin warm at the moment, no need for a jacket, sweater and scarf - T-shirt weather today :D As it's warm, maybe I should have a corona....
I have the babysitter all lined up for Friday and I have Monday off too which means a matinee showing or two ;)
ReplyDeletehey chillenwitgyllen! when I am visited by unbelievers who ask me "who is the poster boy?" I look mysterious and mutter: "He Is A God" and they don't bring it up again.
ReplyDeleteI have one friend in RL who shares my love. that's it.
Hey Positively Pia I imagine that would shut them up! But you definitely have more than one friend who knows of your passion for JG :)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you put the clips from the Green Room and the BBC 10 o'clock News up here,WDW,(courtesy of TL)! This means that my fellow Gyllenhaalics of various nationalities,whom I directed over here from Jake's Yahoo group,will be able to see every single second of his appearance,even if that does mean having to suffer the "Arthur or Martha?" debacle and witnessing the depths to which Katie Price and Peter Andre can sink.
ReplyDeleteI have to confess to enjoying some risque humour and can eff and blind with the best of 'em when provoked,but I wouldn't do it on National TV and I hope any non-British viewers will realise that we're not all gobby strumpets playing it for shock value like Ms.Price and her down-trodden spouse.
Hey Anouska! I really empathise with you having restricted access to the Net for whatever reason. I've been back online at home for a few months now,but before that had endured 3 years in the cyber-wilderness,able to access the web only in the library,and that during restricted weekday hours. I hope you're able to get a 24/7 connection as soon as possible!
I empathise too with all those who don't have any Gyllen-outlets in RL,because their friends just haven't realised what they're missing,despite attempts to recruit fellow disciples. Luckily I can come and do my Jaking here with you lovely lot and one of my friends is a big Clooney/RDJ fan,so she understands my devotion to Jake and we accompany each other to their various films. I really like George and Robert too,so it's no great hardship. I hope to take in at least one "Rendition" matinee on my own though so I can really lose myself in it. Can't wait!
Hi Nadine - I'm looking forward to seeing Rendition with friends but I also enjoy very much that quiet time watching it on my own :) Your friend sounds great - anyone who likes RDJ can't be bad!
ReplyDeleteThanks for directing Jake's Yahoo group over here. I hope they find what they want here :)
Gyllenoutlets are ital and I'm very grateful I have so many, not least of which is here with you and everyone else. Very good indeed.
My daughters know I am crushing on Jake, but they "have no idea how bad it gets! " Their tolerance level for such foolishness is very low. But at my little part time bookstore job, everyone knows. I had six people come to tell me when Interview arrived.I spread the Jake love whenever I can. A lady recently bought two copies of a children's story book by Jamie Lee Curtis. She was flying to LA to have lunch with her for some charitable thing. I said, I liked her, but I liked her godchild better. The lady asked who her godchild was. I "escorted " her over the the magazines and showed her. LOL! She bought two. Said she would take one with her and leave one home "in a safe place." She kept saying, "Oh, my.My, my my."LOL! I've discoverd there are lots of ladies who are REALLY into him. I've actually "sold" quite a number of Interviews the past week!!! When BBM came out, not a lot of people had heard of him. But now they seem to be "getting it."The films most mentioned are Donnie Darko, October Sky and Jarhead. These seem to be the best know. When I throw BBM into the mix, they pause, then either say they haven't seen it, or, "Was that him???"