Monday, 5 November 2007

Jake lines up Film No 3? and Jake in London goes out of his comfort zone

Another week, another project, and it seems like no time at all since some of us were concerned that there didn't seem to be any new movie lined up after Rendition. Now we have two and possibly three! A short time ago, the rumour resurfaced that IMGlobal had reawakened Nailed and that Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel were both attached to it. Possibly, demonstrating that there is no smoke without fire, these rumours are catching hold today, spurred on by an article in the Hollywood Reporter.

'Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel are attached to star in the risque political satire "Nailed." David O. Russell is attached to direct and co-write the screenplay with Al Gore's daughter, Kristin Gore. Biel would play Sammy Joyce, a socially awkward small-town receptionist who has a nail accidentally shot into her head by a clumsy workman, eliciting wild sexual urges.

'The uninsured Joyce goes on a crusade to Washington to fight for the rights of the bizarrely injured. She meets an immoral congressman (Gyllenhaal) who takes advantage of her sex drive and capitalizes on her crusade as Joyce heads into her own career in politics. Red Wagon Entertainment ("Jarhead") and Persistent Entertainment ("Southland Tales") are slated to produce the project. Preproduction is set to begin in two weeks, aiming for a January start date for principal photography.

'Neither star has a signed contract for the film, which is being presold by IM Global at the American Film Market. Their commitment could depend on juggling other features: Gyllenhaal recently was set to star in Doug Liman's untitled Moon project for DreamWorks and Jim Sheridan's "Brothers" with Tobey Maguire for Relativity Media. Biel is slated to star in and produce the crime thriller "Die a Little" for United Artists.'

The idea of an entire movie containing scenes similar to That Scene in Rendition, is quite possibly more than I can take. Jake clearly has a busy time ahead, whether he does sign the contract for Nailed or not. If the shooting for Nailed is scheduled for January, which surely would place it straight after Brothers, then one wonders where the Moon Project (which Jake has confirmed he is doing) will fit in. But fingers crossed - the idea of three films in quick succession is enough to put a smile on my face. Nailed has captured the imagination of the media today and I can understand why.

Jake's London interview on Virgin Radio

When Jake was in London for Jonathan Ross and the promotion of Rendition, he appeared on Virgin Radio, for which Jake was interviewed by Adrian Hieatt. Here is the link to listen to the interview, which I hugely enjoyed, and I hope it works for everyone - I know that there can be trouble with audio links from both sides of the pond, here are the highlights, which includes real hope for the people of London (and surely provides me with an excellent excuse to post some London Jake pictures).

On the point of movies: 'I think educating a audience should be left to those videos we see in class... I think movies themselves essentially have to be entertaining and tell stories about human beings. But I think it's important that within these stories that there's something that you can connect to. When you walk outside and you say 'Wow, I see that differently'. I think that's what the human experience should be about - learning something and experiencing it differently. Walking in somewhere and walking out a different person, with a different point of view, or the same person with a stronger point of view than what you had when you walked in. That's what hopefully this movie does'.

On filming in Morocco: 'It wasn't too crazy. I walked into North Africa thinking it would be more of a dangerous place and it ended up being one of the nicest, kindest places I'd ever been to in my life and I've been to some really nice places, which was a surprise to me. There's so much fear and paranoia around areas of the world like that and particularly from an American standpoint, and I think that people feel very strongly about American - and I think British at this point too, I'm sorry to clump you into that - and I think that there's a lot of anger around the world about the way people feel like we've behaved and it was wonderful to see that there's a lot of love still out there! And I had an incredible time, an incredible time.'

On going outside of his comfort zone: 'I think there are dangerous places in the world, places that people shouldn't go, but it's always been taught to me that you need to go byond what you know in order to become who you are. And that includes inside of yourself and also includes outside of yourself and yeah - shooting a movie. Everyone says you didn't work with Meryl Streep, Reese Witherspoon, Alan Arkin, Peter Sarsgaard and I say I worked with some of the most extraordinary Israeli and Arab actors that are around and their faces might not be on the posters of this movie - which is an interesting thing to question also - but they are nonetheless amazing people and I would never have learned that or had that perspective if I hadn't gone out of my comfort zone. And so I challenged myself to do that and everyone I know to do that.'

On coming back to London: 'I hope so. I'm really pretty bummed out that I'm only here for a short time. It's really one of my favourite places so, whether or not I'm doing something on the West End or making a movie here - which I hope to be doing soon - I will be back very soon.'

Hmmm, maybe one of these new films is scheduled to shoot in London...

Video of Jake at the Staples Center

To go along with the pictures of shaven Jake at the Staples Center in LA, there is now a video to go aong with them, and it is good to see Jake having a laugh. And now that the beard is gone, we can actually get the full force of the Gyllensmile.

Includes pictures from IHJ.

Have a good, safe Guy Fawkes Night!


  1. London ... the cashpoint ... the vid ...


    :D * *

  2. He signed on to do Rendition knowing Reese would star? Hmmm...makes you wonder if he also saw it as an opportunity to get closer to her? ;)
    I'm not too fond of movie no 3, especially with Jessica Biel attached to it.
    Thanks for all the updates!


  3. Worked then, didn't it, Anouska :D That's one of my favourites too!

  4. Hi Sandy - I have to say that, although I know very little about Jessica Biel, I love the idea of Jake doing a sexy and wity political satire (almost as much as I'm longing to see Jake in Space).

  5. hoping WDW reels you in, Anouska. What fun to see Jake standing in line at the ATM!

    By the way, despite his recent shenanigans, Ive decided, a la Ellen, to ask him to marry me. this was a VERY big decision, by the way.

    George Clooney said, in the "extra features" of Rendition that he thot, more importantly than "making a point" ethicially, politically, etc., was to show people of a diff'rent culture as "like us" -

    Jake seems to me making a similar point, and I agree.

    I love to see Jake in London just as I loved being in London, a number of years ago - it was like coming to NYC from the nidwest - place of dreams, storybooks, history. Scotland was the same way - always the feeling of being "home" - because of books, films, etc.

    Doncha think Jake is in a trailer in Santa Fe, right now?

  6. Good evening, WDW, and thanks for another great platter of Jake goodies to devour.

    My initial feelings about "Nailed" is that it sounds extremely odd, and it's not described as a comedy so I'm intrigued as to how the satire is going to come into play.

    With all the films Jake seems to be signing up to make, does this mean that the much-rumoured role on Broadway has been put on hold? (selfishly I hope so because as I'm going to NY in two weeks it would kill me if Jake DID end up doing it next year!).

    I loved the Virgin Radio interview - Jake sounded really lovely and happy and I love hearing his deep philosophical views on life. I was glad he praised the largely-ignored Israeli and Arab cast in "Rendition", who I thought were outstanding.

    I did get v. excited at the idea of Jake hinting he may do the West End again. How amazing would that be? Be still my beating heart.

    Oh I loved the pics in your post WDW, but may I ask when the London pics were from? He looked adorable in that big coat of his and riding his unusual bike.

  7. Hey Positively Pia - Congratulations on your decision - I imagine it must have ben a toughie (should, of course, you change your mind, I can be accommodating).

    How I love to see Jake in London. I'm so glad you liked Scotland - what a beautiful country.

    I think it's very possible Jake's down there right now making a film for us :D

  8. Hi Christie! The cashpoint pics were taken in March 2004 and the wonderful cycling pictures were taken (in Notting Hill I believe) in October 2003.

    It looks like the timing could still work for Jake to do a play at the end of next year as these three films (well, 2 of them at least) look like they'll be in the can in quick succession. But I can't see how Nailed will fit in with the Moon project. I'm intrigued by the idea of Nailed - I'm a big fan of political satires and this sounds good to me (possibly as I've seen too much of a certain scene in Rendition).

    The Virgin radio interview is wonderful. I love to listen to Jake talk and it was good to hear him say how sorry he was to be in London for such a short period of time. And I thought his description of Morocco was well worth listening to. You are so lucky going off to NYC soon :D

  9. WDW - you have no IDEA what a huge decision! Maybe you do. Thanks for acknowledging.

  10. Jessica Biel... let's see... i saw her in "The Illusionist" which sucks. I also saw her in "Elizabethtown" which was one of my top 10 worst movie of that year (not her fault) though. oh... and she was also in "Stealth", that was... pretty bad. Although all of the above might have little to do with her performance.
    but I can't say I'm impressed with her work yet :P

    to me, what's interesting about Nailed is the word "Immoral" . I fancy Jake playing a baddie or advantage-taking handsome politican (sort of like the devil then?)

  11. I wasn't sure what to make of this new film either, at first, but it could be a good political satire, if done well, and, yes, I'd be interested in seeing Jake as a sexy cad too. :)

    The Staples Center pix - I am partial to him with facial hair, but I love getting the surprise of seeing him with a smooth, clean-shaven jawline too, and his jawline is beautiful in these. I loved his comments on his experiences making Rendition. Thanks, WDW! :)

  12. Hey Winterbird - I don't know Jessica from anything, but isn't she the one going out with Justin Timberlake (dare I say that he is my number 3 fanciable man behind youknowwho and Colin Farrell - a dim and distant second)?

    It sound like she makes lousy films, but she's been attached to Nailed for a long time (maybe they're stuck with her?).

    I definitely like the idea of Jake playing a sexy, immoral and devilish politician. Once in a while, I would like to see Jake explore the idea of playing a baddie - I think it would be fascinating to see.

    Hi Marina - isn't it strange seeing Jake clean shaven again after all this time! It's almost like he's that Other Jake. I love them both and I find the bearded Jake extremely sexy, but seeing these pictures of Jake, clean shaven with short hair (like in the Interview pics), he takes my breath away - absolutely stunning.

  13. I love them both, too, WDW! ;)

  14. I definitely like the idea of Jake playing a sexy, immoral and devilish politician. Once in a while, I would like to see Jake explore the idea of playing a baddie - I think it would be fascinating to see.

    WDW, it didn't take much for me to be won over by this film!! LOL "Sexy" and "immoral". Oh now that I would like to see Jake play.

    Oh and I'm in denial that Jake will play on Broadway. I am now convincing myself he will decide that London is the place to be.

    Thanks for telling me where those pics were taken, I thought they were taken on the same day! It was that coat that threw me!

    I can't open the video of clean-shaven Jake, but I'm kind of relieved. I always feel conflicted watching pap vids, so me not being able to play it made my decision for me. Glad to hear he was happy in the vid though.

  15. Hi Christie - I think it would be so good for Jake to play an unexpected type of role, such as the Bad Guy, in a film, say, just pulling ideas out of a hat at random, where it requires him removing his shirt every 5 minutes.

    I'm sorry you can't see the video - must be Flash problems. But yes, Jake looks perfectly relaxed and happy in it.

    How intriguing to think that Jake may have something lined up for London - he really sounded sure in the interview.

  16. Sounds like 'Nailed" is going to be the movie Jake finally shines in this sexy satire comedy. A double bonus as we see him in a new and a potentially bear-all role. No doubt there will be lots of smooching from what the plot line indicates, politically correct of course.

  17. Hey CWG - politically (in)correct smooching sounds good to me :)

  18. Well, my night was made infinitely better by that radio interview!! Apart from listening to the sound Jakes beautiful voice...( why does he sound even sexier when I can't see him? ) I loved what he was saying about going outside of your comfort zone ..and I LOVED what he said about coming back to London soon. I'm all a fluster just thinkig of it.

    Nailed sounds like it would be a VERY different role for Jake. And I would like to see him stretched in his choices. (Me thinking this would be a good thing has nothing whatsoever to do with the possibility of Jake in many sexy scenes. Oh no it does not. )

    The Staples Centre link did work for me. I love the way he is looking right now.

    Thanks for some really interesting links tonight I said that radio interview made my night!

  19. Hey WDW! What a great post, lots of Jake goodies.The perfect thing to find after coming home slighty tipsy from a bonfire party;D

    So...this Nailed thing sounded a bit weird at first, I have to say, but you've all sold me now. I like political satire and I LOVE the idea of more Rendition type scenes of a certain nature, so bring it on!! Although I can't see how Jessica Biel's charatcter is going to prove a nail in the head caused her "wild sexual urges", surely Jake does that to women anyway?

    Loved the Virgin inteview as well, thank you so much for finding that! That man's voice is so seductive *swoon* But does anyone else get music playing in the background?
    I hope Jake does come back to London soon! A promise is a promise Jake, and we've got it on record!;)

  20. Hey CWG, Im enjoying your posts. I think it's so cute you identify with Jake - so do I - except sometimes its confusing because I also feel alot of lust for him. Its sorta like you're your own granpa or something, you are no doubt to know that song.

    But your "lots of smooching" brings me back to an earlier post of mine regarding his kissing technique which is kinda wet and doggy, at least in BBMt with Lureen. And he speaks of "sucking face" - yuck! I loved the way he said, during the GLAD awards - SMOOCH - but I DO wonder who taught him, and would he like some lessons.

  21. Hi Twisted Logic! Yes, I got that music was a bit annoying, but as I loved the interview so much I've decided to forgive them!

  22. Hey Rosie! How true that when one doesn't have the distraction of the face, Jake's voice is so beautiful and restful to listen to. Always love it. I was thrilled when I found it :)

    Hope you had a good bonfire party TL - I was home from work too late for the one here, I could see it as I drove the last mile or two back.

    I think there are some great possibilities for this Nailed project - of course it may not materialise at all - but I'm more than happy to accommodate the idea! That's a good point though - surely being in the presence of Jake would have more effect than a nail in the head :\

    It's weird you and Rosie get music - I don't. Odd that.

    Hey Positively Pia I think if we're going to give Jake kissing lessons, an orderly line must be made... I loved the way Jake said Smooch too - thanks for reminding me of that - feeling faint, where's the Jamieson's...

  23. Oh thanks Rosie, for letting me know it's not just me:) I'll let them off too cos it's lovely to hear Jake's voice. you're right he does sound even sexier when you can't hear him.
    Btw, Jake, if you're reading, that is NOT a cue for you to go AWOL again;D

  24. I am so happy when I come here and you've got all the information I need to get my Jake Gyllenhaal fix. I am strongly addicted and you are my dealer babe. Thank you! (I'd rather have this addiction--and it's legal--than any other!)

  25. Hey WDW! yes, it was a great party! TL Jr enjoyed the fireworks and I enjoyed the wine so everyone's happy;D

    Avtually I think getting a nail in the head and being in the presence of Jake would have a similar effect on me: I'd collapse on to the floor and lose all function in my brain!

  26. Hey Anon - thanks so much :) It's a pleasure. I'd love to have a name for you so we can chat to you.

  27. TL - I can definitely see what you mean. lad you had a good night :) All these fireworks going off keep making me jump.

  28. I love watching Jake kiss and don't think he needs lessons. I especially love the SNIT kiss. To me, the kissing in BBM was distinct from the Rendition kisses, which I also enjoyed. Those were more languorous.

    Thanks for the radio link, Kate. I can't remember if these youtube vids from Rome were posted:

    First one has Jake interviewed on the red carpet, talking about what awards mean. Great eyelashes shot. And he tries to say the name of the Italian media outlet interviewing him.

    This one is a montage of the Rome festival red carpet moments.

  29. Hey Pia, it's like a dichotomy because most certainly there are times I'm feeling very attracted to JG but on the other hand if I ever had the opportunity I would probably kiss him on the forehead like a brother instead of on the mouth like a lover.

    It was like that time at TIFF when he stopped right in front of me and looked at me. The only way to describe that moment was awkward. I was like "okay you there and I'm here, now what?" I almost felt embarrassed because I think he was expecting to sign something for me but I didn't give him anything, I just yelled 'Jake' and he moved on. The expectation wasn't what I had imagined. Just like Jake said "what you ask for and what you get are sometimes two very different things". I was watching everyone else talk to him and ask for autographs and take pictures like it was second nature and I just couldn't bring myself to do that.

    Anyway, I've been enjoying your comments too ;)

  30. Oh, please don't get me started along these lines - smooth, clean-shaven face and smooching. Speaking of which, weren't those kisses in Rendition delish (beginning scene)? He definitely does not need lessons. Sorry! :)

  31. Pia, also, maybe next time to break the ice I'll ask him to marry me too.

  32. CWG, yes, "marry me!" is a great ice breaker. Im old enuff to get away with it, wish I'd used it when I was younger! it gets the guys all giddy!

    Marina, Ive not seen Rendition, yet. Cant wait! Well, I can. Im waiting for the DVD, bad on me, not supportive of the film but I almost threw up during Syriana.

  33. Oh No! I'm so sorry, Pia, I hope I didn't spoil anything for you! Just forget everything I said! I also forget that a lot of friends in other countries haven't seen the film yet either. Let's just remember that the DVD will be well worth the wait! WDW, can you please delete anything that is too spoilery? :*

  34. Aaagggghhh - Blogger ate my comment again :( What did I say...? Oh yes, Jake's a fabulous kisser no doubt so maybe he should be the one giving the lessons - please all wait your turn :)

    Thanks for the video links UltraViolet - they're wondrful and bring back so many memories. jake was beautiful when he got out of the car. I was so lucky to be able to watch him when he was interviewed for E!

    That moment is preciosu CWG when Jake stands in front of you and looks at you. I've given him things to sign and then at other times I've not been able, but the most improtant thing I wanted to do was just to say his name to him. very soppy I know. But I was so glad I did, and to tell him how much I liked Rendition. It's so difficult to describe what those moments are like when Jake is in front of you - I think 'intense', using the full force of the word, is actually pretty accurate.

    That scene was so great Marina - I love the second one too, so much.

    Positively Pia - I think you'll like the film and the DVD will definitely have its advantages. There is a huge emotional response to Rendition, that's for sure, but on a purely Jake level, his kissing scenes should be hung on the wall and framed :)

  35. Marina - I don't think it looked spoilery to me. I think it will be impossible to go without mention of this particular scene.

  36. I wonder how many times the actress playing Douglas's girlfriend messed up the scene at the end so she would have to do it again and again? Or should I not judge everyone by my own standards?;D

  37. Well I can see the actress' point TL - it really should be perfect, however many takes ;)

  38. "Intense" is a perfect description, WDW.

    Pia, thanks for the tip, I'll have to try it sometime ;)

    Just one quick comment non-Jake related. Did anyone see the pics of Katie Holmes running the NYC marathan braless? That's 5 1/2 hrs. running time. Only one word comes to mind...ouchhhh! Or maybe I'm just jealous.

  39. I dont mind spoilers, guys. In fact, I welcome them, esp. with films that are purposefully out of time sequence - I didnt totally understand Syriana until I read the Wikepedia plot description. (jeeze!) Thank god for Wikepedia! And I didnt truly "get" Donnie Darko until I heard the director's commentary -

    Well, Heath says Jake is a great kisser. And who am I to disagree with you guys? Lalalala, in the meantime: (c'mon Jake, let me show you how..) :) :) :)

  40. Hey WDW! Well if it was me I'd be expecting at least the 13 takes it took for FNIT (or was it SNIT?)! Imagine getting paid loads of money to snog Jake all day...Life just isn't fair sometimes, is it?

  41. I saw the pics of Katie CWG - Gotta admire a woman who can run a marathon in the day and then look so well groomed and relaxed for a film screening in the evening.

    Pia - that's true, Heath did say that. I love that.

    That's true TL - so what am I doing at work tomorrow? Oh yes I have to do 13 takes snogging Jake Gyllenhaal - damn - maybe I'll throw a sickie...

  42. Talking about sick...I'm trying to battle this sinus infection but it doesn't stop me from bloggin' Jake, I need a little TLC Jake! Anyway, good nite, the meds are starting to kick in.

  43. Oh feel better tomorrow CWG *) - I'm off too now, G'night friends :)

  44. (((CWG))) Get well soon! And night WDW, you'd better get plenty of sleep if you're snogging Jake all day tomorrow;) Me, i'll just have to make do with snogging him all night in my dreams!

  45. Sweet Water Walking Jesus. A whole film with THAT scene. Pardon me while my mind explodes......
    I felt a tad bit dirty watching the pap vid but I got over it pretty quick when I heard the Gyllengiggle. Cute, times infinity. I was holding up my hand the whole time saying "Me! I'm the one! I'm the one that's madly in love with you and wants to marry you!"
    I do love me my WDW fix. Thanks!

  46. CW - I really loved what you said about when you met Jake at the TIFF. People were saying to me, "Why didn't you touch him? Why didn't you reach forward and smell him? Why didn't you..." And you know, I was just so overwhelmed with him as a person. A living breathing person who lives much of his life in the spotlight and I just couldn't bring myself to cross the line and invade his space. I agree, if I ever did get a chance to plant a kiss, I think I might manage one on the forehead, or maybe those European two-cheek kisses.

    In my dreams, however...:) I do write slash, after all. - Em

  47. Pia, that scene in Syriana was very intense. ***SPOILER****And I won't try to diminish the scenes in Rendition; but most are mercifully brief (at least from our standpoint), one I had heard of practiced, another I naively never thought anyone would do. I do have to turn away, during that scene. When Douglas grabs Anwar's throat, all I could think of was the word fragile, how fragile Anwar looked, it's very heart-wrenching. It's even more so when Douglas realizes what he's done and how easily he was able to do it, react with aggression like that, and his shocked expression, having that power over another human being, you feel for him as well. I think he realizes then he doesn't want to be like the others. Another heart-wrenching scene is when Anwar is given a basic human dignity. No matter what someone has or hasn't done; you cannot disregard their humanity.

    You just never know what is going to get to you sometimes; in Michael Clayton I was truly unsettled by the assassination scene; more so than any blood-soaked Mafia hit I'd ever seen in the movies, because of it's bloodless and clinical precision. Don't let the scenes in Rendition put you off from seeing it anyone, I felt it was better to know, somehow.

    I've sure been talkative about Renditon today, I guess everytime I see it I see something else, as is the case for most of Jake's movies!

    Have a good nite, all! :*

  48. WDW, I loved the Virgin radio interview. And UV it is always great to see you!!! The YouTube gem was lovely. As I said in the previous thread, I really love the idea of Jake doing political satire. Love him doing comedy, romantic comedy even better! I saw Jessica Beil in the Illusionist and she was very good.So, no problem there. BUT:This Russell guy who is proposed as writer/director is very bad news.
    His temper tantrums are legendary. He has no anger management skills and if you really want to experience how bad it gets. Go to YouTube and search for Lily Tomlin.
    On the set of I Heart Huckabees. To say it was disgusting doesn't even begin to adequately describe it. I think the man should be shunned by every reputable actor nad producer out there. He is despicable. They haven't signed on yet, and maybe Russell was putting this out there fishing for financing. They do that sometimes. Strategic "leaks." Hope Jake won't work with him. Not up to the standards of the other directors he's worked with. Not even close.

  49. I can't actually tell Jessica Biel and Jessica Alba apart, so I'm really unsure as to what she's like (I have a similar problem with Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler), but sexy, immoral Jake, that I can get on board with.

    If Jake would like to make a movie in London, can I suggest North London, in fact I can come up with a few very specific places that would make wonderful filming locations ;-)

  50. Morning everyone :) Thanks for the comments! I'm running very late today due to the London Tube (Grrrr) so back later.... :)

  51. An article on the legacy of Brokeback from EW here:

    "Gay Hollywood: Out of Sight?
    Almost two years after ''Brokeback Mountain'' raked in $178 million worldwide, no major studio has greenlit a single gay film. What is keeping movies in the closet -- and what should Hollywood be learning from TV?",,20153963,00.html

  52. TL, thanks for the well wishes, not exactly 100% this morning but got enough rest to keep me moving.

    Smilesalot...thanks for your understanding...I thought I was the only one who felt that way. The European two kisses sounds perfect, it's an excuse to kiss him twice without lokking like a freak ;)

  53. WDW, thanks you too for the well wishes. Have a Jake filled day. BTW, what's a London Tube?

  54. Glad you're feeling a little better CWG. I should be having a Jake-filled lunchtime in a few minutes, thanks to Anouska :)

    The London tube is our subway, otherwise known as a bloody pain in the backside :( The people who run it have confused human beings with sardines in tins that like nothing better than being wedged together with wafts of hot heat blowing out of vents all over them (maybe they're trying to turn us into kippers?)...

    Rant over - normal Jakin service is resumed :D And yes, why kiss Jake once when in Europe you can do it twice ;) (Three times in Belgium... but that bit of info might have been from a guy trying it on)

  55. WDW...LOL...I'll remember that next time I'm in London :D

  56. Morning WDW:)
    So much good news, new videos and another Jake audiotape to make my day. TY:) These are good times all round. So, news about Jake, Jessica and Nailed has been swirling about Hollywood for a while. That is exciting. Jessica hasn't impressed me with her talent yet, but I can make the sacrifice, and go see Nailed, if Jake's the co-star.
    I wonder if Jake will eventually settle in London. He's obviously loved there, and he could do a Gwyneth and commute between countries, a la Brangelina.
    TY again for all the Jake news.

  57. Good afternoon WDW, lots of interesting thoughts on the Jake/Jessica Biel film - I'm glad I'm not the only one who confuses her with Jessica Alba, I think I may have been thinking Alba instead of Biel when you first mentioned the film.

    I'm actually very intrigued by the idea of the film, and I think if there's a good screenplay and good director, then I'd hope that the film would be a good one. Plus Jake would probably relish being immoral and devilish - the sexy bit he doesn't really need to work on. lol

  58. Hello folks,back here in the library again on a rickety steam-driven computer :-( My techy guy says my PC has "serious problems" and there's talk of sending components back to suppliers and all sorts,so God knows when I'll be up and running at home again and able to chip in whenever I feel like it. Ahh well,things could be worse,but I could do with the cyber-equivalent of Methadone when I can't get my WDW fix! =:-0 At least I can read the text on my mobile phone but the clips etc have to remain tantalisingly out of reach until I get here.

    And what great clips they are WDW,I've managed to catch up with most of them today,although I'm going to leave the Virgin Radio interview to savour when I'm up and running at home again - libraries aren't the peaceful places they once were!

    Jake talks in that clip of filming in London you say? I'm all for that,but he really ought to consider the picturesque English Midlands as an alternative! And if he needs accommodation I can always fix up my back bedroom "real nice" ;-) As long as Jake's quiet,my husband need never know :-D

    Going back to the previous post,thank you so much for the link to that lovely and revealing (by his standards) interview with Heath from the NYT. Really felt for him when he said that being away from Matilda was like his whole body having a lump in its throat. Aaaaw,bless him!

    And yes,of course,Heath did say that Jake was a great kisser! The kisses in BBM seemed particularly intense and inspired to me ;-) and neither would seem to need lessons to my mind,although it can be arranged ;-)

    Despite it being a pap vid,I loved seeing the clip from outside the Staples centre,firstly for the now near-naked Gyllen-chin so that his beautiful face is in full view,but also, in response to some ludicrous comments/questions from the gathered Paps/press,Jake cracks a glorious Gyllengrin,full of amused incredulity and the tacit phrase "What a pillock!"evident in his mind with regard to the questioner. Good on yer Jake!

    Hope Sass and CWG are both feeling better. Please keep everything crossed for the resurrection of my equipment ;-)
    Love to all,Nxxx

  59. Christie...TY for the well wishes, hope your techno problems improve soon.

    Love your description of the near-naked Gyllen-chin.

    Thanks Christie and WDW for my fisrt morning laughter :D

  60. THanks,CWG,Glad to have made you laugh,even if you did think I was Christie ;-) Mind you,I'm not even sure of my own name at the moment :-( Hope to be back with you all tomorrow,even if it is on this creaky old library pooter!
    Hugs to all,Nadine xx

  61. bad, sorry, my heads not working yet.

    Thank you for the morning laughter!

  62. BTW, it was me on the Fabric hunt at the weekend - no luck at all (apologies, got the feeling I got Fabric Magazine mixed up with Wallpaper Magazine in Borders - sorry, my brain works like that, probably why I can't tell Alba and Biel apart).

    However, there's a chance it may be in branches of Foxton's Estate Agents as they advertise in it, there isn't one near me, but might be worth a try if you've got one close to you.

  63. Christie...TY for the well wishes, hope your techno problems improve soon.

    CWG, sorry that I wasn't the one to wish you well again, although now I have the opportunity - hope you feel better soon.

    And it was Nadine suffering with the techno problems and making you laugh - I can never be that funny.

    Back to Jake - I liked what he said in the virgin radio interview about the wonderful actors he worked with in Morocco, and how he questioned why none of them were on the poster. We all know that sadly, in money terms, having unknowns on a film poster is not good for business, but I'm glad that Jake acknowledged it.

  64. Hi Christie, thanks for the well wishes (again), all this confusion is actually making me fell better. Everyone is so nice here, I love Jake's fans.

  65. Ah, it's nice to have friends here. CWG feel better soon please.
    Nadine I feel for you. I had to reinstall my hard drive, with tech help, in August, and my computer is still a quirky mess.
    My doc has his minions poke holes in my arms when ever I see him-- which is much too often recently-- until I feel as if I'm going to exsanguinate.
    So what do I do to combat this situation...I hang out here and other wonderful places like this...and there are not too many...Jaking to my heart's content.

  66. Okay SASS what's up with you girl with all these doc appointments. Now I'm curious? Pregnant?

  67. Hi everyone! Phew, got home, put my post up, and I bet you've all gone off now to get dinner and I'm on my own... :) Some great comments, thank you. I wish I'd been around - counting down the days to the weekend.

    Em - you write bloody good slash so get to it :D

    Thanks for the link bmg - I find articles like that really interesting and I hadn't seen that one.

    Hi Sass - Jake settling in London - I think that would be the end of me :)

    Bobbyanna - that's terrible about Russell, I had no idea he was such a terror to work for... worried now.

    Marina - that is so intresting to read about your reaction to that scene. I see it quite differently.

    SPOILER ALERT for this bit of the comment. I felt that Douglas needed to do it himself, he needed to know that it wasn't going to get results and that it wasn't working. I didn't get the impression of him being shocked by his actions - he just had to know that it wasn't working. A hugely powerful scene. SPOILER OVER!

    Hi Christie - I think jake would definitely enjoy playing immoral and devilish for a change. I'm sure he could play any type of character he wishes.

    Hey Nadine - good to see you! I'll be glad when you get your PC fixed ;) How kind of you to offer your back bedroom to Jake - if he's quiet - very generous.

    Hi Anon - There's not a property agent in the City that I aven't embarrassed myself in looking for Fabric but none of them have heard of it - sigh. IT'd be great to have a name for you, friend :)

    Hi CWG - Sass is unwell but she knows we're thinking of her *)
