The audience wasn't just treated to a viewing of the film, but also a question and answer session with David himself, in which he recalled the San Francisco that inspired him because he himself was frightened as a child by the constant coverage, month in, month out, of the killer's threats. '"It was such a big deal for so long -- it was almost two years that the guy was in the paper every day, and then all of a sudden it just disappeared, and I remember thinking 'What happened with that?' When I got the script, I kind of thought I didn't want to make a movie about it; I didn't want to make a movie that exploited him. I wanted to make the movie about it that turned over every rock. The Chronicle was in a neck-and-neck tie with the Examiner and catapulted to the forefront because Zodiac chose to communicate through the Chronicle. So a lot of the landscape of San Francisco changed because of Zodiac."'

Once the film was recorded, the difficulty for David Fincher was in getting it to be under five hours. '"When we got the version we were happy with, we did one more screening," he explained. "We hijacked people from malls and gave them the power of life and death, and made them Siskel and Ebert." Those two scenes were the most contentious in testing; for DVD, Fincher wanted to restore the film's shape to that of "the final screening before we lopped the ears off."'

Interestingly, David commented on the stories that emanated from the film set, the numerous takes and deletions that drove Robert Downey Jr and Jake Gyllenhaal (at least) to want to garrot their director. '"Do you know the best way to get an actor to stop fucking around? Stop giving them direction. Say 'Just do another one.' Three takes of that, they're done. 'What do you want me to do?' 'I want you to come through the elevator and turn and say the line like this." Suddenly you could see the perfectionist's killer instinct that led many smart-ass critics to say Zodiac feels like a movie not just about a serial killer, but that feels like it was made by one as well.'
And I'm hoping that our own CWG had a great time in the company of one David Fincher!

The Director's Cut extras
A lucky soul who has seen the Director's Cut of Zodiac has given an account of the extra minutes, the extended or original scenes and the new dialogue - even a new emphasis. You may not want to know the details before seeing the new cut yourself, but I will say that at long last we'll be able to see the scene that goes with this picture. I've often wondered about it. And I'm glad to get more Jake, especially more Jake with more Robert.

Rendition video interview with Kelley, Omar and Gavin
I was delighted to find that Variety had hosted an interview not only with Gavin Hood, but also with Omar Metwally and, my favourite, Gorgeous Kelley Sane. Here is the video. We learn that Kelley became inspired to write the screenplay of Rendition while at a party discussing the subject in 2005 (sounds like some party). Kelley was motivated because he wanted to explore the consequences of actions and whether chipping away at the constitution of the United States could ever be justified. Kelley says that after 9/11 it was understandable that the government would wish to do everything in its power to protect its citizens, but what is the cost of these actions and are we willing to bear it? It's interesting to consider that, as Gavin Hood says, not all of the actors shared the same opinions. Perhaps not surprisingly, by the end of filming, Omar Metwally had no doubt that torture can never be excused.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
That's because I am psychic, able to read everyone's mind, except for those with the last name of Gyllenhaal--so it doesn't really do me a lick of good, lol ;)
ReplyDeleteJake would most definitely be my leading man if I were to make a movie. And, who needs a supporting cast?! JG can play everyone. The shirt is most definitely coming off at least once per scene *grin*.
Hi Fourplay :) So a film with only one guy in it, and no shirt. Hmmm. I'd go for that. Of course, it would have to be six hours long - at least :D
ReplyDeleteIm looking forward to terrific commentaries on the Zodiac DVD - including technical stuff. Hope not to be disappointed.
ReplyDeleteHope Jake is getting ready for the really BIG QUESTION when he gets to New Mexico: "Red or green chiles?"
Hi Positively Pia - hope you're feeling better tonight :) Don't talk to me about chillies.... can't cope with anything spicier than a banana ;)
ReplyDeleteI dont care for hot and spicey, either. & thanks for asking WDW but Im still on gingerale and crackers and no voice!
ReplyDeletewith every meal in New Mexico you are asked "red or green" and I did manage to bluff my way through. except once when I was told that there was no green, and I said, o darn, I'll do without. the waiter came out a bit later saying the chef had conjured some up - "just for you" -
if you made it to work I guess you are better!
to bed! 'night, all!
WDW, of course it would be a one man show! The fact that it's da Jake counts for at least two-hundred-sixty-three Matt Damons, Brad Pitts, and George Clooneys (no offense, guys--it's just that Jake is that damn sexy), give or take a few minor deities and lesser gods. :D
ReplyDeleteYum, shirtless Jake. That would be to die for. Esquire should have considered that b/c, undoubtedly, their sales would be double or triple what they are now.
WDW, you are absolutely stellar!!!! This has to be one of the very best blogs about film and actors out here. I know it is definitely "Jake-centric," but it is so smart and so classy,and so topical and so informative, I'm just at a total loss.I exhausted my annual allocation of accolades weeks ago!!!:)
ReplyDeleteI saw a film last night that made me think of Rendition. It was the German film, The Lives of Others. Don't know why, but I felt there were some similarities, especially in the characters of Douglas Freeman and Weisler. I cannot wait for the Director's cut DVD of Zodiac. Am running off now to view the Remarkable and Very Gorgeous, but not THAT Gorgeous, Kelley Sane. LOL!
WDW, now that I have watched the Variety discussion, can I just say. If ever you find yourself in a discussion with Kelley, will you please tell him that he must keep writing bcz he is a fine scriptwriter and helped assemble an excellent movie. Structurally, it was just a very remarkable story. I hope he and Gavin and Jake work together again one day soon.
ReplyDeleteI think David Fincher is a bit of a sadist, and I just love him...because he is so fond of Jake. LOL!!!
I'm much better now, thanks Pia *) Hope you get your voice back soon.
ReplyDeleteBobbyanna - wow! Thank you so so much for that comment - it means a great deal to me.
As you say, I adore Jake but for me it has to be about the films and Jake in equal measure and Zodiac is phenomenal in my opinion - the more I see it or think about it, the more I find in it to marvel at. As for Rendition, I wish as many people as possible would give it a chance. I feel like I understand it more and more by listening to the motivations of Kelley and Gavin, so that I can take it beyond the bias I can't help but feel because Jake's in it. I can honestly say that Zodiac is beyond that with me now and Rendition is going that way. The film choices that Jake makes are incredible and are the reason for this site. I think the point is that so many of Jake's fans are genuine and knowledgeable (although not me) movie lovers.
As always, Bobbyanna, thanks for telling me about other films - you are always inspiring me to learn more about film.
Could you tell that I love Kelley Sane ;)
David Fincher comes across as a very smart, determined perfectionist. There's a big gap between that and the tyranny exhibited by David Russell. Much was made of Jake's comments at the time, but if one re-reads what he actually said, it consisted almost entirely of praise for Fincher and frustration that his own style and lack of experience got in the way. Plus, of course, the obligatory sardonic phrase or two. :D Anyway, I hope cwg reports in about the evening.
ReplyDeleteThanks for locating the Variety clip. I know you favor Kelley, and he's certainly not bad, but I have to put in my vote for Omar Metwally. And Gavin's no troll, either. ;)
You're right, Cherita, I think a lot of it was due to frustration and Jake's obvious affection for David shows (in my mind) that Jake has thought long and hard about the Zodiac filming experience and he's taken good away from it. Jake's respect for David is evident.
ReplyDeleteOmar's not bad, and neither is Gavin, but Kelley just has that something and it was great to see him again in Rome :D
Hey WDW and (from previous thread Pia*, Nadine* et al and thanks for the laffs agent krycek and winterbird :o) I'm still getting used to the pc, seem to use up a lot of battery on YouTube ...
ReplyDeleteHey Anouska - so good to see you this time of night *) Seems like you're getting the hang of it - so why aren't you watching L&A??
ReplyDeleteHi, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the job you're doing with this blog - great content, great photos, daily posts to feed my Jake addiction, but still tasteful and informative and good links. Nice job! Maybe you can help me track something down. On Jake's wikipedia site it says that he and Magge and Naomi were guests on two of Mario Batali's shows. I saw one of them on YouTube (the Italian dessert episode - in which Jake moans with pleasure, hmmm). Any chance you'd be able to track down the other one? Thanks again and take care - Libby
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Libby and thanks for commenting :) The other Mario Batali with Jake, Maggie and Naomi featured making your own pasta as I recall and Jake burning his mouth while squeaking 'hot!' This is also in the media section of IHJ so you can download it there. There was a third edition with Stephen but I've never found a video of it unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteWDW! I just remembered!Do you recall a memorable encounter at the end of the evening at Roy Thompson Hall,where there was this hallway with the mens' room and the ladies' rooms kind of adjacent, and when we came out of the ladies' room, while waiting for others of our party there was this talllll, really good looking man with a braided ponytail in a brown suit, kind of leaning against the wall and I started babbling to him about how much I loved the movie and the structure and the "story arc" and he sort of politely kept nodding and said,"Thanks, great." And looked like he'd rather be anywhere than trapped outside a men's room with a four foot tall crazy lady???? Lol!
ReplyDeleteI'd bet Jake will work with Fincher again. I can just feel it. Fincher likes to find people he can work with over and over. Look at his relationship with Brad Pitt. I do take some exception to Fincher's characterization about actors getting "serious." (Huge ego, David!)At least in Jake's case, he is very serious and professional about his work, even tho he can be lighthearted on set. People could misinterpret Fincher's comments to think Jake wasn't serious and I think he was.
And really, the proof is on the screen. People can say, well Fincher really got a performance out of his actors. Of course director's love getting that kind of credit. But I think Jake brought a lot to the table. Fincher has been pretty lucky, IMHO. He knows how to pick his people. Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Robert Downey, Jr., Jake, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Jodie Foster, and probably a dozen more who are really fine actors. Altho, directors are notoriously manipulative with their actors, and each has his or her own style. And, of course, they have to assert their priamcy from day one with their actors, bcz you have a lot of strong personalities, a lot of smart people challenging each other,and a lot of preconceived notions about how to do a scene. So in effect, the director is saying, "I'm David Fincher, and this is how I want it done." He is respeonsible for putting everything in the huge mixing bowl of his brain and coming out with a final product. With his own distinctive signature, and yet allowing his actors their own individual signature as well.
Sorry. I'm babbling again! LOL!
(And I'm only drinking tea!)
Looks like it is official. New Line is not promoting "Rendition" for the 2007 Academy Award season. Not really surprising, but still..... (Is "The Last Mimzy" really more deserving?)
Bummer! That is SO rotten.
ReplyDeleteIt was a fine film.
ReplyDeleteThis journal is a class act and a joy to visit! You've researched and shared with us all so much valuable, and for me unknown information, about Jake's career and people he has been associated with over the last ten to twelve years.
Don't tell me the studio is not going to press for some awards for this film; please not another bad studio decision.
linkup posted for 0140:)
New Line for you consideration
I Wonder if the executives will reconsider, with Jake being singled out in Esquire Magazine, for the complex and multi-layered performance he gave in Rendition.
This decision not to go for an Academy Award, reminds me of Cannes and Zodiac. The studio would have been much better off if it had opened and marketed Zodiac after The Cannes Film Festival. But the studio executives didn't know in December, 2006, that Zodiac would be asked to compete in that film festival, an extraordinary honor bestowed on very few films each year, nor did they know that Zodiac would accrue accolades from around the world after the film festival.
Hindsight permits us to appreciate last years March Zodiac premiere, as the end result of some very poor studio decision making.
Suits and Hollywood, never the twain should meet.
I hope everyone is feeling a lot better:)
Morning everyone :) Beautiful day here!
ReplyDeleteOh Bobbyanna - I definitely do remember and I seem to recall that Omar was there as well. I tend to brush over the 'toilet encounter' but it was a fortuitous meeting so maybe I shouldn't! Wouldn't it have been funny if we'd bumped into Jake as well :D
I agree that it would be very fine for Jake to work with David again and it's so true that Jake brought a lot to Zodiac. I wish I could chat more about this but work unfortunately - so see you later.
Thanks for the link Anon - I have just one thing to say - Pants. And yet I'm not surprised. I just hope Jake gets a better deal with Brothers and all his other future films.
Thanks Sass - It's so good now to see the recognition Zodiac is beginning to get, highlighting the stupid decision of its studio. As for Rendition not getting the respect it deserves from critics and studio alike, well Jake should be proud of his performance in a fine film.
I can feel a rant coming on so better get to work. Have a good day :)
I have to echo everyone else's sentiments about this blog site, I think it's a wonderful place to come for the most interesting, thought-provoking, informative and up-to-date Jake news. It's a great place for some fun Jake too, and we all know that Jake likes to have fun.
ReplyDeleteI've been catching up on the posts from the past few days and wish I could comment on everything, but sadly don't have time. Just wanted you to know that I have enjoyed reading all about the discussions around DD (can't believe I was not in the UK when it was tv! Love that film though, always remember how blown away I was by it when I watched it for the first time), L&A and Zodiac.
Am so very excited about the DVD coming out in January, especially in the light of the film showing and David Fincher Q&A in NYC last night. Did CWG go to that? Wow, that's amazing if she did. Can't wait to hear her thoughts on the evening. I agree with what you say WDW about this film. It was an amazing cinematic experience....I remember the feeling of being completely enthralled from the opening sequence until the closing credits. A credit to all involved. Listening to Jake in the commentary will be amazing.
Just echoing everyone else's praise for your site, WDW! Love it and all the info you research and share.
ReplyDeleteI guess "art" and "business" have great difficulty co-existing, especially in Hollywood, and always will. I don't know much about Esquire magazine, but it seems they have great taste and truly do recognize genius.
If you haven't seen The Lives of Others, do. It is a great film.
Thank you for the updating, I'm now beyond excited by the directors cut of Zodiac, I remember a couple of days after seeing the film looking at those pictures of Jake and RDJ and wondering what had happened to that scene.
ReplyDeleteAnd add me to the list that thinks Fincher will works with Jake again, and I'm already looking forward to it.
Flying visit... just popped by to say hello :)
ReplyDeleteHi Christie - good to see you! Did you have a good time?!
Welcome Be - thanks so much and it's a pleasure. I haven't seen the film. I must have a look.
Hey Agent K - Less than 2 months to the release now, thank heavens. I really hope you're right about Jake and David.
See you all later :)
Thank you for the updating, I'm now beyond excited by the directors cut of Zodiac, I remember a couple of days after seeing the film looking at those pictures of Jake and RDJ and wondering what had happened to that scene.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree agent_krycek - I too am beyond excited.
Hi WDW, yes I had a wonderful time thank you. Paris was gorgeous, but cold. Lots of metro strikes too which made us walk - ALOT! My poor legs are not used to it.
Picked up a film mag in the hotel that had a snippet about Brothers, a Zodiac review, AND a poster for Heath's "I'm Not There". That made me smile.
Off to NY tomorrow, just wish I could have been there to attend the Zodiac event. Hope CWG did and had a wonderful time.
By the way, is the December edition of Esquire available in the UK and the US?
Hi Christie - glad you had a good time, hope your legs recover in time for the next stage of your adventure!!
ReplyDeletejake's Esquire is only available in the US. Our UK edition is completely different and Jakeless :( So make sure you snap it up!
Thanks for that WDW - will make sure I grab that when I am over there. Shame it's not available in the UK.
ReplyDeleteOops -- "be" was me. Too early in the morning!!
ReplyDeleteHI all! Sorry haven't had much time to comment but am always reading and loving the posts and posters here. :D Love Jake in Esquire! Love all the news. Am traveling for Thanksgiving holiday. WIshing all the Americans a very happy Thanksgiving and everyone across the pond and elsewhere a wonderful day and weekend!
Oy, forgot to add in my last post that I am so excited for the special Zodiac DVD! Amazing movie, excellent performances. It deserved better from the stupid studio. Hopefully the special DVD will do well. And great interview with the Rendition crew.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone, good to be back and yes I did attend the directors cut of Zodiac, an evening with David Fincher. Walter Reade theatre was small, sat about 200 people. There were 10 seats reserved about midway in the theatre with tape blocking that area off, reminded me of TIFF where JG sat and for a moment I thought maybe JG and RDJR would make special appearances but they didn't. The people who sat there seemed to know DF personally or were patrons of the theatre, but he did not sit with them. DF sat all the way in the back.
ReplyDeleteThe announcer talked about how incredibly generous it was of DF to make that evening possible. He made what I thought was an odd comment. He said that DF didn't want to be the one to introduce the film because he didn't want to take away from the film by presenting. They started 1/2 hour late so we didn't even begin until 7PM. here was an already 2 1/2 hr movie that last what seemed like forever.
There was only an 8 additional minutes added to the movie.
Most of the additional minutes were more about the investigation.
There was a new scene with JG and RDJR where right before RDJR decides to leave the Chronicle JG finds him in the backseat of a car where he had apparently fallen asleep drunk. JG is talking to RDJR through the window about one of his findings of the investigation. It's cute because all you see is JG mouth moving through a cracked window and RDJR is startled and wakes up and while JG in talking to him RDJR is trying to appear unhungover and wide away...it was an awesome scene and very important. RDJR's comedic talent in the scene was fantastic. I was surprised they removed it mainly because it led you into RDJR's drinking problem. But, it was a short scene and I think he needed to cut what wasn't necessarily telling of the storyline itself.
I have to say I didn't see Zodiac on the big screen until now and the effect was so much greater. The actors portrayal of each of their characters was so much more amplified. JG comedy in the film was so much more vibrant. I came away realizing what an incredibly talented actor RDJR was and in no doubt would get an award for his acting in this film.
No one in the audience held their laughter back and it was almost exaggerated like what happened at TIFF when watching Rendition.
There was about 3 minutes of black screen while music of that time played and various comments about the killings took place in the background, it was like a montage moment but it lasted entirely too long. That needed to be cut.
Because it started late I only was able to hear DF talk for about 10 minutes. He was so impressed with the actors and everyone who made the film possible. It took him something like 5 years to complete from when he first started thinking about the movie. He said he was blessed with the presence of the actors and that they made his vision of a film so real. You could see he was clearly proud of this achievement in film making but also what it meant for people. He said he had remembered as a younger person the impact this story had on people.
He seemed like he had a fairly dark personality, somewhat pompous and serious, not light and airy like JG and RDJR. But, he talked about them endearingly. You got the sense that JG and RDJR enjoyed working together. From what I heard he didn't say much about working with too many other people in detail but I wasn't there long and I don't know how long afterwards it lasted.
I enjoyed it and can't wait for you all to see it. It wasn't really that much different then the original. I kept saying to myself 'OK, what's different' but then when those scenes came you knew it.
I'll be back later...enjoy!
Hi CWG, great to see you back and great to hear your first-hand account of the Zodiac evening. Glad you enjoyed it and you made some really interesting and thought-provoking comments about the film, the director and your sense of what the extra minutes brought to the film. Makes me want to see it NOW!
ReplyDeleteHope the rest of your time in NY was good - if you can offer any tips I'd be grateful.
Hi Beckela!
ReplyDeleteChristie you must definitely pick one up (or both covers), and maybe get more than one? ;)
Good to see you Get Real - I wish we had a holiday here too but I hope all our American friends, including the Gyllenhaals, have a great, great day :D
Hey CWG - So good to have you back and thank you so much for spending the time telling us all about it. I put up an account of it yesterday but you brought it to life. I had no idea the theatre was so small and intimate. And the new scenes sound so worth seeing. Fincher should be proud of what he's achieved with Zodiac, despite the politics with the studio. I just can't wait to see it.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the blank screen segment and the verdict seems to be that it wasn't necessary but it's interesting to think what it shows about David's vision.
Hey WDW, I hadn't read the post you put up about the person who saw it as well and commented about all the extra footage I had forgotten about. I need to say something about it though and this isn't my personal opinion, it's just an impression.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if DF brought this movie back to life by putting out this new version because it didn't do well initially and I'm wondering if he's trying to make up some lost time. I sort of felt that way as I was sitting there watching because this wasn't meant to be a big event and i think for some reason it didn't get the attention that i thought it should have with the original showing and the new version. I expected something very different. I expected sitting with hundreds of people in a huge theatre. Especially surprising is when I went to get my tickets at the box office there were still seats available in NYC were there are millions of people and we're talking about maybe 200 that showed up. The feeling was more of a college course type of event then an actual big movie thing.
Interesting to know.