A little more detail has emerged about the release of the DVD for Rendition in February. According to the always useful site DVD Times, the R1 release will contain: 'Audio commentary with director Gavin Hood; “Intersections: The Making of Rendition” documentary; “Outlawed” featurette; Deleted scenes with audio commentary; Alternate scenes; Theatrical trailer.' Of course, the obvious bad news with this is that Gavin's name is the only one associated with the commentary, but I'm not giving up hope just yet. There is also an image.
An Evening with David Fincher transcript
A full transcript has been released now from the NYC Evening with David Fincher that took place a week or two ago, in which the audience (including our very own CWG) were treated to a preview of the Director's Cut edition of Zodiac. Here is David's answer in full on his way of working with his actors, which includes his admiration for the greatly neglected but scene stealing Anthony Edwards:
'I don’t know that I was going for a style. I was pretty specific about Avery, what he— … I knew my dad was a journalist; he worked for Life magazine, I knew a lot of those guys. I had to get Robert to understand that kind of intellectual showoff that Paul Avery needed to be for the movie. It seemed to me, he’s auditioning jokes for whoever in the room would appreciate them. Graysmith was easier and harder because Robert was available to us and we could sit down to talk with him, he could say “this was going through my head.” But to get at the guy when he was 22 or 23 when the whole thing started and get that to make some kind of sense… It was more about like making what Jake had to do believable for Jake, to make it work for him, and Ruffallo went off to meet with Dave Toschi a couple of days and came back as Dave Toschi. It’s hard to appreciate, ‘cause what’s he doing in this movie seems odd, but that’s who this guy is. He really nailed it. We were so nervous when they screened this in San Francisco… but everybody was very happy with Dave Toschi. He’s very sweet—I mean he did have an ego a little bit out of check and he did want people to write stories and his hubris, his need for that kind of attention was his downfall, and we wanted to get into that a little bit. Ruffolo just managed to catch this guy. No bullshit, Tony Edwards did a truly thankless job—a role not a lot of people even wanted to to take--he came in and was so radiates decency at every moment.'
Congratulations to Peter and Heath
Congratulations are due to both Heath Ledger and Peter Sarsgaard, both of whom have films in competitions announced this week. Unfortunately, Heath is not one of the actors nominated for a Spirit Award for the abundantly nominated I'm Not There, although it is possible that the ensemble will get a shout. Peter's new film, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, is among those in the competition at Sundance.
And finally
Jake is going to be away for a while, hard at work on Brothers, but the odd little bit of information will undoubtedly emerge from the set. Unlike this, which is hardly information, almost certainly not true, and talks of disharmony between Tobey and Jake over, of all things, a makeup artist. I would have thought that, on the contrary, the producers will be looking after their leading men and lady very well indeed. Does this look like a guy who needs to worry about that sort of thing? I rest my case.
Includes pictures from DVD Times, The Reeler and IHJ.
Pia and Get Real - I put the last bit in before I read your comments. Apologies
WDW Im not sure but I think Get Real's response was to snarky commentary about this, not the article itself. Although, Im not sure, and I trust your own discretion. The story itself didnt exactly sound like "disharmony" - I, for one, wouldnt give up my own beloved Jennifer who's done my perm forever - and Jake has said he obsesses about his hair.
Is there a difference between wanting to know every detail of the Life of the Beloved and not respecting Jake and ourselves?
You won't believe this but I had a long conversation about this with my "shrink" today! - subject: respecting Jake.
Hi Positively Pia - I was worried when I read your last comment and realised I'd referred to this rumour in the new post. But I just found it amusing the idea that Jake would want his own makeup artists with him so much he'd let her stay with him for the shoot! That would have to be the best job in Hollywood! And it would require next to no work.
Unfortunately snarkiness and nasty comments can be found in comments and posts across the internet, attached to almost every article. And it's not just Jake, it seems to be everyone. Generally, I don't read comments around the net for that very reason. If I like/love a person, as I do Jake, why do I want to read unpleasant things about him? I don't.
Anyway, you know what I'm saying. And I hope Jake gets a lot of respect here, just as we all respect one another. Just as it should be in a community and I'm damn proud of this one.
So if a retoucher is a make-up artist, what's a toucher? I wanna be Jake's toucher! I could totally do that job. I'll touch him anytime anyplace anywhere! :)
I haven't read the story, but I can't understand what the problem is with a star wanting their own people. Like Pia said, we all have our preferred hairstylist etc! I guess we should brace ourselves for more if this. Since there is the Spiderman history between Jake and Toby there are bound to be some (fictitious) stories about conflict between them. :/
I hope the guys and Natalie have a great time working together. :)
WDW, thank you, thank you and thank you for this new post. It was so good to hear the whole DF thing. I don't think I missed much. I must have left right before he talked about the black screen montage. I can't believe the original montage scene lasted 2minutes. I would have been jumping out of my skin. I didn't miss much talk about the rest of the film it appears. Sounds like he spoke mostly about his career and tech stuff other than Zodiac. I did get a sense how grateful he was to Jake and RDJR for working together and a particular fondness for RDJR.
And that Gap picture again **drool**
Jake if you read this, here's my advise: ((no retouch needed))
Believe me Ruby - if there's ever a job going as Jake's toucher, I'm having it ;) But this retoucher can't have a bad time of it if Jake wants her to live with him for the shoot! What a perk...
There'll be more of this, there's a lot of 'history' between Tobey and Jake and it'll be played on, even though they certainly look like really good friends. We had a taster of it with the rumours coming from Zodiac of squabbles and just look at the love between David Fincher and all his cast. We just have to rise above it.
I'm inclined to think all three will be having a good time, and enjoying the hospitality of New Mexico (and hopefully getting a Margarita or two). Talking of which, time for a tipple ;)
I don't think the two of them fight, it's just each of them wants a seperate make up artist!
LOL, that sounds so funny. Why do male actors need make up at all, they are men after all!
Ruby, I think you'll have to fight me for the 'toucher' job lol.
Hi CWG - I'm glad you liked the post and reading David's full account from your evening together. I do like this guy. That picture is just so beautiful. I agree, Jake needs no retoucher, but he may need a toucher :) (Ruby, I love that!)
I think we're all trying to post at once. OK if Ruby and WDW want to fight over the toucher job than I want to be that chain hanging off his neck in that Gap picture. Finally, WDW stop teasing me with these pics will you?
Hi Anon Thanks for commenting. It is funny the idea that Jake and Tobey are so dependent on their makeup artists. But if there's only one artist? What about Natalie?
CWG - form an orderly line - behind me!
I can hear us all talking at once - in the rush to be the Toucher! I remember once on another site competing to be something from the set of BBM - I think I was to be the bedroll. But Jake's Toucher sounds a much better option.
Sorry about the pics CWG. Have a drink!
Hey now. I have already claimed the job of Jake's toucher. Get your hands off, people! I will work up a very thorough job description, I write a lot of those, I'm good at it. Now lay off! >:(
Natalie should be the only one who needs a make up artist. Maybe she'll request her own artist too. OMG...LOL!
Thanks for the updates WDW!
Well I HOPE Natalie has her own toucher. Id go to the barricades on this issue, actually. Great hair doesnt happen all by itself!
Oh all right, all right Ruby, you can be the toucher but I can be the retoucher who gets to share Jake's trailer, comprendez?
Hi 20.02 - Natalie's such a sensible and lovely girl she's probably given the boys her makeup artist to keep them happy.
I know Pia - I think this may be where I'm going wrong - I'm in need of my own retoucher.
Damn! I've missed WDW land while I've been in my self-imposed writing exile. Sorry I'm so late in commenting, but that's great news about the Joe Namath project. He was a certainly a larger than life character here in North America, and at one point re-define the term athletic superstar. He paved the way for the Michael Jordans that followed.
Loved all Jarhead references the past few days as well. That pic(s)of Jakey in the Santa Hat (the big one and the little one) are personal favourites.
Missed you all. Glad to be back.
Hey Smilesalot - we've missed you! But if you've been writing then your absence is excused ;) Good to have you back.
Lol at Pia's comment. Maybe that's why I don't have great hair! I leave it to its own devices way too much. :D
Btw, you girls can fight about the touch and re-touch thing. I'll stay out of that debate and just go for the All-Toucher Job. *pins on All-Toucher button before anyone else tries to take the job* xx Em
Mmm - speaking as someone who doesn't even own a hairbrush, or a comb for that matter...I'm in need of retouching.
So Jake's now got a Toucher, a Retoucher and an Alltoucher, which means his trailer's getting pretty crowded and Tobey rather jealous!
Tobey Shmobey. Why would he even want to share screen time with the Object of our Touching? Tobey is out of touch. (ha! I worked really hard to work that in.) I was watching Spiderman 2 last night and I shook my head the whole time, thinking the bad guy looked better in spandex than the good guy.
I think you're right though about the trailer getting crowded. I must shoo away all these extranneous people. Shoo. Shoo.
Hi WDW, no worries. Thank you for opening this wonderful "pub" for us. It is warm and welcoming and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else! :D
Yes, Pia is totally correct that I was upset about the nasty commentary that goes with articles like that.
What a great interview! Jake really knew what he wanted out of Douglas. Many critics don't seem to get that and just want answers. That isn't how life works all the time. There is a ton of gray area and Jake seems to understand that in his roles. He was spot on with Douglas.
Sorry Tobey, we're all about jake here man! I'm off to a girls night out and after being here all I'm going to want ot do is talk jake and they'll all laugh at me :(
Won't stop me though, a girl can try can't she?
Hi Get Real Thanks *) It is a lovely interview. It's interesting having such an insight into how Jake motivated Douglas and made him work for him - totally successfully. And yet when Douglas is on screen, it's hard to take your eyes off him, and that's not just because of the obvious reason. You're right, life is not about always knowing what's the right thing to do.
Have a good time CWG - how can they not want to listen about Jake? I'm sure I can talk about something else....? Oh, maybe not.
Another thing about the DF interview, I'm surprised he didn't expand on the new JG and RDJR scene since it was the longest and better scene deleted. All the other scenes deleted were mostly about the investigation and they were very short and really unnecessary. But this scene shows off such an important element to the story. Especially when RDJR wakes up and all you can here is rattling of bottles in the back of the car and then when he gets out of the car more rattling, it was so cleverly done and the acting was superb. In my opinion it shouldn't have been deleted because it was short enough it wouldn't have made a difference to the length of the movie. You'll get what I mean when you see it all for yourselves.
I really can't wait for that scene CWG - I can't wait for the DVD full stop.
I noticed in one of the trailers for Rendition (one of the UK trailers) there's an image of Douglas leaning on the desk, which isn't in the final version. I really want to see more Douglas scenes and I hope they're among the deleted scenes on the DVD.
I just hate having any Jake cut out of any of his films! So in Brothers, just keep the Tobey to a minimum and let's get double Jake, OK Jim?
Good advice WDW, we want Jake, we want Jake. Maybe if we cheer loud enough they'll here us over there in Santa Fe...ok gotta run, chow for now, I can't stand what I might be missing here!
Ok,ladies! Instead of fighting over who gets to be Jake's official toucher upper, why don't we all agree to share nicely? Let's face it,whoever gets the job will need time to regain conciousness every so often and who will touch Jake then? You wouldn't want him just sitting there untouched, would you? So I think we should all leg it over to Santa Fe and work out a rota system so that we can all make sure Jake is touched to his (and our) heart's content:) And yes, I still would have suggested this even if I hadn't got here last after all the good jobs have been taken;D
Or, if the above doesn't work out, they could simply fire Tobey and re-write the script so that the Brothers are actually twins and get Jake to play both parts!
Now that's sorted, thanks WDW for the Rendition interview:)( I really can't wait for the DVD and like you I haven't given up hope just yet that Jake will still be included on the commentary. And even if he's not, I'm sure he'll be in some of the deleted scenes. I'm really looking forward to that, I can't wait to see what those scenes are.
Twisted Logic - That is a fantastic idea!! Twins - why didn't we or Jim think of that before. It is supposed to be different from the original after all and it would add o many layers of richness and complications for Natalie's character. And that way, we'd get a buffed up Jake in the warzone as well as out in the fields (oh wait - no farming scenes, I keep forgetting that ;) ).
You can have Jake's feet ;) Or you could keep getting the coffee to revive us...
Well, if all the options I have are Jake's feet or making the coffee then I vote for the Twins idea. And who knows, if they're changing the script anyway they could set it on a farm too. this script will be changed beyond all recognition by the time we're finished with it!
Hey, WDW - they may be filming in Las Vegas New Mexico, not Nevada.
Back to the Albuqueque/Santa Fe station. Im there for the duration. I'll report on weather, in the morning.
I like the film better already TL! The script is safe in our hands. Maybe we should take on the direction as well?
There's a Las Vegas in New Mexico?? That is too confusing, Pia - I don't think I've been to that one unless it also has an MGM Grand and Celine Dion?
WDW Las Vegas NM has been used as a film sight fairly frequently; the latest Coen bros. film, no country for old men, filmed there almost wholly, I hear.
Im so curious as to the sites mentioned - why chosen.
Oh, go on then WDW, I'll direct it! You'll have to get someone else to make the coffee and massage Jake's feet;)
It sounds to me Pia and obviously I know nothing about NM! that the same places are chosen for a number of films - this is going by the website about filmmaking in NM. It's quite a business. Maybe certain places have the infrastructure. I suppose some part of it has to look like Afghanistan too. It is interesting. I'd love to know more. I'm learning so much about filmmaking by observing Jake's career and I'm discovering so many questions.
I think the entire thing is utter rubbish!!!Both Tobey and Jake have enough money to afford to pay their own person if they really need to have something denied them by the Director. BUT: All these things are usually spelled out before anyone signs on to do a picture, so I really doubt there is any squabbling going on at all.
OTOH: I think the job of being Jake's Toucher cannot be separated from being his RE-Toucher. If you touch, you have to RE-Touch. And frankly, I am older, more experienced (the old ..."well, if not wisely" thing...)and
wickeder (!) than you all. Plus I already had my people call Jim Sheridan's people who are talking to Toby's people about him getting lost. We are changing the script. He's still going off to war. He just might not come home for a very long time. He'll make a wrong turn leaving Afghanistan and end up on some island off the coast of Sri Lanka.
Yes, I agree WDW - learning so much! I took a quick look at a website speaking of filmmaking in NM - economic incentives, three hundred days of sunshine, free adcess to historic sites, etcetc. No interest loans if film companies hire sixty percent locals! Fascinating!
Wow! I posted before I read about the Twins idea. I like it. Hmmmmm.
Wait. Jim is on the other line. Be right back.....
(I think I'll suggest to Sheridan that once he leaves prison, he gets a job as a massage therapist to older women...I can be his "coach.")
Hi Bobbyanna - Totally agre with you - if Jake wants his own makeup artist, you can bet he has her. Absolute rubbish. But it's funny :) Good to see you working your magic with Jim. I definitely think the Twins rewrite is our best option right now ;) Massage therapist to older (English) women is good...
Pia - I think I have to emigrate - this place sounds perfect :)
Shirley MacClaine was a good friend of Governor Richardson of New Mexico and she worked even before he was elected to establish a film commission that would really help New Mexico become a major player for the economic benefits to having movies made there. They have been doing this for at least the past 15-18 years or more. Uh. WDW, if Jake plays a massage therapist to older women, as his coach and trainer, I would determine who gets a massage. And since it is critical to keeping the costs down, I think I would probably want to limit it to... myself...this would save a fortune.
I'm thinking we might even want to do a special segment on the DVD.
Thanks for the info Bobbyanna - it certainly makes sense, and it's not far from LA either.
Well, now we're looking ahead to the DVD, I've already scripted a whole load of deleted scenes. Just need to get Jake to talk over them.
Wow! This new improved Brothers is coming along nicely. I'll have a chat with Jake about the deleted scenes for the DVD (I'm in charge of DVDs around here;). I have several ideas of my own that I'd like to run past him;)
That's true TL, but I do have some great ideas (most involve farming scenes, it's true). Can you suggest a bleeper reel? And at least a couple of trailers for the Moon Movie?
After this, Jake'll never make a movie without us again.
With all the stuff we're capable of coming up with, Jake will never make a movie again, full stop. He's going to be busy with this one for years! We'll give him some time off to make the Moon Film though ;)
The Moon Movie obviously takes top priority - I'm taking the whole of 2009 off to enjoy that one :D
I don't know about "top priority", I would have thought naked Jake shaving or topless and sweaty Jake farming would take precedence over Jake in a space suit, but that's just me:)
That's true TL - but you haven't seen the Moon Movie spacesuit yet ;)
Oh, what a lot of fun, thank you guys :D I'll catch up with you tomorrow, g'night *)
BTW: Jake and his good buddy Toby Maguire were seen out together at the opening night party for the Santa Fe Film Festival last night, I believe. Two guys just hanging out! So much for make-up people feuds.
Wow. The Brothers script totally re-written with Jake as a twin massage therapist. I have resigned as Alltoucher and have just bumped Natalie Portman off the script. Jake and Jake can have massage wars over me, that's fine. I'll even give him my make-up retoucher.
BTW, TL I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss property of the feet. Have you seen his feet? So cute. Like when it sticks out while he's sleeping on the couch in DD? So maybe you should keep his feet. Can't have his hands, though. They'll be busy. ;)
Why did you automatically dismiss an unsubstantiated rumor about Jake and Tobey's on-set squabbles while allowing at least ten unsubstantiated rumors about Jake and Reese go by without comment?
And why assume that the squabble did not take place just because they appeared at the film festival? They're professionals promoting a film; of course they'll will play nice in public.
Anon 5:05, Reese's name is not allowed in the comment section haven't you gathered that yet. Now if it was Austin that would be different.
Morning everyone:)
I see we've had some little visitors. Normally, I'd delete such comments straight off but I'd thought I'd leave these just to show how ridiculous these anonymous people can be - especially this one because they're talking to themselves.
Let's get this clear, shall we, anon? Stories from the set of Brothers relate to Jake's movies, which is what this site is all about, which you've clearly not taken the time to read.
Secondly, this is a site about Jake, not about Reese, not about Austin. Comments about Reese are welcome, just as they are about anything and anyone else. They have to be POLITE!
By the way, anonymous, this is not a discussion.
Hi Bobbyanna - that's great! I was really hoping Jake would be seen out and about at the Film Festival - the town must be loving it.
Hey Smilesalot - another Jake foot person, eh? Poor Natalie, but maybe it's just as well, there's not going to be much room on set at this rate :D
Oh I missed all the fun last night! I don't care what job I had as long as it involved looking at Jake, standing near Jake, or anything that meant I was in close proximity to Jake.
I hope there are pics of Jake and Tobey at the Santa Fe Film Festival. I just want to see where we are with the beard situation.
CWG, hope you had a good night last night.
Morning Christie! We missed you :) I'm sure we can find a job for you on the set.
It'd be great to see pictures from Santa Fe. I'm intrigued too about whether Jake's had to grow the beard back.
I reckon CWG could be a bit delicate this morning ;) When she gets here we'll have to talk very loudly.
I find the idea of two grown men fighting over a make up artist hysterically funny, although I reckon this is just the first of such headlines the will emenate from this set. Wasn't there a rumour before about Kirsten and Tobey, which is bound to rear it's ugly head again, and I'm waiting with baited breath for the first 'Reese jealous of Natalie love scenes with Jake' headline. None of which will probably have any basis in reality, but I will fully believe the 'Jake confirms butt naked shaving scene' one ;)
Hey Agent K :) With the two men fighting over the makeup artist, I'm just surprised it's not makeup artists fighting over who has Jake :D Yes, I bet we'll see all those headlines and more. As for the 'Jake confirms butt naked shaving scene' headline, it's just a matter of time!
whyn are my posts not posting? will try again. oh I see format is different. how does this work?
two to three inches of snow in Santa Fe and Taos tonight. Slopes will open in Taos mid-Dec.
Our hotties in a hot town. what fun!
anon above is me, pia.
do I have to have a google account? please explain thank you.
Hey Pia - Blogger seems to have changed its format. Looking at it, I think all you need to do is click the Nickname button and enter your name in there? I'll have a go after this...
It's snowing in Santa Fe? Brrr, hope Jake's wrapped up nice and warm. I wonder if Jake skis...
Yes this seems to work, Pia.
Pia, you just have to click on nickname. It seems to be the replacement for "Other".
I was also glad to read that Jake and Tobey hung out. Whatever is or isn't going on with them in the makeup person department.
Morning everyone. WDW and Christie, speak very softly and slow please, I beg you. I'm wearing my sunglasses while I write this because I'm sitting in the dark but the light from the computer screen is much too bright *ouch*
There's nothing wrong with the foot job description, he has beautiful toes and big feet, more to love...I happen to have a foot feddish!
Thank God it's Friday, the person who invented this phrase was a genius and most likely in my state of mind :) I can honestly say I'm not of sound mind and body at the moment. Red wine and Martini's don't mix well.
trying again. .
Hi Get Real - I hope they had a good time, bet it was fun. I'm feling nostalgia for film festivals now!
Sorry, couldn't resist... Sounds like you had a good time :D You weren't out with Jake and Tobey were you? I hope they weren't red wine martinis... All right, you can have the foot job :D
thanks guys! it works.
Good to see you Pia :)
Alright UK knock it off :D
How'd you know my secret? Jake said to say 'hello' :)))
Red wine Martini's hmmmm, that sounds good just not right now.
Yay, Pia!
Quietly hands CWG a little Hair of the Dog. ;)
So, friends, if I order a Holiday Heart Throb bear wearing a Santa Hat and boxer shorts with hearts as my very own Jake Bear, what tattoo should I choose.
O gosh Im enjoying listening to Albuquerque/Santa Fe PBS - its a laid-back state, for sure.
WDW, I miss the film fests too. While I have only been to TIFF, I think I am lucky that it is one of the best. I would so love to go to Cannes, Venice, SxSW and of course Sundance. Not to mention Rome, Deauville and some of the smaller fests. The thing about TIFF is that is most movie fan friendly. The fans get to actually see the films and most times with the cast.
Anyway, hope Jake and Tobey had a good time at the Santa Fe festival. So they are getting snow. Well that works with how the original was. I won't spoil any details, I promise, but the original was very good.
Oh Positively Pia - I want that bear! I think I'd just get a big J on him. Hope they use soft needles :\
I should check out that radio. I'm sort of having a Kylie afternoon though, while I finish off my work.
Hi Get Real - I just had no idea about all these festivals before Jake and now I'm hooked on them. I would love Jake to attend the London one of course. We were lucky to be at TIFF as that was certainly the best of those I attended, although Cannes is more glam. But there's not that much there for fans except a brief spectacle, unlike Toronto of course which seems aimed at the fan.
No snow and cold for Brothers? That's not going to work with my sweaty T-shirt farming scene - yet another rewrite in order...Jim, it's gotta be hot.
Okay, there's also a Hung With Care Bear - wearing nothing but Santa Hat and a Christmas stocking "carefully placed."
Get Real, we're gonna have to use great discipline to keep our lips zipped regarding the Danish film. Zippy Longstocking it is, then! :) :) :)
I see I can get the Santa hat mongrammed also, as well as tattoo. of course this will cost extra. so, should the Santa Hat say SWOFF, or JGB or The Sex - no, I guess just JAKE. I get ten characters for the heart tattoo.
Get Real I'v heard that works I might have to indulge.
That bear idea is fabulous.
Jarhead was on HBO EST last night and I cought that famous Santa dance and that butt wiggle :)
A Jarhead ted (ooh like how that rhymes)? We could get one for each of the characters, including a Frank Rabbit.
Yep it's bad luck to mention the Danish Film in these parts, Miss Zippy ;) Otherwise Jim will never be able to keep up with our rewrites - have pity on the man.
Mums the word, Pia! ;)
Would love to attend the London film fest, WDW. I also forgot that I have of course been to the Tribeca and NY Film Festivals. Tribeca was really exciting the first two years and sadly it seems Deniro and Co. have not really done much with the fest since then. There was a pretty scathing article in the NY press about how Tribeca could have been like a TIFF but they have spread it around the city and not kept it downtown. Since it was created out of 9/11 to bring people and the arts back to downtown spreading it all over the city defeats the purpose. It also lost seems to have lost its focus. As for the NYFF it is still is going strong and had some great films this year.
Oh thats right, WDW we NEED the shirtless farming scene. Okay, we can't have snow in NM!
Oh and I want a Jakey Bear! So cuddly. ;p
That's interesting Get Real about Tribeca. I wonder sometimes if the most successful festivals are those in the smaller places, such as Toronto (although some theatres were spread out there) and Cannes. In Rome, everything was in one spot I think, but that had the air of a brand new event about it, not to mention something organised by politicians. London's West End seems perfect for a festival, just as, I'm sure, parts of NYC are. I bet there's quite a buzz round Santa Fe right now :)
Yep, no snow, just heat and lots of it. I don't mind the odd torrential downpour of rain for Jake to run through - in a t-shirt...
I hope y'all realize Im not making up this bear stuff = there IS a bear factory in Vermont that has these stock items. even beare outfits: you can buy a tux for your bear! no cowboy hats, though.
Well WDW you might get in trouble with your farming fantasies in that there is NO WATER in New Mexico - Jake will be stuck with growing pinto beans and chiles, if he's lucky.
I think Im suffering from post traumatic silliness. Kinda like a hangover? Thinkin' a you, CWG, sittin' in yr shades before your computer. this makes me giggle.
Do they do bears that look like CIA analysts as well? A Douglas bear?
Jake could be the owner of a fancy irrigation system?
Poor old CWG...
Pia, a slow and rocky recovery. This place is keeping me happy, all these great images of Jake in the snow, downpour rain, desert terrain etc. There's nothing better for a hangover!
OMG they've got a rebel Santa bear wearing black leather jacket that says: "born to give" on the back.
A Douglas Freeman bear. Hmmmm. Tattoo: explain the phonecalls! etcetc.
I'm planning on wiping this day off the books :(
How about: I love fn piecharts, that could work?
Take it easy CWG. It's very true that Jake looks good in all weathers :D
ROFL! You guys are cracking me up today! Just FYI, the UK Build a Bear site has a cowboy hat and a cycling helmet and kneepads available;)
I think we may have to give up on the farming scenes for Brothers,er, I mean Twins;D But we can save it for Jake's next film, the one where he goes backpacking around southern Europe. Plenty of farming opportunities there, or grape picking even! Chateauneuf du Gyllenhaal, anyone?
Gimme piecharts, I love F**in' piecharts. Funny how you all knew I was in a delicate way today before I even blogged. Takes one to know one eh?
TL, can we not talk ETOH today?
Dont know if a New England Co would embroider F word. although there is that well hung bear, maybe times are changing.
all-weather Jake!
get real, I've been to Venice during the FF and it wasn't fun at all. Everything's segregated on The Lido,a small islelet, sort of away from the more popular areas of the city. The access and the ability to wander around is almost impossible.
The first two or three years I went, Tribeca was very fan friendly. I enjoyed the street fair and being in Lower Manhattan. You're right.I think it's a good festival, but it does tend towards more commercial stuff lately and is trying to kind of "serve two masters."I think they are more spread out for several reasons. There is a huge economic spin-off from the festival. Spreading out events gets more people exposed to more of NYC. Also,there aren't enough screens to accomodate all the people who need to see the films and also allow access to fans, keeping it fan friendly.This happened in Toronto this year. It will only get worse.
I was really upset,after paying a HUGE sum of money for an "all access" pass permitting me to see all the movies,I was forced to come very early and stand in line until the press and industry VIPS were seated.Many of the people who were in that line with me were people who worked in media but couldn't get a press pass, including some very prominent magazines!
My youngest daughter said Cannes was a circus. A mess.Three days and she was past ready to leave. And she stayed free at a friend's studio apartment!
The NYFF is older,smaller, more focussed. It's a solid festival experience not yet overwhelmed by the entire mash of commercial films and celebs, etc. (Chicago is too.)
Sundance, I have never been. But it remains true to its mission of being cutting edge, IMHO, and is the daddy of all Indie films. I am somewhat put off by the fact that so many "civilians" go to Sundance to people watch, stalk celebrities and get in on the parties. I include party animals like Paris Hilton as a "civilian!"
Reality is, most actors and actresses are in and out with lightning speed at a film festival.
They come in, do media,introduce their film and leave. They rarely hang around unless they have business, meetings, job networking, etc.With Venice and Cannes, sometimes they show up on yachts and party for ten days, but that's the exception.
I'll go back to TIFF and Tribeca. Deauville sounds tres cool!
I also think the Los Angeles FF is worth checking out. It screens Independent Spirit kinds of movies like NYFF.
I'm loving the discussion about the Jake santa bear. I like the idea of the Jack Twist bear though, can't help it. Try and find one with a cowboy hat, a blue shirt and a lasso. LOL
CWG, glad to see that you've surfaced, but sorry to hear that the heavy night of partying with Jake and Tobey has taken its toll. Poor you. I know those kinds of hangovers very well.
get real, loved your views on the NY and Tribeca film festivals. It's a shame that the Tribeca has lost its bearings a little, I hope it gets back on track. I can't believe how close I was to being in NY during NY film festival. TIFF sounds amazing, though, I've always sensed that, and would love to go there some day.
I agree that it would be great for Jake to attend the London Film Festival - didn't he attend it a few years ago, I'm sure I've seen pics of him there? I went to see Candy at the LFF which was fantastic. No Heath presence, sadly, although I did get a couple of emails from him wishing me an enjoyable night, which was rather special, as well as being quite hard to believe.
Hey TL - A Spandex Jake Bear! Love it.
I'm clinging on to the farming scene in Twins but I realise I may have to let go - sob.
When you say travelling around southern Europe, did you actually mean to say travelling around Southern England? Admittedly our vineyards aren't up to much, but there's always the cider and the perry? (I don't recommend you having any perry right now, CWG). Of course, when Jake colonises the moon (with his fleet of retouchers), he's going to need to know how to farm...
CWG - you announce you're off for a girls' night out and we expect consequences ;)
can we not talk ETOH today?
Sorry for being dim, but what's ETOH?
Just went onto the UK Build A Bear Site - "you can fluff your furry friend. . . :"
do they know what a "fluffer" is - haha more fun than a "toucher" - its a dirty world, out there, alright. . . :) :) :)
Hi Bobbyanna There's a festival in Deauville? I've been there a few times - it's gorgeous. I agree about Venice - that's the one festival I just wouldn't bother going to despite liking Venice very much.
I do think there's a lot to enjoy at Cannes - that coast is so beautiful and there's quite an atmosphere.
Obviously, I only have the time to visit festivals for Jake's films and so I'm not there long enough to be worn out from them.
An LA film festival sounds interesting, but I really like the idea of Hollywood out on the road and transplanting itself in other cities or countries. Makes it an interesting experience for stars and fans alike.
Hey Christie - you had emails from Heath?? Wow! Tell us more :D I really recommend you try and get to TIFF one of these years. Mind you, the next time Jake's there maybe we should all go!
Pia - if they won't embroider it, you'll have to write it on in pen. Be creepy to have a Zodiac Ted....
I've no idea what ETOH means either, so I don't know if we're doing it or not :D
A fluffer? I wonder if Jake's got one of those as well...
Christie ETOH is a medical term for alcohol but it just sounded better because when I write alcohol it makes me want to, well, puke.
Although, a nice smooth vintage old vine Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve Special du Gyllenhaal is just what I could use right now:D
Sorry, CWG,I'm confused- what does ETOH stand for? Extreme Type Of Hotness? Exceptionally Talented Orgasm-inducing Hunk? I don't get it...
WDW, no I did mean Southern Europe - Jake has to speak French, Italian and Spanish in this one! But he could visit Southern England as well of course, South London to be precise;)
CWG Don't you dare throw up all over WDW!
Ahh, I should have known TL - that this was a ploy to get Jake talking in multi tongues.
TL...lol...it means whatever you want it to, more interesting then alcohol.
Thanks for clearing that up, CWG! I had no idea there even was a medical term for alcohol, let alone what it was. This blog is so edukashunal;D
WDW, it's official that Gap picture needs to be added to every post for now on just for the sake of the picture itself.
Pretzels are staying down pretty good right now.
bobbyanna, appreciate your post! I agree that Tribeca was probably including other areas of the city to economic spin off, as you say. However it is trying to be to many things and not focused. I think if they were more focused and organized there are plenty of theatres, big and small from 34th Street and below that would serve the whole festival. They also need to get a better selection of films. TIFF has really cornered the market on the Oscar type films. Plus with all these festivals popping up they get spread thin of films, imo. And yes most of the time the actors are in and out. However sometimes at TIFF some of them stay for a few days. TIFF does need to get their act together with their computer system and their out of town selection process. As they get bigger it will be a nightmare. Cannes sounds a bit crazy and not fan friendly. I would love to go once to just experience it. From what I have heard Sundance put a bit of a stop to some of the starfuckers (pardon the expression but that is what a Paris Hilton is) and have gone back to it being about films. I saw that they had buttons that said something like "it is about the films" or something like that last year. Anyway, love hearing your experiences. :)
Thanks, Christie! ;) The festivals can be exciting.
CWG, yes HotD can help so I am told. ;)
Thanks TL *) Jake's a brainy chap, we have to keep up to muster :D
That's good CWG - I think Gap should give me free clothes for a year...
Right, I have to drive out into the cold, very wet and very dark night to collect Mr WDW. Back very soon so catch up with you in a few mins.
Christie, how awesome you got an email from Heath! Was that from his friend who was running HeathLedgerCentral? She was able to get him to post on a rare occasion to the board.
All this naughty talk of bears and fluffers for Jake. Love it! ;p
Morning after tummy turmoil doesnt seem to affect yr libido, CWG, darlin'. Im impressed!
Hi Get Real - OMG the TIFF ticket system! Horrendous!! How many nightmares did I get from that?? Totally disorganised, broken and nobody knew where the offices were. Also, how to collect your tickets? Madness. All credit to Rome. Once you located the Casa Rosa it was dead easy picking them up.
OMG! Vermont Bear has a black cowboy hat for 15 inch teddy! The Holiday Hunk, my final choice, is wearing white t- and bluejeans, along with Santa Hat and shades. I think he's my boy, I mean, my boy bear.
Pia, nothing affects that :D
((Here that Gap people free clothing for a year for WDW, got it)).
Going for a much needed snooze, be back later to chat, chow.
Christie, I called the bear factory (gimme an effing phone number, i love phone numbers) and got a real person right away - way to go! - who told me they DO have a cowboy bear, which I found: he's awful cute. checkered shirt, not denim, though. decisions decisions.
It looks like I missed some of the fun but I'm loving the posts.
It's weird how many critics didn't get Jake interpretation of Douglas's role in Rendition. I'm glad he decided to let others in on that character's thought processes because I thought he played the role to perfection. Not every great/good performance is emotionally driven or over the top.
Thanks for the hilarious anonymous chatter inclusion. I forget that many people push posts on various sites via that method, not knowing that the owners have access to IP numbers :lol:lol.
I just added Firstshowing.net to my list of go to movie sites.
Blogger may be trying to have access to vicious posters out there in Cyberspace; there are so many these days.
I checked the new system and my Blogger user name is now present when and if I choose to use the nickname option where it wasnt before.
Hi, Sass, good to see you!
Sorry if Im talking too much lately: Im going cold turkey on a few sites and the high spirited chat has been really healing! I LOVE the re-touching haha of the film, scripting deleted scenes, (brilliant) and the new film title cracks me up.
I cant believe I just ordred a cowboy bear, along with an add-on, that is, a pair of BOOTS at $9.95, for my bear, and also (god forgive me, why did I do this?) a bouquet of roses. WTF! (I usually treat myself to a bunch of books for Christmas.)
As for the question, does Jake need a fluffer. I think he keeps himself fluffed up like nobody's business. Part a his charm. :)
p.s. I have to share this. The bear people just phoned me. In tracking where I live for Fed Ex delivery it seems I live on a golf course. Shades of Donnie Darko!!!!
This woman was so sweet, she wants to be sure my bear arrives safely. Maybe I'll emigrate to Vermont! :) :)
pps anon is me, not yet used to new system sorry
Just made it back - I've been stuck in traffic for an hour, dragged round Sainsburys and then I had to cook and it's chucking it down with rain - deep calming breaths...
Pia Your bear sounds fabulous. When he arrives you have to email me a pic so everyone can see the little Mini Jake Beauty.
Hi Sass Good to see you. I've noticed Blogger doing strange names but so far it's working OK. Crossed fingers.
No Pia love to hear you talk :D For God's sake don't stop. Carry on while I go and be a good WDW and put a post up... I'll catch up with you after.
That's so funny Pia - You'd better give this bear a lot of love, he's coming from a good home:) I have to get one from the UK site...
get real, I think the calendar has a lot to do with what is available. The more established festivals actually have premieres adapting to their schedules! Cannes starts in mid-May and by Tribeca starting earlier in May it is attempting to "catch the wave" so to speak. The willingness and availability of A-listers, of films, etc. is important to the success of certain kinds of festivals. Venice and TIFF dovetail into each other similarly.
What makes TIFF so huge is that it is positioned right at the beginning of the awards season crunch.Cannes, IMHO, suffers from the same identity problems you've articulated for Tribeca. Cannes is definitely an industry-weighted event with tons of deal making going on, and the huge spectacle of big box office films (summer season), but it is also a juried festival with "artistic" submissions. If a film is accepted for competition at Cannes (Brokeback Mountain was turned down!) and wins one of it's prestigeous awards, it accrues to the director's and producer's benefit($$$)and enhances the reputation of everyone connected to it. I don't think Tribeca is even close to reaching that level yet. I hope they aren't trying for it. I think Tribeca wants to be a culturally significant event, attract the best films, directors and actors, but I think another part of it's agenda is social activism through the arts. I think that is a very strong thread that runs through De Niro's sensibilities as far as the festival is concerned. I also think Tribeca is just beginning to establish it's credentials in the past three years as a destination for the international film community. TIFF is already there, but it is a fall season event.
There was a very interesting feud going on in Montreal a couple of years ago bcz there were two festivals trying to run each other out ofbusiness! LOL!!I was very impressed with their issues and their perspective. They were very intellectual LOL!!! But then it also came down to $$. OK. I am really sorry for being off topic. I love to come here WDW. We do get into some interesting stuff. I want a bear! But I want mine to be a really warm, fuzzy, two legged English-speaking cutie. About
6'tall with blue eyes and gorgeous hands!
I think I like the red Starbursts the best, a.k.a. cherry.
I turned on my radio and that O.P.P. song from Jarhead was on, I did the Santa dance :D
I've got Jake all around me these days, talk about Law of Attraction.
Crikey. All I've missed! I should give up writing slash. But I have a feeling WDW won't let me.
Okay, as for the Twins farming scene. Here's the thing. Why do we have to be in New Mexico at ALL? Let's just call Jimmy boy up and tell him we want it in Vermont. That way we can pick up all sorts of Cowboy Bears, with BOOTS,and still do the naked farming scene. Oh, did you want clothed? Can't remember. Anyways, it will generate lots of sweat. Wait, do they have farms in Vermont? I think so. *googles it* Yes they do. So we can have the twin massage therapists naked farming in southern Vermont and then suiting up in spandex for skiing in northern Vermont! BRILLIANT! Then we can have appropriate bears for each: farming bear, skiing bear, massaging bear, fluffing bear...the possiblities are ENDLESS!!
Oh yes, about the TIFF. I will gladly set up a tent in my backyard for all of you but I am half-hour away from downtown. However, E-stalk has A BOAT, that can be moored conveniently close by in Toronto harbour! Plenty of room for red wine margaritas!
CWG - I have it on good authority that watching the Santa Dance at least 12 times will cure any ailment.
Lastly, I was watching the Jarhead Q & A again and can you imagine what would have happened if the Santa Hat was off to the SIDE and not the FRONT? Maybe we should have a Santa scene in Twins. You know a la White Christmas. Oohh..Jimmmeeeee.....
Bobbyanna Thanks for that great comment - I love all the talk of festivals. I know pretty much nothing about Tribeca but it sounds intriguing.
Hey CWG - I like the green ones. Are you frying them with strawberries?
Good to see yu Smilesalot and no you can't stop writing ;) Being as you're the writer here, I definitely appreciate your input into the Twins script. Moving it to Vermont is an interesting idea. They must have farms there and it can get quite sticky in the summer. So clothing would be optional when farming. Jake Teds seems like a very marketable commodity to me and they seem to adapt to every scenario.
It sounds like the next TIFF trip is going to be a real blast!! Can't wait - Jake hurry up and get a film ready for it.
My brain could not deal with Jake's concept of wearing the hat to the side - one would have thought that either extremely painful or rather chilly.
It's all bear and moving-the-set-of-Brothers to Vermont talk here, and I love it!
Pia, so glad to know that you ordered a cowboy bear, all of your very own. As WDW instructed, you MUST send her a pic of it so we can see it. Are you calling him Jake?
Smiles, so good to see you here! Your input into the script of Brothers is invaluable, considering the wonders you gave us in the latest chapter of TD.
CWG, I now know what ETOH means (kind of) but now I need to know what fluffer means. It's the transatlantic divide, a seemingly harmless word here can mean something completely different somewhere else!
Hi Christie! Great stuff isn't it - and now I have a picture of the Jack Twist Bear :D As for fluffer, not really sure exactly what that means but I do like the sound of it and it also sounds like something one may like to do with Jake :D
I'll tell you tomorrow, WDW :)
This new system - cumbersome or what :(
It's not easy, that's for sure - see you tomorrow *)
more about what fluffer means
Please remove this Wiki article as you wish. I think our meaning is one of the lightheared ones, eh?
Sass, thanks for the explanation for what fluffer means! What a job!
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