In addition to the film, we will also have the treat of a commentary featuring Jake Gyllenhaal, and the last time we were lucky enough to have one of Jake's notoriously hilarious and fascinating commentaries was for Donnie Darko and Moonlight Mile. We were denied one for Brokeback, but David Fincher has done good by us and his film.

It therefore seems apposite to post a reminder for all New Yorkers that 'An Evening with David Fincher', featuring a screening of the Director's Cut, will take place at the Walter Reade Theater this forthcoming Monday at 6.30pm. The screening is 'followed by David Fincher in conversation with Kent Jones.' This is what the Film Society of Lincoln Center has to say about the film: 'The year 2007 in American movies began with a triumph ~ David Fincher’s Zodiac. It is something new in cinema, a haunting meditation on the pursuit of verifiable truth across the passage of time. Fincher and his collaborators conducted their own investigation into the case of the legendary Zodiac killer, who terrorized Northern California from the late 1960s through the mid-’70s. The result is a film like no other, that focuses on the search rather than the conclusion, the exhausting process of assembling facts and piecing them together throughout months and years, with multiple obstacles, disappointments and discouragements along the way.'

Natalie's Brothers
Natalie Portman has briefly mentioned her forthcoming project Brothers in an interview with MTV.com. She says 'I play Tobey Maguire's wife. Tobey plays a Marine who is sent off to war the same week that his brother, who Jake Gyllenhaal plays, gets out of jail. So when Jake gets out of jail, he's sort of taking care of his brother's wife and kids while he's away. Obviously when he comes back, there's a problem.'

Donnie Darko's the film of the week
Donnie Darko gets a rare showing on UK TV this weekend (Saturday, 9.30pm, BBC2) and it has been picked up on as the film of the week, demonstrating yet again that a film that received very little attention while in the cinemas has gathered for itself a sizeable following. 'Jake Gyllenhaal is so ubiquitous now it's hard to remember that this was only his second appearance as lead in a feature film. The eponymous role could hardly have been more different from his previous outing two years earlier (as rocketeer Homer Hickam in October Sky) and Gyllenhaal's remarkable performance provides an early indication of what we now know him to be capable of. But if Gyllenhaal is remarkable, then writer-director Richard Kelly, with his first feature, is simply outstanding. His surreal fantasy is every bit as compelling as anything by more established directors and even if, like me, you saw the end coming, the rest of the movie will keep you wondering well into the following morning.'

Sexiest Man Alive... is not Matt (although youre not bad)
For reasons best known only to People magazine, Jake did not win their Sexiest Man Alive poll - the honour went to someone Jake admires, Matt Damon. Instead Jake was number 20. Here's the list. I find it an outrageous suggestion that there are 19 men alive who are sexier than Jake Gyllenhaal and I demand a recount.

And finally
Yet more pictures from Jake and Reese's wine tasting adventure were published today. If they have any tips, I'm all ears!

Includes pictures from IHJ, Amazon, Flynetonline.
I find it an outrageous suggestion that there are 19 men alive who are sexier than Jake Gyllenhaal and I demand a recount.
ReplyDeleteI demand to know who was in charge of forming this list and what drugs they were on! There is no way that Jake could be less than (well, actually, in this case, -more- than) numero uno!
Hey Fourplay! - Good to see you:D And I couldn't have put it any better - isn't it obvious who's No 1?
ReplyDeleteWow, after taking a look at the list, I can't say I agree with how they arranged some of it (er, actually...most of it, lol). Really, Jake being #20 has got to be a crime, or blasphemy, or something.
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree Matt Damon's cute but he doesn't even begin to approach the sheer sexiness that Jake exudes :P At least I can tide myself over with the Zodiac commentary. Still wish there was some Brokeback commentary, but oh well. If you can't fix it, you've got to stand it, eh?
I have to say I'm not too keen on the new Zodiac cover, I don't like the light colour and it jusr seems a bit bland. Sorry! I actually really like the old one with the creepy dark, green colour although I would've chosen a better pic of Jake obviously;) Anyway, never mind the cover, I'm looking forward to the actual DVD (I keep meaning to watch Zodiac again but never seem to get round to it) especially Jake's commentary:)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up about DD:) It's always nice to see Jake on TV!
People magazine clearly don't have a clue what they're talking about! I mean, I wouldn't say no to Matt Damon, but he's not even close to Jake in the sexiness stakes. Mind you, neither are any of the other people on the list (those whose names I recognise anyway!) I understand Johnny Depp,George Clooney, Brad Pitt, James McAvoy and even Adrian Grenier (a poor woman's Jake if ever I saw one, but he is very cute). But Ben Affleck?! He looks so boring, nothing special at all. Ditto David Beckham, except with added silly tatoos, silly voice, no braincells and a weird android thing for a wife! And Zac Efron! He happens to be TL Jr's current crush but to quote Corrine Whitman "What is he, twelve?" Seriously, I know I'm biased, but Jake should be way ahead of these people. Never mind Jakey, we still luv ya! PS: Maybe you need to shave again:)
Oh I couldn't agree more...that list is the ramblings of a lunatic! Still when I look at it, I only see one name on there the rest just fade away...
ReplyDeleteAnd boy am I looking forward to a Jake commentary on the Directors Cut of Zodiac! Jake is such a naturally funny man. Is RDJ going to be on too, if he is, those two together should be something else!!
An Evening with James Fincher sounds great, if ONLY I were in New York..
And I see we are in for a treat on Saturday in the UK...for some reason I love it when Jake films are on tv...although I have them on dvd I like it when they are just on for everyone else to see...
And Zac Efron! He happens to be TL Jr's current crush but to quote Corrine Whitman "What is he, twelve?"
ReplyDeleteLOL! My thoughts echo yours: "How in the WORLD did he get on this list? Moreover, how did he rank BETTER THAN JAKE?!"
I just don't get any of it - I like Matt Damon and he's a fine actor but is he the sexiest man alive?
ReplyDeleteHey TL - I did like the UK cover - especially the special HMV edition with the Zodiac symbol. But I quite like this one - I prefer it to a bad picture of Jake, like the US release. Maybe this is a sleeve? I'm going to make sure I see Zodiac again this weekend - it's such a special film.
I saw Ben Affleck in the street in Toronto and he - dare I say it - looked 'normal'! I really don't get the attraction of Adam Grenier or Zac (love the Corinne quote ;) ). Big liking for Justin though! But clearly not on the same playing field as our Jake - and where's Colin Farrell for heaven's sake...? I've never even heard of numbers 3, 7, 9 and 10!
Hi Rosie - I am so looking forward to hearing the commentary - and extra special if recorded with RDJ. I love watching Jake's films on TV too and I'll be watching DDarko on Saturday.
Fourplay - too right :D
Is it me "projecting" or is Jake's hair just a teensy bit longer? In the recent plaid shirt pics. I think it is a bit longer and I am liking it.Hope the beard doesn't get heavier. As it was said earlier, all Jake needs is a few days to grow a beard. James Sheridan needn't worry....if he needs Jake to have one. Personally, I think that would be nuts. I think People's list is nuts. I don't even pay attention. This Zac Efron person. I mean.I know you aren't telling me he is higher on the list. That didn't happen. No. Way. did it? I don't want to know.
ReplyDeleteLovely to see a Jake-in-Cannes picture! He was at his most charming and gorgeous - obviously delighted to be there and enjoying the company and fans.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward so much to the Zodiac DVD and commentary. Understanding more and more how much one misses first viewing - and then films are becoming more complex, technically, and full of cultural and film references. or maybe we're just now able to be "in" on the behind-the-scenes stuff.
Lil darlins, I am no longer a Bubble Boy virgin! Jake has amazing gift for comedy! - looking forward to the commentary tonight! Jon Stewart kidded Jake about the film. Jake laugjed but said, actually, he loved it.
Anyone wonder how some USAan actors in interviews can do so many "likes" and "you knows" - does this surprise Brits and other Euros? (re: Natalie Portman interview - I was kinda surprised,
Harvard degree, speaks many languages and all that. Am I old fashioned? (I love the moonlight)
I hope y'all heading for NYC have a wonderful time!
Hi Bobbyanna - I think you're right, Jake's hair is getting longer and it's looking good. I'm hoping Sheridan is rethinking the beard idea altogether :\
ReplyDeleteHey Positively Pia - Cannes Jake was breathtaking and the smiles we saw from him there - he just seemed to be in his element. What a wonderful time. Six months ago - wow.
I'm so glad you are now initiated into the ways of Bubble Boy - enjoy the commentary. It's very special :D
Really, Jake being #20 has got to be a crime, or blasphemy, or something.
ReplyDeleteWe're in a Tangent Universe! Somebody call Roberta Sparrow...pronto! BTW, Gerard Butler should be a lot farther up the list than #30. [shakes her head] Nothing makes sense.
I'm getting so anxious for the Zodiac DC and another commentary from Jake. :)
It's ridiculous to me Neel that Daniel Craig and Gerard Butler are so low down the list. as you say, it makes no sense and makes me feel the world has gone mad :D Fortunately some of us know what's what :D
ReplyDeleteHey y'all I'm in total agreement, I love Matt Damon and most likely would have picked him to be #2 but in my mind Jake surely deserves #1! Even more appalling is that he didn't even make the sexiest 2007 men's list at all on askmen.com!? What are these people thinking? My personal opinion is that I think it's all publicity. Whoever paid the most and made the loudest noise got the better placement.
ReplyDeleteHi CWG - Jake continues to fly below the radar for a lot of people - they ave no idea what they're missing - well, they would do if they saw BBM, Zodiac and the rest.
ReplyDeleteI still think 10 years later, Zodiac will be remembered as another "mini classic" film that bombed at the box office (well.. at least in US).
Hey WDW, thanks for that 'Evening with David Fincher' tidbit, I'm going to try to make it to see him at the theatre while I'm there, hope Jake shows up, I'll keep my eyes peeled.
ReplyDeletein the name of "everything Jake" - just inheritied a bunch of not-recent New Yorkers and there's a lovely drawing of Jake and Omar M among the opera reviews on p 44 of Oct. 22 issue. also in today's endless (I'll get back to it later) review of Richard Kelly's new Southland Tales mentions Kelly's good fortune in getting "trendously gifted actor
ReplyDeleteJake Gyllenaal" as lead in Donnie Darko.
Pia, I regret to say that I am still a Bubble Boy virgin but one of my many missions in NYC this weekend is to purchase as many JG CD's as possible so I might be loosing my virginity very soon :)
ReplyDeleteJake sure was just delicious looking in the Cannes pictures. And I'm sure WDW, that your memories of being right there as an eye witness, in such a magical place with Jake on that red carpet reallly enhance the whole experience. I have nothing to compare Toronto to, since I have never been to Cannes or Rome, but for me at TIFF, Jake just radiated an energy and joy and warmth and he looked just amazing.
ReplyDeleteReally beautiful. I cannot imagine him looking any better! I wish they would invent more words....just to describe him. Adorable seems so poor! LOL!!!! I will say, of all the premiere outfits, I liked his Toronto Gala ensemble best. He always looks good. But that one was my personal favorite.
I really don't think Jake has flown under the radar in People. He was in the top 15 last year. I just think People is myopic and refuses to choose him because he's too young. They missed their prime opportunity in 2005, IMO. That was Jake's year, and People would have seemed almost hip for a change.
ReplyDeleteIn much better news for Jake, apparently, Esquire has chosen his Rendition turn as one of the year's six best performances.
Sadly, the idiots at Esquire have also not put his face fully on the cover! But he's next to RDJ, which is cool.
As with any internet article on Jake, the comments should be read after taking your blood pressure pills.
But on a day when I've read some of the most hateful things about Jake, some form alleged fans, this was a nice nightcap.
Thanks for the Esquire link, Ultraviolet! I don't really understand what the writer of the article is saying. His problem seems to be with the character of Douglas Freeman rather than Jake's portrayal of him, so surely that just shows what a great performance that was from Jake, if the guy is getting so worked up over the character? Anyway, it's always nice to see Jake getting recognition - are you watching, Oscar people?!
ReplyDeleteultraviolet - some of the stuff so called 'fans' are coming out with are just disgusting - I've made a resolution not the venture to that place ever again.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to the Zodiac with Jake commentary, the Moonlight Mile one was is brilliant, love it. As the OH is away for the next few days, I think I'll have an evening of avoiding 'Children in Need' and have a Jake DVD fest instead - try and watch as many as possible, in order, and probably drinking too much wine whilst doing it :D
Matt Damon, sorry, very good actor, but looks like an accountant. Beckahm, well I can't put it better the TL did earlier.
Lovely work as always WDW.
Good morning everyone and happy birthdays to Maggie and Christie :) So Jake, what did you get Maggie, eh?
ReplyDeleteMy home day so that's a relief.
CWG - that'd be so cool if you got to the Evening with Fincher. Good luck with that.And buy those DVDs :D
That's great Pia! A discovery of Jake with the lovely Omar. What does it say?
Hi Winterbird :)
Bobbyanna - Jake was unbelievably beautiful at Tornoto wasn't he? You're right, there aren't enough adjectives to do him justice. Especially for that glow he gets when he's doing the big movie star 'thing'. I saw it at the Baftas and Cannes too. Rome was a bit too rushed. The difference with the Cannes red carpet was that there he looked like he was having the time of his life, grinning all over his face. I loved the suit at Toronto (although I couldn't understand the point of the jumper!), but the Bafta one is my favourite although the Cannes and Rome ties were fabulous (and the Rome shoes :))
Thanks for the link UV, Good for Esquire. I like the idea of putting Jake with RDJ - I'm looking forward to reading this over my lunch break :D
Morning TL! I've not had chance to read the article yet. Sounds interesting from what you say!
Agent K - yep. He's a good actor but I find nothing sexy about Matt Damon. I do try to!
See you all later, back to work...
Thank you for the heads up on the Zodiac Director's CUT DVD,WDW, but,is it already available in UK?
ReplyDeleteBTW I'm glad to announce you that next Tuesday the DVD will be released here in Italy!! Finally!!:D
Hi Xenia (expect something in the post shortly btw, I had problems but can send it now :D). I don't know if there's a date yet for the Director's Cut in the UK so yet again I will rely on the trust multiregional player :D That's great news about the DVD release in Italy!! About time!
ReplyDeletethe new yorker picture WDW says nothing, it's just a small drawing, in color, "Jake Gyllenhaal and Omar M in Rendition" placed among the opera reviews, I could have missed it. No mention of the film, in that issue, other places.
ReplyDeleteGood morning, everybody!
Awww WDW, you know I love you, right? :*
ReplyDeleteHi WDW,
ReplyDeleteI can't wait until January: The month of the award nominations, award shows, and the new double disc, Jake doing commentary, director's cut of Zodiac.
I wonder why they changed from the dark murky cover of three, to the clean bright version? Marketing I imagine, though I know little about that field.
UV, TY for the wonderful news about Jake and his Esquire cover. Jake's interpretation of his character was spot on, so I know he'll be happy to read that someone got it. Yet, I do have to ask, why no Zodiac mention?
If I believe Jake's comments about the sexiest and best looking lists--and why shouldn't I--he could give a big fat rat's patootie about even being mentioned. However, Jake we do! So there.
I imagine Esquires cover will be more to his liking than a sexiest man People cover.
WDW, TY as all ways for being here with so much Jake career information and Jake love.
Now I have to stop this pleasant stall tactic and head over to my doc's office. arrrrgh..
hugs to everyone here,
Wow!! Haven't even thought of Awards season!!! There were a lot of really strong male performances this year, including Tommy Lee Jones in two movies, Benicio Del Toro, Viggo, James MacAvoy, Russell Crowe, Denzel, Emile Hirsch, Xavier Bardem, Brad Pitt and George Clooney. And Charlie Wilson's War with Tom Hanks hasn't been released yet. I will be absolutely thrilled if Jake gets recognition, I can't even begin to describe it.
ReplyDeleteRendition certainly deserves recognition since critics worked so effectively to quash interest with their non-specific panning of the movie. There wasn't a single weak performance.It's a fine example, IMVHO, of ensemble acting. I think the Golden Globes is the only event that even honors ensemble acting. And Jake as Graysmith was superb. Wouldn't it be great if he gets nominated in two categories? Supporting and lead? I won't be disappointed if he doesn't, but I will be just thrilled for him if he does.
Hi WDW, I wanted to tell you that I just finished purchasing 'An Evening with David Fincher' ticket and I'm so excited!!!! I'll give you the scoop as soon as I can.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sass for that great NYC link, I looked up some things to do and restaurants. What a great source that is!!!
The ever-alert Stephanie discovered that there is more than one Esquire cover. This one is more Jake-friendly!
ReplyDeleteOoh some great news in the comments here!
ReplyDeleteThat's a great cover, thanks UV and Good Old (well not so old ;)) Stephanie :D I wonder if that's just the US edition or both. Whatever, a trip to Borders is in order. I definitely agree Sass that this is worth an infinte number of tabloid rag covers.
And CWG - That's fabulous news!! Good for you and you'll have a great time. I'm still getting over seeing David in Cannes, and you'll see the movie too :D So yes please email me a full report so I can do a proper post on this great event.
I'm loving the rewards buzz here today. I know that in the great scheme of things they're not so important but I'm weak and I want to see Jake stand up there and have everyone applaud him.
Thanks for the run down Bobbyanna - always my best source for information about movies :)
Hi Pia and Hi Xenia - I know it and same back *)
And it's Friday!
Ultraviolet, I like that picture better, Jake right up front there looking awesome. Funny, that first Esquire pic looks fake and this one looks like they are all together at least.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I'm going WDW is because of your post, otherwise I wouldn't have know about it, so thank you :)))
I'm really hoping something happens for Zodiac in the Awards season, it was such a good film, completely mesmerising, I recommended it to so many people, and everyone who went loved it as well.
ReplyDeleteI honestly think in a very little time it will finally be acknowledged as the classic it is.
ReplyDeleteI just got home and am sitting here with Esquire in my lap looking at Jake picture on the cover and his beautiful picture on page 166. This is Esquire's genius issue, their the best and brightest issue. And they choose these actors as Best performances of the YEAR!!! SQUeeeeee :)
I know Stephanie will have it up ASAP but let me quote happily the last sentence from Jake's page 166.
[quote]It is a near silent performance, apart from some minor heroics near the end, and most actors would likely have felt the need to signal their disapproval to the audience via exaggerated winces.
Gyllenhaal refrains, allowing us to project our own turbulent, conflicted emotions onto his placid expression.
Knowing when to do nothing is one of the least appreciated of an actor's skills; here's one who's learned it early.
TY UV WDW and everyone here. This article has given me such a lift.
OT #1
Heath is on page 6--they love him here in NYC--and looks quite dashing, dressed in a striped top, with his backpack strapped on, wearing his red shades as he talks on his cellphone, and rides his bike in Soho.:)
I need to tell you that the fastest and best way to get recent issues of magazines and newspapers, is at your corner newsstand. If one corner stand doesn't have what you
want, another one will. It took me going to three newsstands near 86th St. this morning to get my Esquire! Please stay away from huge magazine stores in touristy areas like Times Square etc.. they put old issues of magazines on their shelves to sell to visitors, and it works. bad stores
No problem CWG - I'm just so pleased you can go!
ReplyDeleteHey Agent K - for me Zodiac just ranks right up there and still would be - dare I say - even if a certain actor hadn't been in it. It's just superb and I also think it's a 'grower'.
Hi Sass - Glad you got hold of it! Not so easy over here unfortunately :( You must be psychic as I was putting my post up as you did this so all the big pictures are there, thanks to Stephanie. It's great for Jake to get this kind of public recognition, despite some of the other reviews for Rendition. And I love to see him with RDJ :D