With all the fun that we've had following the weather of Santa Fe, New Mexico, with its high, snowy hills and ski slopes, I've been wondering how Californian Jake gets on with snow, and in this interview we get the answer. When Jake's asked if he's frightened of the snow, Jake replies 'Are you kidding? When I heard it was snowing over there I wanted to be there right now... I love snow, I love the snow.'

As well as chat about Jake's puggle (I think you can guess what Zoo's name for a cross between a Shitzu and a Poodle would be) and the obvious question about what it was like kissing Heath Ledger (stock answer: 'It was exfoliating.'), Jake discusses what it was like making Jarhead and working with Peter Sarsgaard: 'When you work with your sister's boyfriend, there's bound to be interesting things that happen - for five months, in the desert, even more interesting things will happen.' The below picture shows Jake hugging co-star Chris Cooper.

When asked about his feelings towards the men and women who are faced with fighting a war in real life, Jake responds: 'Being the age they are, the age that I am, with all the questions I have in my life and everything I'm going through, and being able to fight in a war, have the courage to do that, is just amazing to me. I don't really know, and I probably couldn't really tell you, I'm probably not the right person to ask what it would be like. I just think it's an incredible job and what they do is incredible.'
As for how Jake did the Santa hat scene? 'A lot, a lot of practice.' Wouldn't mind seeing those outtakes.

Zodiac is Jeffrey Wells' top film of 2007
It comes as no surprise to me that Hollywood Reporter's Jeffrey Wells has placed Zodiac as his number one film of the year. Jeff has been an advocate of what is undoubtedly my own favourite film of the year (a year at the very, very least) since the very beginning. Good to see I'm Not There on the list as well, although this film has yet to open in the UK.
Here is Jeffrey's list: '1. Zodiac 2. No Country for Old Men 3. Control 4. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street 5. Before The Devil Knows You're Dead 6. Four Months, Three Weeks & 2 Days 7. Things We Lost in the Fire 8. There Will Be Blood 9. I'm Not There 10. The Bourne Ultimatum

Brothers filming
According to a poster at IMDb, Tobey Maguire is about to film scenes for Brothers in Taos, New Mexico (apparently, this is also a great place for snow). The poster says 'I was on set with Tobey all-day yesterday. A little later they're going to film outside of ABQ and later in Taos. The Taliban camp is in ABQ and the heli crash is in Taos. We filmed the heli being hit with rockets yesterday and it was epic.' In another sighting, Tobey was spotted in a local gym with 'a buzz cut', making me very relieved that Jake is playing the other brother, beard or no beard.

The Winnipeg Free Press includes a feature today on executive producer Rachel Sane, whom, it seems, was involved with Jarhead, and is currently heavily involved with trying to get the film Nailed off the ground. Confirming that neither Jake nor Jessica Biel has yet signed on the dotted line, the article, and Rachel, give some details to the project's background:
'If all goes as planned, Shane's career may truly come to fruition with the project Nailed, a unique, politically-flavoured romantic comedy by Kristen Gore, whom Shane has known for the past few years through their book club. "It's a comedy about a young woman who, in a very hilarious set piece, gets a nail lodged in her head the moment she's being proposed to," Shane says. "Obviously, it interrupts this momentous occasion for her. "She has a nail stuck in her head and she realizes she doesn't have healthcare," Shane says. The heroine is rendered unstable by the nail in her skull. "When the nail shifts, it touches different parts of her brain, so she becomes really aggressive or really angry or really horny... crazy stuff that happens that brings out parts of her personality that she would never have been able to explore before," Shane says. Eventually, the woman enlists the aid of a congressman who takes up her cause for health care, though it runs counter to the policy of his party.'

'Industry news sources have put Jessica Biel and Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead roles, but neither actor has been signed yet, Shane says. Nevertheless, she is pumped about making the project a reality. "This is the first one I'll really set up in a studio from its conception," she says. "I'm responsible for it." ..."This is a movie that's not just entertainment but has some real social relevance and maybe actually affect politics, or at least popular culture and popular thinking," she says. "It's something I'm going to be really proud of."
Includes pictures from IHJ.
OH wow..a lot of goodies here today WDW, Thank you! Firstly I just gotta agree with you, I'd sell my soul to see those Santa Hat scene outtakes!! And thanks for that Santa hat pic...just love Jarhead Jake...sigh...Sleepy Jake just sounds so sexy too. I loved that interview, especially when Jake was talking about walking out with Boo in NY.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Jeffrey Wells has rated Zodiac as his no.1 film of the year too, it was an excellent film. As for Brothers filming, I wonder how long Jake's beard is now? It seems to grow so fast!
Nailed sounds quite funny actually, I wonder if Jake will eventually sign? I would like to see him in a romantic comedy. Well, I like to see him in anything....
Hi Rosie! You're looking good!! Great avvie :D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the interview. I was watching Jarhead last night and I always like to hear Jake talk about it. And with such a sleepy voice too.
As for Nailed, I go off it and then I like the idea again - maybe Jake's having the same trouble.
Hi WDW, thanks for such an interesting post. I love Jake's sleepy voice, its very sexy.
ReplyDeleteI am feeling the same as you about Nailed. I like it and then I don't. But reading about it here, it was sold very well and I was thinking I could definitely see Jake in it and having lots of fun in this role. But then I might change my mind next week.
I like all the talk about Jarhead too, and what it must have been like for Jake and Peter to work together. Very interesting dynamics, I'm sure. Oh and that pic of Jake with Chris Cooper gave me a "eureka!" moment.
I watched October Sky last night for the first time. And I was trying to work out where I'd seen Homer's dad before....then I see this pic and and the name and a light goes on in my brain!
I really enjoyed OS. It's a very sweet film and Jake is very good in it, I liked the chemistry between him and his 3 friends. It reminded me of The Waltons - and I loved The Waltons.
How long after this did Jake play Pilot in Highway? I was thinking how different these two characters were and yet he played them both so well and with sincerity.
Hi Christie Sexy voice, definitely. Isn't October Sky amazing? I absolutely adored that film, not just for Jake's performance but also for its portrayal of that dark world down the bit - mining is an occupation that runs in my family and I couldn't bear the idea when watching it of Jake being part of all that. When I watched Jarhead last night, I was thinking of October Sky when I saw Chris Cooper and so I had to post the picture. Highway was released in 2002 and October Sky was 1999 so it was some time later - to me, Jake somehow seems even younger in Highway. That's the film I must see next - it's been a good couple of years since I saw it.
ReplyDeleteI am very excited about Zodiac getting some recognition with the critics at the year end! It is really my favourite Jake movie, apart from BBM.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope it wins some more best picture at many critics choice etc, i don't care that much about the oscars chance though, i have pretty much lost interest in that after BBM was snubbed.
jake is definitely playing the younger brother, there's no way he's "older" than Tobey in a film. I was away but i heard some rumours about Tobey and jake had some argument over their wardrobe arrangement, is that true? I read before the Tobey can be quite a prima donna... and sorry, i feel no love for him, despite i lost count how many times peopel told me he looks like Jake - and I was like, "NO WAY!" :P
ooops... sorry for the ranting.
HiWinterbird! I think for me Zodiac is up there with BBM - I absolutely love it, so I love to hear it getting recognition months on.
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a Tobey fan too (unlike my sister!). Apparently, the rumour goes that Brothers only has one makeuo 'retoucher' and Jake wanted his own makeup artist. Probably and almost certainly complete tosh, but we had some fun here competing for the role of Jake's Toucher and Retoucher ;) No way does Tobey look like Jake - noone can look like Jake...
WDW, I agree about OS, the mining aspects of the film were very well done and you could feel that sense of the inevitable for most of the young community - there was no choice, you just went down the mine. Thank god for people like Miss Riley who recognised Homer's talent and actively helped him pursue it. I suppose I should have said it reminded me of "The Waltons" with not as much sugar coated on it. I loved the credits at the end, showing what happened to each of 'The Rocket Boys'.
ReplyDeleteInteresting what you say about Jake seeming younger in Highway, I see what you mean, Homer had a much stronger sense of self and what he wanted out of life, whereas Pilot just drifted along, it was quite sad. It's a really wonderful film, and another fantastic performance by Jake.
hehehe... anything involving "touching" or "retouching" Jake is the world's best job *drools*
ReplyDeleteHi Christie - what a destiny to look forward to, going down the pit, when your ambitions lie with rockets and space. I ust see Highway again - I rememebr bits of it but not enough. But a drifter, the opposite of Homer.
ReplyDeleteHey Winterbird - this was all part of our rewrite of Brothers or Twins as we called it - we decided Tobey was unnecessary and that Jake should play both parts. We wrote a whole bunch of deleted scenes :D I was hoping I'd get the job as Jake's Alltoucher, but Twisted Logic (who's on her hols at the mo) was heavy competition.
WDW...yes, you must watch Highway again, I love Jake's portrayal of Pilot.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes! I FINALLY got that pic sorted out...my favourite Jake pic...sigh..
Is there a cleaner job left for me?? lol.... oh... or better, I'd be the one preparing his clothes, and erm... assist Jake to get into his clothes and stuff, you know? *winks*...
ReplyDeleteI quite like the "nailed" story, I'm just a bit worried that Jessica Biel might not live up to it... seems like the story relies quite heavily on the female lead.
Rosie - that's a gorgeous pic :D
ReplyDeleteOK Winterbird you can be the dresser, and I'll be the opposite ;) I don't know anything about Jessica Biel so I'm not sure how she'd do. I get the feeling that we'll know soon enough what's happening with this one.
Hey WDW, what a day, skiing was amazing, I emailed you a pic of me skiing today since it was apropos to your latest post.
ReplyDeleteHey WDW were you the $10,000 bidder? I wouldn't doubt it :)
Christie, glad you watched OS, it was good. But, I'm not going to be the only Jake virgin any more :) I'm saving the ones I haven't seen for a rainy day when I'm good and ready.
Thanks for a great post but I have to admit Tobey does NOTHING for me even if people say he looks like Jake (no way!).
Hey CWG - thanks so much for the pic of you skiing! Wonderful. I am so jealous of that weather and scenery. I reckon we should all head on out there for a proper winter away from the rain and the dark.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I'm not the bidder - could barely afford $10 after my red carpet year ;)
Glad to hear we feel the same about Tobey!
I'm off for an early night but I have a half day tomorrow to start work on the birthday posts with all our memories, so get them in! :)
The N.Y., L.A. and Boston critics as well as the NBR had no love for Zodiac. Let's hope there will be others who'll include Zodiac on their list.
ReplyDeleteJeff Wells is a big Zodiac supporter. Thumbs up for him.
Thanks for the updates! :)
WDW, I would rather live in the UK than here in the middle of nowhere, London sounds awesome :)
ReplyDeleteWDW, pop quiz- how can you go two years without Pilot? No gold star for you!
ReplyDeleteI haven't done my homework yet. I'll try and get it in tomorrow. The fave moment is going to be tough to choose. ;)
I am delighted jeffrey Wells thinks so much of Zodiac. It is a fine piece of work. I really can't quarrel with his other choices since I've only seen I'm Not There and Bourne. I want to see several of the others but I've had no time. And frankly, I could not get my head around the subject matter in some cases. I will definitely see them,tho. One movie I wish Jeffery would have added to his top ten list is: In The Valley of Elah. I think it is some of Tommy Lee Jones' most compelling work. It is a movie that really stayed with me. I think of it as almost the dark side of Jarhead.
ReplyDeleteI am glad for the Sane lady that she is so enthused about Nailed. I wish her all the best and I hope the movie gets made and it is successful. I also hope Jake stays away from it and that lunatic monster who they had listed as the director. That man could fetch Jake's coffee! (IMO.)
Are "Nailed" Rachel Sane and the "Rendition" Kelley Sane related by any chance? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteSorry. I meant that he "...could NOT fetch Jake's coffee..."
ReplyDeleteHi WDW and everyone,:)
ReplyDeleteJake news abounds here and I love it. I hope Zodiac gains more nominations as we go forward into the awards season; it is one of my favorite movies of 2007. I was so wrapped up in it when I was watching it, that I didn't move for a long time after the credits rolled. And I went back again two more times:)
I have it at home but I'm afraid to watch it alone...who knew...so I'm trying to get company for my next viewing.
I vacillate in my feelings about Nailed...but that's mostly because I don't have much respect for Jessica Biel as an actor. I shouldn't say that, but her serious lack of acting chops, coupled with this insane director...has anyone seen the Youtube's on this man...causes me to feel hesitant about the prospect of Nailed film, where usually I'm jumping up and down with glee at the prospect of a Jake film.
I'll be back later tolisten to Jake's podcast:)
Lovely update, thank you, sleepy Jake is just swoonable.
ReplyDeleteHad a very strange 'Great Leap' themed dream last night, most of it seemed to involve Jake running round, dressed in a tux and with a gun, plus a car race (which may have had a lot to do with watching Top Gear last night), no actual Moon, space travel etc, just Jake in a tux holding a gun - works for me though ;-)
Nailed - another one who's not sure, sometimes it sounds great and very different for Jake, other times I'm very 'meh' about it.
BTW, I still maintain Tobey is God's first, had a good idea but it all went a bit wrong, attempt at Jake, Jake, obviously is the refined, perfected model :D
Morning everyone - thanks for all the comments :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Anon - I just hope all these critics that missed the point of Zodiac are now realising their mistake. For some, this film is probably a grower.
I know Ruby - I'm bad but I'll make amends. Maybe tonight...
Hi Bobbyanna I have to admit to not having seen any of the other films on the list because this site leaves me no time for the cinema! Except in the case of endless repeat viewings of Zodiac and Rendition that is :) That's funny about Nailed :D
Wondering - that would be something, wouldn't it, although the Gorgeous Kelley Sane is without parallel :P
Hi Sass! I feel exactly the same as you about Nailed. You must see Zodiac again, I love the atmosphere of it late at night on my own. I don't think I could even count how many times I saw that at the pictures, in LA and then here. But as it's quite possibly my favourite film of all time (although there is a bit of a battle going on with BBM there), I think I can be excused.
Hey Agent K - that's weird - I had an extremely vivid Jake dream last night which involved being on the set of Brothers. He was wearing the same clothes that he wore in the bicycle photo in Interview, same hair and no beard etc. And for some reason it ended up with me sitting next to him in a cinema and queuing behind him in the line for food in the canteen. I watched Top Gear too last night so maybe this is all related ;)
Good morning everyone. WDW, can't wait to see what you come up with for Jake's birthday. Very excited. :)
ReplyDeleteCWG, good to hear about your enjoyable day skiing. Sounds very exhilirating!
I'm glad I watched OS too, I really enjoyed it, it was a really lovely film and Jake and his smile were adorable.
Liked the sound of your dreams, agent_krycek and WDW, much more interesting than mine with the Spice Girls.
Morning Christie - you dreamt about the Spice Girls - hmmm. I think you'd better watch Jarhead straight away to get Jake back in your head where he belongs ;)
ReplyDeletegmorning lovelies! seven am in San Francisco, a couple of sunny days ahead, one can actually see GG bridge - roses blooming in No. California. In Santa Fe its gonna be snowy for a few days. In Western MA it's "wintery mix", my Christmas lights went out, and sand and salt on the roads are stressing the maple trees.
ReplyDeleteTobey, well, glad its not Jake, playing the elder brother. and I JUST remembered there is a MOSQUE in ABQ.
"Plaza Blanca and Dar al-Islam Mosque: An Islamic mosque might seem an unlikely place of worship in a region known for its devotion to the faith of the Spanish throne. But if you visit the Dar al Islam mosque, hidden away in the hills of the Rio Chama valley, you’ll find a stunning structure of adobe topped by a softly sculpted dome that seems very much at home in its high-desert environment."
Are they using this site in the film? Maybe! I often had lunch at the ABQ Inn, that is owned by the Muslims of the above community, and the owner, a man that resembled Omar Sharif, sigh sigh! - would be sitting at table, sorta the godfather/patron of the place, quite happy to be admired, well, actually, lusted after - by one and all. Or, in all due respect, so it seemed.
And we have eto wait until 2009 to find out what the filmmakers are doing with these sits o cruel cruel world.
In the meantime - WDW rocks!
p.s. not sits but sites.
ReplyDeleteHey Pia my friend! Thanks! The more I hear about Santa Fe, the more I want to relocate there and away from this cold and dark Blighty. I've got the afternoon off but only now getting to sit down. I'm still hoping the 2009 date is a typo....
ReplyDeleteMorning WDW, from a more than chilly, nearly too cold, 36 degrees in NYC:)
ReplyDeleteI wish I could get close to warm Santa Fe. After living in LA and surrounding areas for nearly 20++ years, then TX for nearly 9 before coming back home, I miss warm winter weather, though it can be a bit disconcerting, waking up to a 66 degree Christmas day:)
Kate, I think I talked myself into another Zodiac go, not that it's a hard task with Jake on screen.
Hi all! :)
ReplyDeleteI love seeing the pics from Jake's (and the also sexy Salma Hayek) time with the Inuit's. Our environment needs more Jake's. ;)
I also go back and forth about "Nailed". Would love to see Jake do a smart comedy and play a more dirty character. On the other hand, I am not so sure of Jessica Biel. Although she was pretty good in "The Illusionist". Plus, as much as I like his movies, I don't like the attitude of David O. Russell.
Didn't remember this being mentioned here but Joe Namath really likes Jake!
MAKING MOVIES: Now we know why Jake Gyllenhaal has been seen tossing around a football so much lately. He's going to play Joe Namath in a film about ''Broadway Joe.'' Also, it seems the idea of Gyllenhaal's casting was suggested to the film's producers by the NFL Hall of Famer himself. Namath is a huge fan of the young actor and wanted him for the role over others being considering, including Mark Wahlberg and Josh Hartnett.
Btw, UltraViolet has created a new Jake blogGyllenBabble, in the wake of the Gyllenspoon Digest closing. She has linked to here. :)
A cloudy day in NYC, at least it is not the rain we have been having. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. :D
Morning Sass - good to hear you're going to watch Zodiac again - I have to watch Highway as penance for Ruby - not a chore I admit :)
ReplyDeleteHi Get Real! Thanks for the Namath bit. I think something about that was in my post on it but it's so cool to think that Jake was a big bargaining chip in getting Joe to agree to get this project off the ground. That'll be why his name was attached so early and before the script is finalised. :D
Holidays? None of those here unfortunately :(
O gosh who wouldnt want Jake to play themselves? Jake, I am you and you am I and we are us together :) :) JOENAMATHHEARTSJAKE!
ReplyDeleteHoliday time! - I make my own holidays. I am what you might call a Holiday Ho!- public broadcasting Santa Fe is still playing Channukah music and "las posadas" (google for this wonderful tradition) is coming up and this week, in fact, Dec. 12th is Feast of Virgin of Guadalupe when Catholic sisters will be kneeling in the streets around and about the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Santa Fe.
LOL, I love your posts, Pia! :D
ReplyDeleteWDW, am sorry you are not feeling the holiday spirit. :( Big hugs and holiday festiveness for you!
Hey Get Real - I love Pia's posts too :D And thanks for cheering me up with the hug, Get Real *)
ReplyDeleteHi everyone.
ReplyDeleteI finally had my own dream last nite, I had long flowing thick black hair and I kept waving it were ever I went? So Christie your not the only one dreaming strange stuff.
WDW that dream you had means you've been thinking about that bid...go for it!
I think any future project Jake does will be good choices, I think he learned his lesson from Proof, notice how he never talks about that movie ever.
Christie I'm excited to see what WDW had in store for us too.
Pia, lol about the shrink thing! Thanks for all your wordly knowledge of New Mexico. It helps in the Jake imagination of what he might be seeing or doing.
BTW very limited sightings of the man...Jake come out come out wherever you are :)
Hey everyone! Just a flying visit - missing you all so much I can hardly stand it;) Please can someone help me with the Zoo radio interview? I can't get it to play, something about a plug-in error:( Any help would be much appreciated - I wanna hear sleepy Jake!!
ReplyDeleteHey CWG Another one with funny dreams, eh? As for the bid - well, that really is in my dreams :D That's a very interesting point about Jake almost never discussing Proof - I'm not surprised. It'd be good to see something of Jake :D Can you check your emails, gotta question for you?
ReplyDeleteGood to see you TL - we've been missing you. I'm sorry you can't listen to the podcast. I'm not able to download it - if anyone can, please could they email it to me so that I could pass it on to TL. Thanks!
Hey WDW! Don't worry, i've sorted it now(quicktime player disappeared from my computer but I've got it back now:) Only problem is now I don't have time to listen to it all, but it'll be a nice treat for later- thank you:)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete^^That was me. Sorry about that CWG - it related to a private email *)
ReplyDeleteAwww! I am just loving Joe Namath ...all over again. That he specifically "suggested" Jake!!! Wonder if they every met? Namath always struck me as someone with a kind heart...who would tear you up in a competitive sporting event. And of course, no one would deny Namath's sense of humor, exhuberance and his joi de vivre!(did I spell that right?) I see some similar qualities in Jake, more evident when he was a bit younger.
ReplyDeleteHi Bobbyanna! That's such a thought - that the two actually met during this process. I bet they did and I also bet Jake was very keen for this role.
ReplyDeleteHey TL - glad you got that fixed *)