Saturday, 15 December 2007

Jake - 'why not do what you really think, even if it's a mistake?'

It has been noted here lately, by more than one reader, that Jake rarely discusses the 'third film' from 2005 - Proof. This could be taken as a sign that the film, or its making, is not something Jake has wanted to dwell on. Although Bubble Boy, very undeservedly in my opinion, is sometimes derided as Jake's mistake, for me it will always be Proof. So I set myself a challenge to do a feature on this film, not least because I know some of you love it and have huge empathy for Gwyneth Paltrow's character Catherine while others, including myself, have owned up to suffering from the Gwyneth Paltrow Effect - ie, not being able to see Gwyneth in Proof without reaching automatically for the Fast Forward button on the remote. I think, though, that after today I understand Proof a little better and I enjoyed some of the other bits and pieces I found along the way.

Jake does occasionally talk about Proof, but it's usually when his purpose is to discuss something else. For instance, in 2004, Jake said of Proof: '"I play a mathematician, which is ridiculous because I am horrible at math," Gyllenhaal said of the movie, which is based on a Broadway production. "Anthony Hopkins plays one of my professors — he dies at the beginning of the movie, and there are a lot of flashbacks, which is how he's in it — and I'm trying to search for this famous proof that I think he wrote, and it turns out that his daughter actually wrote it, and we have a love story."'

What's far more interesting is that this interview also tells us that 'After "Brokeback Mountain" finishes shooting this summer, Gyllenhaal will resume talks with Kevin Smith about starring in his "Green Hornet" movie. "I'm just waiting for the script, to read it and see if I like it, and that's all it's about for me," he said. "The Green Hornet as a character is amazing, but if the story doesn't work, I don't wanna do it, 'cause I know people don't wanna see it if it sucks. But I don't think it will."' I had no idea that there had been that much substance behind all those Green Hornet rumours of a couple of years ago.

Jake also discusses his reasons for committing to Brokeback Mountain: '"I was looking for a story that was actually about love, because I read scripts every day that are about, like, 'Love has no boundaries' and 'Love is universal,' and all these things that are now so cliché, Nike can just pick 'em up and use them as a slogan," Gyllenhaal said. "My generation, I think, doesn't understand it. I know so many kids my age who can't have any relationship at all — and I can only speak for people of my age, though I do see people of all ages not being able to have relationships — because we misunderstand the idea of love. That's what this movie's about. It's not about two guys going at it."' This is particularly special to me because it links together two of my favourite things - Jake Gyllenhaal and Nike.

'"[Director] Ang Lee told me that he wanted to make a movie that families could go see, so I think that's what he's going to do," Gyllenhaal said. "I walked out of 'Sense and Sensibility,' 'The Ice Storm,' 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,' 'Pushing Hands,' 'Hulk' always feeling good. I always have when I walked out of an Ang Lee movie. And I think that the same thing will happen with this movie. And all of us are not in the interest of making anything shocking. It's a story about love, that's our clear intention through the whole thing. It's not a story about sex."'

At this site you can see Gwyneth being interviewed at the press conference for Proof held at TIFF in 2005. Jake is missing. The fates seemed to conspire against Jake and Gwyneth appearing together at such events because at the press conference held at the Venice Film Festival not long before, Gwyneth was missing because her plane had to turn back. In the press conference, Gwyneth notes, and not for the first time, what a hard time she had emotionally during the filming of Proof. She was pregnant, sick with it, and away from home.

Part of the problem must have been that at both Venice and Toronto, Jake had two films to publicise, one being Proof and the other being Brokeback Mountain, which was, of course, hailed as a masterpiece at both events. Inevitably, Jake's role as the mathematically-minded love interest in Proof seemed less intriguing. However, one of the best photographic moments of 2005 was thanks to Proof. At Venice we had the wonderful site of Jake arriving by boat at the Lido, where he happily posed with Anthony Hopkins. A problem at Toronto was that Jake cancelled some of his Proof interviews, the reason being his expulsion from his suite at The Four Seasons Hotel (not surprising, then, that Jake stayed elsewhere in 2007). I had heard about this before, and its relation to cancelled Proof interviews, but here is a fuller account:

'The only remotely “scandalous” issue this year was the way actor Jake Gyllenhaal was treated by the vaunted Four Seasons Hotel. Now, I didn’t witness this situation, but I heard repeated stories about it and read about it in the Toronto Globe And Mail. The Four Seasons is a luxury hotel that is the residence of choice for many movie stars, producers, directors, etc. I've stayed at the Toronto Four Seasons and it’s a swank place, but hardly on a par with the greatness of the Los Angeles Four Seasons, which is grandly run and as comfortable as a favorite pair of slippers. I’ve always found the Toronto Four Seasons to be a bit dowdy, sort of like an overstuffed English sitting room.

So Gyllenhaal, who was at the festival (the 30th annual) to promote his superb feature Brokeback Mountain, a perfect film about two male western ranch hands who fall in love with each other in 1960s America, had a deluxe suite at the Four Seasons. He was out in the city doing promotional things, and returned to discover that Reception had given his room to another guest. Some self-important VIP – a name was never mentioned – was handed Jake’s suite after demanding he be given his room ASAP. Hotel staffers actually went into Gyllenhaal’s space and packed up his clothing and toiletries and stored them where the concierge stores guests’ belongings, which is usually a backroom off the lobby. Gyllenhaal was understandably furious. Who wouldn’t be? I would be furious, too. Gyllenhaal was so upset that “others” had touched his stuff, that scheduled interviews with the soon-to-be 25-year old actor were cancelled. But it gets worse. Before the hotel’s front desk would give Jake his suitcases back, he was forced to show an ID proving who he was. Let me tell you something, that crap doesn’t even go on at a Motel 6. Frankly, I think the Four Seasons owes Gyllenhaal a massive apology and probably a week’s free stay. As someone who has stayed in a lot of hotels, I think the Toronto Four Seasons was mightily wrong in this regard and acted like an amateur operation.'

Jake was a big hit at the Roy Thompson Hall in 2007 as myself and several others here can vouch, and so he was back in 2005: 'Movie star Jake Gyllenhaal arrives and the Loudest Photographer shouting for the heartthrob's attention is barely audible over the shrieking young women waiting across the street from Roy Thompson Hall where the screening of the actor's latest movie Proof, in which he stars with Sir Anthony Hopkins and Gwyneth Paltrow.'

My biggest problem with Proof is what I perceive as the lack of chemistry on screen between Gwyneth Paltrow and Jake. Quite possibly, this is due to bad casting: 'There is nothing wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal's performance, except that he is drastically miscast as a quiet mathematician. Imagine Raquel Welsh playing Adrian in Rocky… get it?' says one review which begins 'What went so wrong with Proof?'

The Guardian says: 'We are invited to believe that Hopkins, Paltrow and Gyllenhaal all have, in their various ways, alpha-brains. They look to me like they couldn't recite the three-times-table without smoke coming out of their ears. Gwyneth Paltrow does a kind of lip-biting anguished look that is possibly the result of trying to work out 20 minus 17 in her head. And it is particularly unnerving that her romantic interest is with Jake Gyllenhaal who here models a diluted version of the nerdy-vulnerable look that was his line before raising his game in Brokeback Mountain. Here it is Paltrow who gets to be Donella Darko without the rabbit while Jake does his best to connect with her. But really: Gwyneth and Jake - what a terrifying collision of sensitiveness. Any resulting children would be gold-medallists in the Emoting Olympics.'

In an interview with the Guardian, Gwyneth remarked on the casting of Jake: '"Of course, it's a little far-fetched that Jake Gyllenhaal is ..." A friendless weirdo too? "Yeah. But it's a movie. Harvey Weinstein was very keen that Jake be the guy. He was not really up for the quirky thing. And he was paying, so."' Reading further along, Gwyneth also says 'I don't really have drunk friends. My friends are kind of adult; they have a drink. But they hold their liquor. I think it's incredibly embarrassing when people are drunk. It just looks so ridiculous. I find it very degrading.' Oops.

British director John Madden cast Jake in the role because '“He’s got a very instinctive, unusual, loose kind of talent,” says Madden, who cast him in the part written for a slightly older actor. At a certain stage in Proof, notes Madden, Gyllenhaal’s character, Hal, fails to do the right thing, in the eyes of the audience as well as Paltrow’s tormented Catherine: “One of the qualities that one’s grateful for in Jake is that he’s extraordinarily appealing even when he’s doing something that is such an immense disappointment. It’s quite important to have an actor who doesn’t immediately forfeit the audience’s sympathy . . . obviously the story is on the side of Catherine, but it’s an interesting balance of where the audience awards their sympathy at a given moment.'

Madden goes on to say in this review of Jake's work, '“He has in common with Gwyneth that he’s grown up in a family that’s in the business. He’s been around it all his life, grown up in the hothouse of all that. And I think the family’s a very whole family, as Gwyneth’s was, and that gives you a kind of confidence, a sense that your feet are not going to be slipping unless you’re really careless. So—ego’s not quite the right word for him, but that sort of self-belief, that self-confidence, is very important. And it is a large part of his presence onscreen.”'

Further on: Jake 'recalls that Madden “ had auditioned a lot of people for Proof and he told me, ‘I’m trying to find someone like you, but older. And now, I realize—I think you can do it. Will you fly to London and audition? I said, ‘Sure.’ In London, Paltrow and Madden gave him his “sides” from a crucial scene and, as Madden recalls, “he nailed it. He was free with us, and as soon as we finished reading one very long scene he wanted to go back and read it again—and different things came out. So his passport into the movie was already assured.”

“I always felt a little behind,” recalls Gyllenhaal. “Because they had done it onstage, and I was somewhat in awe of the talent—which worked perfectly in the role. And I’m trying to dust off things that they had already dusted off, then passed by or refined. I’m still trying to dust them off, and they’re going, ‘No, there’s no dust on that,’ you know?” Madden was impressed that the young actor came to the shoot with his part, as a young mathematician who’s trying to rescue the legacy of Paltrow’s brilliantly deranged mathematician father, flawlessly memorized, and apparently no longer entirely in awe. “Jake fought his own—um, he took me to task over some of the writing and some of the beats in a very good, very assured way that was particular to his character’s point of view.” '

Off topic, my favourite part of this review, is the section in which Peter Sarsgaard and Ang Lee discuss Jake and what it's like to work with him: 'Sarsgaard, who’s virtually a member of the family, says he and Jake survived the rigors of the desert partly by crabbing at each other like brothers. Underneath the hard work—“a large portion of the movie is on Jake, and he was completely bushed by the end”—he watched his fellow actor grow up: “I think the interesting thing is that his character in Jarhead is traveling the distance between boyhood and manhood, just as Jake is.”'

'An interesting question with both personal and career implications for Gyllenhaal is what will happen when and if his seemingly indestructible innocence is lost? Lee was mindful of it.“He’s sometimes too smart, and you need a sympathy from the audience—a lot of the time I would sort of turn him down,” he says. “Because he’s so talented, has so many skills at such a young age, he might forget there’s still innocence on his side. He doesn’t have to fight against it. Sometimes he can just forget about ‘acting,’ about trying too much. So that would be my advice for him—which I did give him—and he was very appreciative.”'

'“I think you can have that innocence and still be a man,” says Sarsgaard. “I have an uncle who has that—to be able to see something that needs to happen and try to make it happen, even if you don’t succeed, you will die trying. I mean, that’s really all you can hope for. I hope he doesn’t lose that quality either, but, you know, I don’t think you could yank it out of him with a coat hanger. I mean, it’s lodged in there.”'

So the final word to Jake, who may not talk much about Proof these days, but he undoubtedly took what he needed from it, and, for its part in shaping Jake's career, I can appreciate it. 'I know it seems so adolescent to say it, everybody goes through this, but people try to change who they are, and—I’m not interested in not showing my faults anymore. I don’t want to pretend to be something . . . I’m not pretending anymore to fit somebody’s mold. That’s a long-winded statement but—why not do what you really think, even if it’s mistake?'

Includes pictures from IHJ and here.


  1. Ruby - the drumming pic is for you ;)*

  2. wow... what a detailed "why Proof disappointed" report. well done!

    Gwyneth is a snob! There. i said it! it's a pity that jake and her had zero chemistry where they had to play lovers.

    bad casting, indeed... even though most agreed with Jake did his best in it. Gywneth wasn't good in it either, even though she did the stage version as well. She certainly looked the "emotional fragile", but I didn't get the tortured genius in her either...

    Hahah... i can imagine Jake's agent spilling his coffee when he got that call from Maddens, "what? you want Jake to play math genius?"

    I think i've told when we met, Proof is the only Jake film that I only watched once and don't owe a DVD.

    It's a mistake, but when John Madden called, it's only natural that Jake said yes.

    As for The Green Hornet, i know that Kevin Smith (I am a fan of his movies) is no longer attached to it. And with Kevin Smith gone, I no longer hope Jake to be part of that either... :P

  3. Thanks Winterbird - that post took me the longest time of any to write - just hours. It's hard finding out anything about Proof because it's so overshapdowed and Jake is so uninterested, as is Gwyneth. Madden seems to be the only one grinning about it - I love he talks about Jake.

    I do own Proof as it didn't show in a theatre near me. I think I've seen that once and I also watched it on Sky with my mum and I did enjoy watching it with her. Jake is clearly gorgeous in it, fortunately!

    You're right though. It would have been hard for Jake in 2004 to have turned this down.

  4. Forgot to say Winterbird that I totally agree with you about Gwyneth. I loved her in Shakespeare in Love and was all ready to give her the benefit of the doubt until I read that Guardian interview - what a complainer (and why is it so terrible if her kids say 'pasta' the English way for heaven's sake!?) But the drinking comment... Blimey, she sounds like fun...

  5. Just about to say, WDW, she sounds a right barrel of laughs and my only claim to inside knowledge of the biz agrees. :(

    Also, the point about mental illness is it defies any logical approach, so to try to codify it moviewise is never going to work, it'll always come out chocolate-boxy. I thought Jake was pretty good though, in a not too rewarding role.

    Can I say I'm deeply ashamed that you've come up with All This while I can't even be bothered to write out my Christmas cards ... Gwynnie wouldn't approve :D

    I'm also going to boycott the Four Seasons chain. They might not notice yet, as I have never stayed in one, but believe me I never will after reading that. :(

  6. Hey Anouska - a girl's gotta do something while her car is in the operating theatre... I was absolutely appalled when I heard how the Four Seasons had treated Jake - I can't imagine Jake angry (except in Jarhead) but they would have had it coming. Of course, I didn't stay in the Four Seasons myself in Toronto but Jake was seen running in - maybe to have another go at the management. Yep, a boycott is in order :(

  7. Maybe he was running in to nick someone else's room, heh :)

  8. Well, I think George was there that night ;)

  9. Blimey, WDW, when you say you are going to do something, you do it! Wonderfully insightful and fascinating post about a film that I have, like others, only seen once and would see again only for Jake playing the drums, and for Jake saying "I'm a little drunk". Just to annoy Gwyneth. Sorry, but what is her problem? "I don't have "drunk" friends"? What?!!! I didn't quite get the link from her implying Jake was miscast to talking about her non-drunk friends.

    I didn't know anything about the Four Seasons fiasco. Poor Jake, I bet he was mightily pissed off and I wouldn't blame him. I admired the journalist's take on the situation (and also his summary of BBM) and of Jake's reaction to it.

    I liked John Madden's appreciation of Jake, and that he had "flawlessly memorised" the script. I could just imagine that.

    Lots to think about here. Thanks again WDW, I can see how it must have taken you a really did work hard, and it shows. I hope you are drinking lots of wine, because you deserve it.

  10. Thanks Christie :D Oh I'd forgotten that line 'I'm a little drunk' - maybe that was adlib ;) I don't know how someone can not have drunk friends - not ever? It's my work Christmas party on Monday - glad GP's not going...

    John Madden's feelings about Jake really shine out and he clearly just wanted Jake for the part, like so many of Jake's directors do. I imagine that the experience of working with Madden is what Jake was able to take away from Proof and I'm sure it'll stand him in goodstead.

    Jake did have nice things to say about Gwyneth at the Oscars this year, I remember. Saying how beautiful she was with her hair swept to one sight.

    I've just finished one glass and abut to have another - don't tell Gwynnie...

  11. WDW I am also very impressed that you pulled off a terrific "feature article" while waiting for yr car to be fixed. I had to hang around the phone waiting for a few calls, which exhausted me. I hate waiting around. Although I did do Christmas cards, first time in a few years.

    Im enjoying Jake's reflections upon what is it, to be an actor. Actors have genereally not had stature as "artists" in the way painters, singers, writers, etc., have had - and yet they are called to let life, art, humanity, spirit, etc. flow through them in the same way.

    Gwyneth is a trip, alright, IMO, although you are fair towards her, WDW - and how DO you say "pasta" in the English way? I assume Baysil is Bahsil.

    Im gonna take a nap, from all that waiting. see you later.

  12. Hi Positively Pia - I was hanging around for hours today so yet again no Christmas shopping done...

    Jake's reflections on acting, as he discovers how he wants to be, are so fascinating to me. He is also extraordinarily lucky to be gifted in a career that is so fulfilling to him - not all of us have that. He takes from acting what he puts in.

    Pasta and Basil 'in English' rhyme with how Americans would say faster and dazzle. :)

  13. Wow! That's a great post WDW, well done for putting all that time and effort into it, bearing in mind how you feel about Proof. It's not exactly my favourite either, but trust you to look for the positives in it:) The only positive I've evr found in it is that Jake looks gorgeous;)
    I don/t really have much of a problem with Gwyneth Paltrow but I just found her character in Proof so whiny and irritating, I couldn't believe that Jake's character would be interested in her and I just couldn't feel at all bothered about her which is probably why I couldn't get into the film at all. I've often thought I should give it the benefit of the doubt and watch it again but then I think, why waste time watching Proof when I could be watching BBM, or Jarhead or Donnie Darko? Oh well, I bought the DVD so I'm sure no-one involved is bothered if I watch it or not;) And yeah, life must be a real barrel of laughs chez Paltrow. Maybe she SHOULD get drunk once in a while, it might loosen her up a bit;)

  14. Hey TL - Maybe we should take her out for a drink... Glad you liked the post. I wanted to see if my feelings about Proof were merited or not and I tend to think they are. I'm such a fan of Jake primarily because of his films and his incredible acting ability and I would never want to be so tunnel visioned that I couldn't see when one film did nothing for me. I want to understand why. I much prefer Bubble Boy. This remind me, I need to watch Highway again...

  15. Maybe we should take her out for a drink... thanks! You're right about not being blinkered about Jake's films, I worship the ground he walks on but I'd like to think I'm honest enough to say if I didn't like one of his films or his performance. Luckily for us, he doesn't give us much cause to complain;) I've been meaning to watch Highway again too, so I might just stick it on. I love it that Jake says my name in it,even if it's not in the context I would wish for;)

  16. We're very lucky TL! Because there's a real mix. When I watch Highway I'll listen out for Jake saying 'Twisted' ;)

  17. *sigh* drumming with tongue. Thanks WDW. Sleepy now will catch up in the am. xxx

  18. Well, it's a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment but it makes me go all tingly;) I know it's sad, I don't care!

  19. Hey Ruby - I know how much you love that scene :D Jake is, without doubt, a very energetic drummer! Speak to you tomorrow *)

    I'm gonna listen out for it TL. Ironically, hearing Jake say 'Catherine' in Proof does little for me, even though that's my full (but never used) name. There's just no chemistry behind it.

  20. I've read this post with intense interest, WDW. Excellent. I had no idea the 4 Seasons was such a third rate operation. nasty small little people. I am totally sympathetic.
    As for Proof, and "what went wrong with Proof?" I for one do not think Jake was miscast as Harold Dobbs. In fact, Antony Hopikins and Jake, along with Hope Davis did a very excellent job. For me the problem with Proof, was Proof...and John Madden and his muse, Gwynnie. I do not think some pieces translate well from one medium to another. Proof, I believe, played to mixed reviews on the London stage. It wasn't a massive hit. But plz correct me if I am wrong on that. Suffice to say, I think it didn't work on screen as a film. Especially in John Madden's hands. And yes, I know who John Madden is. Shakespeare In Love, etc. I think Gwyneth demonstrated a complete lack of range. Her performance was exceptionally lacking in nuance. Jake had nothing to do with the fact that I felt no empathy for Catherine at all. And I should have. Catherine's character was drawn for sympathy. And the revelation that she wrote the proof could have been a stellar piece of acting for everyone involved. When Dobbs craps out on her, that should have been just wrneching. We should have felt the sense of betrayal and the devastation and the loneliness. Instead, I wanted to just walk out. GP played Catherine all wrong. And John Madden is singularly responsible for that, and for the failure of Proof. Not only do I not hear Jake mention Proof much at all, I get an impression that Jake would probably be delighted to work with Ang, or Gavin, or definitely Sam Mendes and David Fincher again. But I don't think he ever loses a night's sleep wondering if he will get another call from John Madden. I would bet that the one thing Jake probably treasures from the experience is working with Anthony Hopkins. IMNVHO.LOL!

  21. Hey WDW! I love the name Catherine,it's TL Jr's mddle name:) Btw, do we know any of the characters' names in Brothers yet?

  22. Great comment Bobbyanna - I absolutely agree that when we'r supposed to feel sympathy for Catherine and share in the triumph of her proof, I feel nothing but boredom and want Hal to get right out of there. I disagree about Shakespeare in Love as I really enjoyed that film but I do agree that Proof is one of those projects that just didn't translate to the screen - although to be honest I doubt I would have lasted watching the whole play with Gwyneth in it. Jake's affection for Anthony Hopkins is clear in the pictures and vice versa. I'm sure Jake was ever ready to listen to anythink Anthony might suggest, like Dustin Hoffmann earlier.

    I'm glad we didn't waste much time on the Four Seasons in Toronto by the way. It didn't have that good of a reputation when we were in town!

  23. I don't know TL - but I know in the original batalie's character is Sarah, Tobey's is Michael and Jake's is Jannik - but that is ALL I want to know about the original :D

  24. Thanks WDW:) I wonder if they'll change the names from the original cos, for reasons I'll never understand, they seem to do that a lot with TV prgrammes from here that get re-made in the US, like Queer As Folk and The Office. But that's as much as I want to know too:)

  25. Oh, WDW! Sorry for my lack of clarity, but I adored Shakespeare In Love. It remains one of my favorites! Joeseph Fiennes, Colin Firth, Judith Dench, Tom Wilkinson, Rupert Everett...Ben Affleck...what's not to love about SIL!!! I simply meant I knew JM's work.

  26. Hey TL Who knows. But in a way, I'd prefer not to know. I want Jake's Brothers to be entirely apart from the 'original'.

    Hi Bobbyanna - sorry for misreading that - Shakespeare in Love is a pure delight in my book (I loved the Marlowe subplot especially as he was my favourite at university). Such a cast! You're making me wwant to watch it again, be good if Jake were in that - with breeches and a quill pen.

    Off to bed now so g'night everyone and I'll catch up with you in the morning :D

  27. I love you all and I'm sorry but I just can't comment right now, I'm having a moment.

  28. Oh CWG - hope you're OK :\ Take care and speak to me tomorrow... *

  29. Thanks WDW for caring, just some stuff, I'll be ok, just thought I'd be able to say something here. I'm sure it's nothing anyone else hasn't been thru. Talk tomorrow.

  30. Oh, I'm one of those who loved Proof, and Gwyneth's performance, and Jake's, and Anthony Hopkins' performances. Actually, I haven't met a Jake film I haven't liked! I'm crazy about Bubble Boy. I feel that nothing you do is ever a true mistake; you can always learn and take something away from something you've worked on, even if you don't personally consider it your best work. Since I loved Brokeback so much, I really enjoy watching Jake's prior films and how they have all contributed to his growth as an actor.

    I thought Gwyneth did a wonderful job as a daughter overwhelmed by her father's illness and death, and resulting depression. I could really feel and empathize with her. Her character's being slightly off-putting and unfeeling really made me feel that she was suffering from depression. I have to think back because it's been awhile since I've seen it, but some of the standouts: I loved Jake's youthful professor's assistant - the only thing that stretched the bounds of my credulity just a teensy bit was how gorgeous he was, but hey, I adjusted to that quickly. Who wouldn't. ;)

    Of course, the love scene between them was one of Jake's most beautiful and touching - the expression on his face, and Catherine's bursting into tears of emotional release after keeping her feelings so bottled up inside, and not allowing herself to feel for so long, were so beautifully done and real. Jake is truly gifted in having the ability to convey so much through his facial expressions.

    I have to agree as well, Shakespeare in Love is one of my favorite romantic films ever, and it's also quite amusing, and I've often thought Jake would be wonderful in such a role.

    I'm also just appalled at the treatment Jake received at The Four Seasons in Toronto. Just awful.

    I just got back from seeing No Country For Old Men, and let me tell you, it's very powerful. I'm still feeling a little stunned by it. Javier Bardem is amazing in it, you are at the same time drawn to and repelled by him.

  31. Great info.You find such great stuff, Kate. Can't believe the hotel treated Jake like that. jeez. I didn't much care for Proof, but I watch it occasionally just for Jake. Thanks for this post. B.

  32. Hi dear Kate, 3AM...
    I just woke up to ice rain hitting my window, so I decided to come right over; and am I ever glad I did. This post is totally fantastic.:)
    Proof is in my DVD library, but only because Jake is in it. I can remember walking by a marquee on E. 86th street, seeing his name, thinking about going in, and then deciding not to. Proof is the only Jake film I missed on the big screen.

    I never thought about Jake mentioning Proof less than some of his other movies but you're right...he doesn't mention it nearly as much as he does TGG, BBM or some the others.

    I like Proof well enough...I screen capped some of the love scenes...just not as much as some of his other movies.

    I'll bet the Four Seasons Hotel bosses were kicking themselves for a long time, when they found out how badly they had treated an up and coming actor, especially one who was being celebrated all over Toronto for his role in movie BBM .

    My 2000 heartthrob, Russell Crowe, would have been seriously awful to everyone involved in that hotel fiasco...Jake is amazing.
    back soon,

  33. Oh, my! Once again I feel I must defend Proof — AND Gwyneth. Much of what follows I posted elsewhere, but I feel compelled to repeat it, for what it’s worth.

    I have experienced deep, clinical depression myself and, IMO, Gwyneth nailed it perfectly — the buried emotions, the dead eyes, the lack of facial expressions, the impatience, the repressed anger at her father and for the loss of her own youth to caring for him. I felt everything Catherine was trying desperately not to feel. She had the look of a deer caught in the headlights one moment, then suddenly she would strike out like a lioness protecting her young. I recognized that bottomless hole Catherine was in and the elusive light above, shrinking fast. Brilliant performance, in my view!

    Hope Davis was a revelation to me — another incredible actress! Her Claire was perfect. I wanted so badly to just slap her! But at the same time, I could see where she was coming from, especially when we learn of her financial contributions over the years to the care, ultimately, of Robert. And the brief scene where Claire tries to comfort Catherine is quite touching, and revealing.

    Of all the characters, I believe Hal was the most difficult to play, and Jake came through quite well. Hal could have come across as a boring geek, but Jake gave him a genuine warmth that is endearing and very believable. Some may question what Hal sees in the very difficult Catherine, but they do have a lot in common — high intelligence, intense interest in mathematics, deep love and respect for Robert. And there is always the mystery of simple physical attraction! Also, I do believe Hal’s persistence is an essential trait for any mathematician.

    Proof certainly isn’t for everyone, but the intelligent dialog and excellent performances make it one of my absolute favorites. OK, so I’m weird — I accept that!

  34. Wow. That was a great report WDW. I have to say that Proof is my least favourite Jake film too. I have only watched it once...although I've seen one or two scenes more than bad.

    I think Jake himself played his role as perfectly as any other I have seen. I just couldn't get emotionally engaged in the story itself. Personally I did think that Jake and Gwyneth lacked chemistry, and the story being what it was, with her character so complex, I think that was a crucial element that was missing, and something Jake could do nothing about.

    I think his acting was as excellent as it always is. I have never seen a bad performance by Jake.

    I have never read much about it either, and had thought that maybe it was because I hadn't personally been looking for it. But now that you have mentioned it, it is quite clear that Jake himself hardly ever refers to it. Which brings me to the title of your piece today..and one of Jake's gems IMO. "Why not do what you really think, even if it's a mistake" Well said Jake. Not that I'm saying Proof WAS a mistake or that Jake thinks it is, I just like what he's saying here.

    Speaking of God! Did the person who made the decision to evict Jake from his room in The Four Seasons not make an absolutely MASSIVE one? No wonder Jake was furious, I can hardly believe they did it! I certainly hadn't heard that story before. The icing on the cake was making Jake prove his identity before they gave him his belongings back, no wonder he cancelled some interviews...I doubt he was in a good frame of mind!

    I adored it too, that Jake came word perfect to the filming of Proof but put forward his own views on how he thought his character should be. That sounds just how I would imagine Jake to be. Very professional, very prepared, but also with ideas very much his own.

    I loved what Jake said about BBM ( which IS my favourite ever Jake film ) ".....It's a story about love, that's our clear intention through the whole thing. It's not a story about sex."' And boy did they succeed with that. That film delivered the message about Love more powerfully than any other film I have ever seen. Beautifully done, and they completely succeeded in their goal.

    I loved what Peter Sarsguard said too, about Jake while he was filming Jarhead, traveling the distance between boyhood and manhood. I think in some ways we can see that ourselves. I also loved what Ang Lee had to say of Jake and his innocence, you can just see the affection he has for Jake. I can't go without saying I adore Jake even more for his comment about "not being intersted in not showing my faults any more, I don't want to pretend to be something....." ....Oh I just love him EXACTLY the way he is..sigh..

    I'm sorry I've gone on! But this was such an interesting post...not to mention the very interesting comments of the other Jaker's here, which I loved as much as the post! It's all given me a lot to think on this Sunday morning...Thank You all!!

  35. Forgot to say GREAT POST, WDW! Sorry for my going on above, but I'm a Libra and try to see as many sides as possible. :-)

    By the way, when I first saw Proof I didn't know Jake from a hole in the ground, even though I'd seen at least October Sky by then. Hard to believe now.

  36. Morning everyone on a beautiful sunny day in Blighty! :) I completely overslept....

    Thanks so much for these great comments and for the time and consideration you put into reading the post and responding to it - I really appreciate that - please imagine me now handing round the chocolates to say thanks. I'm also very pleased to see the support for Gwyneth because I'm well aware that a film can mean countless things to different people and in some a film can just trigger something. For instance, with me it's the opening moments and music of Zodiac.

    CWG take your time and take it easy *)

    Hi Bertie - it's a good point that being so hooked on BBM gave many of us the pleasure of going back in time and revisiting or watching for the first time Jake's earlier films. I was confused initially by the three films of 2005 as Jarhead barely made the screens where I live and Proof not at all, so I was unsure of the order. There isn't another film of Jake's that I don't completely enjoy - I loved BBoy, as does Mr WDW!

    It's interesting to hear your perspecive on Proof's love scene as it's so different from mine. I suppose part of this is because I just see Jake and not Hal.

    I'm glad you enjoyed No Country for Old Men. I've not been to the pictures since Rendition as I've had no time at all. I must make amends for that in the New Year.

    Thanks LG - glad you liked the post and have joined the Four Seasons Boycott! Good to see you *)

    Hey Sass - sounds chilly :( It's outrageous how the hotel treated Jake - completely oblivious to the fact that Jake was in thee film of the festival. Not that they should treat anyone like that. I can't imagine how angry I'd be. I'd have done more than cancel a few interviews. Russell woud have thrown things!!

    Hi Beckela - thanks so much for that, and for defending Gwyneth who clearly spoke to you with her Catherine. One thing I did like about the film was Hope - she was excellent. I hope you get something special in the post soon :)

    Morning Rosie I think that was it with me as well, I didn't emotionally connect with Catherine, I wasn't too keen on the Anthony Hopkins character and the mathematical world is not one I have an empathy with - not for want of trying!

    I'm glad you liked the title of the post - it seemed appropriate as well as being one of those wonderful things Jake says and I treasure. I so enjoyed some ofthe quotes in these articles today, by Jake, Ang and Peter. I definitely agree that I wouldn't change a single thing about Jake :)

  37. Morning everyone, thanks WDW for your support, you know they say when you cry it's because it's letting go off resistence so I guess that's what i was doing last nite. But, now I'm feeling better :)

    Why is it that Daniel Craig, Matthew McConoughey, Brad Pitt, and Russell Crowe do NOTHING for me? David Becham, well that's another story, he's the perfect male creature, second to Jake and Heath of course :)

  38. I loved what Jake said about BBM ( which IS my favourite ever Jake film ) ".....It's a story about love, that's our clear intention through the whole thing. It's not a story about sex."' And boy did they succeed with that. That film delivered the message about Love more powerfully than any other film I have ever seen. Beautifully done, and they completely succeeded in their goal.

    Rosiet, I so agree with you - Brokeback Mountain says more about love to me than any film I have ever seen either. Feelings of love are the same for any two people. :)

  39. G'morning everybody! Eight a.m. in Los Alamos, fourteen degrees F., brrr, but clear as a bell. Do I assume correctly that films stick pretty much to schedule when it comes to sites?

    CWG, you are back, and I hope everybody in northeast USA is okay, it's a mean day with snow and ice, though not unkind as man's ingratitude, haha, I know lines from other scripts besides BBMt and Donnie Darko and Casablanca.

    Great and pithy comments, thanks esp., Beckela, for your view of Proof, you have persuaded me to view the only J film Ive ignored.

    Everything Jake seems to affect my psyche. This makes me giggle. I dreamed last night about being put in inappropriate hotel room - and made a fuss about it to the concierge - my complaints were heard and attended.

  40. Yay, Pia! Do let us know your take on Proof. The fact that so many folks dislike Gwyneth as Catherine proves to me that she did an extraordinary job. Catherine isn't supposed to be likable, let alone lovable!

  41. ^^I agree, Beckela. :)

  42. Hi Pia, yes it is cold and snowy for sure. I was supposed to go skiing but I can't seem to get my kids motivated...too cold.

    Hey WDW do you share the same birthday with Jake? Sounds like the two of you are pretty close.

  43. Hi everyone, glad to see you all :) I was just given a voucher to buy whiskey with :D

    I'm very glad you're feeling a bit better CWG - I get like that all the time so love to you *)

    Good to see you Bertie :)

    Great dream Pia - I hope you gave them what's what.

    Hi Beckela - my main problem with Catherine isn't with the character or script, it's with Gwyneth's clear (to me) longing to get the job done with as quickly as possible. I'm as bored by her portrayal of Catherine as I think she was doing it. It is interesting how it can be read in different ways :D

  44. Hey CWG my birthday is on New Year's Eve :( You may hear nothing from me that day except drunken hiccups of despair :(

  45. Hey everyone! Proof, thought it was interesting and saw it once. I thought Jake was very charming and I don't have to many problems with Gwyneth. Even though she does come off a bit of a snob in that Guardian interview. I also like Anthony Hopkns. I don't love or hate the film. It was okay but not a terribly memorable film. Ranks the same as TDAT. Otherwise, I love all of Jake's other films. :) I love hearing everyone's varying opinions.

    I had heard some things about Jake's horrible treatment from the Four Seasons but I had never heard the whole story. Wow, how awful of them. Totally unprofessional and Jake had every right to be pissed. I have been to that hotel during TIFF and it is surprisingly old fashioned for a FS. Glad he stayed somewhere else this year. A hotel that treated him properly.

    Thanks to the Gyllenbabble blog this October Jake and Chelsea Clinton sighing has been spotted!

    Hugs to you CWG

  46. It is interesting how it can be read in different ways. Ain't THAT the truth. And that's a good thing, actually. Life would be very boring otherwise!

  47. ETA: at the GB link there is also a really cool interview CC did with Jake

    Hugs to you WDW re your birthday.

  48. Sorry the last link got messed up. HERE

  49. Hey WDW!

    I found a Jake? pic on the net. I'm wondering if it's a manip (here) or the real deal? If it is the real thing, could you please point me in the direction of the video for it (I'm assuming that it does have a video because it does have TV Guide down there in the picture).


    Gasp! How can Four Seasons treat THE GYLLEN that way? Clearly, they have no idea who they are dealing with.

    As for Proof, personally, I didn't really like it as much as the other features of 2005, but the fact it had Jake makes it okay in my book. Jake as a geeky mathematician. Lol. The thought makes me smile. So if Jake is horrible at math, does anyone know what he did major in at Columbia? I've been curious for a while.

  50. Hi Haalin! That yummy pic is from the documentary that's on the special edition dvd of Jarhead - it was taken in the moments before Jake got that jarhead cut!

    I believe Jake studied Tibetan Buddhism and eastern religion and philosophy (taught by Uma Thurman's father) and literature.

  51. Thanks for the quick reply WDW!

    OMG Jake's smile is so INFECTIOUS in that picture! Makes me want to smile myself!

  52. ahhh, I love that moment in the Jarhead doc... "I'm OK". :D

    I have very little to add to the interesting discussion about Proof - thanks everyone. To me it felt very much like a play put to screen. I had no real interest in seeing it when it came out, the only reason I did was to complete the Jake ouvre in my collection. Did like Jake drumming though. :D

  53. Hi again one more time,

    I forgot to post earlier, that I had lunch, in a cafe at Lincoln Center, NY, near three actors who were rehearsing Proof. They told us they were getting ready to go onstage later in the week/month.

    What a fantastic experience.

    love this site, now and at 0300:)

  54. Bertie and Beckela - I agree completely with your comments about "Proof". Besides my short comments from Dec 12, there is not much more I can add - you both expressed so well how I feel about the film. And I do love the love scene. The way he looks at her, says her name and touches her face - that kind of tenderness is very sexy. :-)

    This quote from John Madden...

    "“One of the qualities that one’s grateful for in Jake is that he’s extraordinarily appealing even when he’s doing something that is such an immense disappointment. It’s quite important to have an actor who doesn’t immediately forfeit the audience’s sympathy . . . obviously the story is on the side of Catherine, but it’s an interesting balance of where the audience awards their sympathy at a given moment."

    made me wonder, is the lack of sympathy for Catherine (from some) due in part to this appealing quality of Jake's?

    He displayed this same quality in Donnie Darko. When he calls his mother a bitch, we don't hate him for it. Just wondering...

  55. Hey everyone - so glad to see this discussion continuing, despite the new post - thank you :D

    Hi Ruby - I agre it did feel like a play, one that Gwyneth had acted over and over before and felt like she could do it in her sleep. I did like the drumming scene though :D

    Hey Sass that's cool! Was that recently?

    That's a great point Neely - Jake's attractiveness (and I don't just mean physically) means that he does take the sympathy. When we're supposed to feel for Catherine, I don't.

  56. Oooh, I am sooo late commenting on your „Wow-you-did-a-Proof-post“ post!

    Hehe, Jake‘s quote about feeling good when walking out of Ang Lee movies and him thinking that it will be the same with BBM made me laugh… Hm, Jake, I am not sure if "feeling good" really describes the condition many of us were in when we walked out of BBM... "Devastated" is more like it...

    I am a bit undecided regarding Proof. It is definitely not one of my favourite Jake movies. It‘s not the Gwynneth effect, though. But most of the times I felt kind of distant to the characters.
    Jake is cute and all and, well, um, the love scene was something else (the way he breathes - OMG! Insert embarrassed smiley, LOL), but in some moments even Jake felt a bit off, I thought.
    Looking objectively at it I think „Proof is probably a good movie“, but it didn‘t really get to my heart somehow…

    I liked the reviews you posted... ;)

    LOL at the "What went wrong?" review... Imagine Raquel Welsh playing Adrian in Rocky… get it?'

    And although the Guardian article wasn't really nice to anyone involved in the movie, it was a very good read - very funny! Especially the smoke coming out of their ears and Gwynneth's look as a result of trying to subtract 17 from 20...

    Re: Gwynneth's interview with the Guardian... I have to admit that I found it cool, that she didn't seem to care if anybody likes her or not. ;). She really didn‘t come across as the nicest of all people…
    But, um, I have to admit a few things...
    - I have never been drunk in my entire life - and I doubt that I will ever be, since there is not much alcohol I actually like...
    - I guess you could say, that I am one of those people who don't really have drunk (RL) friends...
    - Regarding what she says about drinking at parties... I have to admit, sometimes I find it a bit weird that seem to have to apologize and explain yourself for not drinking…
    But in case we meet one day, maybe you can help me to get at least a bit tipsy - not sure if I want to know how it feels to be really drunk… :D)

    I will join you in the boycott of Four Seasons by the way - not sure if they will really notice me boycotting them, though…I also have never stayed in one…
