Here are the pictures of Jake, Tobey, Tobey's wife Jennifer Meyer, their daughter Ruby and Jennifer's father Ron Meyer, the head of Universal Studios. (I'm loving the chemistry here between Jake and Ruby - and what a lovely name.)

Maggie's in the Metro
Another welcome surprise today was opening my copy of the London paper, Metro, on the tube and finding Maggie as the focus of the 60 Second interview. This is because today marks the release of SherryBaby on DVD in the UK. It's very pleasant to hear Maggie had a good time in London filming The Dark Knight and is keen to return to the city to make more movies - we would certainly love to see her here. Also, Maggie is asked about those comments of Jonathan Rhys Meyers (complaining about actresses refusing to take their clothes off in a film), which produced steam from both my ears. It's no surprise that Maggie can't foresee a time at the moment when she may work with Jake again - these are two separate, hugely talented individuals. Here is the full interview:

Why did you do SherryBaby?
It was an exceptional script. It was very real in the way that real human beings do things you wouldn’t imagine. I made it quite a long time ago and was drawn to the fact I didn’t know how I was going to do it, it seemed like a challenge. I’m so glad I did it, though, as it turned out to be about what I hope all my movies are about: someone whom it would be easy to judge but who the audience is invited to love despite how messed up she is.
Is it tedious to promote something you did so long ago?
I know getting involved in a teeny independent movie about someone like Sherry is going to take up many years of my life. It's not like doing a move like World Trade Centre. I had to promote that film but with Sherry Baby I had to help get it sold, distributed and advertised. A lot is on my shoulders and I'm really the only one who can go out and sell it. I have to be part of that. It's not like it's come as a surprise.

You've said you had a stormy relationship with the director, why was that?
We shot the movie in five weeks which is a very short time and I was in every moment of every scene so I was working very hard. I felt I was Sherry at the time, I didn't mean to but I started to. I worked long hours, fell asleep with my clothes on, woke up and went to work again. I was very stubborn and it was hard to have a civilised conversation with me because I was being Sherry. We also had a fundamental disagreement about who she was, I wouldn't back down on my opinion. Sometimes an actress knows more about the character she's playing than anyone else can know. I felt the only way that the movie would work would be if Sherry was someone who felt she was getting out of jail and going to be a great mother, which makes the obstacles she has to overcome all the more heartbreaking. Looking back though I must have been a fucking handful.

There are several sex scenes in the film. Are they difficult to do?
I don’t find them so. It depends on what the person I’m playing in the scene is feeling. With objectivity you can see how sad those scenes are but she wasn’t feeling that way when she was having sex with those people. It’s my job as an actress to figure out how it was something she wanted, otherwise it plays that she’s being victimised. You don’t want to hit the audience over the head with that.
Jonathan Rhys Meyers said that actresses who won’t go nude should have their ears cut off. Do you agree?
It’s different for everybody as to how people use their bodies in their work and I don’t make any judgments about it. Sex scenes can be an incredible way of communicating something. The hardest sex scene for me would be if I had to be someone’s fantasy of beauty and sexiness – that’s a lot of pressure, ha ha. It’s better to be somebody real and do a sex scene.

I never put together agreeing to do an Agent Provocateur campaign with standing around in my underwear.
Is your Batman character a damsel in distress?
There are moments of that. Chris Nolan, the director, would joke about how I had to resign myself to being a little bit of a damsel in distress but he pushed me in other ways to make her a powerful character. I play a lawyer and have real relationships with the people I’m interacting with in the movie. She’s very smart and a real rounded person. Of course, if you’re the girl in Batman, you’re going to be a damsel in distress to some extent but she’s a really great character. So many people I play are a mess; Rachel’s really clear about what’s important to her and unwilling to compromise her morals, which made a nice change.
Did you have a favourite superhero as a child?
Wonder Woman was around when I was a kid. I wasn’t that into superheroes, though.
How did you get the Agent Provocateur ad campaign?
They asked me to do it and I said yes, but somehow I never put that together with the fact I’d have to stand around in my underwear getting my picture taken. The pictures are very tongue-in-cheek and have an irony about them, it’s not the same as doing a Victoria’s Secret ad. I felt like I was playing a character, someone who wasn’t me.

Were you happy with how the pictures came out?
I really was. I was looking at them with Peter [her partner, fellow actor Peter Sarsgaard], saying: ‘I don’t think I look like that, that underwear really is good!’ I couldn’t believe how it made me look. The whole thing was a pleasure to do. When they came out, though, I was a bit surprised. Somehow I hadn’t understood that there’d be all these pictures of me out there in my underwear. I did it as an art project.

Will you work with your brother Jake again?
Maybe at some point. We don’t have any plans to do anything now.
What are you up to next?
I loved shooting Batman in London, so I’m thinking of doing a couple of films there. I ate at so many good restaurants. I loved walking around with my family. I saw an incredible exhibition at the Tate Modern and just loved the city. Where we stayed we could walk down the street and visit the butcher and the baker. It’s not really like that in New York.
And, finally
Talking of Maggie - she and Peter attended the Film Critics Circle Awards yesterday in New York City yesterday and she looked simply stunning (and Peter didn't look bad either).

Includes pictures from IHJ, Agent Provocateur and here. Interview from the Metro.
Can I just say - my Zodiac Director's Cut arrived today!
'chemistry between Jake and Ruby'
ReplyDeleteHow I like the sound of that! ;-)
Nice Maggie interview too. I thought she looked great in the Agent Provocateur ads - old school glam.
Hey Ruby - thought you'd like that!
ReplyDeleteI love the Agent Provacateur pics of Maggie so beautiful and sexy but as you say in an old fashioned way. I'm sure Peter liked them too :D
I'm wallowing in the Zodiac commentary right now - I am mush :D
Here's a quote of when Maggie attended the New York Film Critics Circle Awards:
ReplyDelete"Maggie Gyllenhaal presented a cinematography award to There Will Be Blood's Robert Elswit, who she said is an old family friend. “I’ve known Robert Elswit since I was a little girl”, Gyllenhaal told the crowd at Spotlight Live. “My mom reminded me last night that he snuck into the delivery room and hid in a closet to take pictures of my brother being born.” So those would be the first naked photos of Jake Gyllenhaal."
If my memory serves me, Robert Elswit is Maggie and Jake's uncle supposedly right? If so, perhaps maybe Maggie didn't feel it proper to disclose that info publicly. Very nice that Maggie was there to present the award, and Maggie and Peter look adorable as always!
Hi Jantoinette! Good to see you. I saw that quote earlier :D They look wonderful - I love how natural Maggie looks.
ReplyDeletewow... that's quick! i mean your Zodiac copy! They notified me that it was despatched last Friday/sat, so I am hoping sometime this week. fingers crossed :)
ReplyDeleteThat ad picture of Maggie is gorgeous!
i noticed that Jake was wearing his favourite khaki in those pictures... i am thinking maybe he has 10 pairs of them. you know i normally don't go for guys in wool cardigan or windbreaker, but Jake managed to be the exception and make them look like sexy-wear.
Hi Winterbird - so quick! and I'm thrilled. The whole colour of the film looks different, and I just love to listen to Jake.
ReplyDeleteJake looks great in this stuff! I love the jacket. never been so keen on the khakis but I'll make an exception :D
it's nice how you mix Jake and news about Maggie too. I would hate for one sibling to overshadow the other they are both good actors.
ReplyDeleteI have not seen Sherrybaby I should rent it out.
Thanks Kate
Trekfan :D
Hi Trekfan - I'm a big fan of Maggie so it's great to see her in a UK newspaper. SherryBaby is not easy viewing. It wasn't for me, but I'm glad I saw it. And the soundtrack was wonderful.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's all very nice for Tobey, having Jake stop by for a chat with him but what I want to know is why are they in LA and not Santa Fe? Those topless shaving scenes won't film themselves, Jake!! I wonder if that Dec 2009 release date is going to turn out to be right?:(
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interview with Maggie, WDW! She always comes across really well. I really want to see Sherrybaby, as it sounds like just the kind of heartbreaking, angsty kind of thing I like, but I'll probably keep putting it off until it's on TV, like with Candy.
And Maggie loooks great in those new pics - I love her hair!
Hi TL - well, it was a Sunday - I'm counting on them beig back to work right now, doing all the scenes we've written for them ;) If you like Candy, you'll like SherryBaby, and if you like angst... Maggie's hair looks beautiful :D
ReplyDeleteHey WDW! Ok, I'll let him off then, I suppose even sex god movie stars are entitled to a day off. Who knows, he could be all wet and towel clad as we speak!
ReplyDeleteI will definitely watch Sherrybaby at some point, t's just a case of plucking up the courage.
I forgot to say earlier, what Maggie says about sex scenes being "an incredible way of communicating something", made me think of BBM, particularly what Ang said about SNIT being about Jack and Ennis commiting to each other. It struck me as ironic that both Jake and Maggie are known for films with "controversial" sex scenes in them but both BBM and Secretary's sex scenes are perfect examples of how to make it appear realistic and credible without being titillating.
Glad you got your Zodiac DVD, btw! Hopefully mine won't be long, but I'm having "issues" with the postal service atm so I'm not holding my breath:(
You're watching Zodiac already...oh the bliss, looking at extra's...sigh...and another pleasant surprise that was, opening the paper and seeing a Maggie Gyllenahaal interveiw! You've got all the luck today WDW...
ReplyDeleteNow, what shall I dream of tonight..( apart from Zodiac arriving in the post ) Oh I know...queueing at my local greasy spoon, suddenly hearing a screech of tyres, as I grab my suasage sandwich...yep that'll do for me...night, night...
Good for you getting your Zodiac DVD! Hope it's wonderful.
ReplyDeleteGreat pics and great interview with Maggie. I admire her a lot. I find her interesting and clever, and also really normal when she's interviewed.
TL, Sherrybaby is a hard watch, as WDW said, but it's a great little film. Very uncompromising and Sherry is not always likeable, but Maggie makes you want to keep watching, her performance is compelling. She's a very sad and angry person.
Loved the pics of her and Peter, her hair looks different, makes her face look different, in a good way.
I agree TL - Secretary and BBM just twisted the conventions and made it so real for us all and so relevant. And there's more of that in Sherrybaby. I hope your postage issues get sorted - you need to get your DVD!
ReplyDeleteHi Rosie - I've benen very lucky today! And it was very nice of a friend at work to save me another copy of Maggie's interview. The commentary to Zodiac is amazing, humorous and respectful to the film, and coming up with things I never realised. But of course the highlight are the moments where it's just Jake and Robrt DJ. But, it's strange. We know the commentary was recorded just a few days before Cannes and yet Jake's there with the funny voices, giggles and cheekiness that he had during the Bubble Boy commentary! He is just hysterical and RDJ responds in kind. I wish there was more of them but what there is I love :D
That's a great dream! The mercedes screching to a stop outside - sausage sandwich in a greasy spoon?... hmmm. Maybe Jake would like that?
Hi Christie - we were posting at the same time :) Maggie's hair looks so great - I love the natural look - and well, Peter is just lovely. That's a good description of Sherry. I have to say that I was extremely downhearted after that film and required Anouska and Ruby to pump me full of wine and cocktails to cheer me up. But I'm glad I saw it- I never liked the character though and I think that was a real skill of Maggie's, to make us care about what happens to her whilst keeping our distance.
ReplyDeleteLOl at Rosie's dream!:D Hope it comes true for you;)
ReplyDeleteHey Christie, what you say about how "Sherry is not always likeable, but Maggie makes you want to keep watching", is exactly how I felt about Heath and his character in Candy, so I know I'll "enjoy" (not the right word but you know what I mean) Sherrybaby but I have to be in the right frame of mind. Atm I'm too scared to finish reading The Kite Runner!
And WDw - you're turning into a bigger tease than Jake;) I want to hear that commentary so much!!
hey TL! I'll be quiet now - just tell Jake to stop giggling will you? Off to find more booze...
ReplyDeleteI believe Robert Elswit is one of Jake's oft mentioned godfathers. OMG pix of Jake being born, that explains everything, Jake's relationship to a camera, he thot it was his mom.
ReplyDeleteHow I love Maggie - smart, funmy, gorgeous - and Jake's sis. Irony abounds in those two. Peter who seems such a mensch must be a good balance.
I guess I have a taste for the tragical side of life, my favorite author when I was a teenager was Dostoevsky. Candy and Sherrybaby are just up my alley. I found both films honest and incredibly moving.
I am gathering that the Zodiac Jake/RDJ convo is not commentary throughout the film oh well cant have everything.
love seeing pictures of Jake and Maggie together. I so much wanted a brother. I kinda have one, as a friend, I should stop squawking, but Jake/Maggie is something else.
almost as gorgeous as Jake/Heath.
yes well I hope the bros are back in N.M. at work where they belong.
Hey Pia - love the camera comment :D The Jake/RDJ commentary isn't all the way through but the other guys are very interesting too. I've read Doestoevsky too and I don't think I could now. So these films aren't really for me, but I do try :) Jake's films, or at least most of them, for whatever reason, speak my language, whatever that might me.
ReplyDeleteJake! Stop giggling!! And WDW, stop winding me up!!
ReplyDeleteThe gyllengiggle - Ive watched the Cannes video on the German site a number of times for the wonderful laughter in the throat that Jake does. It's incredibly charmant!
ReplyDeleteSorry TL! :D Remember I have a cold ;)
ReplyDeleteSo much goodness in one post, you spoil us, WDW! :D
ReplyDeleteSuch great pics of Jake with Tobey and family. Jake's smile to Ruby is just precious! They seem to have a nice chemistry all around. I have a feeling Brothers may be filming now in LA. There were pics of Natalie in LAX right after Christmas and now we see Jake and Tobey still there. I think they would have been in NM already if they were still filming there.
Adore Maggie as I adore Jake so always appreciate news on her and Peter. Sherrybaby is a great movie and she is fantastic in it. Not an "easy" movie but I highly recommend it. They both looked great last night and it was wonderful that she presented to Robert Elswit. Her interview in Metro was great. How can you not love London! I really hope we get some pictures of Jake and Maggie soon. We haven't seen them out together in a while and I miss that. I know they have seen each other and we have had sightings, but we haven't had any pics since Jake was pushing Ramona's stroller way back in the spring. What I wouldn't give to see him doing that now!
Jantoinette, sounds like Maggie did mention the Jake being born story during her presentation. It is a sweet story and Robert Elswit is an excellent cinematographer. His work in There Will Be Blood, which he won for, is brilliant, I would love for him to have taken my first baby pictures.
WDW, lucky you watching Zodiac! Can't wait to pick up my copy tomorrow. I can't wait to hear Jake and RDJ...squee!
Hey Pia I wish I could listen to the Gyllengiggle all night long :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Get Real for such a great comment! That's interesting if they're filming in LA - have to wait and hear if we have anymore sightings. Comparing Brothers with the long haul that was filming Zodiac...
I's love to see Jake and Maggie together again, I was hoping she'd be at TIFF with Peter and Jake but I can understand why she wasn't. Those stroller pics were such a long time ago! Last year just flew by. And how great to discover more about the relationship between Jake and his talented godfather.
Enjoy the DVD, it's absolutely made my day and I'm glad Maggie was in it too. So the film is almost finished now - a great night. It brought back some memories of seeing Zodiac he first time, of Cannes and, because it coincides with pictures of Jake and Tobey, it makes me want that film too!
Hi everybody,
ReplyDeleteI'm loving these posts - someone said a few weeks ago, they're like a nice glass of red wine when you get home from work, and I couldn't agree more. Great photos of Jake and Tobey and Ruby, but I just gotta wonder -- who wears spandex tights to go out to a restaurant ?? Only in LA!
Happy New Year WDW and Jake fans everywhere ... keep on posting!
- Libby in Philadelphia
PS, Did you see Manolha Dargis had a big article on the New York TImes webpage today about Zodiac
Love the pictures of Jake with Tobey, and the maggie interview was great. Thanks for the info, as always.
ReplyDelete"A ratrun down an alley"
ReplyDeleteOf course, Jake would need the beady little eyes (and the rotund belly) to complete the visual, but still -- LMAO!!!
WDW, you are a playwright at heart. Truly. Love it. :)
Hi WDW, thanks for the photos, it's a pleasure to see Jake and Tobey together! :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Zodiac Director's Cut DVD, can I ask you if it is a Region 1 or a Region 2 DVD?
And, Maggie, you rock girl!:D
WDW (with cold) did this lovely post while I (with cold) just conked out at 9pm. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks WDW!
Morning everyone from a very mild London and a very coldy WDW :D Thanks for the lovely comments overnight - it's great to see you all!
ReplyDeleteWelcome Libby in Philadeplpha! Thanks for commenting :D I absolutely love the posts being compared to a comforting glass of red when you get in from work - perfect. I heard about that article. I love the attention for Zodiac.
If I had a choice between looking at Tobey in spansex and Spandex Jake, I know which I'd choose... Happy New Year to you too :)
Thanks Law Goddess!
Hey Gho, good to see you :D I'm just been asked by a Californian colleague at work 'What the hell are ratruns?' - short cuts down alleys or through sleepy villages. They are a great British driving tradition.
Hi Xenia - it's a R1 - I'm afraid I don't know if there's going to be a R2.
Morning Nothing to be ashamed about Anouska - hope you're feeling a bit better today - see you later *) On a scale of 1 to 10, just how much did I enjoy watching every single second (some seconds more than once) of Zodiac last night?....
Have a good day everyone!
Tell 'em the only cure for ratruns is sleeping policemen, that'll fox 'em ;D
ReplyDeleteAfternoon every-peeps!(Sorry,only the Brits will understand that - hello everybody!).
ReplyDeleteHi WDW,hope the cold's improving,yours too Anouska!
Once again I am speed-reading against the clock and will have to save the magnificent "Jarhead" post from Sunday until another day (agonising,because I LOVE that film!)...and I love Zodiac,too,and TL's right,WDW,you are a tease!
I hope to join the "I've heard the Jake/RDJ commentary!" club before too long,but as I already have Zodiac on the ordinary DVD I'm going to try ordering "Highway" first,the only Jake film I don't have,which I can only find on Region 1, and use that to test out whether the instructions I now have to change my player to multi-region actually work! Once I'm sure of that,there'll be no stopping me on the Director's Cut front,with "Jarhead" as well as "Zodiac"!
Again,like you TL,I'm an angst-addict, loved "Candy" in a masochistic kind of way (Heath is a god,I tell you!)so I'll have to invest in "Sherrybaby" too. Mind you,I'm going to have to find the time to shoe-horn all this film-watching into my still-too-busy RL - I've had the "Secretary" DVD for months now and it's still in the shrink-wrap! Aaaaggghhh!!!
Thanks for that "Metro" interview with Maggie,WDW,I love the way she comes across, an intelligent,caring,self-aware woman who's nobody's fool...and she looks lovely in that black velvet number and her skimpies!
And as for Jake and Tobey - enough toddler-wrangling and chewing the fat with the influential Pa-in-law...get on with the bloody film!!!
See you later,chaps....xxxxx
Wonderful post WDW:)
ReplyDeleteA few months ago, poster on this forum convinced me to watch Sherry baby. I was afraid it would give me terminal depression and had been thinking about renting it for weeks. Well, it didn't give me anything but a renewed appreciation for her talent as an actress. I'm a champion of the film and Maggie's magnificent portrayal of this sad desperate clueless soul.
Maggie and Jake love London. Maggie and Jake love life and it shows. I hope they both visit London ASAP.
I can't wait until I have my copy in my hot little hands. Would you give me the name of your company? They are obviously more efficient that Amazon who never deliver on the day the DVD is released.
Thank you, WDW, for all the pics and commentary about Maggie Gyllenhaal. I love the way she looks in those Critics Circle photos, and I'll tell you why: With that face, and that hairdo, she reminds me a lot of one of my cousins when she was younger. (And, yes, my cousin was really beautiful...)
ReplyDeleteMaggie was born to be an actress. Every time she gets a difrerent hairdo and a difrerent expression on her face, she becomes a completely different person. She is a Meryl Streep-caliber actress.
Donnie gets out of the car and takes Pia's hand,
ReplyDeletewalking her back towards her mailbox. He opens it for her.
No mail today.
Maybe tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWe all have our bad hair days, hon.*
Umm, that was a joke ;D
ReplyDeletewell, I thot it was. but then, I may be missing sometning. like mail.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! What happens.. I come back from work and have a lot of fun outting a new post up and pop back here and you've all been chatting without me - sigh... :D
ReplyDeleteHey Nadine - I'll say this quietly so Ruby can't hear me, but you're gonna put Highway before what is surely one of the greatest events in DVD history? I suppose it will test whether your new system works :D Quite right about Jake and Tobey - they should get on with it!
Hi Sass! You're braver than me with SherryBaby :D I saw it at the pictures in good company but I found it far too raw and with no hope. I do have the DVD (signed by Maggie!) but I just can't bring myself to watch it. I ordered the Zodiac DVD from - they send DVDs from the Channel Islands. I'm not sure if they send to the US, but they are more efficient for those of us outside the US than Amazon and the postage is free.
I hope so much Jake and Maggie both come back to London soon :D
Hey Paulh - you cousin must indeed be beautiful :) I agree, Maggie undoubtedly has what it takes. I hope she gets offered the roles that will do it for her. It must be harder for actresses than actors.
Pia - I hope you get your post very soon *)
How are you feeling Anouska? Much better today I hope *)
(((((Pia))))) I hope you get it soon. Or you could go to a shop and buy it and then return the mailed DVD when it arrives?
ReplyDeleteMaggie has been knocked around by people who thought she wasn't "beautiful enough." That did a number on her self-confidence. She may also be basically shy, so not as brassy about self-promotion. Cate Blanchett, for instance, marches confidently into casting offices and tries out for roles that stretch her and make her more bankable.
ReplyDeleteMorning WDW,
ReplyDeleteThis post is a beautiful presentation of the DVD. The company could have used your creativity to market it here in Manhattan. I know this is Zodiac's second DVD release, but Best Buy
had NO copies, of regular format Zodiac on its' shelves, and not many copies in HD format:(
The clerks--I felt like I was in a Kevin Smith movie--were unaware the movie was released yesterday, they had no idea when they would get copies in regular format and one asked me what the movie was all about. Arrgh.
I'll check Virgin sites here today and Amazon, and PlayUSA online.
Pia and WDW and other lucky souls, I'll console myself by watching the Cannes Gyllengiggle on video until I get my Zodiac,
Morning Sass - bad news about the store not having copies :( But good to hear you were able to tell them about it and hopefully they'll know better the next time someone asks. I hope you get it very soon (I remember being asked to describe the plot of Rendition to one of the cinema ushers...) and get some fun from watching Jake in Cannes - he's so adorable there :D
ReplyDeleteJake is adorable in Cannes?
ReplyDeleteI think he's adorable pretty much everywhere he goes. Even asleep in a train travelling through France, he's worth a photo.