'The actor Heath Ledger was found dead this afternoon in an apartment building at 421 Broome Street in SoHo, according to the New York City police. Mr. Ledger was 28.' New York Times
My friends, I don't know what to say, this is devastating and I can't express my feelings. Let's reach out to each other tonight and send love to Heath's family and friends. Let's also think about what we will miss.
I still can't take it in,even though it's all over the news, but I just can't believe it's real. They showed the "just like this always" clip a few minutes ago...Heartbreaking. I feel awful for his family, especially little Matilda. I hope Jake has people around him giving him support right now, cos he must be so devastated too..
Omg. I can't even fathom this. How can this happen? We've lost a shining star. My heart goes out to Tildy and Michelle and Jake and, well, all of Heath's family and friends. You're right, Kate, let's see each other through this.
You know I was about to put on the Zodiac DVD just before I saw the news on BBC... now I am just too sad to do anything.
I remember when we met up with some Brokies for the BBM screening, we were saying we are gonna go the TDK premiere together in London and cheer for Heath... I still can't believe he's gone.
I've been a messager of bad news tonight for a number of friends... I hope Jake has loved ones around him when he received the news :'(
(god... now they are saying they found pills around his body, they are investigating if he took his own life. oh no... :'(
Dozy embrace has been my wallpaper for a year - despite "Ennis" being the one that's doing the embrace, it was mostly Jake and Jack Twist that were so loving and protective of Heath/Ennis. This has to be awful for so many -
WDW, everyone, I'm in total shock of this absolutely terrible news to hear that Heath has died!! Just 2 days or so ago, there were pics of Heath in London filming his next film.
My thoughts are with Michelle, Matilda, his sisters and parents, and his dear friend Jake as well. I truly hope that the media won't disrespect/trash who he was as a person. I know many Heath fans personally, and this is truly a sad day indeed!
Winterbird, the news isn't good to spread and not good to hear - but we are lucky we have each other - I am so relieved I heard the news from you and not from a TV, and I am relieved at being able to cry on quite a few shoulders tonight, albeit over phone and text and here. You can bet that Jake cries with us tonight. I feel for him.
Just seen the batman trailer - my god I was so looking forward to that! How to watch it now? Or Brokeback?
I haven't been here in awhile but I still visit everyday. I am absolutely devastated to hear this news and when I saw the "Breaking News' on the internet I thought it was some sick joke. I rushed to turn the tv on and it was confirmed. This is an incredibly sad day and reminds me how fragile life is.
Still taking in the news. Now they have live feeds in Soho and a crowd has gathered. RIP Heath.
I also have to share that this is the anniversary of the very sudden death of one of my best friends. She died six years ago today. So this has been a hard day to begin with and this just added to the raw emotions. *Hugs all*
This is just heartbreaking, I feel numb, cant believe its real. Heath was so young and so beautiful and talented, I feel for everyone who loved him, especially his precious daughter who he loved so much.
A terrible shock, a heartbreaking loss for Heath's family and for film and for Jake. I feel for Jake right now and for all the worldwide BBM community. My thoughts are going out especially to you Kate--
I'm in total shock right now. It just doesn't seem real. I don't even know what to say. This is so sad. =( My thoughts go out to Heath's family and friends. I'm sure Jake is devastated by the news as well. =( RIP Heath. You will be missed.
I'm sitting here clutching my BBM DVD, part of me feels I'll never be able to watch it again and another part of me feels the need to watch it right now...I don't know what to do, or say, I just feel numb and sick. I'm too numb to even cry, though I wish I could
Hi WDW and everyone, This can't be real. My friend from Baltimore, knew I loved Heath, so she called me at 4:30 PM with this news. I can't stand this. I loved him so much. hugs to everyone. sass
I've turned off the TV - I can't bear to see anymore. I can't stop crying though. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Brokeback again.
Pia, good night. That's a hard question to wonder and I can't face it. Thanks Kim. TL I'm thinking of you. And you Christie, Sass, Stephanie, Jake, us all.
I saw that too, WDw, and I had to turn the telly off at that point...I can't make sense of any of this,it just doesn't seem real. How can Heath be gone? Hearing them talk about him on the news,it feels like it's someone I knew personally, which in a way, we all did, as Heath was such a huge part of what brought us all here...I just can't get my head round it.
I know TL. I've turned it off again, sitting here quietly. I'm going to pour a whiskey now, toast Heath, send some love to Jake, Michelle and Matilda, and try and sleep.
Someone on Sky news was saying that Heath has been taking sleeping pills to help himself sleep since he wrapped TDK...
TL.. i know what you mean... I remember I used to find people's reaction to celeb-death a bit too much, but now I can literally feel there's a void in me. the whole thing still seems unreal to me. Like i am still expecting to wake up and this is all just a bad dream...
WDW, I saw that too...there are no words. Thank you for the hugs. I think we can all use that now. Sending thoughts and prayers to Heath's family, beautiful daughter, Michelle and Jake. Just heartbreaking.
Winterbird, I keep thinking just that, that I'm going to wake up in a minute and find out it was all a bad dream. I just hope Heath is at peace now. I don't have any whiskey WDW, but I'll join you in raising a glass to Heath. I wish I was the praying kind, so I could say a prayer for all those close to him...
Heath was such an important part of the whole process of bringing us all together, as TL says. He really mattered to us all, and he was an incredible individual. This is going to be very hard for the BBM fandom to deal with. Heath quite simply changed my life and I was looking forward to watching his career grow, hopefully for the rest of my life. But now everything seems stuck in that damn BBM trailer and it's not just Jack who's dead.
Hugs CWG.
I don't think I'm up to talking about it much more. Time for that whiskey. I'm no prayer either but my God I hope Heath slipped off to sleep peacefully and unafraid.
Night WDW. Big hugs to you, and everyone here. I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all tonight. I think this is really going to hit us hard in the morning when we've got over the initial shock, but it's a comfort to know we're all here for each other. Take care everyone, and Heath, wherever you are, rest in peace, and thank you xxx
I can't sleep either Anouska. I've not stopped crying all night. I saw that Heath had pneumonia when he died - he must have been worn out. We know how much Heath gets affected by his roles, not eating, sleeping etc.
I'll speak to you tomorrow - who'd have thought when we had lunch together today how the day would end.
(((WDW))) Dropping by to send some more hugs to you and the gang here. I guess we're all devastated and reality still has to really sink in. My thoughts are also with all those Heath fans who post on the Heath thread at DC. Take care.
I wish I could give you that hug Bird Girl - wouldn't mind one myself.
TL this is going to be so hard tomorrow, and I'm supposed to be celebrating a birthday. I'll have to bottle it up all day. Work is going to be awful. It'll hit.
Frenchy thank you and hugs to you too. I left a message on the Heath thread - I have good friends there. One cannot even begin to contemplate what it would be like.
The words won't go down on paper for me. I can't get my arms around the concept. Not Heath. Not Heath. Unacceptable. I adored him. A sweet, gentle man. And my heart is aching. There are no words.
My i-tunes is on shuffle and it is now playing the opening score to BMM. He was so amazing. He will always live on in that movie. He will always be young and beautiful.
I am so shocked. Why do these things happen? I cannot understand why. What a terrible, terrible shame. My thoughts are with his family and friends, and daughter, and Jake too. It's just devastating news. I will miss him very much. Rest in peace, dear sweet Heath. :*
Birdgirl, i was just listening to "He was a Friend of mine" and it made me think of Jake and how he must be feeling:( My head's a complete mess atm, with thoughts of Heath, Ennis, Jack and BBM all mixed up.
I'm off now to try and sleep before an early start. The thought that such a life can end at only 28 years when there should have been three times that number of years is really hurting right now.
Please keep on giving comfort to one another here and expressing your feelings, just talking out loud if it helps. This is one grieving process none of us will go through alone.
I hear that Michelle is now flying to NYC. I can only imagine what she's going through. It's possible Matilda's godfather may have some role to play now and it's going to be hard.
I will talk to you all in the morning. Love to each of you, to Jake and to Heath.
Bertie, it just shouldn't happen. TL, I can't imagine the pain of listening to those songs. Before they would remind me of Jack and Ennis, maybe that's not the case now. Take care TL xxx
Night, WDWxx Be strong tomorrow, you know we're all here for you and for each other. I haven't listened to the BBM soundtrack for ages cos I find it too painful, but right now I feel I need to listen to it :(
We will miss an amazing talented actor. Exceptional. We will always be thankful of his creation of the strong and silent Ennis del Mar in the memorable and mesmerizing Brokeback Mountain who loved our Jake's Jack Twist. Whenever I saw a trailer for The Dark Knight, I was like..... whoa, that Joker Heath has created is diabolical and spine-tingling. What a great actor. I would think I can't wait until it comes out to see it.
Now, I think... God Bless You Heath. May your soul find peace. May your daughter grow up strong and wise and always loving and remembering the fine man you are. May your friends and family find comfort in the memories of you.
I cannot get over the despicable garbage from unname sources that oozes out of some of these internet sites.
Heath looked forward to working with Sean Penn, whom he idolized as he himself said in a number of interviews.
He loved Terry Gilliam and they were friends. He was happy working on this movie with Terry.
He looked forward to exploring a lot of different aspects of his creative talents. He was a superb photographer. He'd directed music videos and looked forward to directing movies. He adored his daughter.Spent so much time with her. If Heath had "problems" I seriously doubt he would have been spending alone time in NYC with her as much as he was!
I think he often got too caught up in his film roles and they took a lot out of him. I read somewhere that he was ill, which is why he was in NYC instead of London with TG. His family has said he had pneumonia. He looked very run down.
I think this is a horrible, tragic accident. All the despicable speculation in the world will not change that for me. What ever happened, however it happened, it was not MEANT to happen. It was not on purpose.
I will miss him so much. All the lovely possibilities. Sorry.This is just wrenching and imagine how his parents, his sisters, Michelle and all his friends are feeling right now. Oh, Heath..
I didn't know about this until I came here, and am still in shock. My sister said "We didn't know him, but we knew him", and I understand what she means by that.
I feel so bad for his family and for Jake. God bless you, Heath, and may all of your loved ones find comfort. How sad that Matilda has lost her daddy. So heartbreaking.
Hugs to everyone here. I'm glad we have a place to come and share our feelings.
I am just sitting here numb and shivering and trying to take all this in. It doesn't make sense. I am thankful we don't get all this on TV. I have been crying and sitting in a daze alternately. My heart is with all of you, with Heath and all whom he loved and who love him
It is going to take a long time to absorb the fact about Heath's death. I was both a Jake fan AND a Heath fan.
WDW, I know I haven't been as talkative or vocal in here or even known in here like some other WDW members, but I'm really glad we have this place to share our sadness for loosing such an amazing actor AND amazingly sensitive, humble, and modest person.
Of course we'll miss not seeing more of his movies and talented acting...but the more important thing is that he will be missed so much by his family, friends, and little girl. Truly sad and tragic.
Many of Heath's fansites have already went offline or shutdown.
I am in complete shock. I CAN'T believe Heath is gone! I keep thinking "this has to be a mistake". It's like a bad dream! My heart goes out to Heath's family, friends and most of all his beautiful little girl Mathilda and of course Jake. My thoughts and prayers are with them and also for dear Heath. RIP Heath, we miss you already.
I usually just read your posts without commenting, but I wanted to send some hugs your way WDW, and to everyone else who needs them. I feel the same way right now about BBM, I can't imagine being able to watch it again.
WDW, you know from our contact in the wee small hours that I,like everyone here,is devastated by this.
I can't begin to imagine the pain Heath's family and friends are feeling. I hope all of them, our beloved surely-devastated Jake, can feel all the love and support we are sending them from the bottom of our hearts.
Real Life insists on going on when we just want the world to stop. I have much that I can't avoid in Real Life today - but then it doesn't get "realer" than this. I take Heath and all of those who love him with me in my heart today-we must lean on each other more than ever now. Be back as soon as I can. Much love Nadine xxx
Morning on one of the saddest mornings I've known. As you say Nadine real life doesn't stop, travelled into London, on the tube two issues of the Metro newspaper - first with one picture and an announcement, the second with the full front cover and Heath in a dark suit.
Thanks for the hugs and hugs to you all and much love. Everyone look after yourself today xx
I kept tossing and turning all night... i wonder if I got 2 hours of sleep. Woke up to a SMS from a Brokie friend who just found out the news on Metro... on a train platform, she burst into tears and nearly threw up... saddest day since i walked out of the theatre inconsolable after watching Brokeback for the first time.
I don't know what I'd do without places like here. Thanks, Kate.
If anyone is getting together somewhere in London today, let me know.
Morning everyne. It's really starting to sink in for me now,seeing Heath's face all over the newspapers. I couldn't get out of the shop fast enough as I could feel the tears welling up. I'm so glad I don't have to go to work today (I was supposed to but was asked to swap shifts yesterday, can't help feeling it was more than coincidence). It's so strange to think that I sometimes include random pics of Jake in my emails to WDW and the last couple of days I happened to randomly pick pics of Jake with Heath...To think we'll never see him again...What a sad senseless waste:(
I think you're right WDW, we don't need to see such awful things, I saw that somewhere else,and it made me sick.
I'm still feeling numb, cant believe this is actually happening. Listened to Heath's dad on the radio this morning, his words were absolutely heartbreaking. Still didn't want to believe it's true, but when I heard him, I knew it was.
I am feeling for everyone who knew and loved him and there were so so many. Jake must have been devastated.
Just joining in all the hugging! What a tremendous loss for Heath's family and friends -- and US! My mind cannot take it in yet. Don't know if it ever will. Two young men changed this old life forever and now one is gone. Unfathomable!
Hugs to all, especially WDW for providing this haven.
Switched on the news last night about 11pm, specifically to catch a football report, telling my OH I'd be up to bed in 5 minutes, 2 hours later he found me crying my eyes out in front of the tv, completely devestated.
Hours later I still don't quite believe it, like others I suspect, when I first heard I immediately started flicking channel because 'they must have got it wrong, not Heath' but they hadn't and it was.
Words can't express how I'm feeling, but my love, respect and best wishes to his family, his friends and his beautiful, darling little girl, may she grow up knowing what a fabulous, talented and amazing man her daddy was
Words can't express how I'm feeling, but my love, respect and best wishes to his family, his friends and his beautiful, darling little girl, may she grow up knowing what a fabulous, talented and amazing man her daddy was
Wonderful words agent_krycek. I'm still taking in this news, I feel worse, not better as each moment passes.
Only a few hours ago I learned about the death of Heath Ledger. It made me very… It was as if big void was inside me, a part of my life evaporated into thin air.
I tried to feel. Tears didn’t come, although I felt them in the distance. I had no other feelings for him than he was one of the most brilliant actors I had ever encounterd on the screen. And that he was the buddy whose fantastic sensibility made the co-action in the scenes with Jake into of the movie history’s most memorable moments.
The career of Jake cannot be seperated from that of Heath, and vice versa. The earnestness they have been showing in choosing the right films to make since the shooting of BBM has made an impression on millions of moviegoers.
Already in BBM you could see that he was the one whose sadness sat deeper inside not only in the character but also in the person who played it. I believe Jake had it easier to go in and out of characters. With same extraordinary good performance that hit your heart as a viewer, I have to underline that. But I think Heath took it harder.
Thus the divorce from Michelle Williams did make me sad, but I was not so surprised.
Also the role as Joker in TDK.: well, I nearly trembled when I saw those fantastic clips with him. He really was the saddest of them all Jokers ever made, and the meanest and the most frightening.
I believe that whatever took him down, I do believe that he wanted to make this role so god so badly that he overlooked his own health, as beeing less important that the part he played.
The circle of the most serious movie actors Hollywood has seen for decades has been broken. None of them will ever be the same from now on. Yes, we think about his little daughter, and her mother. And the total shock and the long period of thinking and mourning for all those fantastic actors.
But most of all we think of Jake, what will happen to him now?
One commentator has made a comparsion with the dead of James Dean. It is very appropriate. But what frightens me is that the James Dean of today has not been Heath by himself. His fate is in soul and mind of millions forever linked with Jake. And perhaps that is the way Jake is feeling too.
Have that in your mind and think. Think about how you treat your fellow man and woman. And speak and act, gently.
absolutely stuck here all day, just going through the motions.
Ditto, done nothing today workwise, my stinking cold and watering eyes have covered up the fact I've been in tears a couple of times since I got in, it's just too much to take in, my thoughts just keep going to little Matilda, who he loved so much, and Jake, who must be completely devestated, I know how bad I feel, to those that knew and loved him it just be too much to bear right now.
Grateful there is sunlight this morning, in this time of sorrow. Maybe not ready for words, tears keep coming - no TV and I try to keep it simple, coming "home" to you guys for company and consolation - but even NPR's brief reprise of Heath's voice in BBMt brings tears.
There is sure enuff a "family of humankind" - no way to separate from this pain.
I'll share a brief semi-dream image last night as I was falling off to sleep - of Jake (very much himself, lean, from the sideview, dimples, smiling) lifting a child in his arms, smiling -
Made me reflect how odd it must be for Jake - godfather to a small child just lost a father, uncle to a sisters child. friend to children of recently divorced parents - and playing the role of a younger brother caring for children of a man lost in wartime.
also found myself recalling my own times of loss, those of friends, how strange is the time of grief and mourning, shot thru with pain and also sunlight.
"I nearly trembled when I saw those fantastic clips with him. He really was the saddest of them all Jokers ever made, and the meanest and the most frightening.
I believe that whatever took him down, I do believe that he wanted to make this role so god so badly that he overlooked his own health, as beeing less important that the part he played."
Excellent observation. Daniel-Day Lewis comes to mind as very close to this but he coped.
It was comforting to me to watch video of famiy and hear his father speaking (via Syndey Herald) and knowing his body will be returned to Australia and grieving famiy - of course. I am so sorry for them.
Could not sleep last night. Unimaginable that this is all real. Can't help but watch and read the many moving tributes to Heath. He was so loved, respected and admired by his family, peers, the press, friends and so on. Seeing his parents and sister giving their statement was hard to take. Such a talented actor and we can only take comfort in the great work he has left us.
As I said yesterday that date was already a day of loss with my friend but seeing the news of Heath just compounded it. Thought of the BBM soundtrack and started crying. Knowing we have this place to share our grief is a true comfort. I am grateful to you all.
Breaks my heart to hear about Jake being so devastated. I hope he has lots of support around him. I hope he can feel our love and comfort (((Jake))). Along with sending solace and comfort to Matilda and Michelle.
It was comforting to me to watch video of famiy and hear his father speaking (via Syndey Herald) and knowing his body will be returned to Australia and grieving famiy - of course. I am so sorry for them.
I'm glad for that too, Pia. My heart breaks for his family, who must be going through hell right now. And when will it stop? My heart is breaking and I didn't even know him.
I read on another site that his family found out through the media. I don't know if it's true but I really hope it's not. To lose a child or a brother is the worst thing I can imagine, but to have it compounded by finding out like that...Please let it not be the case. This is just so senseless, Heath was so young,so beautiful and talented...it's just not right...
Hi to all, fist time that i post here, but i'm a constant reader. i feeled the need to say something even if i don't know what to say...i'm at work right now, i'm supposed to be focused, normal and gentle while the only thing i need to do is crying...but i can't...this fucking efficient and razional world is not supposed to understand a thing like this.....so i needed to come here....i'm speechless...can't even fucking believe that this's really happened. LOVE AND BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE GIULIA
Guilia - love and hugs back to you. I don't think any of us really knows what to say. I'm just glad we can come here where there are others who understand the pain we feel.
I know I should be able to separate an actor from his character... but I keep having to remind myself that Ennis didn't die... this is like another layer of sadness over Brokeback.
I'm just crushed by this news, but starting to smile a little more through my tears as I read the beautiful tributes everyone has written, sharing memories of Brokeback, and Ennis and Jack, and tributes and clips of his wonderful work on the news. Never thought we'd lose one of our beloved Brokeback boys so soon, too soon. So glad that we can all get together and comfort each other. Heath Ledger, we will remember and treasure you, and your work, always. You touched me so much with your unforgettable portrayal of Ennis, and I will miss you.
Love, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends, and many fans.
to share one of the things I needed to know, that acc'g to NYT 15 min ago, despite "inconclusive" autopsy, more blood and tissue work to be done, there is no need not to release body to family now and this is being done.
Bach and sunshine is my medicine, now. love to all.
I had a terrible nights sleep as well. I kept waking up hoping it was a dream. Then I would roll over and see my BBM calendar and remember. No, this is real.
My thoughts go out to Jake. Poor guy. I can't imagine losing a good friend. It must be crippling. I hope they respect everyone’s privacy. Especially Michelle. You know they won’t. People need to grieve in private. It is such a raw emotional time.
Hi - made it home, just about holding it together. Thank you so much for all these warm words of love for Heath, his family and Jake - they are so good to read.
Herman - thank you * And thank you everyone, posters new and old.
I am quite disappointed that the tribute Channel 4 just made called Ennis... "The Texan Cowboy" fell in love with ranch hand Jack Twist played by Jake Gyllenhaal... can't they at least try to get the fact right?
I am glad you made it home WDW. I am just thankful that I don't have to go out today. I don't think that I could hold it together. And you know how people are. They just don't understand. This is a huge part of our lives.
Winterbird, I'm looking forward to seeing you Sunday.
Birdgirl - everyone was lovely to me at work but it's difficult.
I've done a new 'post', mainly because there are so many wonderful comments here and I know it can be hard for some people on some PCs/phones to read so many. It's important that everyone should be able to say what they feel.
The book store was quiet this morning and so it was almost bearable. Except for the newspapers people kept asking for. The ones that had Heath's picture on the front page.
As the day wore on towards afternoon, and things got busier and noiser, with people talking and laughing and wanting to have conversations about books or music, etc. I just couldn't handle that part anymore. So I came home.
Bobbyanna, thanks for being here too. It's so hard trying to be 'normal' around others. I gave up too but it was so good to spend some time with my guy (which normally I can't in the week) and feel loved. But not looking forward to tomorrow.
I never thought I'd see clips of BBM on the news in a context like this. I feel for Jake too tonight
ReplyDeleteunbearable. cant stop crying.
ReplyDeleteIt still doesn't seem real to me. Just devastated.
ReplyDeleteI don't pray, but I feel for Matilda and his family.
Every time I hear they say "The Brokeback Mountain star...", it's like a stab.
Reporters will be asking Jake for his reaction for sure.... what a sad day.
ReplyDeleteI Can believe!!
I just can't believe it! It's unbearable
ReplyDeleteJust horrible. I just feel so for his family baby girl Michelle and Jake. :(
ReplyDeleteShould have said his baby girl Matilda
ReplyDeleteIt's just ... to painful to be true. God.
ReplyDeleteI still can't take it in,even though it's all over the news, but I just can't believe it's real. They showed the "just like this always" clip a few minutes ago...Heartbreaking. I feel awful for his family, especially little Matilda. I hope Jake has people around him giving him support right now, cos he must be so devastated too..
ReplyDeleteI hope that too TL
ReplyDeleteI'm crying with you, wdw.
Omg. I can't even fathom this. How can this happen? We've lost a shining star. My heart goes out to Tildy and Michelle and Jake and, well, all of Heath's family and friends. You're right, Kate, let's see each other through this.
ReplyDeleteIt's so awful hearing them describe finding Heath face down. You just want them to wake him up
ReplyDeleteYou know I was about to put on the Zodiac DVD just before I saw the news on BBC... now I am just too sad to do anything.
ReplyDeleteI remember when we met up with some Brokies for the BBM screening, we were saying we are gonna go the TDK premiere together in London and cheer for Heath... I still can't believe he's gone.
I've been a messager of bad news tonight for a number of friends... I hope Jake has loved ones around him when he received the news :'(
(god... now they are saying they found pills around his body, they are investigating if he took his own life. oh no... :'(
Dozy embrace has been my wallpaper for a year - despite "Ennis" being the one that's doing the embrace, it was mostly Jake and Jack Twist that were so loving and protective of Heath/Ennis. This has to be awful for so many -
ReplyDeletenot fair not fair not fair
WDW, everyone, I'm in total shock of this absolutely terrible news to hear that Heath has died!! Just 2 days or so ago, there were pics of Heath in London filming his next film.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with Michelle, Matilda, his sisters and parents, and his dear friend Jake as well. I truly hope that the media won't disrespect/trash who he was as a person. I know many Heath fans personally, and this is truly a sad day indeed!
OMG...i just came home...are u serious????.....omg
ReplyDeleteWinterbird, the news isn't good to spread and not good to hear - but we are lucky we have each other - I am so relieved I heard the news from you and not from a TV, and I am relieved at being able to cry on quite a few shoulders tonight, albeit over phone and text and here. You can bet that Jake cries with us tonight. I feel for him.
ReplyDeleteJust seen the batman trailer - my god I was so looking forward to that! How to watch it now? Or Brokeback?
I. Am. Speechless.
ReplyDeleteBy his Art, he will live forever.
ReplyDeleteI'm so shocked I don't want to do or say. And crying has given me a stormer of a headache. I love you guys, but I need to go bed.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts are with Heath, his family and friends, including of course, our beloved Jake. I hope he has loved ones nearby to comfort him.
I haven't been here in awhile but I still visit everyday. I am absolutely devastated to hear this news and when I saw the "Breaking News' on the internet I thought it was some sick joke. I rushed to turn the tv on and it was confirmed. This is an incredibly sad day and reminds me how fragile life is.
Dani xxxx
ReplyDeleteWhenever I watch a smidget of BBMt at bedtime, and then turn it off to go to sleep, I say goodnight to "my beautiful boys" -
ReplyDeleteStill taking in the news. Now they have live feeds in Soho and a crowd has gathered. RIP Heath.
ReplyDeleteI also have to share that this is the anniversary of the very sudden death of one of my best friends. She died six years ago today. So this has been a hard day to begin with and this just added to the raw emotions. *Hugs all*
Oh Ruby I'm such a mess! They're showing clips of BBM. My head's pounding too and my eyes hurt. I'll speak to you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI really hope Jake isn't in NM tonight but at home.
Oh big hug dear Get Real
ReplyDeleteThis is just heartbreaking, I feel numb, cant believe its real. Heath was so young and so beautiful and talented, I feel for everyone who loved him, especially his precious daughter who he loved so much.
ReplyDeletecan't work, can't keep crying. going to bed, dear ones, gonna watch my beautiful boys.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where "home" is for Heath -
A terrible shock, a heartbreaking loss for Heath's family and for film and for Jake. I feel for Jake right now and for all the worldwide BBM community. My thoughts are going out especially to you Kate--
ReplyDeleteI'm in total shock right now. It just doesn't seem real. I don't even know what to say. This is so sad. =( My thoughts go out to Heath's family and friends. I'm sure Jake is devastated by the news as well. =( RIP Heath. You will be missed.
ReplyDelete- Stephanie
I'm sitting here clutching my BBM DVD, part of me feels I'll never be able to watch it again and another part of me feels the need to watch it right now...I don't know what to do, or say, I just feel numb and sick. I'm too numb to even cry, though I wish I could
ReplyDeleteHi WDW and everyone,
ReplyDeleteThis can't be real.
My friend from Baltimore, knew I loved Heath, so she called me at 4:30 PM with this news.
I can't stand this. I loved him so much.
hugs to everyone.
I've turned off the TV - I can't bear to see anymore. I can't stop crying though. I don't know if I'll be able to watch Brokeback again.
ReplyDeletePia, good night. That's a hard question to wonder and I can't face it. Thanks Kim. TL I'm thinking of you. And you Christie, Sass, Stephanie, Jake, us all.
Saw Heath's body moved from his home - to see such a thing
ReplyDeleteI saw that too, WDw, and I had to turn the telly off at that point...I can't make sense of any of this,it just doesn't seem real. How can Heath be gone? Hearing them talk about him on the news,it feels like it's someone I knew personally, which in a way, we all did, as Heath was such a huge part of what brought us all here...I just can't get my head round it.
ReplyDeleteI know TL. I've turned it off again, sitting here quietly. I'm going to pour a whiskey now, toast Heath, send some love to Jake, Michelle and Matilda, and try and sleep.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on Sky news was saying that Heath has been taking sleeping pills to help himself sleep since he wrapped TDK...
ReplyDeleteTL.. i know what you mean... I remember I used to find people's reaction to celeb-death a bit too much, but now I can literally feel there's a void in me. the whole thing still seems unreal to me. Like i am still expecting to wake up and this is all just a bad dream...
Very sad, crying, I already miss him :(
ReplyDeleteWDW, I saw that too...there are no words. Thank you for the hugs. I think we can all use that now. Sending thoughts and prayers to Heath's family, beautiful daughter, Michelle and Jake. Just heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteWinterbird, I keep thinking just that, that I'm going to wake up in a minute and find out it was all a bad dream. I just hope Heath is at peace now. I don't have any whiskey WDW, but I'll join you in raising a glass to Heath. I wish I was the praying kind, so I could say a prayer for all those close to him...
ReplyDeleteIt's a nightmare, this can't be happening!
ReplyDeleteI am just completely devestated....
ReplyDeleteThis is just the saddest thing i've ever heard.
My heart goes out to his family..
Heath was such an important part of the whole process of bringing us all together, as TL says. He really mattered to us all, and he was an incredible individual. This is going to be very hard for the BBM fandom to deal with. Heath quite simply changed my life and I was looking forward to watching his career grow, hopefully for the rest of my life. But now everything seems stuck in that damn BBM trailer and it's not just Jack who's dead.
ReplyDeleteHugs CWG.
I don't think I'm up to talking about it much more. Time for that whiskey. I'm no prayer either but my God I hope Heath slipped off to sleep peacefully and unafraid.
I must say how honoured I am to see both new and old posters here tonight - thank you for being here on this terrible winter's day
ReplyDeleteKate, thanks for writing such beautiful things about him.
ReplyDeleteI saw the removal too and cried again. I still don't believe it's true. Can't sleep.
I am so sad. I am not sure if I want to scream or cry or be sick. I just wonder why this stuff has to happen. Life can be so unfair sometimes.
ReplyDeleteGod, his little girl…
I need a hug.
Night WDW. Big hugs to you, and everyone here. I don't think I'll be able to sleep at all tonight. I think this is really going to hit us hard in the morning when we've got over the initial shock, but it's a comfort to know we're all here for each other. Take care everyone, and Heath, wherever you are, rest in peace, and thank you xxx
ReplyDeleteI can't sleep either Anouska. I've not stopped crying all night. I saw that Heath had pneumonia when he died - he must have been worn out. We know how much Heath gets affected by his roles, not eating, sleeping etc.
ReplyDeleteI'll speak to you tomorrow - who'd have thought when we had lunch together today how the day would end.
(((WDW))) Dropping by to send some more hugs to you and the gang here. I guess we're all devastated and reality still has to really sink in. My thoughts are also with all those Heath fans who post on the Heath thread at DC. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could give you that hug Bird Girl - wouldn't mind one myself.
ReplyDeleteTL this is going to be so hard tomorrow, and I'm supposed to be celebrating a birthday. I'll have to bottle it up all day. Work is going to be awful. It'll hit.
Frenchy thank you and hugs to you too. I left a message on the Heath thread - I have good friends there. One cannot even begin to contemplate what it would be like.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs to you all too.
ReplyDeleteI feel helpless. To die naked and and alone...
Poor baby.
The words won't go down on paper for me. I can't get my arms around the concept. Not Heath. Not Heath.
I adored him. A sweet, gentle man.
And my heart is aching. There are no words.
Was that only today, Kate?
ReplyDeleteI just read he had pneumonia. He shouldn't have been alone.
Bobbyanna xxx
ReplyDeleteI know, Anouska, it feels like another year.
ReplyDeleteHe was in London just last week, must have been worn out filming. Ill. I can't bear to think on it.
My i-tunes is on shuffle and it is now playing the opening score to BMM. He was so amazing. He will always live on in that movie. He will always be young and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI am so shocked. Why do these things happen? I cannot understand why. What a terrible, terrible shame. My thoughts are with his family and friends, and daughter, and Jake too. It's just devastating news. I will miss him very much. Rest in peace, dear sweet Heath. :*
Birdgirl, i was just listening to "He was a Friend of mine" and it made me think of Jake and how he must be feeling:( My head's a complete mess atm, with thoughts of Heath, Ennis, Jack and BBM all mixed up.
ReplyDeleteI'm off now to try and sleep before an early start. The thought that such a life can end at only 28 years when there should have been three times that number of years is really hurting right now.
ReplyDeletePlease keep on giving comfort to one another here and expressing your feelings, just talking out loud if it helps. This is one grieving process none of us will go through alone.
I hear that Michelle is now flying to NYC. I can only imagine what she's going through. It's possible Matilda's godfather may have some role to play now and it's going to be hard.
I will talk to you all in the morning. Love to each of you, to Jake and to Heath.
Bertie, it just shouldn't happen. TL, I can't imagine the pain of listening to those songs. Before they would remind me of Jack and Ennis, maybe that's not the case now. Take care TL xxx
Goodnight sweetie.
ReplyDeleteNight, WDWxx Be strong tomorrow, you know we're all here for you and for each other. I haven't listened to the BBM soundtrack for ages cos I find it too painful, but right now I feel I need to listen to it :(
ReplyDeleteWe will miss an amazing talented actor. Exceptional. We will always be thankful of his creation of the strong and silent Ennis del Mar in the memorable and mesmerizing Brokeback Mountain who loved our Jake's Jack Twist. Whenever I saw a trailer for The Dark Knight, I was like..... whoa, that Joker Heath has created is diabolical and spine-tingling. What a great actor. I would think I can't wait until it comes out to see it.
ReplyDeleteNow, I think... God Bless You Heath. May your soul find peace. May your daughter grow up strong and wise and always loving and remembering the fine man you are. May your friends and family find comfort in the memories of you.
We love and will miss you.
I cannot get over the despicable garbage from unname sources that oozes out of some of these internet sites.
ReplyDeleteHeath looked forward to working with Sean Penn, whom he idolized as he himself said in a number of interviews.
He loved Terry Gilliam and they were friends. He was happy working on this movie with Terry.
He looked forward to exploring a lot of different aspects of his creative talents. He was a superb photographer. He'd directed music videos and looked forward to directing movies. He adored his daughter.Spent so much time with her. If Heath had "problems" I seriously doubt he would have been spending alone time in NYC with her as much as he was!
I think he often got too caught up in his film roles and they took a lot out of him. I read somewhere that he was ill, which is why he was in NYC instead of London with TG. His family has said he had pneumonia. He looked very run down.
I think this is a horrible, tragic accident. All the despicable speculation in the world will not change that for me. What ever happened, however it happened, it was not MEANT to happen. It was not on purpose.
I will miss him so much. All the lovely possibilities. Sorry.This is just wrenching and imagine how his parents, his sisters, Michelle and all his friends are feeling right now. Oh, Heath..
I didn't know about this until I came here, and am still in shock. My sister said "We didn't know him, but we knew him", and I understand what she means by that.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for his family and for Jake. God bless you, Heath, and may all of your loved ones find comfort. How sad that Matilda has lost her daddy. So heartbreaking.
Hugs to everyone here. I'm glad we have a place to come and share our feelings.
I am just sitting here numb and shivering and trying to take all this in. It doesn't make sense. I am thankful we don't get all this on TV.
ReplyDeleteI have been crying and sitting in a daze alternately. My heart is with all of you, with Heath and all whom he loved and who love him
Hugs to you too WDW. My husband's grandmother died tonite, just now, so it's a double whammy for me tonite.
ReplyDeleteHugs to everyone! May they all rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteSad sad unbelievable day.
ReplyDeleteBeing here at WD&W and reading all the posts has been a comfort, as always. Thank you & love to all, Melby_dcf
Vaya con Dios, our wonderful Heath.
It is going to take a long time to absorb the fact about Heath's death. I was both a Jake fan AND a Heath fan.
ReplyDeleteWDW, I know I haven't been as talkative or vocal in here or even known in here like some other WDW members, but I'm really glad we have this place to share our sadness for loosing such an amazing actor AND amazingly sensitive, humble, and modest person.
Of course we'll miss not seeing more of his movies and talented acting...but the more important thing is that he will be missed so much by his family, friends, and little girl. Truly sad and tragic.
Many of Heath's fansites have already went offline or shutdown.
*In Shock*
I am in complete shock. I CAN'T believe Heath is gone! I keep thinking "this has to be a mistake". It's like a bad dream!
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to Heath's family, friends and most of all his beautiful little girl Mathilda and of course Jake. My thoughts and prayers are with them and also for dear Heath.
RIP Heath, we miss you already.
I usually just read your posts without commenting, but I wanted to send some hugs your way WDW, and to everyone else who needs them. I feel the same way right now about BBM, I can't imagine being able to watch it again.
ReplyDeleteThis article says that Heath, Michelle, Jake, Maggie, Peter belonged to the same family, of intelligent actors. Very Nice.
WDW, you know from our contact in the wee small hours that I,like everyone here,is devastated by this.
ReplyDeleteI can't begin to imagine the pain Heath's family and friends are feeling. I hope all of them, our beloved surely-devastated Jake, can feel all the love and support we are sending them from the bottom of our hearts.
Real Life insists on going on when we just want the world to stop. I have much that I can't avoid in Real Life today - but then it doesn't get "realer" than this. I take Heath and all of those who love him with me in my heart today-we must lean on each other more than ever now. Be back as soon as I can. Much love Nadine xxx
Morning on one of the saddest mornings I've known. As you say Nadine real life doesn't stop, travelled into London, on the tube two issues of the Metro newspaper - first with one picture and an announcement, the second with the full front cover and Heath in a dark suit.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hugs and hugs to you all and much love. Everyone look after yourself today xx
I kept tossing and turning all night... i wonder if I got 2 hours of sleep. Woke up to a SMS from a Brokie friend who just found out the news on Metro... on a train platform, she burst into tears and nearly threw up... saddest day since i walked out of the theatre inconsolable after watching Brokeback for the first time.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'd do without places like here. Thanks, Kate.
If anyone is getting together somewhere in London today, let me know.
Morning everyne. It's really starting to sink in for me now,seeing Heath's face all over the newspapers. I couldn't get out of the shop fast enough as I could feel the tears welling up. I'm so glad I don't have to go to work today (I was supposed to but was asked to swap shifts yesterday, can't help feeling it was more than coincidence). It's so strange to think that I sometimes include random pics of Jake in my emails to WDW and the last couple of days I happened to randomly pick pics of Jake with Heath...To think we'll never see him again...What a sad senseless waste:(
ReplyDeleteJust checking in to be with you all as best I can. I'm at work, so have to keep it together but my mind is elsewhere. Sending love.
The word is that Jake was absoluately devastated and had to be calmed down after hearing the news...
Oh Winterbird - that tears my heart out! Where did you see that?
I wish I could meet up with you today but I have to celebrate a birthday - How????
oh no. Poor Jake. Do we know where he is and who he's with? If he's in NM, hopefully Natalie was nearby when he heard.
ReplyDeleteI read it on OMG, the source is E!
ReplyDeleteThere's another report saying that both Jake and Michelle have been worried about Heath's not sleeping well for months....
I am not surprised if Jake is taking this hard. :'(
(((Jake)))) I hope he can somehow feel our love going out to him.
ReplyDeleteThere are some lines that shouldn't be crossed:
ReplyDeleteI think this is one of them.
Rest in peace, Heath.
I can't believe that this happened. I'm simply devastated.
Those a**holes are disgusting. man... i can't deal with people like that on a day like this...
ReplyDeletewhat is it? I don't want to click if it's going to make me angry or upset.
ReplyDeleteCan I put a plea out that we have no links to any of the nonsense out there put on this site.
ReplyDeleteI want this to be a safe place for grieving and we're more than upset enough. Thanks and love
Rest In Peace Heath. I only found out this morning. I can't believe it.
ReplyDeleteHey WDW *hugs*,
ReplyDeleteI can't think and write straight right now but I wanted to send all my love to you all and say goodbye to one unforgettable person and actor...
Goodbye Heath, may you find some rest now, you will be on my mind and in my heart forever...
I think you're right WDW, we don't need to see such awful things, I saw that somewhere else,and it made me sick.
ReplyDeleteI'm still feeling numb, cant believe this is actually happening. Listened to Heath's dad on the radio this morning, his words were absolutely heartbreaking. Still didn't want to believe it's true, but when I heard him, I knew it was.
I am feeling for everyone who knew and loved him and there were so so many. Jake must have been devastated.
Just joining in all the hugging! What a tremendous loss for Heath's family and friends -- and US! My mind cannot take it in yet. Don't know if it ever will. Two young men changed this old life forever and now one is gone. Unfathomable!
ReplyDeleteHugs to all, especially WDW for providing this haven.
I have to be off now and try and carry on this afternoon with Mr WDW's birthday. I'll be back later and I'll be missing you all til then.
ReplyDeleteHugs to everyone today. Heath would want us to respect his privacy so please let's do that.
ReplyDeleteSwitched on the news last night about 11pm, specifically to catch a football report, telling my OH I'd be up to bed in 5 minutes, 2 hours later he found me crying my eyes out in front of the tv, completely devestated.
ReplyDeleteHours later I still don't quite believe it, like others I suspect, when I first heard I immediately started flicking channel because 'they must have got it wrong, not Heath' but they hadn't and it was.
Words can't express how I'm feeling, but my love, respect and best wishes to his family, his friends and his beautiful, darling little girl, may she grow up knowing what a fabulous, talented and amazing man her daddy was
RIP Heath
Words can't express how I'm feeling, but my love, respect and best wishes to his family, his friends and his beautiful, darling little girl, may she grow up knowing what a fabulous, talented and amazing man her daddy was
ReplyDeleteWonderful words agent_krycek. I'm still taking in this news, I feel worse, not better as each moment passes.
Hope it's ok to post this link here, it was originally posted on ennisjack.com, you can light a virtual candle for Heath:
Only a few hours ago I learned about the death of Heath Ledger. It made me very… It was as if big void was inside me, a part of my life evaporated into thin air.
ReplyDeleteI tried to feel. Tears didn’t come, although I felt them in the distance. I had no other feelings for him than he was one of the most brilliant actors I had ever encounterd on the screen. And that he was the buddy whose fantastic sensibility made the co-action in the scenes with Jake into of the movie history’s most memorable moments.
The career of Jake cannot be seperated from that of Heath, and vice versa. The earnestness they have been showing in choosing the right films to make since the shooting of BBM has made an impression on millions of moviegoers.
Already in BBM you could see that he was the one whose sadness sat deeper inside not only in the character but also in the person who played it. I believe Jake had it easier to go in and out of characters. With same extraordinary good performance that hit your heart as a viewer, I have to underline that. But I think Heath took it harder.
Thus the divorce from Michelle Williams did make me sad, but I was not so surprised.
Also the role as Joker in TDK.: well, I nearly trembled when I saw those fantastic clips with him. He really was the saddest of them all Jokers ever made, and the meanest and the most frightening.
I believe that whatever took him down, I do believe that he wanted to make this role so god so badly that he overlooked his own health, as beeing less important that the part he played.
The circle of the most serious movie actors Hollywood has seen for decades has been broken. None of them will ever be the same from now on. Yes, we think about his little daughter, and her mother. And the total shock and the long period of thinking and mourning for all those fantastic actors.
But most of all we think of Jake, what will happen to him now?
One commentator has made a comparsion with the dead of James Dean. It is very appropriate. But what frightens me is that the James Dean of today has not been Heath by himself. His fate is in soul and mind of millions forever linked with Jake. And perhaps that is the way Jake is feeling too.
Have that in your mind and think. Think about how you treat your fellow man and woman. And speak and act, gently.
May Heath Ledger rest in peace!
On this link there is a not new but very good interview with Heath:
Carry On The Good Work, WDW!
Herman, thank you for that post, I know it will mean a great deal to WDW when she reads it.
ReplyDeletewinterbird, I'm so sorry, I wish I could - absolutely stuck here all day, just going through the motions.
That's OK anouska... I've been staring at the same document all morning, not getting much work done.
ReplyDeleteSeems to be the longest day.
absolutely stuck here all day, just going through the motions.
ReplyDeleteDitto, done nothing today workwise, my stinking cold and watering eyes have covered up the fact I've been in tears a couple of times since I got in, it's just too much to take in, my thoughts just keep going to little Matilda, who he loved so much, and Jake, who must be completely devestated, I know how bad I feel, to those that knew and loved him it just be too much to bear right now.
Grateful there is sunlight this morning, in this time of sorrow. Maybe not ready for words, tears keep coming - no TV and I try to keep it simple, coming "home" to you guys for company and consolation - but even NPR's brief reprise of Heath's voice in BBMt brings tears.
ReplyDeleteThere is sure enuff a "family of humankind" - no way to separate from this pain.
I'll share a brief semi-dream image last night as I was falling off to sleep - of Jake (very much himself, lean, from the sideview, dimples, smiling) lifting a child in his arms, smiling -
Made me reflect how odd it must be for Jake - godfather to a small child just lost a father, uncle to a sisters child. friend to children of recently divorced parents - and playing the role of a younger brother caring for children of a man lost in wartime.
also found myself recalling my own times of loss, those of friends, how strange is the time of grief and mourning, shot thru with pain and also sunlight.
oh, man!
thanks to all for words and presence.
Herman, thank you for that moving post.
ReplyDeletepia - every loss we bear seems to be cumulative and reminds us of previous losses. I feel that too.
I'm glad you are all here.
"I nearly trembled when I saw those fantastic clips with him. He really was the saddest of them all Jokers ever made, and the meanest and the most frightening.
ReplyDeleteI believe that whatever took him down, I do believe that he wanted to make this role so god so badly that he overlooked his own health, as beeing less important that the part he played."
Excellent observation. Daniel-Day Lewis comes to mind as very close to this but he coped.
It was comforting to me to watch video of famiy and hear his father speaking (via Syndey Herald) and knowing his body will be returned to Australia and grieving famiy - of course. I am so sorry for them.
ReplyDeleteHello all,
ReplyDeleteCould not sleep last night. Unimaginable that this is all real. Can't help but watch and read the many moving tributes to Heath. He was so loved, respected and admired by his family, peers, the press, friends and so on. Seeing his parents and sister giving their statement was hard to take. Such a talented actor and we can only take comfort in the great work he has left us.
As I said yesterday that date was already a day of loss with my friend but seeing the news of Heath just compounded it. Thought of the BBM soundtrack and started crying. Knowing we have this place to share our grief is a true comfort. I am grateful to you all.
Breaks my heart to hear about Jake being so devastated. I hope he has lots of support around him. I hope he can feel our love and comfort (((Jake))). Along with sending solace and comfort to Matilda and Michelle.
(((Hugs))) all.
It was comforting to me to watch video of famiy and hear his father speaking (via Syndey Herald) and knowing his body will be returned to Australia and grieving famiy - of course. I am so sorry for them.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad for that too, Pia. My heart breaks for his family, who must be going through hell right now. And when will it stop? My heart is breaking and I didn't even know him.
I read on another site that his family found out through the media. I don't know if it's true but I really hope it's not. To lose a child or a brother is the worst thing I can imagine, but to have it compounded by finding out like that...Please let it not be the case. This is just so senseless, Heath was so young,so beautiful and talented...it's just not right...
ReplyDeleteHi to all,
ReplyDeletefist time that i post here, but i'm a constant reader.
i feeled the need to say something even if i don't know what to say...i'm at work right now, i'm supposed to be focused, normal and gentle while the only thing i need to do is crying...but i can't...this fucking efficient and razional world is not supposed to understand a thing like this.....so i needed to come here....i'm speechless...can't even fucking believe that this's really happened.
Jake, baby, we are so sorry that you lost your friend. We love you.
ReplyDeleteGuilia - love and hugs back to you. I don't think any of us really knows what to say. I'm just glad we can come here where there are others who understand the pain we feel.
ReplyDeleteI know I should be able to separate an actor from his character... but I keep having to remind myself that Ennis didn't die... this is like another layer of sadness over Brokeback.
ReplyDeleteI'm just crushed by this news, but starting to smile a little more through my tears as I read the beautiful tributes everyone has written, sharing memories of Brokeback, and Ennis and Jack, and tributes and clips of his wonderful work on the news. Never thought we'd lose one of our beloved Brokeback boys so soon, too soon. So glad that we can all get together and comfort each other. Heath Ledger, we will remember and treasure you, and your work, always. You touched me so much with your unforgettable portrayal of Ennis, and I will miss you.
ReplyDeleteLove, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends, and many fans.
Take care everyone, today :*
to share one of the things I needed to know, that acc'g to NYT 15 min ago, despite "inconclusive" autopsy, more blood and tissue work to be done, there is no need not to release body to family now and this is being done.
ReplyDeleteBach and sunshine is my medicine, now. love to all.
Sending love and hugs to everyone, especially WDW, on this sad day.
ReplyDeleteHeath felt like a real person even if I only knew him from his films and interviews. His death is a huge loss and seems so senseless.
I'll be forever grateful to him for giving us Ennis whom I love like a real friend.
Thinking of Heath's family and friends.
Fine commentary on Heath's work and gifts by A.O. Scott just posted in NYT.
ReplyDeleteAll music today seems like dirge.
I had a terrible nights sleep as well. I kept waking up hoping it was a dream. Then I would roll over and see my BBM calendar and remember. No, this is real.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts go out to Jake. Poor guy. I can't imagine losing a good friend. It must be crippling. I hope they respect everyone’s privacy. Especially Michelle. You know they won’t. People need to grieve in private. It is such a raw emotional time.
Hi - made it home, just about holding it together. Thank you so much for all these warm words of love for Heath, his family and Jake - they are so good to read.
ReplyDeleteHerman - thank you * And thank you everyone, posters new and old.
I am quite disappointed that the tribute Channel 4 just made called Ennis... "The Texan Cowboy" fell in love with ranch hand Jack Twist played by Jake Gyllenhaal... can't they at least try to get the fact right?
I am glad you made it home WDW. I am just thankful that I don't have to go out today. I don't think that I could hold it together. And you know how people are. They just don't understand. This is a huge part of our lives.
ReplyDeleteWinterbird, I'm looking forward to seeing you Sunday.
ReplyDeleteBirdgirl - everyone was lovely to me at work but it's difficult.
I've done a new 'post', mainly because there are so many wonderful comments here and I know it can be hard for some people on some PCs/phones to read so many. It's important that everyone should be able to say what they feel.
The book store was quiet this morning and so it was almost bearable. Except for the newspapers people kept asking for. The ones that had Heath's picture on the front page.
ReplyDeleteAs the day wore on towards afternoon, and things got busier and noiser, with people talking and laughing and wanting to have conversations about books or music, etc. I just couldn't handle that part anymore. So I came home.
WDW Thanks for the posts. Thanks for being here.
Bobbyanna, thanks for being here too. It's so hard trying to be 'normal' around others. I gave up too but it was so good to spend some time with my guy (which normally I can't in the week) and feel loved. But not looking forward to tomorrow.