Casting Jake
First off, it is well known that David Fincher wanted noone other than Jake for the role of Robert Graysmith and, even more, Jake was a significant reason for David even pulling the project together at all. But what I didn't know is that David wanted Jake for the role because Jake had a great reference - Jennifer Aniston. 'She gave me this role, so no problem...'
David: 'Jennifer Aniston cast this movie because she was saying 'Oh my God! Jake! You'll love him. he's fantastic! He's so charming, he's so great!' Jake: 'She can be one hell of an influence.' David: 'I had seen Jake in Donnie Darko and I'd seen Jake in The Good Girl and I liked that he could be part of something that was dark without having to play dark.'

It weighed heavily on Jake that David wouldn't do Zodiac without him. 'Ach! It's so hard, it's so hard. I've got to tell you, I mean the hardest thing... I mean one day when we have more time, I'm going to go into it with you because to be... it's just tough, really tough. No. It's a nice story when you think about it now because that's the way David is. David gets something in his mind that he wants. It's wonderful when you're the actor that he wants and a lot of people at the time may have not had a lot of faith in you and he'll fight for you. He wanted me. He wouldn't make the movie without me. It was essential. That is what you want from a filmmaker.'

This makes me wonder - did Jake really feel that other people didn't have faith in him at the time? Was this a real motivation for Jake - to do Zodiac because a director wanted him so strongly? It's got to make you feel good. And then the reality of actually doing the project may then have been a bit of a shock - this was easier for Mark Ruffalo to deal with because he was older and there was less pressure on his shoulders. No such luxuries for Jake.

Why Jake took the role
'David was veering away from what he did in Seven and what people would expect from him, particularly because of the same genre of movie. I love to be a part of that. I love to be a part of people coming into a movie expecting a certain thing that they've already seen and being totally blown away and surprised by the the fact that this director who had done this quintessential serial killer had now just mucked it all up and turned it up on its head - I'm always up for a little rowdiness!'

On the case
Jake: 'Robert Graysmith works at the San Francsico Chronicle as a cartoonist and he happens to be in the editorial room when the first cipher comes in and becomes fascinated by it immediately. And I think just first as... fun. And then slowly, as they start coming in and as the city of San Francisco becomes obsessed with the case and once it's printed and it's public, he just becomes fascinated like any kind of obsession.'
'He definitely looks up to Paul Avery. He was sort of like very charismatic and very funny and at the same time had a real dark side, I think. Robert just wants to be part of their cool team - cool kids.' Is it just me or does Jake look exhausted here?

The case that couldn't be solved
Jake: 'What happened was because everybody needed a warrant and there were different counties and there were different... and the red tape that followed, you know, I think that it was impossible for these men to solve the case and the reason why someone like Robert Graysmith gets as close as he does is because he doesn't have to deal with all that stuff.'
David: 'These guys didn't know what they were dealing with and didn't know profoundly.'

Jake: 'I remember talking about this on set, that this movie's about the advent of the cell phone. That was kind of a joke the whole time because I think that if there had beeen cell phones at that time, this case would have been solved pretty quickly.'
'There's a great moment and I remember David focusing on it. He wanted for Robert [Downey Jr] to dial on the rotary phone the whole number. he was like... [phone noises] - I remember thinking like this has got to get cut out of the movie. Like there's no way. They're going to cut right into this part, right when you finish it. But David keeps it and just sits there while he dials the phone cos that's the movie.'

A new school of discipline
Jake: 'Oh, I am never going to make a movie about obsession again, as it's like [exhales] I don't even know... yeah [laughs].'

'Some directors spend their time going like 'I'm going to work with my actors before hand for six months and we're all going to get to know each other and, when we get on set, it's gonna flow. David works in a different way, when he almost like drills it out of you...'

'I don't think I fully appreciated everything he gave me. I could open a drawer on set and there would be the things already for me, my character was mapped out by David. All of the pens that Robert Graysmith had, the type of paper, the erasers he used, he's meticulous. I remember having pens in my pocket and I had picked up a pen and we did a couple of takes and David was like 'Is that a ball point?' as there's like a little click on the top of it. I was like 'Err, yeah, I think there's a...' He was like 'He wouldn't have a ball point then, he'd have a felt tip. Can somebody take that out? Can we delete the rest of those last takes?' And you're like [hand on head] 'Oh my God!' I get why he does it now! [laughs] If you were to talk to me a couple... six months ago, I don't know if I would have understood why he was doing it. He paints with people and it's a frustrating thing sometimes to be an actor in that process, but ultimately the end result when you see something that he's done is really extraordinary. It's an extraordinary painting that he's made.'

The twist [with bleeps]
Jake: 'There is a twist - it [bleep] with your head - that's the twist. Cos when you leave a movie, you know, it gives you the perfect answer? It's perfect, there's no twist. This movie will [bleep] your mind - and bleep me out, cos it's true.'

Rendition caps from That Scene
I wasn't going to post these caps because Rendition is not yet out on DVD. However, these stills are now whizzing round the net and so I thought why not? If you don't want to look at them, please go no further...

Hi WDW -
ReplyDeleteInfo on Zodiac never ceases to fascinate, I love hearing how David Fincher creates, and I meant to comment on one of your previous posts that some of his upcoming projects sound great as well.
And ohhhhhhhh yessssss - thank you for the Rendition screencaps of The Scene. Aside from Jake being in his most beautiful and masculine glory in it (IMO), I love the window and the "still life" on the bedside table, this scene is like a work of art in many ways. It's a great film, and I'm looking forward to the DVD.
Hey Bertie - if anyone's a work of art, it's Jake :D That whole scene is amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like the info on Zodiac. I'm fascinated by this film, which is rather obvious I think!, and I was moved to hear Jake talk here about how he tried to live up to David's expectations.
oh yes WDW hope you can make the video available to the colonies for those of us doing serious Jake research.
ReplyDeletethanks for a great Sunday post!
Mmm..thanks for posting the Rendition caps:D Why not indeed? Apart from the risk of fainting obviously. Maybe you should post a disclaimer, just in case;) Bertie, you're right about the bedside table, there's so many clues to the character right there, with all the clutter and the fag ends in the glass. Just 3 weeks until we get our hands on that DVD!!
ReplyDeleteI think I've got that MTV Zodiac (as oppposed to Zodiak - I wouldn't like to be anywhere near David "attention to detail" Fincher if he ever sees that. I mean, please, how hard is it to get the bleeping title of the film right???) Anyway, I'm sure I've got it on a tape somewhere, so if it needs YouTube-ing just let me know:) The meticulous attention to detail in this film is incredible, I remember thinking that watching the behind-the-scenes doc, with all the newspapers, etc. I can see how it would do Jake's head in, but you have to admire that kind of dedication. I'm going to have to stop being such a baby and psyche myself up to watch the DC soon. I haven't got much time cos when Rendition comes out that's gonna be all I watch for weeks!
Thanks Pia! I'm working on it. I have all the files saved.
ReplyDeleteHey TL - If you can YouTube this, that'd be great. I have saved the six files so I can upload them somewehere if needs be. It's an amazing interview with Jake (although they can't spell Zodiac right - you wouldn't have thought that was too hard ;D)
ReplyDeleteJake looks so tired and frazzled in some of this. All actors are different and all directors are different and this could well have been a steep learning curve for Jake. But what a job he did! Just do Jake a favour and watch it TL! The DC is amazing!
I hope you're coping with the Rendition pics OK... ;)
well Im not coping with the Rendition pictures. I just wanna. . . bleep him.
ReplyDeleteGreat commentary and pics, I really don't know how you do it so well and in such limited time!!!
ReplyDeleteMy English is not the best, but shouldn't "motivationary" be "motivational"?
Ok, I've found the tape so I'll try to upload it tonight if I can:) And I've got the day off on tuesday so I've promised myself I'll watch Zodiac then (hopefully if I watch it in the day I'll have forgotten about it by bedtime;)
ReplyDeletePia, I feel your pain, hon;)
Great interview and pics, WDW (all of them) *
ReplyDeleteHi Pia - me too !
ReplyDeletehey Anon - you're quite right, I think I've made up a word. Amended post. I'm so tired today, I'm amazed I can even spell Jake :D
Great job TL!! I'm also going to send the files to IHJ and Stephanie's going to try and put them up as soon as possible (if I give them to her in a good format of course!)
Thanks Anouska *)
Hi WDW! Am I glad I got half way through my ironing and then thought "Sod it,I'll finish it tomorrow!" That has given me a brief spell to drop in here for a gander before I fall shattered into bed,and what a sight for sore eyes!!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have time to try out the "Zodiac"videos tonight,but your transcript of the salient points,which I've just skimmed,is fantastic,a great taster for the insights of the videos to come!
As for the "Rendition" screencaps! Holy smoke!! Not sure my poor old ticker can take it. To paraphrase that old lager advert,Jake Gyllenhaal reaches the parts other film stars don't reach! Is it really only 3 weeks before we get the DVD??!! My cup runneth over (and all my important bits tingleth - how about yours,WDW?)
Ok, it took a while, but for those of you who can't watch the MTV video,here's the links to the YouTube version
Part 2:
Sorry the quality is so poor, but hopefully it'll tide you over until WDW or Stephanie can upload a better version:)
Nadine, yes, it's only 3 weeks until Rendition is released - at least in the US,but thanks to playusa (Gawd bless 'em - any chance of a few quid commission?) we can expect it here then too:D (That's assuming you got your dvd to work? I meant to ask when I emailed you the other day but I forgot - too busy rambling on about other stuff;D)
And to paraphrase another lager ad - Carlsberg don't do movie stars, but if they did they'd probably be Jake Gyllenhaal:D Off to dream of Jake now (I hope!). Night xx
Yes, Jake was exhausted while he was filming "Zodiac," because he was attending so many publicity and awards events for "Brokeback Mountain" *and* "Jarhead." The poor guy barely had time to breathe!
ReplyDeleteHe took rather a long time off from acting after the "Zodiac" filming finished, so he could rest up.
I loved those early scenes in "Rendition." Jake as passionate lover.... Given that he has to repress his own emotions so much in later scenes, it's good to show him being a normal guy at the very beginning.
A poster on another board said Jake (and Tobey and Natalie) were due back in NM today.
ReplyDeleteMorning everyone - and happy holidays to those on the other side of the pond :D
ReplyDeleteTwisted Logic - you are an angel and you should be rewarded with Jake *** Hope you got the dreams...
Morning Paulh - you're right, films must be tiring but there is the luxury of a break afterwards.
Hi Anon - I think Tobey may have been filming last week (see earlier post), although obviously Jake wasn't. Have to keep our ears open. They must be near finishing now.
Have a good day everyone :)
Thank you very much for the youtube-links. But when I startede to look I closed it down after some ten seconds. That's because I have not dared to see the movie yet!
ReplyDeleteI feel that I have to. But it has to be when I am alone with the TV, because what I have told my wife has scared her from even seeing a short glimpse of it
Thank you WDW for giving such good abstracts from what is said. A very nice photos all of them. Very good job from those responsible :-)
" think Tobey may have been filming last week (see earlier post), although obviously Jake wasn't. Have to keep our ears open. They must be near finishing now."
ReplyDeleteSorry I just thought you might like to know, the poster seemed quite genuine, won't bother in future.
YAY! more Zodiac!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to wait til I get home to watch the videos though... they look... delicious...
About directors wanting to cast Jake or "wouldn't" make a film unless Jake said yes (I love you, David Fincher)... I remember the director of TDAT also desperately wanted to work with Jake, he changed the age of Jake's character to like 17 years old (younger in the original script)and asked if a 21 year-old Jake can pull it off.... of course, he did.
John Maddens also asked for Jake specifically for Proof. Sometimes I find it funny that i kept hearing Jake not doing well in some castings (like those numerous Superhero castings), while all these good directors can't wait to work with him.
One more reason to like Jennifer Aniston now. :)
Anon - there's no need to be so grumpy - I was merely saying that scenes from the Afghanistan section of the movie were filmed in NM last week, which didn't involve Jake, and we'll have to listen out for accounts of Jake back there filming this week. I was having a dialogue with you!
ReplyDeleteHi Herman! You must see Zodiac tout suite!
Hi Winterbird! I'll be back to answer you later (gotta work...) :D Definitely agree about the lovely Jen...
ReplyDeleteWDW, such wonders in this latest post, thank you so much! I have not had much time to comment lately but I have been reading, just RL has been quite stressful and my time has been limited. I will have to wait until tonight to see the video, but enjoyed the little snippets you gave us. Its easy to understand why David Fincher's method of direction would drive a sane man crazy, but isn't it wonderful to hear that David wanted Jake, and wouldn't make it without him. I love that.
ReplyDeleteThe screencaps from Rendition are....unbelievably sexy. I agree with TL, though, I think there should be some kind of warning to go with them!! LOL
Thanks for such a wonderful, insightful, interesting and fun place, WDW!
There's a real sense of closed-off emotions in Jake's "Rendition" performance. You can see it in the way he holds his jaw in an early scene in a taxi (or is it a limousine?). No wide-eyed look of horror, no sound, just a face held very stiff even as he obviously feels distraught and shell-shocked.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward very much to seeing Rendition in the relative safety of my own home, being unwilling, as I was, to chance being carted off by EMTs in the Multiplex because of torture or Jake in his "masculine glory" in sex scenes.
ReplyDelete2008 looks quite promising. I hear buying real estate on the moon is being negotiated among various countries. way to go!
hi, y'all!
Thanks WDW, for the summary on the Zodiac info. I'm looking forward to being able to see it LOL! YOu are an agnel for keeping us so well informed!
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone get the impression that there are often a few lengthy "master" interviews, and then various journalists cull various comments, often out of context, to paste together their own articles to give the appearance they actually interviewd someone?
I'm reacting to the "painting with people" comment. I've seen that in other places, but not in the context you provided here. And in some of the other places it was framed by the journo as part of negative remarks Jake was supposed to be making about Fincher...obviously, while Jake was poking at David for being such an exhausting director, he also appreciated the end result very much. And that part seems to be largely overlooked in the media's rush to get an "angle" or a "hook" for their pieces.
Rendition caps are....indescribable...the first time I saw them I whimpered...til my Eldest child poked me in the ribs! Second time I saw them, I was with a "Support Group"...so we were all whimpering together...after we resumed breathing! LOL!!! The third time I saw Rendition, I actually watched the movie...really I did.
Sorry for the double post, but I get what Jake was saying about David wanting him. That must be a very reassuring place to be in.
ReplyDeleteI think Jake is no different from many actors. Sometimes he is not the first choice for a role. He has to really fight for it. We hear about casting announcements, but the journey to get there is usually private and we rarely hear how it happened. I like Jennifer for that. That she pushed for Jake....how could she not!!!!
2008 looks quite promising. I hear buying real estate on the moon is being negotiated among various countries. way to go!
ReplyDeleteWhat, we're off to screw up another planet? Jeez. ;)
On a happier note, Pia, wait until you see Rendition. Speaking of heavenly bodies, that heavenly body (and face!) makes me all effusive. You had to have seen it on a 30 x 70 foot movie screen, but it will still be amazing on DVD. And of course, his work is great in it, as Douglas. For me it was rather breathtaking to see him in such a different role.
WDW, as I said, I always love hearing about Zodiac, and the great directors who want to work with Jake, and I agree, it is very moving to see how much of his heart, soul and hard work he puts into his films, and it shows. I finally got to see October Sky, and he was absolutely brilliant in it, even then you could see the fine actor he is and would become, and yet to see! :)
hey, Bertie, I have not been immuninized to deal with 30x70 foot Jake. If I saw him on a billboard I would probably faint and get killed by a bus.
ReplyDeletejust sayin'
p.s. I mean half nekid Jake, of course, although I dunno, seems Im becoming more liable, over all, to giddiness and goofy smiles when I see him even fully dressed in his "most beautiful and masculine glory"
ReplyDelete. . . seems Im becoming more liable, over all, to giddiness and goofy smiles when I see him even fully dressed in his "most beautiful and masculine glory"
ReplyDeleteYou 'n me both! It's awful, isn't it? It doesn't matter what he is or isn't wearing, what he is or isn't doing, he's amazing - he's the best thing in HW I've seen in quite some time, and trust me that's a long time, and not just for his looks. I was just about done in by his work as Jack in BBM, (the first time I saw him in anything) and it's only gotten better from there, although that may be my favorite. :)
Hi everybody :D I'm back having been blown down the motorway by gales - and you've been chatting away without me *sob* ! Thanks for all the great comments.
ReplyDeleteWinterbird - sorry I had to rush off before. I think it's extraordinary how these top directors all want Jake and, judging by this interview, Jake finds this something to comprehend as well. He says he auditions badly and it sounds as though he felt at least that not everybody did want him.
Thanks so much Christie - don't worry if you don't get time to comment, I'm just glad you have the time to enjoy the posts. I know how hard RL gets that's for sure.
Hi Paulh - I know exactly what you mean - Jake holds it all in - almost inscrutable and yet the shellshock in his eyes, his withdrawal from his girlfriend etc, until he's ready to connect again and be active. I think Jake does an incredible job - I also like to see him lying in bed half naked, knocking back the shots and smoking a hookah but then I can be very shallow...:D
Hey Pia - I know what you mean - the first time I saw Rendition (well actually that was in Toronto with Jake in the theatre so scratch that), the Second time I saw Rendition I think I can't have taken a breath for minutes! I've never seen Jake like that on a big screen and it was unforgettable :)
Hi Bobbyanna - Good to see you :D I've thought that a few times but I also think Jake has stock answers to stock questions. Manyatime I've read an interview and thought it was an old, familiar one and then there's a whole load of new stuff in it and I realise it's Jake coming out with the old stuff and adding to it if he feels motivated enough by the interviewer. The paint comment is a case in point. It's interesting and no doubt a sympom of having to do umpteen interviews on a junket day when most people ask him the same questions.
The caps are delicious aren't they? I believe I was in that 'support group' - I don't think I did a very good job!
Hey Bertie - I'm so glad you got to see October Sky. It's an incredible film. And you're so right - with Jake, it's not all looks, even though I could sit and look at him read a shopping list :D
Just watched the MTV Zodiac vid, thanks so much for posting it WDW, because it was a joy. Jake was clearly enjoying himself there and that line - if we had more time, I'd tell you - if I was the interviewer, I would have locked the door and refused to let him leave!! Or make sure we made the next time a date, getting his phone number into the bargain! I enjoyed this vid because it was different to a lot of the ones I've seen before, and where Jake and co did say a few of the same things we've heard before, there was a lot of new, good stuff. Loved all the little details about David Fincher's perfectionist way of directing, and I was glad to hear Mark Ruffalo's views on that, comparing it to Jake's. They may have said different things, but they both appreciated what David was trying to achieve. Excellent stuff, WDW, truly. And boy, that Jake is such a charmer, isn't he? Don't know how anyone can be coherent when interviewing him.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you liked it Christie - I loved the bit where Jake had to accept he'd put the wrong type of pen in his pocket and had to pay the price. You can imagine how his face dropped at the time, even now he realises that David was right. But it's all very human. Definitely one of my favourites too, without doubt.
ReplyDeletethose Rendition shots are HOT! (and I could sure use something to warm me up cause it is FREEZING here)
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks, as always, for the info about Zodiac. I know how difficult it must have been to work with someone as meticulous as David Finchner.
I have yet to get a copy of the directors cut. But I will eventually.