Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Revisited - Jake out and about in Beverly Hills, 15 February

The new pictures posted at IHJ from 15 February in Beverly Hills seemed to merit a second post for today - not least because of the view of Atticus in the back, having sat patiently, waiting for his master to escape from the dentist.

This shirt, and Jake's jeans for that matter, have attracted some attention, so, if you want yourself or significant other to follow that inimitable Jake style, click here for the breathe deeper shirt and here for the jeans. There's something about a man who keeps his clothes in a basket...

Pictures from IHJ.


  1. OOh thanks for this visual nightcap WDW! Can't get enough clean shaven Jake, those pics really are gorgeous *drool* And thank you for the link to the t- shirt. I really want one but they only seem to have the white and pink one and I want the blue one that Jake's wearing(or at least one the same colour;D) I'll have a proper look tomorrow and see if I can find one.

  2. That's what I call a "beach basket" I have a few, wonder if its the same in California. good for wet towels and bathing suits.

    Love knowing where Jake gets his clothes.

    g'night everypeeps. g'bye, moon. come back soon.

  3. I thought you were going to sleep? :P

    I don't mind revisit the clean shaven Jake pics... especially ones with Atticus.

    I love the Indigo wash jeans on Jake! J Brand jeans are good... available at Harvey Nics... when I am willing to part £150 for them....

  4. the one he's wearing

  5. Hi everybody
    You know, I happened to look at a website that has a video of Jake leaving the dentist and it gave me a whole new insight into what celebrities have to put up with from the paps with their cameras. Jake walks out and is immediately swarmed by a bunch of people less than a foot away from him. Jake calmly goes straight to his car and there's a guy shouting in his face "How are you coping with the death of Heath Ledger? You know, Heath Ledger, your costar in Brokeback Mountain?" What an idiot! I would have cracked up and had the urge to shoot back something like "Never heard of him" but you can believe you would have seen it twisted in the headlines the next day "Jake laughs off..." or something equally horrible, just for being baited by this obnoxious guy with a camera. But Jake kept his cool. THEN, the ultimate irony, the guy's camera cord gets trapped in the door of Jake's car! It would have served him right if Jake had driven off and smashed the camera, but Jake was very classy, opened the door and released the guy's camera cord, at which point I would have been cracking up again if I had been Jake, but once again you can imagine again how they would have twisted it for a headline. The paps seemed a bit abashed after that and let him go with thanks. It just doesn't show in the still photos how these guys swarmed Jake. I can't believe Jake has to live with this every single time he sets foot outside. I know we are all so glad to see photos of him, but wow what a price he has to pay and what self-control he showed in the face of these idiots. I don't think I'm going to be revisiting that video site. So intrusive.

    Take care all

    PS, I am secretly hoping he is going to be involved in a Heath tribute at the Oscars next weekend. WDW, any hints of this happening? You always have the best info.

  6. Did you all see that lunar eclipse? It is amazing. Isn't it funny, I see something beautiful like that and my first reaction is to run back and tell ya'll about it? I guess we all like to share beautiful things.

  7. Morning everyone! No frost, no fog - that's more like it :D

    Glad you liked the nightcap, TL - I did too. I think the problem is that it's Jake's shirt we want - I wonder if he gives clothes to charity shops.... :D Maybe we should all get one of these shirts though, and be matching ;)

    Hi Pia - I've only used a beach basket once and that was on a beautiful South Indian Ocean island - it seems strange to see one in a car outside a dentists.

    I know, Winterbird - too late a night, but I had to spend some time with pics of shaven Jake in blue. I like how Jake wears J jeans...

    Hi Libby :) - the videos can be disturbing and I've seen two from this occasion, but I also find them revealing because they show what people really do face. But I love the pics and I post them so that's the dilemma. But Jake does know how to handle them - he's very professional. He's been in LA moving in this world all his life and he'll know that with the amazing opportunities success brings comes the downside. But, as we know, a lot of the time, Jake just manages to elude them all together! But there are some sites I just won't go to.

    I don't have any clues if Jake will be part of a Heath tribute at the Oscars at the weekend. My instincts tell me he'll be there - especially as he wasn't last year - but I'm so often wrong!

    Morning Bird Girl! I love that you come here to share beautiful things :D The moon eclipse sounds lovely.

    Have a good day everyone :D

  8. Morning everyone, finally - clear sky and I can see Tower Bridge again this morning.

    that pap sounds like a bloody idiot for sure. I don't watch those pap videos because I would just get angry. Basically there's only one tactic they'd use - taunting. Say anything to get a reaction, to see the person slip or lose it. It's ugly and my heart is weak. Like you, WDW, I do like to see those pics, so I can't say I'm totally innocent, I am only avoiding those videos for selfish reasons.

    I can't watch the Oscars, don't have Sky at home, if Jake's gonna be there, I hope it'll on youtube soon. But still, he does owe anyone any statement.

  9. Agreed — Jake handles the paps very well. Shame they aren't capable of even a tiny bit of respect.

    WDW, I hope your Rendition shows up soon. I watched it last night and I can't believe I had forgotten how much I like that film. AND how good — and gorgeous — Jake is in it. Everyone is excellent, actually, but Jake commands your attention in every scene — mine, at least. He is so different here from anything else he's done. Maturity certainly suits him!

  10. G'moring, darlin's! Its a rainy day in Marrakesh, sunny and cold here, Jake still in Springfield post office, but Netflix Rendition has arrived in my own p.o. for tomorrow's pick up. So there.

    Im hoping Jake will not be at the
    Oscars, I feel its not helpful for Heath's memory nor Jake's career to assume there is the same chrismatic relationship beteween the two actors as was in the film. And personally dont want to see a spectacle made of this sad death.

    Im not surprised that Jake is harrassed by paps for response to H's death: - and thst's why I stay away from other sites, it upsets me alot. it's very ugly and has to affect the openness that Jake has always been able to maintain towards his fans.

    Well bless us everypeeps and Jake too.

  11. oops.. i meant he doesn't owe anyone any statement.

    i need another cup of coffee

  12. I rarely watch pap videos for the same reasons others have said, they just make me so angry and upset, but I love seeing the pics(especially when they're as droolworthy as the latest medical centre ones). I know this makes me a grade A hypocrite but what can I do...? I'm too weak to stay away and not look at them. Otoh, we all have to put up with a certain amount of crap in our jobs and anyone who goes into showbiz knows that media intrusion is part of the deal, and Jake probably is more aware of that than most, with his upbringing. Saying that, the paps do overstep the mark sometimes like asking Jake about Heath and particularly taking pics of Michelle when she returned to NY, that just turned my stomach. But it's not always as black and white as that and Jake seems to know how to handle it the right way.

    Not having any luck finding a blue t-shirt. I'm in two minds about buying the white one. I love the design but hate the pink colour. What's a girl to do? I remember reading that Princess Diana used to give all her old designer dresses to charity shops, so who knows,Jake might do the same.Maybe it'll turn up on Ebay one of these days;)

  13. Hello everyone.

    I remember hearing that someone paid 10 thousand dollars for one of Jakes "Jack Twist" shirts on e-bay a long time ago. I will be honest with you, if I had the 10 thousand dollars I would have probably gone for it. Its money well spent to me. ;)

    Wow we are having a really bad ice storm. I don't think that we will be going to New Orleans after all. Damn it. I have heard horror stories about people stuck on planes sitting on runways in St. Louis for 6 hours. We are driving so we still might make a run for it yet. Wish me luck.

  14. (((Jake)))

    It's very sad that the paps would crowd Jake like that.

  15. Beautiful shirt, WDW. I was wondering where he got it from. On the site it only says it comes in white, but maybe from the store you can get different colors. it's nice that it is from organic cotton.

    Maybe Jake is taking a page from Heath, wearing unique styles.

    thanks for posting. Poor Atticus, it's a good thing it's not summer he would have been extremely hot in that car.

    I am glad Jake is clean shaven again


  16. I do wish you well ((Birdgirl)). Spent eight hours in St. Louis airport, with locals bitching that St. Louis spouses and road crews dont know how to deal with ice. Who does? Yikes!

  17. Hi everyone - what a strange day - my last long commute and if that isn't worth celebrating I don't know what is! hasn't sunk in yet.

    Hi Winterbird - it was good to see the sky for a change in London today. I feel just like you with the pics.

    Hi Beckela - great to see you :D You're making me want to watch the DVD more than ever!

    So glad you'll be rescuing Jake tomorrow, Pia. He'll be ready :)

    TL, it's definitely not black and white and I think stars such as Jake know that.

    Oh Bird Girl! I hope it works out and you get to New Orleans safely. No fun driving through those kinds of conditions.

    So good to see you Paul :D

    Hi Trekfan - it's a lovely shirt - certainly looks good on Jake. It's a shame they don't have it in blue online.

  18. ya, I watched the two diff vids of Jake leaving the medical building, and the most astounding thing of all is after the nasty pap yells out about Heath, after Jake frees the pap's camera cord from his door ever so kindly, Jake actually waves goodbye to the pap(s). I don't think to the shouting pap, I think the shouting pap is behind his car but there are paps to the side and to the front, and Jake gives a hand wave. You can see it in the still shot over at IHJ. That Jake is a-maaaaaazing!!!! He even waves at those freakin' paps?!!!!!!!!

  19. I think it's very nice that Jake waves to the paps. There's no rule that says he can't actually like some of them. He probably does like them.
