According to The TandD: 'COLUMBIA -- The South Carolina Department of Commerce and the state Film Commission today announced the second major feature film that will soon begin filming in South Carolina in 2008. "Nailed" staring Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Biel will be produced by Red Wagon Entertainment, Persistent Entertainment, and The Gotham Group and directed by David O. Russell. The film will shoot in Richland and Lexington Counties.'

'"Nailed" is a political satire in which Sammy Joyce (Biel) - an uninsured small-town receptionist - goes on a crusade to Washington to fight for the rights of the "bizarrely injured" and meets an immoral congressman (Gyllenhaal). The screenplay was written by David O. Russell and Kristin Gore - the daughter of Former Vice President Gore. South Carolina was chosen as the location for the film for a variety of reasons. Persistent Entertainment had previously worked with the Film Commission on a feature film in York, Chester, and Kershaw Counties. Additionally, the production companies sought to replicate the U.S. Capitol and chose the South Carolina capital building as a site for filming.'

During the filming of Brothers, it was clear that the movie industry has become an important part of the economy of New Mexico and it's interesting reading about how South Carolina is trying to do the same thing. Charleston's Post and Courier expanded on the reasons for South Carolina's selection, revealing that the state's Commerce Department had been fighting to win the project to SC for some time: 'House Speaker Bobby Harrell last week said he wants to expand wage rebates for in-state, as well as out-of-state workers, and to create an apprenticeship program for residents to gain experience in the film industry. The state has lost a competitive edge in an industry where tax incentives "make or break deals," he said recently.'

'The Commerce Department, however, modified the state's film incentive package last year in an attempt to ensure the state's return on investment and to encourage the hiring of S.C. residents over out-of-state workers. Another part of the revamped incentives package involves enticement for purchases from state suppliers. Harrell, R-Charleston, said Monday he knew that a political film had been in the pipeline for some time because producers were interested when the House chamber would be free, probably this summer or fall. The Commerce Department should be credited for working for some time to attract the film, Harrell said, but added that even more films could be landed if the changes go through.'

This is illuminated upon in a feature in today's State, which reports that Nailed chose Columbia for architectural reasons, and also because of South Carolina's support for the film industry. Interestingly, this article also refers to Connecticut, even suggesting that that state has completely lost out to South Carolina, with all filming to take place in SC. And it may all have been to do with the weather.
'Producers wanted to film the upcoming Jake Gyllenhaal political satire, “Nailed,” at a site that looks like the nation’s Capitol. The S.C. State House earned the part. “Our State House was designed by an architect who designed the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.,” S.C. Film Commission head Jeff Monks said Monday.'

'The movie’s producers also were attracted to the state’s film financial incentives package and weather, said Andy Keeter, a production executive at Capitol Films, the financier of “Nailed.” “Nailed,” which also stars Jessica Biel, should begin filming in mid-April in Columbia and Lexington, Keeter said. Besides shooting scenes around the State House, the directors want to film in a bar, a diner and a house belonging to Biel’s character. Persistent Films, one of the movie’s producers, is familiar with the state after filming “Walker Payne” in 2005 in York County. Monks said his office tried to entice filmmakers back.'
'South Carolina had been competing with two other states, including Connecticut, where incentives include a 30 percent rebate on all workers’ salaries, Keeter said. In South Carolina, film productions receive a 20 percent cash rebate for wages paid to South Carolinians hired as cast and crew. Workers from other states earn the companies a 10 percent rebate. “The rebate situation on all independent movies is becoming more and more important,” he said. Both states had suitable statehouses and good incentives. But the producers wanted to start as soon as possible and didn’t want to wait on Connecticut to warm up, he said.'

And for those lucky enough to live in South Carolina and have some talents as a thespian, there is an email address to apply to work on Nailed.
The Gyllenhaal New York City tour
With Nailed still a month away at least, Jake continues to enjoy his visit to NYC. More pictures have emerged of Jake and Reese shopping and leaving their hotel on 2 and 3 March. According to one report, on Sunday, Jake and Reese were spotted 'having brunch at Sarabeth’s on Central Park South.' They later attended the 'Broadway play August: Osage County. Clocking in at more than three hours, the play by writer Tracy Letts addresses, among other things, alcoholism, drug addiction, adultery and sexual misbehavior.'

You can read a review of this play ('which is not for kiddies') here.

The Gyllenhaal Parisian tour
More pictures also emerged of Maggie, Ramona and Naomi enjoying their walking tour of the beautiful city of Paris. In one of these pictures, Maggie is doing a very good impression of WDW trying to find her way on foot from one end of Hollywood to the other.

Pictures from IHJ and Pop Sugar.
TY for the update!
ReplyDeleteHe is looking gorgeous and happy. I'm glad he's having such a great time in N.Y.
The Gyllenhaal ladies seem to have a great time in Paris as well. ;)
South Carolina sure seems very happy to have the film happening there. And I like so many call it "the upcoming Jake Gyllenhaal political satire"!
ReplyDeletemy best friend in US (also a Jake fan) is planning to move from Chicago to Portland - argh why don't they move to SC instead and apply for a job there?
thanks for the update - i got some google alerts of them, but I was too lazy to go through them myself. Know I can trust you :P
Hi Anon - it is good to see them all having such a good time - feels like my holidays are continuing, through them.
ReplyDeleteHey Winterbird! I like that too - this is really Jake's film. Yes, we should all relocate and get casted :D I loved all this enws about the film, I enjoy the run up to these movies.
Jake's jacket looks like a version of the pea jacket, I love it.
ReplyDeleteThe film industry's negotiations with states for filming sites is quite fascinating - I had no idea of this kind of business, monkey and otherwise. No toads in South Carolina, but they do have alot of snakes "down south". Southern women will not walk in tall grass, a fact this Yankee woman found very odd.
A British coorespondent tells me that Mad Men is being aired on British television this week. Why do I not know of this USAan cable series? Did it, does it, get not much of a buzz in USA?
Good to see you Pia :D
ReplyDeleteBefore Brothers I had no idea that all this stuff went on behind the scenes with states/countries competing to host a movie. And I find it absolutely fascinating - especially for Nailed, a political 'satire' - I have no idea if it'll be a satire or not, but here's hoping.
I've not heard of Mad Men - what's it about?
Gah, I missed it - I saw the trailer and it looked great. It's a BBC4 show on Sundays about 1960s ad men.
ReplyDeleteAhhh, thanks Anouska :) I'm being told to be quiet and watch Sleeplesss in Seattle :\
ReplyDeleteYou blog out loud? :D:D
ReplyDeleteIsn't that a romcom? *shudders*
Apparently, I chuckle when I use my laptop - just can't help it. Yep, it's the dreaded romcom, but Mr WDW has a big weakness for them and I can barter - a romcom = half of Rendition :D
ReplyDeleteI loved Sleepless in Seattle. Hated Moulin Rouge. and never heard of Mad Men, dont have cable TV, its against my arguably stupid principles - I watch recommended shows on Netflix, such as Wire, Weeds, and Greys Anatomy, and so forth, a year late. so what. art is long and so is life. ( I dont really believe any of this)
ReplyDeletewe've got horrible primaries tonight. pray for us sinners, y'all who live elsewhere.
Hey Pia, I actually quite like Sleepless in Seattle, especially as I have a bottle of wine and a big box of Quality Street chocolates :)
ReplyDeletePrimaries tonight? Be strong and good luck... at least in our elecions we vote just the once.
I can recommend the orange soft-centred chocs :D
Pia, Mad Men is a fantastic show. I just got hooked on watching the first season reruns on late night AMC. I DVR them and have been totally hooked. It is about NYC advertising executives in the 1960's. It is no Ozzie and Harriet. It is written by one of the writers of the Soprano's, doesn't have mobsters or blood, and it has that same feeling. Definitely Netflix it!
ReplyDeleteKeeping a close watch on the primaries tonight with you.
Thanks for all the updates on Jake/Reese in NY and Nailed in SC. I doubt Conn. with see any filming then. I was hoping there would be some filming in CT Jake would be close to the city and he and Maggie would be filming close by at the same time. I really miss Jake and Maggie together. Now Jake is in NY and we don't know if she is still in Paris. Am enjoying the Gyllenhaal girls in Paris though. I have heard Reese is going back to CA to finish filming on her movie but I kind of hope stays here for a while.
Hi Get Real :D This show sounds great! I'd never heard of it, but I'll definitely look out for it here.
ReplyDeleteIt does sound like no shooting will take place in Connecticut now, which surprises me as everything else had said that filming was being split between SC and Conn. but maybe it was a competition. I suppose if Reese heads back to finish filming in California, Jake will head back to LA. But I'd like to see him hang around and spending some time with Maggie too, and Chris! I want to see more of him.
im so excited!! I live in columbia and i am a HUGE jake fan!! i wonder how easy it will be to meet him..
ReplyDeleteHey Nicole! You are one lucky gal! With a bit of planning, who knows? Just make sure you keep us informed - and pics too :D Seriously!
ReplyDeleteThis is just a short visit to say hi after my stay in hospital having my entire gear-box removed. Still can't sit with laptop on knee for too long at one time yet,but I hope to catch up on all your travels over the next couple of days,WDW.
ReplyDeleteI'm pleased about "Nailed" getting the go-ahead,because Jake's character taking advantage of a woman turned nymphomaniac by a freak accident not only sounds ripe for satire, but full of opportunities for Jake to get his kit off. My friend Lisa lives in South Carolina - must tell her to get auditioning!
It would be good if Jake were to stay on in New York when RW goes back to CA - he hasn't seen enough of Chris lately and I'd welcome more photos of Chris as well as young Mr.Gyllenhaal.
Had to smirk when a Google alert I've just read featured a gossip column from Britain's "newspaper"(I use the term loosely)"The Sun". They eschew the tag "Gyllenspoon" and instead refer to the partnership as "Reesenaal" which sounds like a treatment for haemorrhoids to me,or some similar pain in the arse...must be my Pharmaceutical background colluding with my naughty side ;-) It's so good to be back!
(((Nadine)))! Good to hear from you. Glad you are okay and back with us. I hope we will entertain you as you recuperate. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the Nailed updates! Haven't read all the details cos it's late (been watching the best quality night of telly I've seen in ages: a historic win for Arsenal in Milan and the hilarious Shameless. Gutted I missed Mad Men though, I really wanted to see that too:( Hopefully the licence fee will strech to a repeat;). Anyway, I'm looking forward to Nailed. I've wanted to see Jake do a comedy for ages but I'm not really a fan of rom coms but a dark political satire sounds much more up my street. Not to mention it sounds like we could be getting some Bad Boy Jake with his kit off - what's not to love about that?
ReplyDelete(((Nadine))) So good to see you back:)
Hey Nadine, glad you're back, hope you're not missing what you dont need - meditate on the beauty of Jake for quick recovery.
ReplyDeleteIm watching lovely young Heath in Two Hands, dont want to eat it all at once, will save some for tomorrow night.
Someone mentioned the deleted scene in Rendition that would have added inmformation to Jake's characterization, "the phone call" - yes, indeed! I thought so, also.
Morning everyone from jetlagged WDW, thank heavens I'm still a lady of leisure.
ReplyDelete((((Nadine)))) So glad to see you back where you belong, with a laptop, Jaking. I'm so glad to hear you sounding so much better xxx
I agree that the opportunities for Jake to get his kit off in Nailed far outweigh any other difficulties I may have had with this film :D
Morning Get Real! Good to see you.
Hi TL - glad to her the Gunners are doing you proud. I had an evenig with Mr WDW dictating the TV choices. I definitely agree with your expectations of Nailed.
Morning Pia - sounds like you're enjoying Two Hands - so many Heath films I've yet to see.
Have a good Wednesday everyone :D
Morning WDW and everyone:)
ReplyDelete((((Nadine))))) sending you lots of hugs. I hope you feel better soon:)
I can't believe all the behind the scenes moves it takes to secure a movie. TY Kate:)
Love the Gyllenhaal Paris trip. It looks like fun for everyone and for us:)
I'm off to see a doc on the Upper East Side and I have my fingers crossed, that maybe I will spot Jake and Reese shopping again, though in this rain I doubt it:)
I can't hope to run into him in any the restaurants they've been visiting.
fingers xxxed
G'morning everybodies, where are my wellies? Rain rain rain.
ReplyDeleteCouldnt resist finishing Two Hands last night, and this morning watched the last scene over a few times just for that amazing smile. Lovely Heath and a good story.
Good MD visit, Sass. Ive got one tomorrow, "weather permitting and the creek don't rise".
I agree the deleted scene would have helped to understand better Jake's charcter and, to me, even his relationship with his girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteNot that you need my help in finding out things WDW but there are new (not so exciting) Jake pics on IHJ :
Have a good day/evening everyone.:)
I agree the deleted scene would have helped to understand better Jake's charcter and, to me, even his relationship with his girlfriend
ReplyDeletetotally! cos I found that there's something "awkward" when Jake's character asked for his girlfriend's help, it's like they were in a fight or something. If the "phonecall" scene was included, we would have a better idea...
sorry for all the spoiler, WDW, if you haven't seen them!
I do think the film chose to put some emphasis on the ill-fated relationship between the two young Arabs... and IMO, that's not the strongest branch of the movie (mostyl because it's been done 100 times). But i guess keeping the film running within 120-min and maintaing that "twist" at the end might have something to do with their final decision.
Hi everyone :) Just got back from watching a fun rubbishy movie at the pics - too embarrassed to tell you which one, but I'm on holiday, so there!
ReplyDeleteHi Sass! Good luck running into them - they must be piling pn the pounds with all the restaurants they've been spotted in :D Sorry to hear it's raining.
Pia, and it's raining where you are too? It's a lovely day here today - watch that rising water. Thanks for the recommendation for Two Hands :D
Xenia, thanks for the link. Yes, I saw those earlier, I can't get enough pics of Jake :)
Hi Winterbird - I was watching the making of Renditin documentary last night and you can see that Gavin's emphasis very much was on the Romeo and Juliet central relationship of the young couple, so I suppose Jake's relationship had to be sacrificed - thank heavens Gavin left in what he did! I'm aiming to see the deleted scenes this evening. Mr WDW enjoys all of Jake's films but, unfortunately, he refuses to watch Rendition :(
I have mixed feelings about deleted scenes. There are many famous and great films that succeeded without the deleted scenes. Who knows whether they would have been as celebrated with those scenes added?
ReplyDeleteEven the movies that Jake has made can be used for this discussion. I've only ever seen "Donnie Darko" in the version that first hit the theaters. Likewise for "Zodiac," "Jarhead," and "Brokeback Mountain." I don't really want to see alternative versions of these. Sorry if I'm a wet blanket on this topic. :-(
Hi, Paul. I didnt understand Donnie Darko until I saw the second version. Richard Harris was pleased to be able to present the film without the cuts that economics necessitated. In the commentary Richard Harris considered the second version what he really meant although conceded the first version stood on its own
ReplyDeleteBy watching the commentary on the second DD, you learn alot about the frustations of cutting a film to satisfy economic concerns and how frustrating that can be to the artist.
^ ^ ^
ReplyDeletesorry. above is me-a
Hi Paul - I know that there are two sides to deleted scenes - the director presumaby delted them for a reason - but if it's just a matter of time, then I think it pays to see them. Donnie Darko is a good example - the director's edition, with deleted scened incorporated is totally different and I enjoy it in a different way to the original. I'd love to have seen those deleted scenes from BBM :( I was glad to see the full length Zodiac.
ReplyDeleteHey Pia - I love both versions of Donnie Darko, although my favourite is the original because of the score and because of Jake's commentary :D I am so glad, though, we have the director's cut version. I love this film :D
I'm not making much sense tonight, I've eaten too much ice cream...
Woo hoo, Jake in Columbia SC my home town!!
ReplyDeleteThey'll get some great thespians from Trustus stage theater. Jake's gotta visit there!!!
And the coolest cinema I know is the Nickelodeon, on the block next to the State House where they will be filming.
Hi, Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteI loved Dumbledore, too, but Richard Harris played no role in bringing "Donnie Darko" to the screen. Richard Kelly, on the other hand, directed it. After the film was completed, Jake admitted that he had incorporated some of Kelly's mannerisms into his performance as Donnie. ;-)
I do admit that there have been cases where geniuses like Orson Welles have had to settle for vastly inferior versions of their films because of pressure from the studios they were working for. I would make exceptions to my general rule in those cases.
I was *almost* willing to grant an exception in the case of "Zodiac," until I read that the restored scenes only amounted to a few minutes out of the total running time.
And, I really think that "Brokeback Mountain" is a masterpiece that can only be diminished if it is added to or otherwise changed.
"Donnie Darko" could go either way. I just accept it for what it is.