May the producers of the Prince of Persia take note - Jake looks well on the mend and in fine fettle, definitely up for a spot of leaping over walls and minarets.

Thanks as always to IHJ for the new pics.
Jake and Peter - 'He's got great hair'
It probably hasn't escaped the attention of just about everyone and their cat that I bumped into Peter Sarsgaard in Oxford the other day. It's been on my mind since and so today I thought I'd do a post dedicated to these two most wonderful men - Jake Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard. Good mates and as good as related, the careers of Jake and Peter have no doubt benefited from their relationship, as each never fails to impress. And sometimes, of course, they even go so far as to make films together. While Jake and Peter didn't have a scene together in Rendition, the progression of the friendship between Swoff and Troy in Jarhead was no doubt all the more realistically portrayed with its ups and downs because it mirrored a true life situation where Jake and Peter got to know each other even better. Maggie is a lucky lady.

When Peter was interviewed about Jarhead and the experience of filming with someone who was close to him in real life, he was asked how they kept from killing each other: 'You know, it's the greatest thing that ever happened to us, I've got to say. I mean, going in - I always tell this story - my aunt had my uncle once landscape her property and they didn't speak for a year after that. And I told Jake that before we started. I said, 'You know, if we're not careful, this could be very bad... We went through so many difficult times together and then so many good ones, it's like somehow when you have a hard time together, the make-up, it's like you're suddenly so much closer. So that's one of the most valuable things that came out of this movie, that Jake and I got a lot closer.'

And like any close friends, they like to banter and tease, and their anecdotes can tell us as much about the other as they can about the one doing the talking. 'My regime... Jake's was, I think, 500 push-ups he said today to somebody. I was like, 'I don't know. I think that sounds a little fudged to me.' Maybe like five sets of 100 push-ups over the course of a day? Mine was more like five sets of 100 cigarettes a day.'

I noticed when I saw Peter that he had clearly lost quite a bit of weight since Toronto - he looked really good. It seems pretty sensible that before a new role you'd want to look at your best. before Jarhead, Peter obviously had some competition in terms of body beautiful and so he gave up drinking for a while to lose weight quickly: 'Well, I got fit enough, we're in Mexico and there was a lot of stress and I decided one night to start drinking again. I had a couple margaritas... Jake started drinking beer at that point and I had some margaritas, maybe only two or three. And there was a thing that was like a fountain in the middle of the courtyard. We're staying at this not-very-nice hotel that had like a fountain and it looked like it could be a pool, but it was not actually a swimming pool. And he says I finished my margarita and I put it down. He said he was in mid-conversation with me and he said I just walked over to the edge of the pool and with all my clothes on, just walked into the pool and went underwater for a little bit and then came up and walked into my room totally wet. And he said he was in the middle of talking to me about something. So that actually happened, I realized, and I sort of blocked it out.'
The idea of sharing a beer with Jake in a Mexican courtyard by a fountain one warm, starry night...
'It's the movie about inaction,' says Peter Sarsgaard, who stars in the film with Gyllenhaal and Jamie Foxx. 'A lot of the movie is about what they don't get to do.' Sarsgaard, who as Maggie Gyllenhaal's longterm boyfriend is virtually a member of the family, says he and Jake survived the rigours of the desert partly by crabbing at each other like brothers. Underneath the hard work - 'a large portion of the movie is on Jake, and he was bushed by the end' - he watched his co-star grow up: 'I think the interesting thing is that his character in Jarhead is travelling the distance between boyhood and manhood, just as Jake is.'

As far as Rendition goes, Jake and Peter were asked if they would have liked to have played each other's role: '"I would much rather be the guy who makes the really good choice. I’d hate to be Peter’s character. Peter sucks (laughing).” Peter Sarsgaard: “And I was very happy staying close to home, you know.” Jake Gyllenhaal: “The irony is that most likely in reality we would both make the opposite decisions, I think. I would make the bad choice and he would make the right one. I’m just trying to help you along Peter (laughing).”'

Peter's influence must be important as Jake moves on in his career. When he was asked if he's ever considered giving up acting, Jake replied: 'Maybe. My friend Peter taught me that whatever you are feeling is OK. If you are acting and you don't want to act, then fine. Peter said he's been treating his talent like it was a two-cent whore. He's having his way with it and not appreciating it. Whatever you are doing, if you lose an appreciation for it, it's time to rethink that.'

Peter is of course a big part of Jake's life, not least because he is Maggie's other half and Ramona's dad. At a Rendition press conference, it was said: 'Peter told us that you have the best job in the world—being an uncle to Ramona - "It’s wonderful to see the dynamic of a family change when a new life comes along. Everybody becomes his best self, and not in a cheesy way. Maybe it’s actually cheesy (laughing)—but never mind. It feels wonderful! Ramona is extraordinary person, like her parents!"'

But the quips soon followed. 'You and Peter shaved your heads in “Jarhead.” Now, you both have beards: "Peter and I are dating (laughter). I can see the headlines now. Seriously, I look up to him. If he shaves his goatee, I’ll also shave mine (laughter)." Did you grow your beard for a role? Do you like wearing one? "Peter is merely doing it for vanity—he’s really vain and full of himself (laughter). We all know he’s a bad actor, so he needs to cover himself up. I, on the other hand, am doing it for a role (in “Brothers”). I’m playing a character who spends time in jail in the first part of the movie."'
Despite the friendship between the two of them, it sounds like being 'Jarhead roomies' drove Peter up the wall: '"I figured if I couldn't be around my girlfriend, I would settle for her brother," said Sarsgaard, who's dating Maggie Gyllenhaal. Sarsgaard and Jake Gyllenhaal lived together for about five months during filming, mostly in a hotel in Mexico. "The idea was to simulate the military experience: what happens if you're forced to be with someone every minute of the day and night," Sarsgaard told the magazine. "And we fought. We'd have a fight and then we'd still have to be together. For a while, I would just wear headphones. All the time. That lasted for 10 days." Order was eventually restored, he said.' And who can forget Jake driving Peter to distraction by repeating 50 Cent's Candy Shop in the car.

But at the Palm Spring Film Festival gala awards, Peter presented Jake with the Desert Palm Achievement Actor award and showed that the two of them are some double act - one wonders what a family party is like after they've been at the sherry. Also, I have to say how pleased I am that Peter shares our fascination with Jake's hair.

'"First, I want to say some nice things about Jake," Sarsgaard said. “He's got great hair. An amazing head of hair. And the thing about "Jarhead" is that he shaved it all off! Also, Jake is a fantastic singer and I think it's only a matter of time before you get to hear him sing. And I will dance,” said Sarsgaard, doing some suave hustle steps. "So you gotta sing, Jake, if I dance. Let's get this party started!"

'With that intro, Gyllenhaal, laughing so hard he could barely speak, came out on stage, stepped up to the mike and sang, in a falsetto voice, "Fever Night, Fever Night, Fe-vah! You know how to do it!” “Wow! Okay, let’s get raucous!," said Gyllenhaal, when he finished. “Listen, I’ve already played a gay cowboy. If I do a musical number, people will really start to question me. So I’ll stay away from music for a while but don’t think that it's not beating deep, deep in my veins. Very deep.”

'He explained that his love of storytelling is what keeps him acting. "If the story moves me, I will do anything to be in it. I’ll play any part, even craft services. But I prefer theatrical work. But I would do that. No, no actually, I wouldn’t.” Winding up his acceptance speech, Gyllenhaal spoke of how “films take me to places I never thought I would get to, and over walls that I never thought I could get over. When I think about that it's just — I dunno — I forgot.” As the audience roared, Gyllenhaal continued, “Let’s be real. I forgot. And I was almost there. It was really gonna be good.”'

Jake's admiration and affection for Peter is obvious: 'I have very few close friends and I feel that even though we do insult each other in private and in public, for some reason I think it was a blessing. Speaking for myself, I spend a lot of time throwing tricks that I consider to be honest but which aren’t necessarily honest but they work with people that don’t know you that well. What I noticed from working with my sister just a little bit and in working with Peter is that no matter what I threw that was dishonest, they just kind of know. It was just like ‘No thank you, next’ – and until you threw something honestly it just forces you to be really present and be real and that’s essentially what Sam wanted from the very beginning. That’s what he asked of all the actors and that’s why all our relationships are pretty much on screen. Besides Peter and I, there are actors that I didn’t talk to for months and we eventually apologised on screen. Sam eventually rewrote a scene for us to apologise on screen. But ultimately Peter is the one I am closest to and Pete may have my sister’s hand if he wants it.'
And because I can't resist it...
Includes pictures by IHJ.
Awww, I love this post. I love these boys. I fell in love with Peter the first movie I saw him in. It was Garden State. He didn't exactly play a good person but something drew me to him. He is a remarkable actor. BTW did any of you see his Saturday Night Live? It has got to be my second favorite of all time. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt is good to see Jake is well. Yay, no crutches! His hair does look a little bit darker.
Hope you are having a good Saturday.
only 2 more days until Nailed starts filming here!! I have already heard rumors of a James Marsden sighting here in Columbia!! im so excited...i have no idea what i am going to say to jake if i meet him..which i definitely intend to do..any ideas??
ReplyDeleteGood to hear from you Bird Girl! I'm glad you liked the post - I had a very pleasant few hours 'spending time' with Jake and Peter for it. I've been watching some bits and pieces of Peter's films too and I may dig out Flight Plan, which I have on DVD somewhere. I haven't seen that SNL, just heard a lot about it. I must search it out. Peter is very funny.
ReplyDeleteAnd Jake looks gorgeous! I hate to gush, honestly I do, but Jake has that effect on me. He does look well and I like the hair.
I'm having a lovely relaxing Saturday, doing some Jaking, listening to music. I hope you're having a good day too :D
Terrific posting, WDW. One gets the impression Peter would have cheerfully strangled Jake on more than one occassion during the Jarhead shoot, lol. Nice to see Jake's ankle appears mostly mended and he's looking especially svelt. White tees suit him.
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole! Jake must be on his way soon. I find that from personal experience seeing Jake in person robs one of the powers of speech and thought. Good luck! And keep is in touch with everything that is going on (no pressure....;D)
ReplyDeleteHi JoeAnn :D Jake looks fabulous in white t-shirt and jeans. And he does look svelte, and very clean shaven and with a new haircut.
ReplyDeleteYep, I reckon Jake was driving Peter almost insane on Jarhead but they came through it stronger than before. Both men seem extremely loyal to, and supportive of, the other.
Yeah Nicole, you must keep us informed. I don't think that I could handle meeting Jake. I would make a total ass out of my self. Let's hope you do better. I am sure you will. :)
ReplyDeleteI am having a good day WDW. I am having a lazy day. I think that I am finally going to watch Southland Tales. I bought it earlier this week and have been waiting for a time that Mr. BG could watch it with me. I don't think I can wait any more. He will have to understand.
Awesome post!
ReplyDeleteI love me some Jake and Peter. Both amazing actors. They also have some the best chemistry on and off screen.
Jake looks fantastic in the new pics! He works a white t-shirt and jeans like no one else...sigh. He looks happy and content and I love to see that. :). Wonder who that woman is he is talking to?
Enjoy Southland Tales, Bird Gile. I was in the supermarket today and was pleased to see Rendition and Southland Tales next to each other on the DVD shelves (not so pleased to see Jarhead on sale a bit further along for £3.99 - I have a thing about seeing Jake's films discounted. Like the time I picked up the Zodiac DVD when it was being stored on the floor in HMV :D).
ReplyDeleteThanks Get Real :D You are so right about the chemistry.
Ohh Jake looks good and I love the smile. He looks so animated there - I'm hoping that's some Prince of Persia Disney producer leading Jake to the contract... With all these projects on the go, it would be interesting if she's someone associated with the business. It's fun to speculate.
Hey Nicole. Glad Im not getting ready to meet Jake as I dont think I can ever get beyond "I just wannma kiss you. . . "
ReplyDeleteBUT how about "I see you hate the world as much as I do. . ."
He says he's found that to be a great pick up line.
I bet you'd get a grin out of him. at the very least.
Peter and Jake play off each other beautifully. I do remember WDW Peter saying in Toronto that he was pleased to write all over Jake's face, which I thot funny and probably somewhat true. Peter must be good with Maggie, also, who can be creatively vague enuff to totally confuse Terri Gross on Fresh Air - Peter is very straightforward, apparently, and I LOVE his giggle.
ReplyDeletegood to see Jake looking himself again, including gorgous pecs.
Hi Pia :D Kising Jake sounds like a good idea at any occasion. Quoting lines from jake's films to him would be a fun idea - problem is, I'd never remember them at a time like that.
ReplyDeletePeter was so funny in Toronto when he scribbled all over Jake's face saying something like 'I'm always happy to write all over that guy's face'. Jake's autograph is neatly placed below so as to not obscure any of the picture :D Mouk reminded me today of that as well! Peter certainly has a thing for the Gyllenhaals and vice versa. I love the giggle too - that's why I included the Jake and Peter Jarhead video, always makes me laugh even though they mock the poor English interviewer :D
Jake looks good enough to eat in the new pics :)
thanks for all the advice everyone! maybe i should write down what i want to say on a piece of paper lol i can just see it now..jake is standing in front me and all i can do is stare and not say anything..
ReplyDeleteHey Nicole. That sounds like a good idea. A glass of whiskey doesn't hurt either ;)
ReplyDeleteThis post make me laugh and chuckle and giggle and smile and laugh. I hadn't seen the first pic of Jake pushing Ramona's carriage so TY. And of course you have to include the last picture*big grin*
ReplyDeleteJake is all ways striving to be as honest as he can be and he is...so totally honest. I like that.
bless you :)
xoxoxo everyone:)
Hi Sass :D So glad you enjoyed the post - I love those pictures of Jake pushing Ramona too. I just couldn't help myself from posting the picture again - it just gives me so much pleasure.
ReplyDeleteO thats the picture of Peter hiding Ramona under his coat. Apparently. Gosh Id forgotten all about Ramona-gate. chuckle chuckle I guess, although maybe not for G family.
ReplyDeleteI think Jake's hair is wet, not darkened, WDW.
ReplyDeleteImagine how nice it must smell, shampoo and the sun on it :)
Hi Pia :) I remember that - I don't think it was Ramona under the coat. I've always thought they were playing with the paps.
ReplyDeleteHey there Anouska - I don't know - hmmmm. Need more hair pics - never enough hair pics. Like the idea of clean Jake hair out there in the sun, sigh :P
"I find that from personal experience seeing Jake in person robs one of the powers of speech and thought." [WDW]
ReplyDeleteThat's been my experience as well, but it's still nice to go through. ;-)
WDW, I honestly think that this post was the best you've evre done. It revealed so much about Jake and about Peter Sarsgaard, and about the various ways they dance around each other. When Ramona is a little older, she and Maggie will probably sit there laughing at Daddy and Uncle Jake as they do their schtick. ;-)
Hey WDW! I do not have enough superlatives or hyperbole to express how wonderful this post is!
ReplyDeleteBut then you had the recipe for success. Take one Jake Gyllenhaal,add a generous helping of the finest Peter Sarsgaard, apply a little heat (either from the "Jarhead" desert or using a bunsen burner for extra chemistry) allow to simmer beautifully and enjoy with lashings of humour!
Jake and Peter are a formidable double act,both on and off screen. Thank you so much for this,WDW,at the first opportunity I think another viewing of "Jarhead" is essential!
For those of you Brits interested in seeing Peter opposite Liam Neeson in "Kinsey" I've checked the listings and it's on Channel 4 in the early hours of this coming Tuesday morning, 1.35AM in fact. It's billed as their film of the week so why the hell are they showing it at that time?! Set your timers chaps!
Jake is certainly looking fit in every sense of the word in those latest photos,WDW. I think Anouska (hi Nouskie - *waves*) may be right that his hair is wet rather than dyed - either that or he's run some gel throught it. Either way he gives a certain...er....intensity to a simple white T-shirt! He certainly looks in fine fettle for filming! I feel a phwoooarrrr coming on ;-)
Paul - thank you so much. I spent a lot of time today thinking about Jake and his relationship with Peter and it's inspirational - the way it's impacted on their lives and on their careers. And I just love them both, so couldn't resist. I think Ramona will find endless pleasure in listening to her dad and uncle duel and jest with words.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, an encounter with Jake is never to be anything but relished :D Thank you, Paul.
Hi Nadine - thanks so uch for the news about Kinsey. I've watched bits of it but not seen it all the way through yet so I'll be setting the recorder, but a film of the week at that time of night?!
I'm so glad you enjoyed the post - but as you say it wasn't a trial to do as all of the ingredients were there and worked their magic :D And Jake looks so fit in these new pics. Nailed is going to be a visual delight!
Oh great post, WDW, filled with so much interesting info! And Jake looks magnificent - no sign of trouble with his ankle in these pics, and the arms(!), torso and shoulders of a warrior prince - for some reason, I keep imagining body armor instead of the white T. I love the pics of Jake with Peter and his family, and of course, the one with you and Peter too! I don't want to even think about Jake singing Candy Shop, it's just too much for me. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks Bertie :D I love the new pics of Jake too - the perfect physique for the Prince of Persia :) I'm glad you liked the pics and thaks for tolerating my pic at the end. I neer want to stop looking at it. Just need Jke in it too...
ReplyDeleteOMG!!! I've been absent a few days and now I've come back and can't believe what I missed!! You met with Peter on the streets of Oxford.. he was charming.... and you got a picture..Thud. ( I was green on the way down of course.. hehe)
ReplyDeleteNew roles... new haircut... new pictures...
I've Loved these latest posts... and I particularly like this one all about Jake and Peter's relationship...you've done a great job with this.. Thank you WDW!
Morning everyone :D I'm wearing myself out watching the London Marathan (a prize to anyone who spots my younger stepsis pounding the streets - Good luck to her!).
ReplyDeleteHi Rosie :D Good to see you. Thanks for enjoying my Peter adventure and this post. I've really enjoyed doing it and I feel like it's only scraping the surface. Glad you're back!
Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday :D
Hehee... never get tired of that pic of you and Peter (you both look so radiant!)...
ReplyDeleteI am slowly returning from the dead. I am getting old... takes a full 2 days of rest to recover from a long-haul flight... who does Jake do it all the time? oh.. right, he flies in first class and have that remedy thingy :P
I am going to catch up with the previous posts and listen to the Zodiac!!!
Glad to see Jake back on his two feet... Nailed starts shooting next week, right?
Hi Winterbird! You mean you haven't been knocking back the rescue remedy? What about the water and the jogging?
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better soon though - I was wiped out by jetlag last time, much more so than usual. Enjoy the posts and do listen to the Zodiac thing - just loved that! Yep, Nailed should get going proper next week. Looks like Jake's got better just in time.
Hope you're having a good Sunday :)
Well I'm really late to this post, but I am very happily surprised to read a transcript of the whole of Jake and Peter's turn on the stage for the Palm Spring Film Festival gala awards. WDW do you happen to have a linkie to a vid of that appearance?? :O I've searched and searched and searched off and on for it, and never could find it. Boy you're good!!
ReplyDeleteTIA if you can give me a linkie, or maybe I'm just presuming that you found a vid?