Saturday, 3 May 2008

Maggie - 'I'm going to try and express what's beautiful in me' and Peter's English spring

Maggie Gyllenhaal is the cover girl and leading lady of May's edition of Interview and today I managed to get hold of a copy, so, for all those outside of the US, without a handy international Borders, here are the stunning pictures of this lovely lady, along with the interview itself - click and the text shall be bigger (apologies for the clippings of the text - this magazine is too oddly shaped for my old scanner). It's good to hear that, despite the lack of good roles for women out there, Maggie seems now to be growing into that beautiful and sexy skin of her's and is making the very best out of what Hollywood can offer her.

An Education preview

Rotten Tomatoes paid a visit to the English set of Peter Sarsgaard's An Education, giving us some more photos from the film as well as a few words from Peter on what it's like to bring an Englishman to the big screen. Made me chuckle to read here that Peter kept to his English accent during his interview, just as he did with me. And, yes, it was impressive but, in Oxford, that accent is far from dated.

'Sarsgaard, who's tackling an impressive and specifically dated British accent for the film and sticks with it as he sits down with RT, was won over by the secrets David keeps. "It's the oldest cheat in the world," he laughs, "especially if the audience learns that I have a secret. It makes me seem rather deep even if I'm rather shallow! It at least gives me two dimensions! Being an American playing a British person who is pretending to be another person, I mean, I'm already doing it. I'm doing it the moment I start speaking. It's such an easy role, in the greatest sense of that word. Sometimes I go home and I wonder if I'm doing a good job because it doesn't feel difficult."'

Talking of Peter, he ran into a little trouble when getting ready for the premiere of Kinsey due to his girlfriend's surname: 'Maggie Gyllenhaal - she of the cherubic-moonpie face (Jake's sister!) - is his actress girlfriend, and a FedEx package for the guy was destined for him c/o her. It went awry. A smallish crisis. It just so happened that it contained Peter's get-up for walking down the red carpet for Kinsey, the movie in which he stars with Liam Neeson and Laura Linney. "I had a suit that was being sent over from Italy and they sent it addressed to my girlfriend," Sarsgaard said to a friend, who happened to be congratulating the actor on his threads. "They misspelled her name so the suit got returned to FedEx and is now sitting in a customs office in Milan, Italy. So I had to do a quick shopping ..." But as the source points out, the name Sarsgaard on the label would have been little better.

Holy you've got to be kidding me, Batman

Meanwhile, with the release of Iron Man, there has been speculation on one site, that there would be noone better than Jake Gyllenhaal to reinvent that most famous and most wimpy of superhero sidekicks 'Gyllenhaal would be the perfect choice both to reinvent Robin and to add a new element to the presumably upcoming third new Batman movie - after all, Chris Nolan seems to enjoy employing a heavyweight cast and Jake's sister already has her foot in the door, so why not go the whole hog?'

Includes pictures from Interview and Rotten Tomatoes.


  1. Thanks so much for posting Maggie's interview! I've been looking forward to reading that so it's made my day to see it here:) Haven't read it yet though, I'll comment about later when I have. Thanks also for the Sarsy interview - I love that man! And speaking of men I love, Jakey as Robin????Noooooo!!!!!!!

  2. Hi TL! I was so glad to see Interview in the shop today - I thought I'd have another week to wait at least. I find some of the photos strange and some beautiful. As for Sarsy - love him! Can't wait for this film. Jake cannot be Robin but what a thought! gave me a good laugh :D Hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend.

  3. Hey (((WDW)), hi ((TL))). What lovely photographs throughout this post - God,what a beautiful family!

    I'm too pooped to read everything properly tonight so I shall come back and savour it all tomorrow
    :-) Can't wait to see the gorgeous Mr.Sarsgaard complete with English accent in "An Education"!

    Oh TL,you are so right,Jake as Robin is SO WRONG!

    Night night people. ((((Big hugs)))

  4. I know what you mean about the pics, I think, but I can't really describe it...I love the top with the sunglasses and the one underneath and the one with the two superimposed pics but I don't really get the ones where she's lying on the bed. Still, it wouldn't be Maggie if there wasn't something a bit different from the usual boring poses most people do.

    Hey Nadine!Whenever I think of Batman and Robin I always think of that classic Only Fools And Horses Christmas episode,so I couldn't help picturing Jake as Rodney Trotter dressed as Robin which is NOT a good mental image to have:D

  5. OK... i am going to be very unpopular here because I like the idea of Jake being Robin - but only in a Chris Nolan made Batman. *you can throw rocks at me*

    But I don't think he would take the part... it's not the direction that he's planning for himself, i think... i mean, being a sidekick is not what he has in mind, even if a cute one.

  6. Night Nadine, see you tomorrow :D

    Hey TL, I love the pic of Maggie in the jumper too. Like you, I'm not so sure about the bed ones but, yeah, they are different. It's good to see Maggie revelling in how beautiful she is - just like Jake in his Interview pics :)

    Oh blimey, Jake as Rodney - that is so not good!

    Hey Winterbird, I'm too polite to chuck rocks ;D but I just can't see Jake in those little shorts and top and eye mask - even for Chris Nolan. But at least there's little chance of it - especially when Jake becomes the Prince of Persia :D I agree that Jake would make a cute side, back and front kick...

  7. Thanks SO much for Maggie's Interview pix and interview. And she's lovely and so bright and her own person. Comfortable speaking her mind.

    Also another Jake in black shirt picture.

    I might guess where the "Jake as Robin" idea comes from; there's been conversation forever about a homoerotic relationship between R and the Bat - and Robin's awful cute in the early Batman comic strips. And, also, hmmm, there's an artist, Marc Chamerlain, who has a series of Batman erotics drawings and Robin resembles JBG quite a bit.

    So I can see this wish as the wet dream of many, but by now Jake is too old, and besides, he's been there, done that.

    I liked all of the pictures of Maggie. She fascinates, as does Jake. I dunno though if she should go around talking about her mom's unshaved legs, but those kids dont seem to hold much back.

  8. Hi Pia - you read my mind about Maggie mentioning Naomi like that. The ease with which the kids can talk about their family does make me feel a little uncomfortable on occasion but they are just such a different family and maybe the normal 'codes' are irrelevant. I did find it interesting though that Maggie now seems to be going through what sounds almost like some sort of rebellion phase and is enjoying establishing her own womanhood. But I did feel uncomfortable reading that - Maggie can have that effect on occasion! It's part of her charisma and, for me, part of why she fascinates.

  9. Well "the kids" apparently have ongoing relationship with their therapists who no doubt encourage this. Omy I do sound like Aunt Pittipat.

  10. Hi Aunt Pittipat :D It's a totally different world from the one I'm used to, which does make it so much more interesting.

  11. Oh I love these photos of Maggie! I meant to comment the last time you had some of them posted from Interview. They remind me of a young Marilyn, sexy but with an innocence or a vulnerabiltiy, or Bardot. Peter's film looks very good. I don't know about Jake as Robin. I'm never giving up on Harvey Dent. I prefer my heroes Byronic. LOL!!! :)

  12. Hi Bertie :D I love the comparison of Maggie with Bardot; I can see it with the way Maggie plays with her hair here. I'd like to see unusual pictures like these taken of Jake. I really loved the Interview pics of him (huge understatement) but I would love to see more, without the props, just Jake.

  13. I'd rather see Jake in the prince of persia than as robin. I think he had turned down playing in TDK (or at least that was what the rumor said)

    Maggie looks great, she is so photogenic.


  14. Hi WDW, I asked a question several hours ago, but for some reason my comment has vanished!! :( That is a beautiful pic of Jakey, can I ask you where you found it? Was it at Rotten Tomatoes, Interview, or ??? thx in advance!

  15. Morning everyone - running late as normal with Iron Mans to see :D

    Hi Trek Fan - absolutely, Jake as PoP every time. Jake's name was put about for TDK for Harvey Dent but that was in the project's early days.

    Hi Anon :D That's a pain about your comment - Blogger has this rude habit of eating comments, especially if two are posted at the same time. That is a beautiful pic and unfortunately I can't remember where it came from. I have a few pics like that fom before I started the site. I need to find some time to work them out :D Thanks for commenting.

    Have a lovely lazy Sunday everyone :D

  16. good morning!! tomorrow is the big day..I'm heading out early in the morning to go to the statehouse..hopefully I can see Jake again and maybe for a longer time this time..I plan on being there all day tomorrow..i'm glad the weather is going to be great! wish me luck and I will take lots of pictures.

  17. Hi Nicole! Absolutely definitely best of luck. What a wonderful way to spend the day :D I'm glad you're taking your camera and I can't wait to hear and see how you get on! I have everything crossed :)

  18. There was a Jake and Reese sighting in Charleston, South Carolina, over the weekend.S he is going to be in Washington D.C. today for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk.

  19. Hi Bobbyanna :D Thanks, yes, I saw that. Hope you're having a good Sunday :)

  20. Do you think he will be back monday for filming? I hope so..

  21. I think he might be back, even today, Nicole. I don't think he would be in D.C. Reese is the honorary co-chair of the Avon Foundation. They said she'll do some walking, but also meet and greets, supporting the people at various cheering posts and rest stops, and participate in closing ceremonies. Sounds as if she'll be busy from the time she arrives.

    Maybe he'll go back to Columbia to get ready for his work? I have no idea what the shooting schedule is. I read somewhere he might not be needed the entire ten weeks, that his part required less time. IDK. It's probably a safe bet that if they do shoot at the statehouse, he'd probably be involved.

    (Waves to WDW!) It is a glorious, beautiful sunny day here. Kind of chilly,(50's farenheit) but I'll happily take it!

  22. Hi Nicole - I think Jake will be back for tomorrow's filming. I may be wrong, but I don't think Jake would head up to DC for the walk. I think that it's quite possible Reese stopped by on her way over there and then went on to DC. So head over there tomorrow! I reckon that statehouse filming would involve the congressman.

    Hi Bobbyanna - *waves back at yer* - very warm and muggy, muggy here. I've heard that we're due a very warm week so time to dig out the shorts :P Be grateful you can't see me :D Of course before the very warm week we have a bank holiday here tomorrow and it's due to chuck it down.... For that reason, I've postponed Iron Man until then.

  23. where did you get this picture?
    do yo have a website or name of the photo shoot?

  24. Hi Anon - I'm trying to find out which shoot this was from as I still don't know. It's a gorgeous pic. Thanks for commenting :)
