Thursday, 22 May 2008

Nailed back on schedule? Shopping on Main Street, 17 May

According to the Columbia Star, Nailed is back in production, with all financial assurances in place. There's an interesting line at the end of this article: 'Movies, like construction projects, can't get financed without a completion bond, so there's an industry-standard likelihood of seeing Nailed in a local theater within the year.' Let us hope that's the case.

Jake forgets the first law of shopping

Many thanks to IHJ for tracking down high quality versions of these pictures from 17 May and Jake Gyllenhaal's break from the troubles of Nailed back to LA - in this case on Main Street in Santa Monica. I love to see Jake shop but he clearly didn't read our advice to him the other day regarding his previous shopping experiences, and he forgot to take his shirt off. The interesting caption from the photos says that Jake and Reese had attempted 'to join two different yoga classes, without success'. So two classes turned Jake Gyllenhaal away? That would never happen here.

Incidentally, I once lost a hire car on Main Street, Santa Monica, and since then I have always recommended photographing one's vehicle.

I will admit to having had my curiosity tickled by this sequence of photographs.

Pictures from IHJ and Posh 24.


  1. Giving Jake advice about shopping is like telling a little kid to be careful how he steps in the pies that are cooling on the front steps. ;-) In any event, I am ever the optimist, so my take on Jake's refusal to take of fhis shirt for those pics in that store is this: Jake knows how apprehensive some of us are about the chance that he'll shave his chest for "Prince of Persia", so ever considerate Jake is not letting us see his chest so we won't worry that he has already shed some hair in that sensitive region. :-)

  2. Is Jake getting changed in the car? :D

    Can't blame Reese for peeking I guess.

  3. Excellent point, Paul :D Jake is considerate of our feelings - maybe he's making sure that we will enjoy PoP all the more by not spoiling us too much before ;) But I would still like to urge Jake that we appreciate his consideration - but he should still take his shirt off.

    Hi Rubes! I believe Jake is getting changed in the car (instead of in the street). I had a chuckle at the pictures of Reese handing the shirt into the car and then peeking :D

    Hope everyone's having a good evening - quiet one here, getting ready for the start of the long weekend tomorrow. And muggy - GnT weather :D

  4. I wonder what kind of music they listen to in the car?
    something romantic?

  5. Speaking personally, romantic music doesn't make for good driving music - Jake's mentioned that he's driven to the Guillemots, Travis, 50 cents etc. Of course there is also the rule that the driver chooses - except in my case when I'm driving and Mr WDW announces that he cannot listen to the Jarhead soundtrack one more time...

  6. Too tired to stay long tonight I'm afraid WDW,but have to concede a smirk at those pictures. Strange that RW would feel the need to peek - anyone would think that she's hoping for a glimpse of something she's never seen before ;-)

  7. This shot of Reese peeking into the car is priceless.The woman just cannot control herself:)But who can blame her?

  8. some high entertainment, after a long day!

    gosh paradoxes galore! Jake's gonna be flashing his pecs in POP but turning shy in public - okay I'm willing play.

    (Seeing Im Not There reminds me that guys gotta change when and where they gotta change - and when Jake goes electric, Im There.)

    I LOVE to watch Jake shop, he is so INTENSE AND CHARISMATIC AND HOT in the process. I see he's choosin' grey, yum yum, makes his eyes look like the Northern Seas -
    and as usual a variety of sexy fabrics.

    Changin' in the SUV - cracks me up! Reese peekin' heavens to betsy don't tell me she's a gyllenhaalic!

    I just wanna be costume designer on PoP.

  9. Hi bleary-eyed Nadine :D It's been a long day today - I am so ready for the weekend! Take it easy.

    Hi Zodiac! That is a very funny pic :D And I'd been peekin... (while pretending to clean a spec off the windon) irresistible :D

    Hey Pia - that is a great comment about INT :) These guys do change. I'm not keen on Jake shopping for grey though - I love to see him in colours, or black and white. Just not grey. I like the different fabrics though, different textures. How great to be able to shop and buy all the shirts you want :D I want you to be a costume designer on PoP Too!

  10. LOL, Jake seems to love to go shopping, Reese too. Great that they have that in common as well as other things probably! ;)

    Thanks for the updates! :)


  11. "I want you to be a costume designer on PoP Too!"

    Yeah forget the silly film where Tobey gets the shit beat out of him, there was apparently no mud wrestling scene. . .

    Let's get goin' on script, costume, lighting heh heh, camera focus heh heh heh, casting, CGI the whole shebang. and lets be sure everypeeps gets their own toucher!

  12. Hi Sandy! I'm glad you liked the updates :) Just love Jake in shops :D

    Hey Pia! I still have some hope that our rewrites got in to Brothers. Difficult to add to the Nailed script ;D But we have a huge amount of scope with PoP. We need to think about the DVD as well and make sure there are deleted scenes and a bleeper reel...

    Hmmmm, I wonder how much CGI there will be and I'm hoping Jake is keen to do as much of the action shots as he can.

  13. Got this from GB:

    "ENGAGING THOUGHTS: I'm hearing that Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal may get engaged before he heads off to Morocco this summer to star in what everyone thinks will be the next big movie franchise: ''The Prince of Persia.'' Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney are producing the huge action-adventure project (based on the video game) that's being touted as a possible successor to the ''Pirates of the Caribbean'' flicks.",CST-FTR-zp22.article

  14. Hi anon - thanks for commenting but I'd like to remind everyone - especially unfamiliar anons - that this site has a no gossip policy - gushing, however is acceptable and encouraged.

    This gossip which originated from the appalling OK! magazine is all over the internet and is readily available for those who want to find it.

    Other links to such sites will be deleted to keep the place tidy.

    Thanks for your co-operation.

    Now where were we....?

  15. Speaking only for myself, of course, if I were ever in a position to "help" Jake change clothes, I'd certainly peek! And frankly, I'd never tire of "peeking." Or "helping."

    Reese likes looking at the real Jake in the flesh, the same way all of us love to look at pictures of Jake for as long and as often as we can. No matter how many times we've seen them before. Actually, she's only doing what any self-repsecting Gyllenhaalic would do under similar circumstances. I think it is WAY cute! They seem to be having fun!

    Altho, I do think it was rather shabby of Jake to not pull off his shirt in the store. He has to know how important such a gesture can be!

    WDW, I'm pretty sure they will work very hard to get a distributor for Nailed. We'll see it...eventually.

  16. where were we? ah! dreamin' of Jake in early Persian dress - the beautiful body engaged in parkour with the evil Visier - yoo hoo casting director! -

  17. Hey Bobbyanna, good to see you :D That's very generous of you to 'help' Jake with his clothing like that :) These are fun pictures and who could not look at Jake/ I love how in the shop pics the helper is trying so hard not to look at him - doesn't fool anyone :D

    I'm pretty confident (although what do I know?!) that Nailed will be distributed and we'll get to see it in 2009 - be interesting if it comes out at the same time as PoP.

  18. Hey Pia :D I'm really keen to hear who'll be the choice for the evil Vizier - will they go for caricature and stereotype or something more unexpected?

  19. "something unexpected. . . "

    like Glen Close or Meryl Streep?

    (credit to Paul on this one)

  20. I like the idea of a female baddie

  21. Nadine, I suspect Reese has seen Jake w/o his shirt among other things plenty, in public there were plenty of pics of them in Cabo andhe was shirtles!!!

    They were having a bit of fun with the paps IMO, reminds me of all those shopping pics of him and Kki.

  22. Hi Carla, I think Nadine was joking :D I love those shopping pics with Kirsten - Jake must have one amazing wardrobe even though he tends to rewear his favourites. I wonder how he arranges his clothes to find them again...

  23. are the lowers he's wearing called cargo bermudas or what and what are those tabs hanging down. Id give a million dollars to see his closet and check our his drawers haha. or shop the Goodwill when he cleans out his stash.

    gauzy balloony trousers? kohl around the eyes?

  24. Aren't they pantaloons Pia... a bit like MC Hammer but more stylish - lets the air circulate I understand :DDD

    Love the pics of Reese peeking through the window... who could blame a girl? Yoga .... hmmmm, must be getting loose and limber for... an impending role.. maybe?

    I would love to see Jake work with Wes Bently as the baddie if there is one. He's intense. If not, please Paul Bettany (as anything). I have a feeling chaps that we'll be spending the summer defending the idea of our Prince of Persia.

  25. Hey Pia - I've been wondering about the tab things on the shorts too - are they to tie 'em up more? No, no, no to the ballooning trousers!!

    Hi Sheba! I am truly aghast at the idea of Jake in pantaloons - maybe they'll be taking a less traditional approach, I mean this isn't the pantomime Aladdin.... Hmmmm, loose and limber :D I can't think of an actor to make an interesting villain - I'll have to ponder.

    Night all :D

  26. I'm very afraid abut this movie. I hope he doesn't look silly. i will be just so upset if he looks foolish and people ridicule him. Maybe they won't put him in balloon pants. Maybe he will wear something more ...defining?

  27. something like a loin cloth perhaps, with no rear cover?

  28. Morning everyone :D

    Incidentally, snarky anonymous comments, as always, will be deleted. Rudeness, as always, will not be tolerated.

    Hi nice anons! I do have worries that they may try and make Jake look silly but I don't think it'll succeed. Good point about the loincloth :D

  29. Boy WDW you have really drunk the Gyllenbabble Kool-Aid. I know you'll delete this but I don't care. At least you will have to read it first.

  30. Trolls :D Don't you just love 'em!

    Off for a cup of tea - hope everyone's having a good day :)

  31. If I was Jake's personal shopper, I'd convince him that he needs to try on everything under natural sunlight, in order to see if it really fits him.

    "So please, strip, Mr Gyllenhaal... we don't have all day"

  32. Good idea, Winterbird, that way he'll get a true idea about the colours as well as the opinions of all the passers by :)

  33. that way he'll get a true idea about the colours as well as the opinions of all the passers by :)

    I love it when you try to rationalise our illicit ideas :P

  34. "Jake must have one amazing wardrobe even though he tends to rewear his favourites. I wonder how he arranges his clothes to find them again..." [WDW]

    Maybe he could put Ennis's shirt around his favorites?

  35. G'day, sweetpeeps! (pausing to wipe doo doo off my shoes from nasty poster: - )

    hello sunshine and lilacs and I stopped worrying about Jake making a fool out of himself after the SNL opening skit. the man knows just what he's doin', in terms of his career and gifts as an actor and one day, I suspect, director/producer, whatever. in my view, he's indicated this again and again.

    Memorial Day here in the states, Walt Whitman mourning Lincoln's death, "when lilacs last in the dooryear bloomed", etcetc., Brahms Requium on the Amherst station, Doonesbury doing its ritual of honoring dead servicement, etcetc. Parades, planes from nearby Westover Army Base flying overhead.

    think I'll go see the new Indiana Jones tonight.

  36. "Maybe he could put Ennis's shirt around his favorites?"

    Tee hee Paul I thot at first "his favorites" was a new euphenism for his private parts. Guess I am still in seventh heaven dreaming of Jake in billowing pantaloons and skirt, maybe better than Jake In Kilts.

    I mean, the rockies may crumble, gibraltar may tumble
    theyre only made of clay
    but our love is here to stay!

  37. Hi Paul :D

    Hey Pia! Oh yes, Memorial day. In the UK, it's the Spring Holiday (our Rememberance Day is in November) - a time for enjoying the season, watching Morris dacers (at least round here), getting rained on and - if you live in Gloucester, Rolling Cheeses. This is a lethal event when students and insane people hurl themselves down a steep hill running after a big wheel of cheese. Prefer to eat it myself....

    Blimey, I've meandered off and forgotten what I was going to say.... Oh yes, billowing pantaloons is a BIG NO! I don't know what the 6th-century alternatives are. I hear they invented tight jeans back then ;D

    I'm going to see the new Indy movie on Sunday. I hope you enjoy it :D I'm looking forward to it.

    Thank heavens it's now the weekend and it's a long one... :)

  38. I like the rendering over at LatinoReview, who btw gives the script an A-! Hair length and fullness, intense facial expression is gorgeous, and what there is of a costume;) cuff on arm and satiny belt/tie around waist. Getting very excited about this film - good for Jake! :)

  39. Hi Anon :D I have really high hopes for this. I read that about the script and it certainly bodes well. Definitely good for Jake and for us :D Thanks for commenting!
