Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Fresh in our minds

Big thanks to Twisted Logic for letting us know that Empire has yet again proven itself a wondrous publication by putting Heath Ledger on the cover of its summer The Dark Knight special edition. Alternatively, you can buy a Batty version of the cover but I think I'm going to stick with this one.

I have also scanned the other images of Heath from the article, as well as the photograph of Rachel Dawes, or Maggie Gyllenhaal. You can read a full transcript of the article here (many thanks to them!), and its tributes to Heath, who, as immersed as he must have been in this extraordinary role, must have been an incredible presence on the set, leaving lasting impressions and memories.

Director Christopher Nolan says of the Joker: 'I like to say he cuts through the movie the way the shark does in Jaws. He just kind of comes and goes and causes complete mayhem.' Christian Bale drew pleasure from his opponent: 'It's a funny meeting of these two characters," reflects Bale. "Batman I always kind of view as having this slight urge towards sadism and having to control himself in that, but the fact is, he's got an opponent who's a sadist and a masochist. Batman can punch The Joker all he wants and he knows he's actually giving him a great deal of pleasure! So he's a new kind of opponent. It's been very good and entertaining for me to do those scenes with Heath.'

But that's the Joker, as for Heath, his death 'is understandably a sensitive one for his colleagues on The Dark Knight. "It's so fresh in my mind, I'm not comfortable talking publicly about what has happened to him," says Bale. "It was devastating. It's still unbelievable. It's difficult for me to talk about Heath in the past tense," offers Aaron Eckhart. "It's so hard to talk about how it's affected me personally," explains Maggie Gyllenhaal. "It's been really hard for me. And the media has shocked me with the way that they've been disrespectful in some ways." She's referring, at least in part, to the speculation in both the press and the blogosphere that taking on the vicious, twisted role of The Joker might have somehow pushes a troubled Ledger over the edge. This is unlikely. It ignores the fact that this was a role Ledger had long since finished with (The Dark Knight wrapped in November), as well as one which, by most accounts, he enjoyed.'

'Indeed, when Empire met Ledger at the LaSalle Street production base back in August, he had this to say about The Joker; "It's the most fun I've had playing a role. I'm really surprised Chris knew I could do it, or thought that I had something in me like this. And I don't know how he came to cast me. but, yeh, it's the bomb. Definitely the most fun I've had, and the most freedom."'

Christian Bale tells one story that certainly bears this out. He recalls their first scene together, in which Batman interrogates The Joker down at Gotham P. D.. "It was wonderful," Bale says, chuckling slightly, "because you're doing it, and you're into it, and someone in the crew will have a question and it pulls you right out, and you turn around, and they have these two-way mirrors, so everywhere we looked we were looking at ourselves, and you suddenly see what you're looking like to everybody else. And we were just a couple of freaks!" He laughs loudly. "I'm standing there in the suit and he's there, you know, with his Chelsea smile, and it was just a couple of complete nutters. We both couldn't stop laughing!

"He was very good company, Heath," continues Bale. "I really enjoy it when somebody is pushing the work as much as he did. You can see how much he loved it."

Nolan, meanwhile speaks of his own "huge sense of responsibility to make sure that the film is as good as Heath's performance", and confirms that The Dark Knight will be dedicated to Ledger. He stops shy of predicting that this will stand as Ledger's greatest performance, though. "I think that Heath has some pretty amazing performances under his belt. Certainly, his performance in Brokeback Mountain was that most impressed me of what he'd done. Monster's Ball as well. This performance is completely different from anything he'd ever done before. I just don't think that people will even recognise him. He's a completely different guy: the voice, the movements, what's going on in his eyes... It's completely different. i think it's his most iconic performance. In taking on The Joker I suppose that's inevitable, but the fact that he pulls it of... I think it's a pretty stunning piece of work. Honestly."' Can't wait to see it.

Pictures from Empire magazine.


  1. Thanks for the post, WDW!

    Actually I saw it on the newstand earlier this week. I thought whether I should buy it. But that cover just haunted and froze me there.

    And I thought I was ready to watch TDK... I will, of course, cos I know Heath would want us to.

    Maggie looks dashing in that pic though.

    Have a good day, everyone.

  2. G'day, sweetpeeps! Im grinning from ear to ear hearing that Variety and Disney have announced that Ben Kingsley and Alfred Molina have joined PoP cast. Dont mean to POP the news untowardly but cant contain my glee.

    And today's TDK post is terrific beyond words. O My, July! WDW you must be taking vitamin Jake.

  3. Hi there Winterbird in soggy London - I got so sodden at lunch it feels like I'm walking on marshmallows.

    I bought two copies of this as I couldn't leave the other one in the shop - the rest were all Batman covers. The image of Heath is hugely powerful and I'm so keen to see it. Nice to see a picture of Maggie too.

    Morning Pia :D It's good news - I'll do a post on that later, after I've stood in front of a fan heater for an hour to dry off. Wouldn't mind some Vitamin Jake :D

  4. What's a Chelsea smile?

  5. Hi Pia! A Chelsea Smile is the scar left when a mouth is cut with a sword or knife from ear to ear :( What the gangs used to do in London.

  6. Hey WDW! Thank you SO much for this TDK post!!

    As I shamefacedly admitted to TL,although I sought out this magazine on the news-stands, I baulked at the price and declined to pay 4 quid for a magazine which would only end up stashed in a drawer with other sentimental valuables,rarely to see the light of day.

    I feel an utter cheapskate now, mind you, and I really struggled to leave the magazine on the shelf. It was the only Heath cover left which lay hidden behind several Batty covers,so I left the Joker one on top to pole-axe other shoppers as it had me.

    It warms my heart that you have posted all the photographs and the text from this special edition of "Empire" here,another lasting tribute to Heath and what he still means to us. Gone 19 weeks today :-( Rest easy mate.XXX

  7. Oh so nice to hear about Heath and his role of Joker. Very much looking forward to seeing it. I too can be just going about my day, walking across a room or a street, and a thought of Heath will come to mind and I'll just stop in my tracks. It's still difficult to believe he's gone. But he will live on through his roles. Nice to hear the wonderful comments of those who worked with him on TDK; Maggie, Chris Nolan, Christian Bale. Happy to hear that PoP is shaping up so well too. :)

  8. Great Joker cover! I'm looking forward to see the movie!

    Thanks WDW! :)


  9. Just bought the Joker cover version (as if I'd ever buy the other one). Not had a chance to read it yet so skipped most of your article for later in case spoilers etc.

    I've also recently bought 2 Heath biographies that seem to ahve been rushed out. The one by Brian J Robb looks very nice with many mnay photos and looks promising.

    Sad that this is all we have left.

    Hugs to all

  10. I bought my copy of Empire today, but haven't looked at it yet. I know what you mean Nadine, I'll probably just keep the mag in a drawer along with the other Empire mag with the picture tribute to Heath, but I just had to have it.
    I'm still half dreading/half really looking forward to seeing TDK.Playusa are sending me another copy of INT to replace the one that got lost, so I'm hoping that will turn up before I go to see TDK, I need to see some new Heath before I can face The Joker. Btw, WDW, sorry I haven't answered your email yet, I've only just got online after having no internet connection all afternoon and now I have to go and make dinner! Speak to you all later xx

  11. I'm going to buy Empire too, as a keepsake. I hope I don't do something dumb like cry the first time I see TDK. I better bring tissues, but whoever heard of crying at a Batman movie? Still miss our guy. :')

  12. Afternoon WDW and friends from NYC,
    We're having another beautiful WARM day so I am definitely going out ASAP to find this issue.
    The cover is beautiful. I hope it's over here if not today soon. Bookstores here I come.

    TY so much.

  13. Hi there everyone - got home through the rain and deep pools of water. A deluge out there today. Good to see you all :D

    Hi Nadine! You're made of stronger stuff than me, leaving this behind on the shelves. But, yes, mine are now in my special Jake cupboard which is full of magazines and clippings from the past few years. Memories and dreams. I'm so, so glad you liked the post and the pictures xx

    Hey there Sandy :D

    Good to see you, LJF! Like you, I'm avoiding spoilers so I skimmed the article. I just know I'm going to enjoy it regardless, even though this will be only my second superhero movie (after Iron Man). I don't know if I want to read a biography yet - but if you say they're good I may be tempted.

    Hi TL :D I'm like you. I just like to have these things safe, just like now I like to look at the magazines etc I saved from 1980 when John Lennon died. I like the memories even though they were hard. Big bits of my life.

    Bad luck with no internet - I twitch in such cases. Don't worry about answering the email :)

    Hi Bertie :) I know - we're going to be the ones watching a superhero movie, weeping... Tht kind of makes me smile. I really want to see it.

    Hey Sass in sunny NYC :D catch some rays for us in sodden Blighty please! It's a stunning cover, I hope you find it OK.

    Have a great evening evening everyone :)

  14. Thank you, WDW, for this post on Empire magazine!
    As I was shopping in Sainsbury's yesterday, I went by the magazine section and as soon as I saw the Empire cover I couldn't resist sneak a peek.
    Stunning pictures and reports.
    Especially the pic of the Joker taking off his mask was so disturbing...
    I still look forward to seeing this movie when it comes out, but all these photos, stills etc. with Heath as the Joker look so disturbing that I don't think I'm really ready to watch the movie.
    Maybe I'll think differently in a month's time, who knows?

    Take care,

  15. Dear Paola - I'm so glad you liked the post. It's not going to be easy at all - I know it'll be especially hard for some. Personally, I think this film will be a wonderful tribute to Heath and I want to see it for him. Sounds silly, I know. But also I really can't wait to see this Joker. I want to see everybody in the theatre sit up and take notice. Looking forward to seeing you very soon xx

  16. I didn't like "Batman Begins." I hope "The Dark Knight" will be more to my liking, which it will probably be. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Aaron Eckhardt are all high on my list of enjoyable actors. :-)

  17. Morning Paul - I haven't seen Batman Begins as I've never cared for superhero movies (until Iron Man) but this one looked irrrestisible as soon as Heath was associated with it. Cam't wait :)

  18. Hi, WDaW!

    Just to say thanks a lot for explaining what the meaning of Joker's Chelsea smile is here
    (and also thanx to pia to bring that question up!).

    When I got the magazine and read it all the article I was thinking what's this Bale mean by that!? and I couldn't even find the proper answer easily after googling it!

    Can't wait for the TDK release in the UK cinema and the Prince of Persia for the next summer as well.

    Keep doing your great work for this site!
    I'm visiting here almost everyday now.
    See ya!
