You may recall that Nailed has had some problems... Well, as sure as day follows night, the problems continue. But there is some hope (again) of resolution. Nailed was supposed to go back to work last Thursday. It turns out that, although the finances were settled as reported, it took longer than expected to get things up and running. Work was rescheduled to begin again today and, according to posters at IMDb, the Nailed trucks and trailers came rolling back into town today and Jessica Biel was spotted in a local cinema watching Sex and the City. Another poster says he is an extra and has been called back for work tomorrow.

But there is no doubt that things are serious and Hollywood Reporter tells us that the shoot has to finish on June 22 or Nailed will lose its stars - we know that Jake has a busy summer ahead. No doubt, Jessica also has plans.

There is also some concern about whether the new financial settlement will cover the project when filming is complete. There is still a long way to go until Nail hits the cinema screens. However, the report is hopeful - the shoot will maintain its Thursday-Monday schedule and David O Russell has '"been an absolute dream, literally the glue that's held the film together," said Persistent Entertainment's Matt Rhodes.'

The worries associated with getting Nailed safely into the theatres make quite a contrast with the growing excitement surrounding Prince of Persia. Let's hope we get to see both Howard Ryder and Prince Dastan in 2009.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Ok, this whole Nailed business is getting beyond ridiculous now. There's probably a new report going round, contradicting the previous one, as I type. Give me a shout when it's over for good, one way or another.
ReplyDeleteI bet Jake can't wait to get started on POP after all this.Hopefully Nailed will finish filming too late for him to get his chest waxed;)
Hey, y'all! Rainy day here but Ive got oysters for supper so OK.
ReplyDeleteWDW and Paul, is there a specific time frame for PoP? - "ancient" Persia covers alot of ground.
Im constantly surprised by Jake - SNL was, as Ive said before, when I stopped worrying about his career - (also the Esquire cover) -I always have in mind the eleven year old making his bicep leap and when asked how to pronounce his name said: "Gyllanhaal. Jake Gyllanhaal." With all the confidence of "Bond. James Bond."
And surely Jake's comedic skills are evident. That being said, it has always seemed to me that where politics are concerned truth is stranger and funnier than fiction -
and it would take an awfully clever and totally outrageous and courageous script to pull off Nailed - so bless yr hearts in South Carolina lil darlin's - but Im most confess I'm right now into
amazing swordplay among the parapets and Song of Songs and Jake sans shirt and calvins (sorry Jake I love seein' your shorts and briefs showin' above yr jeans, but I think the ancient persians went commando beneath those thrillingly billowing trousers - )
Im very interested in Brothers. Is it a given that he'll be doing publicity for this film in the fall? I suspect that time, for the actors, will always be haunted by the death of Heath Ledger.
Thanks as always WDW for a timely and terrific post. You ARE the ONE!
Hey TL! Glad to see you're back online - I'm having lots of troubles myself - I blame the weather...
ReplyDeleteI must admit that when I first read of all the Nailed troubles I was so worried, now I shake my head and long for it all to be over. POP is going to be great - for us and jake!
Hi Pia! Ooh oysters - love 'em.
POP is 6th century AD (Sassanid) Persia, and not Roman, but it is a video game and it leaves no end for the makers to play - the best kind of history in movies to my taste.
I'm definitely with you on POP - I want to see Nailed and I'm excited at the thought of seeing comedic Jake working wonders with a script that I hope is worthy of him, but I want that swordplay among the parapets too - so much of POP can be built around Jake. And commando's good... ;D
Hope you're having a good evening :)
Hello, Wet Dark!
ReplyDeleteI want the problems to be solved before the Nailed Jake begin to POP.
Nailed is more interesting that POP.
Wet Dark, you know something about Brothers? I do not see the time you start to see the first photos of the film.
Ola Monica :D I really want these problems solved too... I would love to see something from Brothers - I think we still have some time to wait though unfortunately. I would have thought nothing til the Autumn. But it'll come and I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait. We haven't heard much about it because it's gone so much more smoothly!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, WDW.
ReplyDeleteI can't say I am happy about the contrast we see between an indie film like "Nailed" and "PoP"... I am still trying to cope with the whole Disney/Jerry Bruckheimer thing. And pray that PoP will not be a "Tomb Raider" movie.
But in a economic climate like this... it's hard to blame actors craving for some stability and protection under a larger company.... I read a week ago that Christian Bale admitted that he was broke and his house was repossessed just 5 years ago, before he made Batman Begin. He said more actors are struggling than people think.
Even if Jake has no such worries, the whole Nailed experience must be frustrating.
Winterbird, just like you, am afraid that POP is equal to Tomb Raider.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult to see Jake take a role in a blockbuster.
Hi there Winterbird :) We just have to trust that POP is no Tomb Raider, maybe in the same way that we're trusting in Nailed being more than it originally sounded. It must be extremely frustrating for Jake, David and the other actors. I really want to see Nailed, partly so I can make up my own mind about it :)
ReplyDeleteMonica, let's hope it's more "Iron Man" than "Tomb Raider". The script will be key, cos unlike comic books, movies based on videogames do not have a solid story to work out, only characters.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course, I hope Jake would be a big impact on the film as well.
I am not so optimistic, because I've never seen a videogame movie done well - in terms of quality.
I have to say that as much as I'd like to see Nailed, I've mentally moved on to PoP. With all of the problems Nailed has been having, it's a lot more fun to think about Pop, costumes and textiles, artwork, soundtracks, possible storyline, swordplay among the parapets and minarets (G*d I wish I'd learned fencing!), magic carpets and genies, and princes with unwaxed chests and commando-under-their-shirwal.
ReplyDeleteI'm very interested in Brothers and Nailed still, dont get me wrong. ;)
Hey Winterbird and Monica - More like Iron Man would definitely be good :)
ReplyDeleteHey Bertie! I don't know if it's something to do with having lived in the Middle East and having spent a lot of time immersed in archaeology and history over there, but POP has really caught my imagination. Not to mention liking the videogame, and loving the thought of the exotic fabrics, sounds, colours etc, just like you say. Plus I've loved swashbucklers - since I was a child I've enjoyed them. I think of the Arabian Nights/Aladdin or Sinbad type films made in the 30s to 50s in glorious Technicolor and I love the idea that Jake is part of this now.
Magic carpets and minarets :D
But that doesn't detract from my eagerness to see Nailed safely finished and in the theatres. I'm quite happy to have the two! I actually have more fears for the script of Nailed than I do for POP but I'm ready and willing to be proved wrong - I'm biased (er yes it's true ;) ) and I just want to see Jake on the big screen.
But at the moment, when I think of Jake in a forthcoming movie - it's Brothers I'm thinking off. Less than 6 months now... I've never had any kind of doubts about that one.
So I think I want all three movies please :D
Ive felt Brothers a "natural" for Jake - glad to hear you've had faith in this film, also, WDW - and you've not even seen the original!
ReplyDeleteHi Pia - I definitely have faith in Brothers, I cannot wait to see it - and I still refuse to go anywhere near the original until well after I've seen Jake's version! I want nothing to affect my first viewing. The six months will fly by. And having seen all the drama around Nailed, it makes me appreciate Brothers all the more.
ReplyDeleteI could talk about how good Brothers will be all night, so I'd better shut up and go to bed.
Morning everyone :D A beautiful day here - hope everybody has a great Thursday :)
ReplyDeleteHey WDW and everyone, sunny day even here for once, after so many rainy ones...
ReplyDeleteWill Nailed ever get to be finished? Will we ever get to see it here in Italy? Who knows? :/
Can't wait for Brothers too, I liked the original Danish one a lot and I'm curious to see what Sheridan could have done with that..
I am very much looking forward to "Brothers" too. Jim Sheridan never disappoints... (ok, maybe except that crazy movie he did with 50-Cent, but I always imagined he was forced to do at gun point.. :P)
ReplyDeleteIt's a good day out there in London today. Have a good one, everyone.
Hi there Xenia! I do hope you get to see Nailed in Italy (I'll be grateful to see it anywhere at this rate ;D) Have a good day in the sun!
ReplyDeleteHi Winterbird! Jim Sheridan did a movie with 50-Cent?? The mind boggles... Definitely looking forward to Brothers nevertheless :) Have a good one!
Hey there :)
ReplyDeleteNailed still have issues....sigh. Guess we just have come to expect this and should just wait until we hear it is finished. Just hoping we finally hear soon that it is completed. I really want to see Jake in this role. Not to mention Brothers and PoP!
Btw, going back to the last thread, I agree that if Posh loosened up and smiled it would do wonders for her. From interviews she does seem to have a very good sense of humor. She just needs to stop preening, posing and pouting even if it is her "thing". Makes her look very fake next to a natural beauty like Maggie.
Morning Get Real :D And I agree with everything you say about Posh, she can be quite perky in interviews. Maggie looks so tall in those pictures :D Hope you have a good day!
ReplyDeleteI've moved on, mentally, from Nailed also. Just sick of the mess and chaos - what a shambles! Looking forward to PoP.
ReplyDelete"I am very much looking forward to "Brothers" too. Jim Sheridan never disappoints... (ok, maybe except that crazy movie he did with 50-Cent, but I always imagined he was forced to do at gun point.. :P)"
ReplyDeleteLMAO, that sounds very believeable and you know that stupid film made so much money?!
I commend David Russell for holding Nailed together (not freaking out 'cos you know we'd have heard by now) and the rest of the cast and crew for wanting to get this finished. I feel that even if they don't finish Jake probably would go back when his schedule allows. Nailed is in my heart now, it's my Winnie the Poo bear that's been banged, bandaged and stiched up to hold it together
and only when he's fully healed will Winnie reveal his secrets as Nailed will reveal its own.
I was amazed to hear that such a brilliantly talented actor such as Christian Bale mentions his financial difficulties until Batman - that is unbelievable. It does put into perspective how actors experience real life difficulties just like everyone else only worse because their private life is treated like a public domain. Good actors deserve huge salaries to reflect their talent.
BTW Pia, don't shout at me as I'm experiencing a lot of pain right now but didya mean to spell Jake's name that way? I get a little 'peevish' over his name if it's not spelf right (and it's not even my name).
"I'm right now into
amazing swordplay among the parapets and Song of Songs and Jake sans shirt and calvins (sorry Jake I love seein' your shorts and briefs showin' above yr jeans, but I think the ancient persians went commando beneath those thrillingly billowing trousers - ) "
LMAO - This is one of the reasons I love this blog - with comments like these - YOU ROCK!
'course I didnt mean it, Sheba. Sorry Sheba, sorry Jacobo. A hundred push ups and goin' to bed without supper.
ReplyDeleteOk hon, I forgive you as you come out with some amazing idyoms and whiticism to keep us going. Don't do 100 push ups - do 50, that's punishment enough ;o)
ReplyDeleteHi there everyone! Sorry I'm late this evening - I've been turning my flat upside down trying to sort out my collection of Jake magazines, papers and clippings.So much stuff from over the last few years!
ReplyDeleteHi Narcissa :D I'm trying not to give up on Nailed - I hope it will make it and then I'll enjoy it as I always would a film with Jake. But I'm ready for Brothers and I'm ready for Jake to get going on POP.
Hey Sheba! I definitely agree that David, Jake, Jessica and the others have been so profesional and committed, trying to get this film finished. And, for them as well as for us, I hope it gets finished (which I'm sure it will) and distributed. I do think, though, that it will be hard for Jake to come back to it. Although after POP, one would have thought jake will be having a rest before the publicity for Brothers begins. Unless Joe Namath and Moon kick off.
Sorry to hear you're in pain - take care *)
Hey Pia! You are one special friend - thank you for the gift! No need for pressups, just lots of hugs and kisses from your good friend across the pond xxx
Overruled eh! OK Pia, forget the push ups and you can have my hugs too.
ReplyDeleteThanks WDW hope whatever this is goes away before I'm off.
I do hope you feel better, Sheba :\ Do take care. So you can have a hug too!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I've just realised that Big Brother has started in the UK again tonight - Noooooo! I must emigrate right now!
Swordplay, eh?
ReplyDeleteWhenever I watch two guys fencing, I worry that one will hurt the other with those sharp things. :-(
I figure that history repeats, first as tragedy and then as comedy. I grant you that people have aggressive impulses that they need to vent, but hurting each other hardly seems likely to help matters. So, I propose that people put down their swords and put on clown suits, then throw cream pies at each other. :-)
If Jake wants to join in, so much the better. :-)
Hi Paul! Love the idea of Jake in a custard pie fight... but I have loved sword fights in movies since I was a tiny thing - I grew up on Robin Hood, Sinbad, Zorro, Sir Walter Raleigh and all those other screen heroes who made their point with a sword. I can't wait to see Jake in a fantasy swordfight. It's not real and it's full of Hollywood for me. Takes me right back to another age - in movies and in history.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit to a clown phobia :( They scare the life out of me.
but I have loved sword fights in movies since I was a tiny thing - I grew up on Robin Hood, Sinbad, Zorro, Sir Walter Raleigh and all those other screen heroes who made their point with a sword. I can't wait to see Jake in a fantasy swordfight. It's not real and it's full of Hollywood for me. Takes me right back to another age - in movies and in history.
ReplyDeleteOh WDW, you speak for me too, I've always loved swordplay, it's very elegant and choreographed, beautiful! Only thing is, we need equal time for the girls, like Emma Peel, who I loved. There were never enough females in movies to identify with, doing things like that! :)