Jake, like many of us, might not be able to see further than the end of that perfect nose of his but, as he says here, he is fortunate enough to be able to afford the eyecare he needs. As a result, Jake doesn't have to picture himself any longer as that 'crest toothpaste tube with bad eyesight'. Quite the opposite. (One of these days I'll get the courage up to try that new fangled invention that Jake relies upon - The Contact Lens.)

In the aftermath of a film that did much to help bury stereotypes, Brokeback Mountain, Jake, Ang Lee and Anne Hathaway contributed to a video released as part of the Human Rights National Coming Out Day 2006, appearing alongside such figures as Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ellen Degeneres (and many others I can recognise but can't put a name to). As Jake says of Jack and Ennis: 'a story like that is equal to any love story.'
Following on from the Brokeback post yesterday, I found a link to the article I quoted from: Jake Gyllenhaal contemplates the big stuff. I've always been interested in Jake's relationship with his directors and I was intrigued to hear this and wonder what triggered this view and if it now has changed: '"I've learned to expect very little from directors," says Gyllenhaal, leaning his lanky frame into an uncomfortable chair and asking if it's OK to light up the last cigarette in a banged-up pack of American Spirits. "What I say now is, `Trust yourself,' because you can't count on your relationship with a director. Ang was great, though, because he would set up situations and then let me and Heath decide what to do within the space Ang created. He put the camera wherever he wanted, but then he gave us a lot of power to create something, so we didn't leave with any regrets."'

After falling in love with the story and filmscript of Brokeback, Jake realised 'I ought to call those people who called it "the gay cowboy movie" and scold them. It's so much more than that.'

It only seems right if I'm posting videos to include here the new trailer for Elegy - a film starring Peter Sarsgaard and Sir Ben Kinglsey, who, having worked with Peter, will now take his place as evil Vizier to Jake's prince in The Prince of Persia. Yet again I hear the refrain, 'It's a small world after all.'

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
Hey WDW! I definitely recommend the contact lens..I don't know what I would do without mine. My vision is very (very) poor and I swear by those things! I had no idea Jake also wore contact lenses..I learn something new here everyday!
ReplyDeleteHi Nicole :D I'm still waiting to see if the contact lens will catch on before I take the plunge...
ReplyDeleteIn quite a few pics you can see Jake's contacts. In the Bubble Boy DVD commentary, it's mentioned that Jake was wearing his contacts when he had to submerge his head in soapy water - Jake said he had far more trouble with the bubbles going up his nose though :)
I sometimes wonder if this is one reason why Jake wears sunglasses so often (despite the fact that it is very sunny in LA)- because they're prescription. That's usually the reason why I wear sunglasses in the rain
I am once again amazed by how well you put all these quotes and interviews and news together and form a great post. And great videos too :)
ReplyDeleteI am very happy that Jake supports such charities, ones that are closer to home, like helping people around you, instead of going for big ones like Unicef.
Do we know exactly how short-sighted Jake is? I've been short-sighted nearly all my life, although not severely, and had been walking around without glasses throughout my entire college days (I only wore them to write down notes on blackboard, cos I looked so ugly in them. Friends had complained that I had seemingly ignored them in public cos I could see them :P)...
And then... came the miracle of contact lens! :P I can't live without them. And yeah, if you're not allergic to them, I'd highly recommend them.
That quote when Jake said he learned to expect less from directors. I suppose he means that he's not expecting to be guided through by the director when filming. That actor like him, would digest the script and contribute some unique. In a way, that kind of explain the possible "clash" he had with Fincher, cos I think Fincher believes he knows "his vision" and he prefers actors to stick to his vision. Ang Lee probably have a much more hands-off style. (I know that when filming the sex scenes in "Lust, Caution", Ang Lee did many takes, but he didn't really explain to Tony Leung why he wanted another take, just told him, "could we have another take". And expect Tony Leung to try to do the scene in a different way)...
well... enough film buff talk. Peter looks so dashingly handsome there!
Thanks Winterbird :D I'm the person who once hailed an ambulance thinking it was a bus as I couldn't see two yards in front of my face - they did stop, incidentally. Soon moved off when they saw I thought they were a bus...
ReplyDeleteInteresting comments about Jake and his directors. I wonder if this has something to do with Roland Emmeric because Jake was working with him when he publicised BBM. I tend to think that Jake has a mighty respect for most of his directors - just listen to him go on about Ang, Sam, Richard and David for example. There are no doubt rocky moments and one would have thought Jake sees this as part of his learning experience. But an interesting subject and one I've often thought about and one for future posts. I think Ang Lee can be extremely difficult to interepret for an actor...
Peter looks so gorgeous here :D
And Jake looks good enough to eat in the New Eyes video - judging by the beard length, I wonder if it was filmed around the Toronto time but his hair looks a little longer, hmmmm
Hope you're having a lovely Friday evening :D
We expect a little more precision from you, WDW :)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, I will still be reading it and playing the vids tomorrow I bet.
I'm the person who once hailed an ambulance thinking it was a bus as I couldn't see two yards in front of my face - they did stop, incidentally. Soon moved off when they saw I thought they were a bus...
ReplyDeleteLOL!! I can't stop laughing... :P
Friends used to ask me how do I hail the bus that I want cos I can't see the number on it. I said I'd just hail it first and apologise to the driver if it's the wrong bus!
hey, maybe we can swap such stories with Jake if we ever have a lunch date with him :P I am sure young Jake had plenty.
Is Peter doing Singing in the Rain?
ReplyDeleteNice post WDW. I can recommend disposables (lenses that is). :)
Thanks, Nouskiw :D Have a good evening!
ReplyDeleteHi Winterbird - these friends with 20:20 vision can never understand... Everything is written in such small writing :(
Hi Rubes :D Thanks for the tip - I'm gradually working towards contacts - I think in another 20 years I may be ready for them. I'm gonna consult Jake first though.
Yep, that's Peter doing Singing in the Rain - whether he was doing this on or off camera for Elegy I'm not sure but the pictures are from the filming. Peter looks so good :) Bet Jake would do a great Singing in the Rain :)
Just have to say, I've watched the New eyes video yet again (and again and over again) and Jake is just gorgeous in it - love his voice, the expression and the way he says 'Hi' at the beginning.
ReplyDeleteJake really should record some speaking books - they'd be amazing to listen to.
WDWheartsPeter, WDWheartsPeter! I think you do, cause that picture in the rain is loverly!
ReplyDeleteJake said at one time that he wore "bottle glasses" when he was young. Ive wondered if that is why is so careless about his own beauty, having that self-image engraved upon his retina. I know engraved upon my own is an image of a fat little kid in a green gymsuit, never thought I would be anything but that.
Also have wondered if Jake was without contacts in the picture of him in Hawaii in shower - and if you can wear contacts while surfing/swimming. Sleeping?
I lov'd the new eyes video, "caring" Jake is a part of him I treasure, and seems very true.
His relationship with directors is so interesting. There seems to be a sort of tension and yet he is at the same time very loyal, another quality of his that seems "true" -
I hope we get some comments from Sheridan and D.O.R. about working with Jake. Gavin Hood seemed to like Jake, personally, very much.
Hey Pia - yep, it's true WDW hearts Peter - he's just too gorgeous and the two times I've met him he's been gorgeous and funny and kind :) Jake's a lucky guy to have such a friend in his family.
ReplyDeleteI certainly sympathise with Jake and his bottle glasses - I had those at school and kids are mean. I've never liked wearing glasses and I hate that my eyes don't do what I tell them and that my glasses don't clean themselves.
I wear sunglasses when I swim. can you swim in contacts? I only sleep in glasses when I've had one too many GnT.
I love caring Jake - his voice and its reflection in his expression - the lips and eyebrows and licking the lips - sigh... :D
I don't know quite what to make of Gavin and Jake. I think - but I may be completely wrong - that Jake didn't get what he expected from Rendition. But Gavin is a lovely, lovely guy. He gave me a big smile when he passed me in the street and I thought that was so nice.
Can I also say - WDW hearts Jake too :DD
Hello WDW, great post today. Like winterbird, I really admire you for your ability to put together such great reports, so consistently, gathering all your sources and references, and always striving to be topical.
ReplyDeleteI alternate between glasses and contact lenses (I've been short-sighted since I was 8) and have always found Jake's admission to his poor eyesight very endearing!...
I started with soft contact lenses, but after a few years I couldn't tolerate them any more, 'cause they didn't let my eye breathe properly, though they were very comfy.
So I switched to "semi-hard" ones and I can tolerate them much better.
Thanks so much also for writing about Peter and posting that gorgeous pic!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for all the lovely vids, WDW:) And I have to echo everyone's else's comments about how it's not just the videos/articles/pics etc that you post, it's the way you put it all together so seamlessly and eloquently that makes this site such a joy.
ReplyDeleteJake looks and sounds gorgeous in the New Eyes video (especially when he says "Hi, I'm Jake Gyllenhaal" and does that thing with his tongue *swoon*).makes me realise how long it's been since we had new footage of Jake talking. If I'm not mistaken, the last time would have been October/November, when he was doing promo for Rendition - more than half a year ago now!
And it's always good to see someone in Jake's position giving up their time, and lending their name, for free for a worthy cause.
Elegy looks interesting, although Peter doesn't appear to be in it much.I might just wait for the DVD. Btw, the world gets smaller:Patricia Clarkson also starred with Peter in The Dying Gaul.
Thank so much Paola :D That's interesting about your experience with contacts and show why I have even more fear for lenses than I do for risotto :) Always a pleasure to include Peter!
ReplyDeleteTL! Shucks :D
ReplyDeleteI love the bit at the beginning too - and the serious face with a mix of a smile. Definitely about time we had some more Jake on shows etc.
I doubt Elegy will be on round here but I'll definintely get the DVD!
Just gotta say that I appreciate you all even more than ever this evening - having a scary time tonight with visits from both prowlers and police, so if anyone can keep me company, I really appreciate it.
(((WDW))) Hopefully we'll get lots of Jake on TV again when Brothers is out, but it seems like such a long wait:( But you never know, we might get to see Jake up close and personal round here before that ;D
ReplyDeleteHope gorgeous Jake and happy Jaking is keeping you safe and warm tonight :)
Thanks very much TL for that phonecall xx
ReplyDeleteThanks Winterbird - I could certainly do with Jake being round here right now! My flat is surrounded by police and Mr WDW is hotfooting (well, hotvanning) it back from Wales so all should be well.
(((WDW))). Am stuck on a bus in traffic but am sending you protective and safe vibes. Adore Jake and the video for such a wonderful cause.
ReplyDeleteHugs to everyone on this wonderful blog!
Take care of yourself wdw. Glad the Mr is coming home.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Jake is flinging down the gauntlet and saying that directors can't be trusted. I think he's just saying that the art of acting is something that comes from deep within the actor himself/herself. You look within yourself, and trust that you will find what you need when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteIt never occurred to me to think that I would ever need glasses--even though my mother and sister both needed them before the age of 5. However, in seocnd grade, I was having trouble reading the blackboard...
I'm not going to go to contacts, though. I would be losing or breaking them all the time. :-/ Hang onto your principles, WDW. Not everyone has to use contacts. remember, they were good enough for Ben franklin, Wally Cox, and Woody Allen.
As for Jake recording a talking book, he has already done the soundtrack for "The Man who walked between the towers" (an animated short film that was based on a children's book). Maggie has recorded talking books in the past.
No worries, WDw, that's what friends are for. just wish I could do something a bit more practical:( But I'm sure all the good vibes from all your friends here will keep you safe. Yeah, I know, I'm just an old hippie at heart;)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Get Real, for taking time out of your journey :) And Jake is so lovely in that video - beautiful and a good cause. And he has some wonderful fans and I am so glad you're there!
ReplyDeleteHi Paul - I love The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - such a beautiful voice. But I'm greedy I would love to settle down with my headphones to listen to Jake reading one of my favourite classics.
ReplyDeleteI think Jake finds his relationship with directors fluctuates, it's a productive relationship and I'm sure not always easy, nor would that be desirable. I'm gonna stick with my sun glasses :D
Thanks (((TL))) it's just good knowing there's a friend at the end of the phone, not just a 999 operator. And I know you're always up so late!
The early night I was planning didn't come to pass so I decided to drop in here before I hit the hay and what do I find,you've been having a really traumatic evening ((((WDW))))!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm chipping in with more protective and comforting vibes to keep you company while you wait for Mr.WDW to get back home. All will be well,hon,all will be well. xxxxxxx
(((WDW))) Late night Jaking is about the only vice I have left these days!
ReplyDeleteAs for Jake's relationship with his directors, I'd be worried if there wasn't conflict from time to time. You're talking about a bunch of people putting together a creative project and it's natural for them to have their own ideas and beliefs as to how it should work.It just shows that they care about what they're doing and want to give the audience the best they possibly can. All the bands I love have at one time or another admitted to having huge bust ups over "creative differences" so I imagine it's a similar situation for actors and directors.
Good to see you Nadine, thanks :D I've had trouble for weeks and it's been very frightening, the police have been great though. Mr WDW is coming straight back in the morning. With any luck Jake'll be rushing over as well and then the git won't stand a chance!
ReplyDeleteHi TL - you're right - these are all very creative individuals and that's bound to lead to some animated discussions, espcially as Jake grows in confidence. Healthy, surely.
WDW, take care! I'll send my good vibes over from across the pond too, till Mr. WDW gets home. Loved Jake's PSA, and the fact that his beautiful eyes need vision correction makes them even more beautiful to me. :) I enjoy hearing about the creative process of acting/directing, hammering it all out until it's finished and beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure Jake will try his hand at directing one day, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how he does with that. hopefully he'll still be in front of the camera too though:)
ReplyDeleteThanks Bertie :D Jake's eyes may have this medical 'imperfection' and yet they are so blue and large and beautiful. And so expressive. But I also like that Jake knows what it's like to stare at the world with bad vision. Doesn't seem to affect the beauty of his eyes though...
ReplyDeleteHi TL - I want Jake to direct too but he has to bein front of the camera as well :)
Yes, we need Jake to be in front of the camera at all times so we can swoon over those gorgeous blue eyes. I can't wait to hear Jake doing a director's commentary for a film, especially if it's a film he also stars in - I wonder how critical he'd be of himself. I realise I'm getting totally ahead of myself here, btw, but it's something I really hope we'll get to see in the future.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear more about how Jake views his own acting too, as well as the creative process. It is so good thinking how much career is to come and how, at the same time, we're all changing and growing too :D
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting cos I remember a quote form Jake saying he hates watching himself on screen (in fairness, I think every actor always says that) but if he directs himself one day he's not going to have a choice, which is probably a pretty scary prospect. I could be wrong of course, but I get the feeling Jake would probably be far more critical of his own performance than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteYes but it was I think cinematographer Stephen Posner in DD production notes who commented that Jake always watched with intensity his own performance in the film dailies, or scene replays or however they do it, these days.
ReplyDeleteHope WDW is safe and sound asleep and the creep on the run by now. Hey Oxfordshire coppers, take care of our lil darlin' ! ! !
Morning everyone! Just have to give everyone here the biggest hug of thanks for being here last night and making me a lot less scared than I could have been - thanks to all of you for the messages, texts, emails and phonecalls -THANK YOU!!
ReplyDeleteMorning Pia and TL :) I think Jake is his biggest critic too, which is just as well as, if asked, I'd just say 'Jake, you were wonderful' for every take...
I think some erious Jaking is in order :D Have a great saturday everyone!
The sun has come out!
ReplyDeleteHope you have great day ahead everyone :)
oh... one more thing about contact lens.. I tried to swim in a disposable pair (one-day kind, I normally wear two-week disposable ones). They are OK if you only under the water for awhile, I wouldn't recommend to use them for swimming all the time. And they shouldn't be re-used afterwards. I think!
hey, ever wonder why Jake didn't have lazer/lasek eye surgery to rectify his eye-sight?
Hi Winterbird :D The sunshine is gorgeous. Thanks for the info on lenses - I kind of like swimming into things as I can't see where I'm going. I don't like to think of anyone messing with Jake's eyes :/
ReplyDeleteHope everyone's having a good Saturday :D
Hope you're enjoying your day and getting over the trauma! xxx
ReplyDeleteJake (as director): That last take wasn't as excellent as it should have been. Let's do another one.
ReplyDeleteJake (as actor): You're wearing me out with all these takes. Can't you use computer-enhancement when you edit the film?
Jake (as director): Do some more takes, and I promise I will let you go to bed extra early tonight. We don't want you to be over-tired.
Thanks Nouskie :D And thanks for the chat earlier xx Mr WDW is here to keep watch tonight and he's looking mean!
ReplyDeleteHi Paul! I do like that - I think Jake would be a very considerate director but he might get fixed on certain things and I'm sure he would be a perfectionist. I wonder if he would be a Fincher-type :D