It looks like we were right not to hold our breath or raise our expectations too high - for now - with Jake Gyllenhaal's advent into space for Doug Liman's Unnamed Moon Project. In fact, this project is a lot more (or less) than Unnamed - it's also Unscripted, Unplotted and not a little hazy. In this recent interview with MTV News, Doug reveals:
'I want to have a locked script before I start shooting. That’s my goal.' However, Doug does know what he wants and where he stands: 'It’s a celebration of America. Even though it’s a present day story it’s a celebration of the fact that in 1969 we sent a man to the moon... Just think about what a car in 1969 looked like! It’s insane that we pulled that off. No other country on the planet could have done something that great.'
I have only one thing to say - thank heavens that Doug is no longer writing the script. As keen as I am to see Jake in Space, I am really hoping that Jake takes a good look at this one before finally committing himself.
The troublesome tale that has been the development of the play Farragut North may now be untangling. Without Jake and without Mike Nichols, and away from Broadway, the Atlantic Theater Company has now announced that it will be producing Farragut North in October under the direction of Doug Hughes and starring John Gallagher of Spring Awakening. It feels like the end of an era, this story has been around for so long.
And talking of plans that come to nothing, it appears that the talk of Jake opening a restaurant with friend Chris Fisher may also just have been wild whispers. According to Variety: 'Perhaps the only celebrity not getting into the food biz is Jake Gyllenhaal, who was recently reported biking around Italy with Reese Witherspoon investigating concepts for an L.A. organic restaurant. But his reps now say that the announcement was just as insubstantial as a parmesan foam topping.'
Pictures from ViewImages and Jake's 2004 appearance on TRL, a show that also featured Avril Lavigne.
Thanks for the news, WDW!
ReplyDeleteI could barely stand the kind of patriotism in "Apollo 13", so I am with you, I am glad that Liman is not writing the script now... when I first heard of the project/concept, I actually fancy it to be a bit darker... like some innocent or over ambitious humans try to colonise the moon with, erm, unexpecting consequences, that kind of thing. But a "celebration" of one nation's achievement? errr....
I am not disappointed with the restaurant news. I think it would be better if Jake does it when he retires, or at least not in the limelight... he's too busy waving some swords than a kitchen knief these days.. I think if he wants to do something, he would like to have more control and more time dedicated to it. JMHO.
The sun has come out again, after I got hit by plastic bags from a mini tornado on my street this morning! English weather... *sighs*
G'morning/g'day, y'all.
ReplyDeleteAfraid Im still tangled up in the blue suit "come and get it" picture.
Hi there Winterbird :D Lovin the idea of Jake in Space, hating the idea of a project that so far has nothing certain about it except something which I hope is not jingoism. I thought the whole idea of the moon landing was that it brought all people together - one giant step for mankind and all that. But maybe that was why it's being rewritten! So that it will have some of the elemments you mention. Here's hoping as I want Jake to do this and I want it to be good.
ReplyDeleteI agree that Jake would probably own want to be involved in projects he can commit his time to and I really do want him to focus on being on our theatre screens for at least 75% of the year :D
It's a lovely day out there!
Morning Pia! So glad to hear you're still wrapped up in comfy, stretching out Jake - love that picture. It'll reappear :)
Have a good day everyone - mine involves meeting up with the first Brokie arrivals!
"Comfy" Jake? Not hardly - one of the "hottest" pics Ive seen in awhile. But then Im a fool for the "come and get it" look that JBG does so well -
ReplyDeleteImagine y'all will be having quite a time with the influx of BBMt energy from all over!
He does do that look well, Pia, and he aims it straight at us. Relaxed and very sexy, that pic.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely going to get a lot of excercise to my pint-lifting arm muscles this long weekend... But I'm never going to be far from here either :D
That's weird because, correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember that Jake himself talked about this movie as a private colonization af the moon...:/
ReplyDeleteOh and where do those pics come from, TRL 2004? Jake is simply divine, and even if I'm not so keen on Avril Levigne, she seems sweetly overwhelmed by Jake in this pics...I know how you feel sister...:D
Have a great day, WDW and everyone!
Hi Xenia :D It sounds to me like everything about the plot to UMP is in a state of flux, so who knows! I wonder what Jake thinks about all of this as he must have imagined it was close to launch if he was speaking about it in interviews. I'm very glad Jake's doing PoP while all this gets sorted out.
ReplyDeleteTRL is the MTV music and video live show - Total Request Live - that Jake also participated in last year for Zodiac. These pics are from Jake's earlier appearance there in 2004 - I really love Jake's look here. And it was the whispering one that caught my imagination. I'm no fan of Averil but I bet she had a good time that day :D
Nice post, WD&W, as always!
ReplyDeleteIt's just as well the moon movie is on hold if the script isn't up to par. Nothing worse than a big-budget mess. Boggles the mind sometimes that bad movies get made. I get the feeling Jake hasn't signed on the dotted line yet for this one, merely allowed his name to be associated with it in order to garner industry interest.
Does anyone know the status of the Namath script? I like the ideas for both films but it sounds like Jake has plenty of time to get in one or two other movies before either of these is ready to start lensing.
Hey there. :)
ReplyDeleteCount me as one who is glad the Moon Project is on hold if it is not up to par. I don't want Jake in anything that isn't of the best quality! ;)
Those pics are great of young sexy Jake on TRL, talking it up to Avril and the crowd. :P
As much as I would aboslutely love for Jake (and Chris- together) to open a restaurant, I think it is better to wait a bit and do it when Jake isn't under so much scruitny, etc. I want a restaurant of the order of DeNiro's, which have been at the top of all "Best Of" restaurant lists for years now. Jake could make a more affordable type of place but with that kind of respect. I think he would want to be hands on and with Chris onboard I think it would be fantastic.
I hope everyone attending the Brokie weekend in Oxford has a wonderful and very fun time! Wish I could be there with you all. Please keep us updated on all of it! :D
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ReplyDeleteNot like the history of the Moon Project. It seems more a movie to be interpreted by actors adolescents.
Hi everyone! I am so lucky - got back from a night out with Brokies - wonderful :D I'll do a post on the event when it ends as it's magical. Err, bit tipsy now, though...
ReplyDeleteHi JoeAnn - I definitely agree that it's a good thing UMP is on hold if the script is like this. I do hope the Joe Namath project comes off - looks like there could be time for it.
hey there Get Real! I didn;t know of the DeNiro's restaurant - that sounds interesting. I wish you could be in Oxford this weekend too :) I will keep everyone posted and do something proper for it - a few people arrived tonight and it was amazing - I'm used to meeting Jakers but not Brokies. And a beautiful sunny evening.
Ola Monica :D The NYTimes link is in the post - I think that the NY Observer report has made a mistake and is misquoting the NYTimes. I don't think Jake will be involved in this.
WDW, really glad you had a great time tonight with the Brokies! I am sure you will have a weekend full of good times and tipsiness. ;)
ReplyDeleteRobert DeNiro is a major partner in the well known Nobu Restaurants, as well as other well known restaurants in NYC's Tribeca neighborhood in which he lives.
Have a wonderful time with all the brokies!
ReplyDeleteAnd if you meet Jake - send him some greetings!
According to a poster at IHJ Jake flew to London yesterday - the "special guest" at your Brokie weekend.....:-)))
OMG! Jake is in London????!!????
ReplyDeleteNo wonder the sun has come out again! Despite the "heavy rain weather forecast from yesterday!
Jake, we need you in Oxford!!
Glad to hear that you're having a good time with Brokies, WDW. I can't wait to join you all tomorrow! See you soon!
huh? Jake? what? where?
ReplyDeleteOk, Winterbird if you and the others who are traveling from London to Oxford, could just pick him up and bring him with you, that'd be great. thanks.
Good morning everyone. :)
Sure Ruby, we'll pick him up from Dorchester... and take him with us onto the 0921 train tomorrow... :)
ReplyDeleteGod morning everyone!! Yahooo - long weekend - Brokies everywhere! And Jake's in London?! No doubt on his way to Paddington :D
ReplyDeleteRunning late this morning as soo sleepy. Great to see you all.
Morning Get Real - wish you were here :) I fear there will be some tipsiness - there are a lot of good pubs and bars in Oxford and so little time... Thanks for the info on Robert De Niro - I don't know why but I can see him as a good cook.
Welcome Guest and thanks :D Great bit of news - I do hope it's true.
Good morning Winterbird! Yeah, what's this with the weather? We're supposed to be having all this rain and so far it's been beautiful everyday - need to touch some wood. Can't wait to see you tomorrow - and thanks for bringing Jake with you :)
Morning Rubes :D Looking forward to seeing you and Jake later :)
Have a wonderful day everyone - Friday!