Monday, 14 July 2008

Zut Alors! Jake and Reese in Paris - and we have hair...

Mamma Mia! With big thanks to Stephanie at IHJ, we can enjoy some new pictures from Paris of Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon en vacence. First off, we have some wonderful pictures of the group in the Jardin du Luxembourg on 11 July, where Jake not only demonstrated some superb lifting skills, he also gave Ava a lesson in photography - wonder if he papped a pap...

Talking of photography - Jake told 17 magazine that for his 21st birthday: 'During the day my mom threw me a party with my family and closest friends. At night my friends had a big party for me at a club in LA. My mom bought me this really old-school Palaroid camera. And I got a beautiful ring from a friend that says: It's important to live, not only to exist.'

Ted and Lisa's account yesterday further proved that Jake is a devout and dedicated texter.

The other pictures are from 13 July and show Jake at Chez Janon and then back at the hotel. Jake's stripey sweater is clearly useful camouflage - the look is also modelled by a lady inside the cafe and also by Deacon back at the hotel.

Pictures with thanks from IHJ.

And because I know what I'm going to be re-reading tonight...

Picture from Ted and Lisa.


  1. OK, I give up, they're all beyond cute. They do look like a family, I love these pictures. I love him with Ava. He should have his own babies as soon as possible. What a wonderful daddy he'll be. My ovaries are weeping;)

  2. Hi Zodiac - I like these pictures - a lot :D And I think Jake looks marvellously elegant, and muscely :)

  3. Oh, WDW, you should see the latest out for a walk pics, I think the 3rd one? He's a total knockout. I'm starting to wonder if it's all his own hair, because it looks so natural.

  4. Hey BK! I just can't make up my mind about the air at all. My eyes are certainly drawn to it and the muscles, that's for sure. I suppose they can do pretty amazing extensions these days but I just don't know. Jake looks absolutely incredible.

  5. I am looking at the face of the doorman (or chauffeur?) in the last pic... he seems almost elated! A fan maybe?

  6. doorman: zut alors! c'est la bachlor plus chaudes en Amérique! ! ! !

    love Jacques & Deacon in matching striped shirts - !

  7. Pia, have mercy, I don't speak French. What did you say?:)

    This is a bachelor...?

  8. Hey Zodiac, sorry to have gone all frenchy on you, dont blame ME. . .

    Hottest Bachelor In America - wasnt that the soubriquet (sorry can't stop now) given him on the cover of Interview magazine?

  9. WDW - I guess you have to update your post again. :o) Thanks to IHJ


  10. Hi Winterbird! That doorman looks well hooked on our Jake! These doormen are havig a good time of it lately, on both sides of the Channel :D

    That's so funny, Pia! Zodiac, it means the extremely hot American gent :D This trip is making me brush up my French!

    I love Jake and Deacon in the matching shirts!

  11. me, too, WDW- cf:

    correction: LE bachlor

  12. sorry c'est moi ^^^^

  13. These pics make me want to go back to Paris with the Mr. I hope they are having a good time, it's a great city.

    The matching shirts are kind of sweet :)

  14. Hey Pia! Posting at the same time... I have gone so Francais this week and at the weekend there is a good chance I'm eating more snails and that's all because of Jake :D

    Thanks T! Blimey, French Jake is wearing me out! So nothig for it - new post :D Thanks!

  15. Hey Rubes! Love the matching shirts :D

    I love how Francais we're being this evening - more on the way, eh oui!

  16. ooh la la!! Jacques est tres magnifique aux cheveux longs, n'est pas?

    Disclaimer - I got my French o'level more years ago than I care to count, comprend? :D

  17. haha Ruby you reminded me of a date with a Frenchman, I admired his hair, and he cracked up, hahaha you like my horses, eh?

    take care, when you make love! (I think that's a song)

  18. Ey Rube (with an accent), are you talking about a horse or hair there? My Francais is 20-ish years old!

    Hey Pia, you're talking about horses too - I don't know if that's a song, if not it should be.

    New post is up and it features a lot more longs cheveux :D

    I do apologise to all genuinely French people out there... :) I realise we may be less than fluent, but we are trying :D

  19. le sigh de long-suffering!

    Horses are chevaux with an 'a'. (I think!)

  20. I'm being refused access to Ted and Lisa' journal. :-( I've tried everything, to no avail. :-(

  21. Hi Paul - there must be a problem friending your LJ account - check your email :)

  22. Hey WDW. Didn't think I'd make it here tonight,but better late than never! I'm still going to have to leave a thorough first read of Ted and Lisa's journal until tomorrow :-(

    I feel I really have to emphasise,especially in the light of some indignant anons a post or two back,that I never doubted Jake's love for Heath for even a Nano-second! I have never felt he owed anyone any kind of public statement or exposition of his feelings in the wake of Heath's death.

    At the time of the memorial services in New York and LA the only reason I wondered at all whether or not Jake had attended is that I thought he might have simply been too upset. He wouldn't have been the first person to have been so distraught at the passing of someone he loved that he couldn't face attending a formal ceremony to commemorate that friend so very dear to him. I'm glad that Ted and Lisa were given Jake's personal confirmation of his presence at the tribute to his beloved friend, not because I needed proof but because I'm glad he had felt able to go, despite his wretched demeanour in the aftermath of January 22nd.

    I want to give (((you and Mr. WDW))) a big hug too and tell you how sorry I am that you've had a bereavement :-(

    From what other people have been saying,I'm pretty certain I'm going to find Ted and Lisa's account fascinating,moving,heart-warming and up-lifting. I could really use some of that!

  23. Thank you Nadine! Please check your emails - I wasn't able to email you last night for obvious reasons. It is good to know Jake went to the memorial and it's good to know he knows that he's not alone in missing Heath. The whole account was so rewarding!
