Thursday, 23 October 2008

Updated: Jake Gyllenhaal back in LA - Jake leaves Heathrow for LA 22 October

With big thanks to Winterbird's eagle eyes, it looks like Jake may have PoPped back to LA (if one can pop between London and Los Angeles). Let's hope for more - and bigger - later!


And whaddya know - thanks to IHJ, here we can see Jake leaving Heathrow Airport for Los Angeles yesterday. Good to see you, Jake!

Thanks to IHJ.


  1. Jake heard the weather forecast in England for the weekend (heavy rain and strong wind) and popped back to LA! :P

    What's up with the woolie hat? unwashed caveman hair underneath? I think maybe he wants to keep the PoP hairdo exclusive for the film *g*

  2. Hi Winterbird! I don't blame Jake scarpering from this approaching weather - getting very blowy out there. I just can't help loving Jake in a hat :D But I want to see the hair! I'm conflicted...

  3. Yay, Jake!! So, he is back in the states. :) Would have been even better if he had stopped in NYC. ;)

    Great posts as always, WDW. Love seeing Jake on TRL and MTV. And the old/new pics!

  4. So this means he left the European soil... I somehow miss him even more now!

    Thank you for the update Winterbird and WDW, fingers crossed for more pics and news ;)

  5. Thanks all for the update Winterbird and WDW.

    Nice to see Jake looking hot as always :)

    Hopefully this means more pics if he's back in LA.

  6. Hi there! Stephanie just got the pics - yahoo! Thanks :D

    Good to see you all and I'll be back shortly as just leaving for home :D Great to see Jake again and, hopefully, he'll be in the mood for getting out and about during his break in LA :)

  7. Knowing he was "in the neighborhood" was a comfort to me.

    Does this mean he is finished with PoP or is he just home to help with the elections?

  8. I was wondering if this is a break or he is done with filming?

    I was hoping Jake would stop over in NYC and maybe visit with Maggie and his niece. I miss him being 'uncle' Jake.

    I know it won't be long before we'll be seeing plenty of pics of him around town. Especially if he is going to do any campaigning


  9. the other blog has a secret source
    below is what Jake will be doing and when he is filming
    I think the time off will correspond with the release of "Quantum of Solace." I think that was the rationale for the break. Remember that "Prince of Persia" is a British production. James Bond is HUGE in Britain and they wouldn't do anything to hurt a James Bond film.

    As I said, I think they devised the schedule before they learned that they were pushing back "Brothers" and "Quantum of Solace" was supposed to initially be released on Thanksgiving (thus pushed forward). So they created a two-week break for their stars accordingly.

    So I think Jake just lucks out with one or two weeks off.

    I hope my source gets back to me with the schedule. That would answer any final questions we may have about everything.

    Anyway, the reason for my post is because I just learned that "Quantum of Solace" will have its British premiere (along with France and a couple of other countries) on October 31.

    The film will then open wide (America, rest of Europe, Austrailia, Japan, etc.) on November 6th. Meaning that Gemma will probably be doing press for the film between October 27th and November 8th or so.

    Also, remember that my source told me that they were dedicating the last three weeks or so to the green screen stuff. That would date that filming at November 13th (or so) to December 3rd.

    So we know they need to get the Icelander playing Garsiv out of there (and complete his parts) by mid November as per his interview before production started (I also recall his saying that they were filming until early December --- and he was finished in November --- which corresponds with my source saying that shooting will wrap on December 3rd).

    Also the timing corresponds with what my source told me in early September about techicians working on some of the CGI stuff in England through September until "the first week of October."

    This reminds me of something else I thought about last night and didn't share yesterday...

    Remember when those CGI guys, in that interview, said that they had recently completed their work on "Prince of Persia?" I asked my source about that and he then told me that they had completed their work on August 28th or 29th, whatever it was. (I don't know the first thing about CGI stuff. I don't know any terms, much less the science of it).

    Well, apparently, another group took over from there, at Pinewood, and began preparation for some important scene from early September until "the first week of October." They were suppose to film the actual scene/sequence thereafter.* This was suppose to take two-weeks to shoot.

    * I assume the scene they were working on is the final sequence of the film where Dastan discovers the gateway to the secret room, and confronts Ben Kingsley's character, etc. I won't give it away. It's the final sequence of the script between Ben Kingsley and Jake. If you read the scene you will notice that there are a lot of descriptions that will almost certainly require CGI (a cascading waterfall, etc.)

    Well I remembered that my source had told me very specifically that they were filming the scene at the Palace of NASAF (the banquet scene where something happens to Dastan's father and he's forced on the run, thus setting in motion the events of his journey back to ALAMUT) from October 1 to 8.

    My source also told me specifically that they filmed [b]scene 109[/b] on September 25th & 26th; [b]scenes 56 and 57[/b] on September 29th & 30th. (I don't know what any of these scenes are, he only gave me the scene number. Since my version of the script doesn't have any numbers, and the script has been re-written since then, i'm pretty sure that I won't be able to figure out what scenes they filmed just by using those numbers).

    Well, we know that they began filming in England on September 22. We also know, from an earlier conversation with my source, that they began filming Gemma's scenes in Alamut during the opening battle and another scene between Gemma and Garsiv. These scenes don't involve Jake.

    Thus the schedule most likely looked something like this...

    September 22-24: Gemma's scenes (Jake not involved).

    September 25th-26th: Scene 109. A scene involving Jake, not sure which. Not sure who else involved.

    September 29th: Scene 56 (whatever it is).

    September 30th: Scene 57 (again, whatever it is).

    October 1-8: The NASAF Banquet sequence.

    Then they seemed to take a 4-day weekend from production, probably because they worked through the previous weekend. This was also the week that Reese visited Jake in England. That was probably why.

    Then beginning on October 13th (this past Monday) until October 24th they film the last sequence between Ben Kingsley, Jake and Gemma in those crazy rooms. There were at least four: The Hourglass Chamber, The Loophole Corridor, and two others. If you read the script you'll know what i'm talking about.

    Then between October 24th and November 8th, Gemma will be away doing promotion for "Quantum of Solace." It's possible that Jake won't have the entire two weeks off. After all, there is another scene i'm certain they're shooting in Britain, which doesn't involve Gemma, in the "Kings Baths" which is between Dastan and his older brother Tus. But other than that, and maybe a short scene or two, every scene Jake is in includes Gemma.

    Therefore, Jake is CERTAIN to get at least one week off.

    During that week, they will film the scenes between Ben Kingsley and Garsiv (as well as Dastan's brothers) at the Palace, after Dastan escapes and goes on the run. (There are several scenes).

    Then beginning on November 13th (with the Icelander --- and possibly Ben Kingsley???) done their parts, they will film the Green Screen stuff until December 3rd.
    I think that's a pretty good estimate of what is happening in England. So if I had to venture a guess, i'd say Jake will be done on October 31st and not return until November 10th or so. But that's speculation. It fits the timeline though.

  10. Just got home :D I've ben looking at these pictures a lot closer now I'm able and it's so good to see The Jeans again :D

    Hi Get Real! I'm glad you enjoyed the other posts - it was so much fun to see those videos. Jake always looks hot but 2004 was an especially vintage year. Maybe Jake'll call into NYC on his way back to London? I hope so.

    Waves to Monica :D

    Hi Good Girl : I'm sure he'll be back soon. More chance of seeing pictures of Jake on LA than in London though but it has been nice thinking he's so close.

    Thanks Carol :D I really hope this means more pictures over the coming days and weekend too.

    Hi there Anon :D I don't think PoP is finished filming yet so I'm sure he'll be back. I don't know if it's a coincidence that the publicity for the Bond movie will be in full swing next week which might mean that Gemma Arterton has some time off. Also I doubt Jake would want to miss voting in person.

    Hey Trekfan :D I think it's just a break. It would be great if that means Jake will get involved with the election. I wouldn't be surprised if he also visits NYC.

    Good to see him, that's for sure, and I hope he had a good flight :D

  11. Thanks anon, that's some comment! Posting at the same time :D I like the idea of the crazy rooms. As I mentioned before, I certainly agree that it can't be coincidence that Jake has some time off when Gemma will be so involved with the Bond publicity next week. All the better for us :D

  12. Should I be worried that I recognized "The Jeans" even before I saw the white marks on them? I wish he had worn the Postal shirt with them. I actualy like that Jake seems to have favorite pieces of clothing he wears until they probably aren't wearable anymore. I do the same thing.

    And WDW, I wanted to tell you, I understand exactly how you feel after watching BBM. I have to carefully plan my viewings because I know I will need some time to recuperate after. I usually make sure I will have some time to myself on the next day to take it easy. I love that movie so much, even though it broke my heart (in a good way) and continues to do so.


  13. Thanks WDW (and IHJ, of course). Good to see new pics. His facial hair looks like a perfectly stroke-able length. :)

    The highlight of my day was finding Jake under my bed. I'm redecorating my bedroom this week and I moved the bed and there he was. What a lovely surprise. OK, so it was a 2007 calendar, but still - Jake under the bed. Not to be sniffed at under any circumstances.

    The low point of my day was dropping an open, almost full, tin of purple paint on my creamy-gold carpet. I can swear like a trooper when circumstances call for it! :D

    Off to the local pub now for dinner and booze, I figure I've earned it. :)

  14. OMG Ruby! You've kept Jake under your bed for nigh on 11 months and have only just found him??? I hope you made it up to him... It's no wonder that the shock of your discovery caused decorating issues.

    Errrr - do you have a spare rug? Very sorry to hear of the spillage - Have a good time down the pub - I'm staying in, listening to the wind and the rain and wishing I were in sunny LA too :)

  15. Good shades, I approve :)

    I hope the aviators are in the bin.

  16. Hi there Nouskie :D I like the shades too and they go well with a dash of North Face :)

  17. Gaahhh he looks sooo very good, the close up I love it, those lips... that hat is so intriguing, I really can't tell why but it makes him even sexier to me :-/ One more thing to take off him actually.. :P

    So thanks WDW for the pics :)

    And thank you Anon:18.01 for the infos, that was really interesting :)

  18. Hi Good Girl! I love Jake in that hat - there's something so sexy about Jake with his hair pulled back under a hat...

  19. I recognized the jeans too. Sigh...

    Looking good, Gyllehaal.

    Hi everyone, by the way.

  20. take off your glasses and let me see your gorgeous eyes Jake!!!

  21. He is looking extra good here!

    Hope everyone had a good day and looking forward to Friday and the weekend!

  22. Jake is back 'cause Reese is back in LA and it's Deacon's birthday.

  23. Hey Zodiac! How are you doing? Good to see you :D

    Hi Dailing :) I know, I really want to see those eyes too, it's been a while... But I do love those sunglasses. Yet again I'm torn as Jake looks good ever which way :D

    Hi there Get Real! It's so good to see him isn't it? I just hope we see him again over the weekend. All these weeks with so few pictures, I hope Jake won't mind if we get to see him over the next few days :) I'm so, so glad it's Friday tomorrow. I hope you had a good day.

  24. Hi Anon :D Posting at the same time. I think Reese is in LA much of the time so he should be able to catch her there. I hope he gets to NYC too to see Maggie, Peter and Ramona. This could be a flying visit so lots to fit in :D

  25. I'm doing fine, thank you, WDW:)

    Happy birthday, Ang Lee! And Deacon:)And one of my best friends. It's a good day.

  26. Hey Zodiac! I had no idea it was Ang's birthday, I hope he, Deacon and all birthday boys (and girls) have a good day :D Have fun celebrating your friend's birthday!

  27. Happy Birthday Ang Lee!
    Happy Birthday Deacon!
    Happy Birthday Zodiac's friend!


  28. Waves to Monica! :D

    Must be nice for Jake to be back at home after so long - wonder if that means a weekend of catching up on the washing...

  29. Sorry to spam, but now that Jake is back in the states we could see him doing some voting! CA has early voting and you can vote now, so with him being home it would make sense.

    (Shout out to Pia, if you are out there!)

  30. Spam away Get Real - would love to see Jake voting! You can bet he'll do that while he's there so it would be great to see him getting involved. Fingers crossed :)

  31. Hi Get Real yeah glad to see our boy back in the USA in this crazy time, maybe he'll say something about Prop 8 and this important election, recalling those of us who were promoting him for Jake in 08 way back when because "voting is sexy"

    Thanks Anon for info about filming schedule, reason for his return, and some time off, gosh does he have to keep wearing that knit beanie, how to keep the cooties out of his hair.

    nobody in USA can afford to GO ANYWHERE but I hear local liquor store is doing really well.

    hey, Jake, man, stay cool. who loves you, baby?

  32. Morning everyone!

    Hi Pia :D I really do hope we get to see and hear Jake encouraging the voters. I do like that beanie, but I think the moment PoP finishes we'll be seeing a Shorn Jake.

    Thank heavens it's Friday :D have a good one!

  33. Welcome Home Jake!!!!Jake looks yummy as always. I hope he is hiding his long hair under the hat. I love that look.

  34. What a perfect start to the weekend.

    Pictures of Jake looking real fine - I love the hat look :)

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  35. Good to see you Jake, looking good as always...

    It's about time you show us some of your famous sexy-voting Mr. Gyllenhaal! :)

    Thanks again WDW (and lovely Stephanie)for being so vigilant, have a good week-end dear.*Smooch*
    Let's hope for more pics!

  36. I adore Jake. But I don't like those huge sun glasses much. He looks like a huge beetle InsectGuy from a 50's sci-fi movie. I love his aviators best.

    You know the PoP gamer/groupies are keeping tabs on every single thing associated with this movie! But I agree with WDW. I think if Gemma is taking time to promote her film, then Jake probably is taking advantage of the break. Goodness. This has been a very long shoot, and he didn't get all that much time off after he did Nailed.

  37. Hi there Gail! It's a great look :D

    Have a great weekend, Carol :D Here's hoping we have more pics during it...

    Smooches back, Xenia :D I think we're due some sexy voting pics. Actually, I think Jake could make anything look sexy.

    Hi there Anon :D Jake is definitely due a break, so I hope he enjoys this one and isn't too jetlagged. I've been following the PoP gamers :D As someone who loves games myself, I've really been enjoying watching the project develop in these two different worlds - people who love Jake and then people who love the Prince. Gotta say, I love these sunglasses, although I think if I wore them indoors I might walk into walks and stationary objects.

    Have a great Friday evening everyone - the weekend is ehre at last :D And you'll be glad to hear I've lost my voice :)
