Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Always remember to shake your boots... Prince of Persia Set Peril

Alarming news from the Prince of Persia set today - I'm afraid to say that its Emperor Scorpions are on the loose. According to a comment from a lucky (or should that now be unlucky?) person who works at Pinewood, the cunning and not hugely attractive Emperor Scorpions have escaped and are believed to be out hunting in packs. I first read the comment as saying that Emperor Penguins had escaped, which did surprise me to be honest. I also thought they'd be quite easy to spot. But a flock of rampaging, hungry Emperor Scorpions that can open doors, that's another matter entirely.

UPDATE: The Daily Mail has just reported that shooting was held up while a plucky studio member of staff cornered an offending scorpion with a bucket... 'A lethal scorpion brought panic to the set of a multi-million pound Disney epic after it was found scurrying across a studio floor.' I do hope Mike Newell has counted his scorpions...

We all remember Jake's terrifying toad encounter from filming Rendition in Morocco - I would have hoped he would have been spared another such animal experience (and I'm horrified that this should happen in Buckinghamshire of all places, a county normally considered relatively free of perilous beasts), but I am counting on Disney to protect its leading man from his multi-legged and low-to-the-ground co-stars.

There is clearly something to be said for CGI scorpions and Jake has considerable experience of working alongside animals that are not really there, including scorpions. This is good because it allows us to focus on what really matters in a scene that features Jake Gyllenhaal and a little stinger without worrying about Jake coming a cropper.

In my concern for Jake, and for his fellow cast and crew (not to mention that I live 40 minutes from Pinewood and a creature with that many legs is bound to be speedy), I have been doing some research. The scorpions travel in groups, preferably by night, and can be tempted by anything from a mealworm to a lizard. They can make good pets, but have a tendency towards obesity - although, in my book, the best scorpion is a full scorpion. They are also considered a delicacy in parts of Africa. Therefore, Jake may relish the opportunity to cook with another fresh ingredient that is conveniently to hand.

Until the scorpions have been rustled up, one can only advise Jake to shake his boots. Perhaps Disney would have been better off with Emperor Penguins...

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. " first read the comment as saying that Emperor Penguins had escaped, which did surprise me to be honest."

    LOL! Yes, very surprising. I guess they must be trying to make some sort of artistic statment, putting penguins in Persia... :-D

  2. Hi Anna! A good evening to you :D I love penguins a whole lot more tha I love scorpions, they could add a whole new dimension to Prince of Persia.

    It sounds now like they caught one of them, so how many more to go..? I hope Jake's tucked his trousers into his socks.

    Hope you're having a good evening!

  3. Wasn't it Peter or Maggie who talked about tick-checks? Do we need to volunteer to undertake scorpion-check duties for Jake?

  4. well we know acting can be quite dangerous. maybe he will like this delicacy

    Have you been to the studios WDW, maybe to see if you can get a glimpse of Jake?


  5. I forgot to acknowledge the inclusion of Pilot in your post. Thank you :D He's still my second-favourite Jake character.

  6. Hey Rubes! If anyone's doing scorpion checks (while standing on chairs and tables), it's me - comprendez? Whenever I post Pilot pics I think of you :D

    Hi Trekfan! Pinewood is close but it's in the middle of nowhere and a closed studio so it's hard to see anything without an invitation. It's just very nice thinking Jake's so close - I hope the scorpions don't get much closer... when I lived in the Negev Desert I had my fill of scorpions, big and large... I hope Jake is being protected by rampaging scorpions.

  7. ^^^ when I say 'protected by' I do mean, of course, 'protected from' as I can't imagine scorpions are that good at protecting :D

  8. but... but... how can those scorpions survive here? it's too damn cold!???!

    I hope Jake is alright and I heard that lavender can keep scorpions away (actually I learned that from a Ridley Scott movie), so should we send Jake some lavenders?

    sorry I've been MIA in the Jaking area... RL has been a bit rough on me.

  9. Dn't blame you for that, Atti!

    Good to see you, Winterbird! Sorry RL's been tough. I hope things are getting better for you :)

    I've heard about scorpions in the UK before, coming over in goods from elsewhere. Apparently they do survive. Lavendar?? I think we should volunteer to bathe Jake in lavendar, if that would help.

  10. Hilarious post, WDW. Absolutely brilliant. Scorpions are evil, though. Penguines, on the contrary, are the cutest. I just had a really weird image in my head: all the crew running around the huge set trying to catch various animals, penguines squealing, scrorpions rattling their tails and amidst all of this chaos Jake standing on a chair, pale, eyes huge and clutching his Dagger of Time to his chest, scared to death.

    Atti, all of a sudden, I'm glad that you've stayed in L.A

    "I think we should volunteer to bathe Jake in lavendar, if that would help." I can see where you're going with this. You've already tried to organize a hot Persian bath for him.I'm listening to this now (reminds me of my childhood in the 80s):

    Somehow, in my head, this music goes well with an image of Jake in a bathtub or bathing Jake. OK, I'll stop now. Seriously.

  11. Hey Zodiac! So glad you liked it! I had a lot of fun doing it - and I had images of Jake chasing Emperor Penguins with a broom :D I can see him standing on a chair too - good job he has the dagger, although some sort of insect spray may be a better, albeit less 'romantic', weapon for a medieval Persian hero.

    Do penguins squeal?

    Ahhh, we're back to bathing Jake - I can go along with that! I love the images you put in my head :D Thanks for the link I'll check that out! Hugs to you, Zodiac *)

  12. I have to close my eyes and scroll down past the scorpion picture, I will probably have bad dreams tonight and no doubt Jake is hysterical. I could no way do a scorpo check, you're on yr own, bud.

    thanks alot WDW. (not)

    Hi, winterbird, nice to see you here, RL sure sucks, sometimes, for sure. ((((winterbird))))

  13. Scorpions...omg...yikes! Me no likey for Jake or anyone on PoP.

    Speaking of PoP...BIG heads up! The ET clip is on tomorrow night!!!! And Stephanie (love her) has a quick ET preview for download on IHJ now.....Jake looks really good!!!

  14. OMGosh, my heart literally skipped a beat - he's friggin gorgeous!!! Now it begins... we're gonna lose him to the world again :o( .. :o) :DD

  15. Good morning everyone!

    Sorry for giving you scorpion dreams, Pia :D They are dastardly beasts to be sure. Although I prefer them to spiders...

    Hi Get Real! Just saw it! I woke up to some very excited emails :D And a brief new post. Jake looks absolutely Gorgeous!!

    Morning Sheba :D He really looks too good to eat!

    Catch you all later! Have a great day :D

  16. Zodiac, I love the image you describe, with Jake seeking safety on a chair while the penguins and scorpions rage below. I can think of no positive scorpion features, sorry. They might protect Jake from something, but probably something else would do it even better. :-)
