Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Jake Gyllenhaal - 'You just want to pinch his cheeks and make out with him at the same time'

According to a poster on IMDb, Jake Gyllenhaal was seen in Harrods last Friday 'looking lost'. Speaking as someone who once, recklessly and foolishly, arranged to meet their mother by the parrots in the pet section, I can definitively say that it is impossible to visit (or even work in) Harrods and not be lost. If Jake had not looked lost, I would have worried (of course, Jake may have been somewhere else entirely and not been lost at all). [ETA: Jake was also spotted last weekend in that other labyrinth Harvey Nicks! - thanks Get Real!]

Apparently, somewhere in the world there's an election today, but I know what's what and what is what is Jake Gyllenhaal. So, today, I thought, on the encouragement of others who shall remain nameless, that we would focus on what really matters in the world today - Jake and Nookie.

Admittedly this is a bit like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, but Jake told People back in 2006 (when Jake was voted Hot by the magazine's viewers and also by the leaders of the Free World): 'I want a lot of kids. Two or four. Not six. It's torture after four.' (It's actually torture after one, but I'll let this pass.)

And elsewhere Jake provided non-partisan advice: 'Once someone's shown the ropes sexually, they're never going to make the same mistake again, you know what I mean. Thanks for showing me.' (It was a pleasure...).

Cosmo asked Jake back in November 2007 'How does it feel to be [one of] the sexiest men in the world?' to which he replied, 'I don't know that I am!' [I feel a dramatic pause is essential here to allow us all to raise our eyes to the heavens] 'I don't want to be judged by my appearance because I didn't do anything to get my looks.'

Elsewhere 'I've been called the thinking woman's sex symbol 'You're the thinking woman's sex symbol' and I said, 'Well that would mean every woman, right?' I mean, doesn't everyone think?"?' (They do, Jake, but, when you're within 1000 paces, not necessarily with their brains.)

Jake compared his relationship to Ang Lee on the set of Brokeback to a marriage: 'I like to compare my relationship with Ang [to] a marriage in some ways. There's a honeymoon period, and then after that – you have the wedding and then you have sex like once or twice a year, but the sex is great, you know what I mean?'

Jake told the Daily Mail: 'I would really love to direct one day. I think there are certain actors who love the character and the performance and that's all they want to be a part of. I love being involved in the story and I love being involved in how the story moves. It's like, so hot! It's almost sexual. When it works right, it's such a turn on.'

And Jarhead was described as 'Really great sex without an orgasm.'

And this I find impossible to believe... Jake told Cosmo of his dreams: 'Last night I dreamt that I was at a crazy party in Central Park. There was a mud bath and no-one wanted to get in.' Jake also told Cosmo, back in 2006, that he was unworried about leaked photos of himself nude from the set of Brokeback: 'Well I'm naked every day so I cope with it. It's not so hard for me.'

But if we're talking sexy and we're talking Jake, I think this is my favourite account of conducting an interview with Jake: '“You look like a nice mint chocolate chip cookie,” he suggests in reaction to the mint green blouse and a dark brown skirt I am wearing. “I do?” I ask, blushing and feeling like a 14-year-old. At my advanced age, it really does take a great actor to make me feel that way. “That’s my favorite flavor, so I’ll take that as a compliment,” I offer. ““You should – that’s my favorite flavor too,” he replies. Now I’m totally flustered. As a mature professional, I like to think I can handle any curve ball that’s thrown my way, but Gyllenhaal is looking at me with his adorable blue eyes and incredibly long eyelashes. “Okay, where do we go from here?” I say, stalling for time while I try to recollect my next question. “Let’s just talk about ice cream,” he offers, oozing boyish charm.' Irresisitible.

Model Adrienne Curry said of Jake (in a link now dead and gone) 'Jake Gyllenhaal is sexy because not only does he have a fabulous body, but he's also got this childlike innocence to him. You just want to pinch his cheeks and make out with him at the same time.'

Hopefully, now we can focus on what really matters...

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.


  1. I hope you are not expecting any intelligent comments after that post! :P

    Interesting view of marriage, Jake!
    Does he think kids only come in even numbers?! Cute. :D:D

  2. hey, that's an interesting post, WDW.

    I bet Jake got lost in Food Hall section in Harrods, it's almost impossible not to get lost there. I can imagine Jake choosing macaroons in Harrods. And that's a delicious sight.

  3. Chuckle! Hey Rubes! Intelligent comments are actually discouraged from this post... I hadn't thought about that - that kids only come in even numbers. What if Jake has triplets? What will he do? And yeah, what a view of marriage! Sigh :D:D It's all too much...

  4. Hi Winterbird! Posting at the same time :D Oh blimey, the Harrods food hall - it is not possible to be in the Harrods food hall and not be lost. I like the handmade chocolates there, but I had to find someone in the handbag section that day, and I lost 'em.

    I think Harrods is the size of a small city... You shouldn't go in there without a Sat Nav. D'you think Jake found his way out? That's a worry...

  5. I love Harrod's Food Hall too. Sigh. Such a post, on top of our thinking about a secret week.

    The Maldives is sounding better and better . . . arrive at a luxury resort on a private island by seaplane . . . and then after the week is over, fly our separate ways. *sigh* and the waves erasing our footprints. What a week! ;) I hope he's a good swimmer (he said he was!), because we'd be in the ocean a lot, a bathing suit, and sarong when I wanted to go formal. Feeding him exotic delights and kissing him after each bite. ;)

  6. Hah, adorable post, WDW! So cute Jake seeming lost in Harrod's. It is huge. When I was last there my friend and I had a great high tea.

    Jake was also just seen at Harvey Nicks!

    Sunday i am feeling slightly better so we take ourselves to Harvey Nichols where i look to my left at the sunglasses department and then none other Jake Gyllenhal is standing next to me. I turn round, walk towards the Gucci glasses and pretty much orgasm on the spot.

  7. Love the Ang quote, I don't think I've seen it before - oh and the whole post.

    Imagine walking round Harrods and seeing Jake looking lost! :O :p

  8. Not Harvey Nicks too, get real :D

    I can't bear it ...

    And the sunnies are on the ground floor aren't they?

  9. OMG WDW you DO know how to change a subject.

    I guess you ARE smokin' on your hookah! good lord, we do not say "nookie" in public in my own circle that is fairly filthy mouthed. congratulations for changing the subject! :D :D

    well thanks for reminding us that Jake is HOT even though absent and lost haha in Harrods haha - if that is not a metaphor for a confused shopaholic I dont know what is - o my!

    Jake and nookie - :D :D :D

    Well, that will get me through the evening - thank you WDW and your magical hookah!

  10. Hey Get Real! Jake in Harvey Nicks too? That shop's almost as bad as Harrods! Thanks so much for the link :D I think Jake may need a London shopping assistant and I valiantly and self-sacrificingly offer myself for the role... I'll add the link to the post :D

    Hi Nouskie :D It would be a delight to walk around Harrods and come across Jake lost - although maybe one would be distracted because one would be searching for the way out through the labyrinth. I do like tat Ang quote :D

  11. Hey Pia! I thougt I've had enough of politics now that there's nothing we can do til the results are in. No politics, no religion, so gotta be the other :D I'm afraid to say that 'Nookie' is a common parlance in this neck of the woods - I was surprised to hear it's naughty where you are - not here :)

    Chuckle! Jake the lost shopper!

    Anouska - I can't bear the thougt of Jake in our shops - how can he shop without us?!

  12. ^^^Apologies for my spelling of 'thought' above. My laptop seems to have trouble with 'h's at the moment. I will blame the equipment :D

  13. Nookie is quite tame here Pia :):)

    I know, WDW, unthinkable ...

  14. I really thot I was quitting the boy because of The Hair, but I ADORE Jake The Lost Shopper! ! !

    PuLEEZE keep entertaining us drunken USAans you guys! ! !

    (even the tv pundits, anyway, Rachel Maddow and Martha Stewart, started drinking at noontime. . .)

  15. I mean unthinkable Jake shopping without us, not your missing h.

    Although that was pretty bad ;)

  16. A - nookie - ? ? ?

    you feelthy Brits - no wonder Jake loves it "over there"

  17. Yeah, Pia, as ANookie says, nookie is quite normal over here (and takes place at least 2.5 times a week).

    I'm intrigued that all your TV pundits are drunk. But then, maybe that's a good way to get through such a looooong election day. Elections are a lot easier on a small island :D

    Jake loves it here - he loves being lost in our shops :D

  18. "Over There, Over There
    Send him back, send him back,
    Over There -"
    Oh the Yanks are lost in Harrods?

    what's the world coming to?

    Brits layin' about in yr pubs talkin' about nookie - really!

  19. Yep, Aunt Pittipat Pia, that's what it's all about over here :)

    It is advised, though, that people from outside the British Isles do not undertake to visit Harrods without extensive orienteering experience. Even then, leaving a trail from a ball of wool is recommended...

  20. Yes Im sure Jake loves getting lost in Harrods. & he'd love to sit around with y'all talkin' about "nookie" -

    let it happen - !

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. "mean unthinkable Jake shopping without us, not your missing h."

    That's untinkable, in fact! ;-)

    Harvey Nicks is much smaller than Harrods, isn't it? It's been a while since I was in either. Both are good for foodies though.

    Love the reaction to 'nookie'. :D D

  23. Hi Pia, I have it on good authority (ie, my imagination) that Jake would be quitehappy to sit down and discuss nookie with me.

    Hey Rubes! Harvey Nicks is smaller but no less confusing. But it does have doors with doormen and I like that... I think we may need to go on a shopping expedition. And then there's Whole Foods and Fortnums on Piccadilly. We need to take Jake shopping :)

  24. LOL, I remember losing a good pair of gloves in Harrod's, and a man walking into the ladies' loo by accident (I was walking past and heard a lovely British girl say to him "you cahn't come in here, you fool!" I think he was her BF, he was talking away and didn't notice, just followed her. It was just so cute and funny at the time. Other than that, I think we found our way around ok. ;)

    Gah, was Jake ever gorgeous in that first pic in Rendition. :)

  25. Hi Anon! Harrods is a shop like no other, and time spent in it is bewildering... I hope Jake got out ok :D

    I love that picture!

  26. OMGosh, I'm so proud, I can't speak. God bless America for real. Thank you WDW for this distracting, appropriate post xxx

  27. Yes!!
    I'm so happy I'm speechless! God bless America, God bless the world!
    This is a wonderful moment in history!
    Good night, kids. I feel we can sleep safe.

    Monica Other

  28. I am so proud I am crying at this historic moment! We did it!! President Obama!!!

  29. I'm cryin' also. We've got ourselves a president.

  30. Knowing Daddy he's probably still wandering around in there. You better pick up some good bones and toys for me buddy or else you get bit on the ass when you come home.

  31. Good morning!!!

    So sweet, pia: "We've got ourselves a president!" I imagine you saying that positively bewildered, shaking your head, in awe (don't know if all these words make sense to you, but I don't know how to better describe it...).
    Yeah, you've got yourselves a president... ;)

    Hehe, cute and funny post, WDW! (Had to look up "nookie", though *g*).
    LOL, Jake dreaming of a mud bath and nobody going in! Makes me think of Bubbleboy of course, but I would love to see a Jake out of the bubble going in that mud bath, too!
    Oh, I can imagine how frustrating it must be for you Brits - or even Londoners - to have Jake running around town, getting lost in Harrods and you are not in the right place in the right time to help him...

    Have a great day everyone!

  32. Oh, one last thing! Someone mentioned an upcoming peek into PoP on Entertainment Tonight (??). Thanks a lot for the heads up - I must have missed it before! Not that I can watch that show over here, but of course I am hoping for IHJ and WDW showing mercy and capping and posting it for us!
    (although I am a little bit scared, too... What if I find it totally horrible... *slapping herself! No, Uli, have faith in Jake... ;)*)

  33. yessssssssssss!! :D:D Today is a good day.

    Atticus - Harrods has an excellent pet department. Maybe daddy will get you some special treats. :)

  34. Totally agree with Ruby, this is definitely a good day!!! I've started the day with this great news, so happy Obama is President, I had tears in my eyes watching on tv all the people celebrating!
    Wish I could be there in the US, making history with you guys!

    Back to the post, thank you Wdw, I've loved it! So funny :) I can't believe Jake is really so unaware of his sexyness, come on Jake! But well I think there could be just a couple of us over here willing to help you find out how very sexy you are ;)

    Have a great day you all!!! :-*

  35. GOOD MORNING AMERICA! And the rest of us! You did us proud! A new day :D

    Wonderful to see the pictures of the celebrations. Historic.

    Great to see you all here on such a day. Bet it's put a smile on Jake's face too :)

  36. Such a beautiful day!!!:)

    You're making history, guys. All the best to America and to your President. I'm happy for you.

    P.S. Hi WDW!Jake lost in Harrods-the same thing happened to me, too:)

  37. Love the post. It has totally distracted me from work this afternoon:)

    It was great to see the historic scenes last night when Obama got elected. It's definitely a new beginning.

  38. Glorious day today, even the sun made his appearence to celebrate after days and days of rain...
    God bless America and his President Barack Obama. :)

    And WDW, you made my day with one of the sexiest post ever! Gets along well with this beautiful day...

    And the link to the video quoting Adrienne Curry is still alive and kicking, safe in the IHJ media archieves.
    You can find it Here. :)

  39. Sorry to spam, the video is the one about the 25 sexiest movie star...

    Have a great day!

  40. Uli, you read my voice rightly!

    Still cryin' with joy and awe this morning.

  41. Hi there! Just got back home and catching up on seeing all the pictures and speeches from last night. Just staggering really.

    Hi Zodiac! Really, you can't say you've been to London if you've not been lost in Harrods!

    Hey Carol :D I'm so glad I can catch up a bit now, work's just got in the way.

    Thanks so much for finding a link, Xenia. My old link has gone now. And I'm glad you liked the sexy post :D

    (((Pia))) xx

  42. Hello ladies. I must say I'm facing an electoral-hangover. :) I tried to sleep after Obama's speech (and after crying a lot) but I was so happy for that. So..you figure!

    {{{Pia}}}: "We've got ourselves a president" was really really sweet.

    I'm so Jakalized today. I'm sure it's WDW's fault! I still have the image of those henna tattoos, and the sea, and...sigh!

    Monica Other

  43. Hey Monica! It's all overwhelming although I've missed so uch due to time differences and work.

    I can't get that image out of my head either.. I can feel a post coming on :D

  44. I'm sure Jake was allowing for the possibility of two sets of triplets, which would have been an even number. He would certainly not send of them back into the womb in any event.

    Harrod's is said to be the mother ship for gourmets. There are people who swear by its raw-milk cheeses, which are sadly illegal in America. So, even though we have Obama as President-elect, we still have reasons for taking trips to Britain.

  45. Oh...I was forgetting something.

    My personal trainer saw this blog opened on my computer screen this morning. He said: "ew...ugly guy!"
    He was obviously kidding, but I could not help myself from daring him.
    "Ok...I don't think you can built a body like this. How long do you think?"
    He tried 1 year, I refused. I told him it took Jake 3 months to become Jarhead.

    So now the boy is angry! He promised me he will look like Jake in 6 months. Ha! I doubt!

    (don't ask me why I'm torturing the poor kid...he has nothing else to do. Besides, a personal trainer should actually have muscles! It will help him.)

    Monica Other
