Friday, 21 November 2008

The Other Jake Top 10 - more than ten top ten bits

The thing about Top 10 lists is that they always miss the mark - yesterday, in response to People's failure to admit that Jake Gyllenhaal is sexier than Hugh Jackman, WDW posted the Top Ten of Jake. I'm afraid to say that this list also proved inadequate and lacking in so many Jakeways and so, tonight, we have the Other Top Ten of Jake (the alternative version). I'm beginning to think that Jake has more than ten top best bits but I won't admit defeat just yet. The following are in no particular order - mathematicians advise that perfection cannot be relative.

1. Jake in bed. I think I could stop here and go no further but I'll resist.

2. Tongue. Jake has a tongue and knows how to use it. Unfortunately, Jake has not read the instruction manual and fails to realise what it does to those who see it poked out at them.

2. The dimple. So good, there's more than one.

3. Sweaty Jake. Jake is irresistible when he's exerting himself.

4. Spandex-clad-thighs. Just as well that we don't see these too often anymore. I don't know if I could stand it.

5. Bedheadhair. Jake needs no gels, he needs no product, not even a brush. Hair and a pillow is all that's required for number 5.

6. Showering Jake - difficult to have more fun with a sponge and a towel...

7. Lips that are ready for action...

8. Gesturing Jake. Best when eyes work together with fingers.

9. Bendy, flexible, strong Jake. It is not possible for Jake to be too bendy, flexible and stong.

10. Wateryeyed - emotion, deep feeling, passion - just look into the eyes (but don't let go...).

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. YAY! More Jake goodies! I agree with all of them! And I think if we ask Jennifer, she could certify that he's a great kisser too... lucky Jen :)

    oh.. I need this. so Thank you! I just spent an hour arguing with stupid Argos who didn't delivery my radiator today as they promised and told me it's out of stock - when I called them! And told me I could find a replacement and have it delivered in 5 DAYS! After I freeze to death, I guess! Totally appalling and incompetent! *sorry for venting out here* - DON'T USE ARGOS!!!! And after arguing with them and extract a £10 "we are sorry" money from them, I missed John Lewis's cut-off time for next day delivery too! Now I really will freeze to death this Saturday! Arrrgghhh.....

    Could someone send Jake here to provide some heat? My address is....

  2. Well WDW if you had not been immunized via chicken pox post Cannes you could never have gone on to the "extras" - the more than top ten bits.

    Hey this is down and dirty, girl!

    Should get you a ticket to H'wood, for sure!

  3. p.s. I LOVE THE word verification
    tags or however one describes them.

    I may change my name to OVENI -

  4. hey, winterbird!

    I don't agree that Jake is a great kisser. He is inclined to "suck face". I would love to teach him how to be a great kisser.

  5. Pia, you know you don't need to invent excuses to kiss him!! Anyone with a sound mind would let him suck their face!

  6. winterbird, no! I have my standards. I wanna teach him how to do "kuplesse" (haha latest word verification: SO hawt - or maybe it's just WDW's latest post that is SO HAWT)


    you are obliged, Jake, to kiss me as I please. . . sorry guys I am a registered dominatrix.

  7. Hello all:D I'm in a Jake mood - can ya tell! (Admittedly, it's rare when I'm not in a Jake mood...).

    Hi Winterbird! Argos - harrumpf. Gonna be cold this weekend, yu'll need the Jake heat. I think you may have to watch Jarhead - Jarhead=3 radiators. I would send Jake himself round, but he'll be preoccupied...

    Hey possibly pia maybe gobblip (that's an incredible name you have there) - please get me that ticket to Hollywood I need to escape the winter chill.

    And Oveni, Uli was making me laugh when she told me what happened when she clicked on the wheelchair figure :D I wonder where these words come from - I've had some odd ones... I quite like them - this evening I had 'buong'.

    Annnnnd... if anyone's showing Jake how to kiss, it's me. OK? I have the lips, I'm ready.

  8. Nooo... I wanna teach Jake how to kuplesse... I could also teach him how to helini :D

  9. Annnnnd... if anyone's showing Jake how to kiss, it's me. OK? I have the lips, I'm ready.

    have you checked with Mr WDW yet? :P

    I think Jake would take pity on me if I say, "I am freezing, please kiss me and give me some warmth" I gotta gain something from this radiator fiasco and I think Jake kiss is a very appropriate reward :)

  10. Winterbird, Jake will surely take pity on you and give you a peck on the cheek - that should warm you, no? Mr WDW's not looking, so I'll be fine :D Sending Jakeheat to Winterbird!

  11. O gawd I really wanna teach Jake how to buong!

    Excusez moi, WDW, I hate to be vulgar, in appropriate, or helini -

    BUT cough cough - ummm - you HAVE subtly (spelling?) brought our attention to one of the more than top ten bits - Jake's = dhalati?j - ! ! ! - hahahah! YES! Si Se Puede! ! !

  12. Hey Pia! It is a fact of Jakelife that Jake has more than ten top ten bits and that makes a Jake top ten extremely difficult. Also, according to blogger, Jake is currently preoccupied with equederi - I don't know what that is, but it sounds like tasty pasta...

  13. I dunno WDW according to this post Jake is doin' Hahuro -in Spandex!

    Hoo haa!

  14. WDW, could you please send me an email explaining all the new words? :D *feels confused*

    First snow here today, but you've warmed me up really well. Besides, I told you a long time ago that you had to go to Hollywood and write that screenplay with Jake doing all these...things.

    OT:A friend told me a hilarious story today. She and her husband were painting their bedroom, when their five-year-old son (whose name is Jacob, by the way)walked in and asked,"What the hell are you doing?" Not realizing what he had said, he casually walked out. After he left, her stunned husband then turned to he and asked,"Where the hell did he learn to talk like that?"

  15. Hi Zodiac :D All the words are nonsense words - they're the words that we're having to type in for the word verification, which sometimes sound naughty but usually sound stupid :D

    Ooh snow... we may get some tomorrow but I do hope not. I'm not goof with cold weather. Do wrap up.

    Your friend's Jacob sounds like a future star in the making! I'm emailing you :D

  16. Seems like when it comes to Jake, 10 is never enough =)
    When I think of it, I'm so in love with a clean shaven Jake `cause I can see his mole right above his lip :X Yay :X

  17. Hi Nezuko! I do love Jake with a bit of facial scruff, but when he shaves it off and we can see his face, with the mole, it reminds me of when I first fell for him with TDAT :D

  18. winterbird I sleep with you and keep you nice and warm. I had bath couple months ago so I very clean. Daddy kiss me all the time. He has human breath. ugh

  19. g'nite wdw! g'nite everypeeps! g'nite Jake. love yr chteddah!

  20. Thanks Atticus, I am sure you smell really nice, because you learned it from your neat master. I'd give you the best bone to chew in the whole world if you could send your master over here as well. :P

  21. WDW, that middle picture in the grouping of three for bedhead Jake is just totally adorable. I bet Jake's mother was completely disarmed by him from the time he was...oh, three years old...:) :)
    Thank you very much for Rendition!Jake and Jake Taking a Shower at the Beach.

    (BTW, WDW, have I told you how very much I like your avatar??!!!:)) I really do not understand why they found it necessary to begin Winter so soon. This is unacceptable.

  22. Good morning! Jake is busy with doing caluve in my backyard right now (that's the German version of Thai Chi... Okay, I admit, this is just a fantasy... There is no Jake, there is no German version of Thai Chi called caluve and the worst is, I don't even have a backyard...)

    LOL at all the naughty things you have Jake doing!
    I think pia is right about Jake sucking face... But I have to say I wouldn't mind him sucking my face, cause I am pretty sure from all the facesuckers out there he has to be the best! ;)
    And I tend to believe that he can also kiss in a different way...
    Well, in SNIT there was both, I think. That first kiss - sigh... And then some sucking face... LOL!

    Agree with bobbyanna about the middle bedhead picture! Too cute! :)

    Do you really think he was crying a bit in the pictures with Jennifer Anniston?? Oh, sweet Jake...

    Oh, and the pic of Jake at Conan O'Brien, doing all those things with his hands. I remember you could get really dizzy when you looked at all the gifs that were made from those motions at the same time... Well, you can get dizzy when you look at Jake anyway - in a good way!

    And thanks for the first pic! I looooove the sideburns he was having at that time...

    I have to admit, though, I am not too fond of the tongue pic you posted, something is wrong there... There are far better ones! I challenge you to make a top ten tongue post one day!!!
    There is a great pic from the Palms Springs Award thingy (I think) combining wonderful sideburns with great tongue (and watery eyes) ;)

    LMAO at Zodiac's "the hell" story!!!

    And I hope winterbird won't freeze to death over the weekend!!! I think watching Jarhead is good advice! Or reading a good story... ;)

    I clicked on the wheelchair again... What you hear then sounds really spooky... The background voices sound like messages from hell played backwards... And unfortunately I can't post my comment as a wheelchair person, cause the numbers you are supposed to type in are really difficult to understand. The woman speaks in German to me and in German two (zwei) and three (drei) sound very similar and I just cannot tell which is which... So I have to do a caluve now... Which is just as well, cause if I were blind I wouldn't have found the wheelchair button anyway... Still wondering about the sense of that wheelchair button, LOL...

  23. Good morning everyone! Lovely day at the moment with the Big Freeze on the way. I'm staying in, and not moving, except maybe to put Zodiac on later :D

    Hi there Atti, hope you and Winterbird are keeping each other cosy. I'll look after Jake :D

    Morning Pia!

    Hi Bobbyanna :D I'm glad you like the Jake pics I put in for you! Hee, I'm not surprised you like the avatar :DDD A perfect moment.

    Morning Uli! OMG you cracked me up with all of that! Thanks for making me laugh - a German Thai Chi?

    As far as I'm concerned, Jake can kiss any which way he wants :D Might be worth trying a few different ways out... And I do think those are tears in Jake's eyes that Jen is trying to shield. Just a beautiful moment and I love those pictures :)

    I think you've worn out the wheelchair lady! According to my screen at the moment, she's 'frized' - sounds nasty... Thanks so much for that fab comment!

    Have a great day everyone and wrap up warm :)

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Ooh, another top ten list! Me likey. :D

    Had a rough week so this helps...

    It is very cold here so am inside cozy and warm. Hope everyone has a great weekend. :)

  26. Hi Get Real :) I'm sorry you had a tough week -I'm glad you're inside in the warm. I am too and I don't feel like budging. Have a good weekend :D

  27. More great pics - I love the ones with Jen, her hands caressing his face (who wouldn't vicariously want to do that?) and he really does have the best bedhead hair.

    Saw Quantum of Solace last night, and it was reallygood, picking up where Casino Royale left off. Again, the action making me almost dizzy as I tried to concentrate on the storyline, which I loved. I think the projectionist was having trouble with the sound too.

    Beautiful Italian and Caribbean scenery, interesting opera scene. And Daniel Craig's waist in Tom Ford suits. *sigh* I thought Gemma was beautiful in it, her small part memorable. It was cute, as if anyone would stand a chance trying to bring Bond back, with his arsenal of charm and cleverness, etc. ;) I loved her makeup and hair and costumes, her character was, as she mentioned, a homage to the 60's Bond girls, copper and gold. Fun movie, 22 degrees here in New England to. Brrrrr!

  28. Brrrr, Shy Anon! That is too cold! A beautiful part of the world though... I'm glad to hear what you thought of Quantum - I really liked how it carried on from casino, and I enjoyed the other characters as well as Daniel. Gemma really did look the part.

  29. Daniel Craig is fast becoming my favorite James Bond ever. I can't wait for the next one, I like the direction I think (hope) they may be going in. I wish Vesper could come back. But fast or slow, I like the direction they're goin'!

    Have a great weekend, everyone. :)

  30. nice WDW. I had not seen some of these photos before (especially of him eating his shoe) It's a good thing you can put your own list together.

    I liked the ones with him and Jennifer Aniston. I always thought they made a nice couple (and I loved how they were together at the GLAAD awards)


  31. Hi Shy Anon! Without doubt Daniel has now become my fave Bond ever. I'd completely lost interest in the films until these last two came along.

    Thanks Sweetpea :) - glad you liked the pics. I hope Jake doesn't make a habit of trying to eat his own boots... I love the pics of Jake and Jen too :D

    Hope everyone's having a good day! I'm taking laziness to new heights.

  32. Oooh, I love Uli's idea of a Top Ten Tongue post. *thud* Actually, I don't know if I'd be able to survive that one :/ - I'd probably drown in my own drool.....

    My verification word was "domanis" which sounded vaguely rude to me. :D

    Stay warm everyone - keep looking at Jake!

  33. Hi X! That's a great idea to have a top ten tongue list - OMG - we'd have to do something about the excessive drool. I'm surprised how kinky some of these verification words sound... I'm gonna miss them when they go! Hope you're having a warmer time of it over there :D
