Saturday, 8 November 2008

Putting a voice to the pictures and making dreams a reality

Yesterday (Friday), Jessica Biel was photographed arriving at the Wildfire post-production studios in LA, where she is doing voiceover work for Nailed. Now this has to be good news and an indication that perhaps this film is at last receiving its finishing touches. At least, Nailed is in a fit enough state for there to be a voiceover, and that's got to be good. I also like Jessica's jumper - after yesterday's post, I think Jake would like it too.

Voiceovers are not to be sniffed at. They take skill and can play a huge role in setting the mood and tone of a film, not to mention shifting the plot and characterisation along and creating a relationship between the speaker and his listeners. While Jake Gyllenhaal is at an advantage when it comes to voiceovers - just listen to that voice of his - he still has admitted to finding them tricky and his most perfect voiceover, for Jarhead, didn't start off that way and nearly lost Jake the much-wanted role.

In DVD Review, both Sam Mendes and Jake discussed with some honesty how Jake messed up the voiceover for his audition, so much so that, even though Jake was Sam's first choice, Sam turned to look at other actors, leaving Jake to phone him in the middle of the night, fighting to get another chance. Sam said: 'Jake didn't nail the audition. He was very much who I wanted straight away but when he came in he didn't audition well.. When he started reading I thought 'Who is Swofford and who is this guy?' The problem with writing a movie based on a book that's a first-person narrative is that, often, the least clear thing about the book is the person writing it.'

According to Jake, 'I had a really hard time with the narration and it was almost the thing that didn't get me the part. When I came in and read for Sam, he made me read the voiceover. It was really literary and I really thought that I fucked up... and I did fuck it up!... He turned and said to me, 'You didn't seal the deal, I have to tell you!' That's his way of saying that I had just fucked it up. I had a hard time with that.' To get over this, Jake was given Swofford's original journal: 'It was a little green book... and it had on it a song lyric which was so cheesy and young, and kind of sweet in alot of ways.. Then when you open it up it's about how many girls he wants to fuck and how many people he's going to fucking kill and blah-blah-bah, he's on watch and it sucks and this guy sucks and they kicked our asses today - not the same perspective that the book was in. And I just thought, 'That's who I'm playing, not the guy who wrote the book!'

Sam came back round to wanting Jake, 'When I first saw him at the initial audition, I thought, 'Maybe Swofford isn't this, maybe he's something else. maybe he's much more hardcore, more silent and private and inaccessible.' So I met with a lot of other actors and I read the part with them all to try and see what kind of a person Tony was. Every week there'd be a new draft and then, eventually, I came full circle to Jake. It took me a while to realise what I wanted.'

Jake also told Entertainment Weekly about his first audition in Sam's New York apartment: 'It was really, really literary and hard to get your mouth around... I couldn't connect. I thought I'd f---ed it up' and while Jake was filming Brokeback Mountain he was troubled at the thought of Sam auditioning other actors.

This is a far cry from the time when the very young Jake was being put through his action hero paces on the set of The Day After Tomorrow. Back in June 2004, producer Mark Gordon and director Roland Emmerich told SFX magazine, with not a little humour, how they set about making their vision a reality, complete with CGI and wet actors. As Roland says: 'If you make a film that has amazing images, you can still bore people to death.' Obviously they avoided this straightaway by hiring Jake Gyllenhaal.

It was all new for Jake as Roland describes: 'As he'd only done small, independent movies he was really excited to come and do a movie like this... It was an opportunity for him to be really physical. The toughest scene for him was the one in the water tank. Water is always tricky. If you're standing hip-deep in the stuff and you have to do the same scene over and over again, and on top of this it's raining on you, and there are wind machines blowing in your face... well, it's not very attractive. We tried to make it as pleasant as possible for him.'

''We gave them umbrellas occasionally,' deadpans Gordon.'

I was amused to read here that the 'rapscallions behind South Park had received a leaked copy of The Day After Tomorrow screenplay, and had plotted to make their own, alternative version, filmed in absolute secrecy and then released on the same day as the bona fide original. A version made with puppets. 'They're not doing that', says Emmerich, with the air of a man who never once found this idea even remotely amusing.' They called Rupert Murdoch: 'And when Rupert wants to take care of business, he takes care of business, and he took care of it for us...'' I hope they still have their kneecaps.

Jake has said that one of his favourite scenes is the one where tornados devastate his home town of LA. Apparently ''A lot of people wanted me to cut that bit out and I said, 'Only over my dead body,' says Emmerich 'I've had to live in this town for 14 years and I didn't enjoy it one bit.' Sounds fair enough to me.

As you can tell, I've been having a winter's day going through my old Jake scrapbooks, which go back quite a few years. And I rediscovered this newspaper cutting which gives us some idea of what dreams drove Jake to be in the movies in the first place: 'Ever since I was a little boy, I've know what I wanted to be: a bird. Unfortunately, I was not that great at flying, so I gave that occupation up. I felt depressed that I did not have something to look forward to when I grew up. But since the day I saw my first movie, my worries were over.'

'There in front of me was a 'scween' (as I called it then). After the screen opened, people started moving around on it. It amazed me! It was a momentous occasion. It confirmedwhat I would do when I grew up - sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had not gone to that movie, but I did. And it gave me the 'key' to my acting future!'

And finally...

Prince Dastan's rather fine and gorgous foe, Toby Kebbell, attended the UK premiere of Leo DiCaprio's Body of Lies last week and, according to Empire, Toby is currently 'training hard for his big fight scene with Jake Gyllenhaal.' (I couldn't help myself from correcting the spelling of Gyllenhaal...). Now, I would pay good money to see this big sizzling fight scene, and I expect I will, over and over and over...

Includes pictures from links, IHJ, Getty and scans from WDW.


  1. nice WDW. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Nailed sees the light of day. You never can tell. I am also wondering when is Brother's going to hit the big screen? That is the one I would like to see


  2. Hi Trekfan :) I hope we get to see Nailed and Brothers in the coming months. This is good news about Nailed.

  3. Good night, wet dark!
    WOW. Good news about nailed!

    I like a lot of Jessica and I hope that she and Jake have a great chemistry in Nailed.

    Toby is currently 'training hard for his big fight scene with Jake Gyllenhaal.

    Anxious to see this fight! :)

  4. Hi Monica! I think this is really good news and the first real sign we've had that Nailed is being finished. I can't believe Jessica would be doing this otherwise.

    I like Jessica too and I love how she looks.

    Can't wait to see Jake and Toby sword fighting and wrestling and tumbling in their big fight :D Bring it on!

    Hope you're having a good night. It's suddenly warmed up here and my flat is like an oven :P

  5. Morning all, on this day of rememberance. Have a good Sunday :)

  6. Hello!

    Hey, I didn't know that it was the reading for the voice over that almost cost Jake the Swoff job! I just remembered, that he said in some interview that it was the hardest part! What can I say: I love his voice over in Jarhead! Agree so much with you about his voice!!!

    Hehe, the pic from his yearbook is so cute - I don't think I have seen it before!

    Regarding the Torso project from the post the other day... I really would love for Jake to do that. Maybe he could be the bad guy in this one??? I would definitely prefer it to the Joe Namath thing - don't really care for American Football... Isn't there a hot Baseball player he could play, LOL? Anyway, keeping my fingers crossed for Torso...

    Some people have said that they hope Nailed will never see the light of day... Well, I definitely want to see it, so I am glad to see that more work on it gets done...
    For instance I would never have thought that I would like Bubbleboy from what I had seen on YouTube, and now I love it so much. So I will keep on hoping that Nailed will be finished and released so that I can watch it and make up my mind. Hey, there will be at least one good thing in it: Jake! :)

    WDW, what were you referring to with the day of rememberance? In Germany there are two things to remember today (well, somehow every day actually...): Kristallnacht and the "fall of the Berlin Wall".

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday!

  7. Hi Uli! Jake is such a cutie :D

    The Torso movie does sound interesting for Jake, if he is the baddie. Jake told Ted and Lisa he was doing the Namath project but who knows when. I have to say that's the one I'm the least interested in (although as it's Jake I'm sure I'll develop an interest in it!).

    One film I'm definitely interested in seeing is Nailed! I love Bubble Boy too. I'm ready to see Jake in another comedy, especially a saucy one like Nailed :D

    Have a good Sunday, Uli - rain and gales here, I went out and came straight back in again. Today is Rememberance Sunday in the UK and so there have been lots of events marking the 90th anniversary of the end of WW1 and it's the day for which many of us have been wearing red poppies over the last few days. It's also very definitely a day to stay in and watch a good movie :)

  8. That picture of Jake/Sam holding onto the phone as the waters rise up to his chin is priceless! The expression on his face is not a happy one. :-(

    Once the lending/borrowing problems are ironed out by the U.S. bailout, "Nailed" should have an easier time getting funding. I expect that the growing crisis was behind the money troubles they were having during filming.

  9. Hi Paul! That's a great pic - and somehow I don't think the producer's offer of a brolly would have helped..

    I think Nailed must be back on track if Jessica's doing a voice over. A great sign!

  10. I have zero interest in the Namath project, or in the moon project for that matter. Torso looks more interesting. Hell, anything by Fincher is interesting!

  11. Hi Narcissa! I'm with you on Fincher - I would be very excited to see Jake working with David again (I want the Moon Project too, as I'm greedy :D)

  12. Great post again WDW. Marketing got it all wrong with the trailer for Jarhead - it made it look more war-like and exciting than it actually was. A colleague watched it the other day and said she was disappointed because there was no war in it. I said "that's exactly the point". Jarhead is seen as one of the most sophisticated war movies and Sam did a great job. I can imagine his job was really tough reminding the actors that they were actors and not crossing the line especially if they have to get themselves into that mindset.

    Little Jake's comments about having the ambition of being a bird is one of the first things I read about him and liked very much. Jake wanted to fly back then and now he is in so many ways. I can still see that cute little boy in him now - hopefully it will always be there.

    Hope for Nailed - YAY!! Even if it goes straight to DVD I feel it will become a cult hit.

    Toby has a look about him (but looks still too young) that he can cut it in this role as a believeable action figure. Let's hope that another Brian Gherity situation doesn't occur - so watch out Toby :DD

    I hope Jake is keeping dry and warm and not too lonesome on this cold rainy night. If in case he is just head up North hon - I have a hot water bottle inside a Winnie the Poo holder, some Stones Ginger Wine and Peri-Peri Chicken, rice and peas for dinner waiting for you :DD NB. Bringing a friend is optional ;D

  13. Hey Sheba! Scary windy night out there here too :( Quite some project for Sam and I think he definitely had his hands full but the freedom he allowed his actors shows. Jake and Peter are amazing in it.

    Toby looks well able to look after himself :D Rather gorgeous. I'm looking forward to seeing the showdown - could be very physical... :P

    I think Nailed is coming :DD

    Have a good night, definintely need to baton down the hatches - big gales. Hope Jake's warm and cosy :D

  14. Hi everyone

    That has to be good news about Nailed. Hopefully we will get to see it in the near future.

    Saw Jessica on Graham Norton last week and Nailed was given a brief mention during the interview.

    Going back to the post on Torso I would love to see Jake working with David Fincher again. It sounds like an interesting project and I like the thought of Jake working
    with Matt Damon aswell.

    Have a great evening everyone. It's definitely a night to be beside the fire.

  15. Hi Carol :D That's great that Jessica was talking about Naild on Graham Norton! Really pleased to hear that. What did they say about it?

    It's a rough night out there for sure, and the forecast for tomorrow is just yuck :(

  16. Hi WDW

    There was something about a nail and Micky Rourke who was a guest aswell (can't remember exactly what??) and then Jessica said that she had made a movie about a nail stuck in her head. She said that there were a few scenes to finish but didn't say anything about when it might be released or anything. It was nice to hear it mentioned though.

    The winter has really arrived. Time to relax by the fire with Jake... (well on DVD at least):)

  17. Today I read the Sunday paper, and was leafing through the Macy's advertising supplement, when I saw something that stopped me in my tracks: it looked like Jake, modelling some kind of jacket. A closer look revealed that it wasn't Jake, but it was close.

  18. ^^^^
    LOL, that must be one of LondonJakeFan's Jake clones that escaped and now has to make a living by modelling jackets in Macy's advertisment supplements... Poor guy! You could do so much better! I would know lots of people who would give you a loving and caring home!!! ;)

    Have a great Monday everyone!

  19. Good morning everyone! Atrocious day out there...

    Thanks Carol :D Maybe these scenes to be finished include these voiceovers and things are getting done. Perfect weather for relaxing by the fire with Jake.

    Morning Paul! I wouldn't mind seeing more Jake lookalikes around the place. That would brighten up the day.

    Hey Uli! OMG the Jake Clones, I remember them (I think I might have bought a couple, still not turned up though). Hope it's sunnier in Germany :)

    Have a great day everyone! Monday :(

  20. Great post WDW, as usual. :)

    So, Jessica is doing Nailed voiceover, that means that it's fair to say that we're gonna see Nailed at some point, right? :)

    I wish Jake a great 2009, with Nailed and Brothers out in the theaters and festivals and award ceremonies so we could get to see him in action a little more and not just as the Prince of Persia!

    A funny guy this Toby Kebbel, and a good actor too. I've seen him in Control and he was good. Can't wait to see this big fight...

    Have a good day everyone and let's hope in ET benevolence this time.:)

  21. Hello everyone! Going out to see the Bond movie.

    Toby Kebbel is hot;)

  22. Hi Xenia! Oh yes - lots of fingers crossed for ET. All these late nights...

    Wish I was going with you Zodiac :D I really enjoyed that film. And yes, Toby is hot :P

  23. If we can't see "Nailed," can we at least see Happy the Hedgehog? ;-)

  24. 'Appy the 'Edgehog? Wot?

    Can't believe Im feeling really good on a - Monday? Waking up on Wed. morn last week finding we were back in the USofA - ! - still feeling the love. . . (despite bullet proof glass)

    "making dreams a reality" that's what the dream factories do. Hooray for H'wood and I'm not kidding. And also bollywood and J arthur rank and french (god bless 'em) and eye-ties as we have called 'em. We're all in this together, as the Beatles decided, under the influence. God bless those boys, also, while Im considering converting to Catholicism out of gratitude.

    Im not sure about Toby K. Cant we get any pix of The Icelander? I hear he's really hot!

    O Jake! Are they taking care of you? Did you like The Once and Future King? How are yr allergies? Do you miss your fans who are waiting with bated breath to scream our hearts out for you, once again?

  25. anon? OMG no! rue the day! o my where are my vapors! that's me!

  26. Hi Paul! No happy hedgehogs round here, that's for sure... too wet, too windy and too many bonfires.

    Hi Pia :D Thought that was you and a great comment :) I just love the movies and how they transport you somewhere sunny in the midst of winter. The Icelander is hot too! How are we going to cope with all these hot Persian Princes :P Glad you're still feeling the election high :)
