Monday, 17 November 2008

You could be the Prince(ss) of Persia and Jake's Zodiac dream

The early publicity for the Prince of Persia movie coincides, I think we can say intentionally, with all of the excitement surrounding the release of the new PoP game, which reaches various parts of the world, and on various platforms, during the first two weeks of December. The imminent launch of the game was celebrated last week in San Francisco, an event which included kebabs, hookahs and princes and princesses of Persia dangling from the ceiling. [I love this picture below and there is a better than 50-50 chance that you will see it more often than you wish over the coming months.]

The game's producer Ben Mattes has been discussing the game with various sites and, now and again, we get to hear about the film. The question of whether we may get to see a game version of the film, complete with a Jake Gyllenhaal Prince Dastan, has been discussed here before, and the chances of this appear to have been increased by one particular interview with Ben.

When Ben was directly asked if there would ever be a game featuring the old prince, the one much loved from Sands of Time, he replied: 'So yeah, I think the best I can say is 'never say never'," he continued. "You know, [the film's producer/director] Jerry Bruckheimer [and] Disney, it's a pretty powerful attractor in terms of drawing eyeballs to the Prince of Persia franchise. I think it would be negligent of Ubisoft and/or some other company to not kind of capitalize on that by creating a videogame that kind of goes along with that. In my opinion, it's an appendix -- for me, the movie would be an appendix to a story that was already told. And the story we're telling now is the future of the franchise" So, Prince of Persia: The Movie: The Game? Looks like Ubisoft or "some other company" is looking into it, although this is pure speculation. Bear in mind, also, that the move has been pushed backed to 2010, plenty of time for Ubi to get a tie-in game together.' You can see an interview with Ben here.

I'm so bad at playing PoP, I can already imagine the guilt I'd feel if I sent Jake's prince plummeting to the depths of a spikey pit... New videos have been released to publicise the new game and you can see more here. This is my favourite:

A visitor to the Morocco set back in August has now posted their picture on Flickr. I like the dogs...

Jake's nightmare

A couple of days ago, I posted a little piece on Jake's leading lady Catherine Keener. In this interview below (click to embiggen) there is a little more about two others, Emmy Rossum and Chloe Sevigny. It includes one of my favourite quotes from Jake in relation to Zodiac: 'Mark and Chloe and I once took a nap together in a trailer and we all had a nightmare... And we all held hands. It really helped.' Classic Gyllenism. And I can't help agreeing with the lovely Emmy: 'He's intelligent, relaxed and funny. Really charismatic... I just think he's incrediby warm and funny - and really handsome, plain and simple.'

Includes pictures from IHJ, links and scan by WDW.


  1. Okay, I am here! I was too scared to not post!!! ;)

    Hehe, what a cute story about Jake taking a nap with Chloe and Mark! Holding hands!!! Did they all wake up screaming at the same time and grabbed each others hands then??

    Oh, when they make a video game with the Prince looking like Jake I really will have to start playing... But I can tell you, it won't be pretty... I will probably kill the Prince off about 243 times per day, and never get past level 1...


  2. LOL, WDW! The quote is very Jake, indeed! :-D

    Remember "pig gate" - when he said he enjoyed going to his friends farm and watch a pig get slaughtered? I thought that was a typical Gyllenism too, but a lot of people took that literally...

    Uli - maybe they'll make "PoP goes Deliverance", and you'll get to be Jake doing duelling banjos... ;-)

  3. Good to see you Uli! I wonder what Jake, Chloe and Mark dreamt... Do you think they had the same dream? Spooky that. Oh dear, I feel rather dorry for the prince if you start playing. Can you practice first with Lara Croft perhaps? Hugs back :D

    Hi there Anna! Jake is great at these quoutes and it's one of the things I love about him! Oh no, please don't put the thought of Jake playing the banjo in Uli's head - I hate that pic!

  4. Am I the only one who has no idea of what Jake looks like playing banjo? What is this picture? Is he wearing ONLY the banjo? Can we try the harmonica?

    (ok, that was nasty)


  5. Wants to know who slept in the middle?! Jake, please be more specific next time.

    PoP goes Deliverance! LOL! Maybe they could film it here. Lots of extras available. :D

  6. Hi Alotalike! Thanks for commenting :D It's the dastardly picture of Jake playing the ukelele or some other terrible instrument from the Interview shoot last year - Uli taunts me with it on a regular basis. You can see it on this post but I advise caution.

    Hi Jannis! Good point... who was in the middle? I'm betting on Jake :D

  7. LOL, I love the Jake quote about the nap he took with Chloe and Mark and they had a nightmare and then held hands, hehe. Wish I could have been there. ;)

  8. Hi Get Real! I could cope with being in a Jake/Mark sandwich :D

  9. I don't dislike the picture, WDW, I just think it's not Jake! LOL!
    Seems like someone else who looks really really like him, only with a fake tan.

  10. It's just such an airbrushed Jake! I call it Stepford Jake...

  11. Okay, the idea of Chloe, Mark and Jake sleeping together in a trailer is too hilarious to handle. I think they were all dreaming about Zodiac. The killer that is. Not me:) Were they sleeping in one bed? When exactly were they holding hands? During the sleep or after? Jake was in the middle, IMO:) He's the one who's touchy and feely and cuddly:) He's the people's person. Like I've said before a sleeping Jake is a sight to behold, anyway.

    "I'm so bad at playing PoP, I can already imagine the guilt I'd feel if I sent Jake's prince plummeting to the depths of a spikey pit..."

    That would definitely be a nightmare for me, WDW. I've finished the Sands of Time. Meanwhile,I killed the Prince a gazillion times.

    Those eyes, indeed.

  12. Maybe the Stepford Jake can be the next Jake Clone that Jakea comes out with. ;-)

    If Jake can play the harmonica and the drums and the trumpet, then why the heck not the banjo? Every decent orchestra has a brass section, a p[ercussion section, and a string section. The banjo is the strings. Go, Jake, go!

  13. I'd like to add that all these trailers for the new game look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. In the most Jake-ish kinda way. He loves this word.

    Should I buy it, WDW? What do you say? Will you be playing it? I don't like playing Warrior Within that much. I can't get into it for real, like it was with SOT. It's too dark and the music doesn't go with the game at all, IMO. This new one seems to be visually stunning and I love the music. Will it be for PC or Play Station or for both?

  14. Hey Zodiac! It's some thought, isn't it - and very cosy :D I hope no snoring went on - lucky Chloe! (lucky Mark...) Sleeping Jake :) You were great at Sands of Time!

    I'm going to buy the new game in December on PC - as I don't have a PS3 and it's not coming out on PS2 - and I can't wait to play it. Looks amazing. I just hope my poor old PC is up to it! I love the music too.

    Hey Paul! I love musical Jake but Stepford Jake just sends shivers up my spine... Is it the grin?

  15. It is not a grin - it is a sweet smile! And he is lovely!!!!!!!!!

    ;) :-*

  16. That's a great Zodiac story:) Must have been some nightmare they all had. I agree WDW I too could cope with a Mark/Jake sandwich. Lucky girl Chloe:)

    A cousin of mine felt duty bound to introduce me to the Prince of Persia games recently. But he gave up as I was a lost cause. I shudder to think what would happen to Jake if I was playing a game of the movie. Needless to say he wouldn't be around too long so I think I'll steer clear of any movie game for Jake's sake:)

    Off topic sorry your Jake mug broke WDW. Hope you get a new one soon.

  17. Ahem, Uli *)

    Hi Carol! I miss my mug already :( Mr WDW is going to paint me a new one - I'm not hopeful...

    It's such a good Zodiac story! I would love to be a fly on that trailer wall... I do like the game, but I'm terrible at it!

  18. When I saw "Quantum of Solace," one of the previews of upcoming attractions was for the film "2012," a disaster film by Roland Emmerich. It shows Buddhist monks high in the Himalayas, but they get washed away by a tsunami that would have to be thousands of feet high.

    December 21, 2012 is the last date in the ancient Mayan calendar. Disaster aficionados have gone on the asusmption that the world will end on this date. I personally would settle for a Roland Emmerich film about the whole thing. :-)

    No, Jake is not attached to the movie, which premiers next summer.

  19. Morning everyone!

    Hi Paul! That's amazing they've got trailers for 2012 already - they've only been working on it about the same length of time as PoP. I think it's John Cusack. Quite fancy seeing it :D But I hope it's better than 10,000BC

    Have a great day everyone :D

  20. Hi WDW and everyone. :)

    I and Sir Ben have the same POV about a possible videogame based on PoP the movie. And I also believe that the delay of the movie release might have something to do with the forthcoming release of PoP the videogame and the potential acquisition of new Prince's followers the goes with it. Just a thought. :)

    I sure have no idea how to play PoP but I would be extremely pleased to play with him.:)

    LOL at the Jake's nightmare. :D
    Yes, Those Eyes...

    Have a good day.:)

  21. Hi there Xenia! I'd love to play poP with Jake too (I bet he'd be better at it than me though...). I think they really are using the game and the movie to support one another, which makes a lot of sense. Have a good day :D

  22. now I wish I had had someone to hold my hand when I've had nightmares :D

    I have to admit I am not into video games. I've watched others play but it's never been my thing. I do appreciate the graphics they have no adays. It makes you really feel you are in whatever world they have created (next generation should be virtual reality like a halodeck from like Star Trek)

    I know they will create a video game based on the movie with look alikes of Jake and the cast (how could they not?) and we'll be seeing Dastan action figures and comic books I am sure.


  23. Hi Sweetpea :D I love the idea of a game built around Jake's face and Jake's voice. I think I might wear it out!
