Jake has had more experience of hats than most, despite having a famously oversized (albeit perfect) head. He told Minneapolis' Star tribune 'It's not that it's a big head. It's just that it's an abnormally sized head. Hard to fit a hat around. If you asked my uncle, I'm sure it runs in the family. We should get some disability for it.' However, not surprisingly for a film named after a bad haircut, Jarhead required Jake to wear a full range of hats, although not necessarily on his head.

Jake's requirement to have 'special hats' made for his special head for Brokeback Mountain was an embarrassment. 'In the movie that I'm doing now they all made special hats for me. Heath has a fine-sized head. We just did a make-up test the other day and they were all bringing our make-up in and stuff and it was like the hats were the special moment. 'Jake's special hats are coming; they're coming in!' I felt so insecure because of it. Just don't mention special hats!… I'd like James Franco's. That'd be a good head!'

Speaking of James Franco... the actor who kisses Sean Penn in Milk is facing similar questions to those asked of Jake and Heath back in 2005/2006. The fact that journalists continue to ask actors these same questions three years on is an irritation: 'For now, however, Franco is happy to be described as a "scene stealer" in the multi-nominated Milk. Just don't ask him trivial questions about working out ("I don't. It's boring") or kissing his hero Sean Penn. "It's not that I mind talking about it, it's just that... there's so much scrutiny over the answers I offer," he says. "I really noticed it when Jake [Gyllenhaal] and Heath [Ledger] had to talk about kissing in Brokeback Mountain. It's like you can never answer in the right way. If I'm too casual it looks as though I'm making fun of the film. If I don't answer, it looks as though I'm uncomfortable. I can't win." He rubs his eyes. Then, finally, smiles. "God, I'm being way too serious! OK. You want the simple answer? I had no problem with kissing Sean Penn."'·

Torso is more stop/go than a set of traffic lights and, true to form, Paramount has let its rights to the project lapse. No doubt the rumours about it will persist, like a cloud of flies, until the end of time. Worryingly, this could mean that David Fincher's next project will feature Chef Keanu after all. Talking of torsos...

Includes pictures from IHJ and scan from WDW.
How's the hangover? :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for the gratuitous torso shot. Very pretty.
Hey Rubes! I'm not doing too badly considering - the moral is... don't drink tequila coffee :D How are you doing? :D I've decided that the best thing about the Torso Rumour is that it warrants a gratuitous torso :P
ReplyDeleteI'm doing just fine, thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the moon project? How about a gratuitous mooning picture for that? ;-)
Hmmm, excellent idea, Ruby. That would make a great publicity poster :) We need to suggest it...
ReplyDeleteHi there!
ReplyDeleteGuhhh, I know about big heads ... I think it's even harder to find hats for big heads if you are a woman. I failed on several occasions, the ones that fit and that I liked were just too expensive!! And I love wearing hats. I think I am finally going to get one this year. There are three weddings coming up this summer, so there should be enough occasions to wear one.
No such problem as occasions and fitting with beanies - explains a lot probably. ;)
Oh and BBM is going to air in German free TV in February, couldn't find out the date yet, but it has to be in the second half. Very likely on the night before the Oscars. Saw the first preview today!
Just in case someones from around here ...
Hope everyone's having a great weekend. I am going to see "Revolutionary Road" tonight. Sam Mendes, yeay!!
Bye for now, B.
I love talking about Jake's head. It's kind of surprising to me that Jake would be self-conscious about it, considering the fact that he's a movie star that people would kill to meet/be.
ReplyDeletePoor Naomi.
ReplyDeleteHi there Aquaalta! I'm afraid to say that I too have such a big head and have to wear a man's helmet on the motorbike. Whenever I wear a hat Mr WDW laughs at me, which is a bit rich because he has some very odd hats indeed. I hope you find a lovely hat for the weddings - definitely a good excuse.
ReplyDeleteThat's great about German TV showing BBM! There are German readers here so thanks for that :D I'm going to watch BBM myself tonight, it's been too long, and I'm in the mood for it.
I hope you enjoy the film :D I'm off to see Benjamin Button again in the morning as I have preview tickets. I'm going to have an aise seat this time...
Hi Bandgeek! It is strange that someone so beautiful should be so self-conscious but then it's also very endearing :D
OMG LOL! I think you could hear me laughing 100 miles away at that comment!! Poor Naomi indeed!
Hope you're recovering from your hangover... I heard tea with ginger and lemon helps.
ReplyDeleteI never find Jake's head big!! But that's hilarious! Awww.. they made special hats for him :) Maybe its his thick luscious hair :P
So, obviously we aren't the only one being a bit fixated on Jake hiding his hair all the time!
ReplyDeleteHe, it's so cute that Jake seems to be so embarrassed about his huge head...
Here's another one with a pretty big head, but luckily I am no one to wear hats... Although acquaalta knows I at least once thought about buying one! ;)
BBM will be shown in Germany on February 22nd as far as I know! That's Oscar night, isn't it? It will be on a commercial channel unfortunately, so I fear there will be SNIT interrupted... Maybe I should be glad that I will not be able to witness them slaughtering it with commercial breaks, as I will be out to see a concert that night... But actually I would like to know what they do to it...
I also have to thank you for the torso - damn, how I love that special torso pic... And great suggestion with the mooning picture, Ruby! ;)
Oh, well, and obviously nothing has changed regarding the question how it is to kiss another man on screen... I liked James Franco's final answer, though. It's probably best to give just an unspectacular and honest answer to put an end to these questions...
Belated hugs of deeply felt sympathy for (((((MonicaO))))) and all the sorrow you are going through right now... I am glad you can find some distraction here!
Hi Winterbird! I'm feeling much, much better so going down the Hair o'the Dog road :D I like that jake has special hats! Makes them... er... special :)
ReplyDeleteHey Uli! Thanks for the date for the screening. It is always interesting seeing what channels do with the film. I think Franco's answer was just spot on but, oh, it must be such a boring question after a while. Having said that, I can totally understand why anyone would ask what it's like to kiss Jake :D
Beanie, beanie, beanie ... I think I will feel strange day that Jake leave the beanie!
I love all the pictures. Especially the photo of Jack and Ennis!
And about torso: beautiful torso, Mr. Gyllenhaal!;)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bandgeek. Many people would kill to meet (or be) Jake. It's only an issue in Jake's head. Or maybe it isn't any more. Jake hasn't talked about the issue in years.
ReplyDeleteI loved James Franco's comments. I'm getting to like him a lot.
I read somewhere that the Minneapolis Star-Tribute is in trouble, and may fold.
Morning everyone! Jake heard us!! Good job! Gotta dash, see you after Benjamin Button :)