Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Jake Gyllenhaal - 'a face made for the transmission of complicated messages'

Yesterday's tribute to Jake Gyllenhaal's eyebrows - a tribute LONG overdue, I would argue - caused consternation on account of its 'gluey globes'. Having demonstrated beyond all doubt, that Jake's ink-blue orbs have not been infiltrated and pumped by cowgum and are no more sticky than a teardrop of nectar on a summer's day, it is time to turn our attention to the rest of the sentence. Let me remind you of the original: Jake's 'features are theatrically overstated: fat lips, thick eyebrows, and distended eyelids that have to stretch to conceal two glistening, gluey globes'.

Fat lips?! I believe some interpreted this as 'Flat lips', which is hardly better. Fit lips, maybe. This post, therefore attempts to float the ship back on its even keel (I apologise for this metaphor - I have no idea what I'm talking about) by scrutinising Jake's lips. We would be lucky to have one, but we can be duly grateful that Jake's lips come in a set of two.

Time magazine had this to say about Jake's features: 'Jake Gyllenhaal has just those qualities, plus huge brown eyes and a fretful mouth, giving him the look of a spaniel afraid he's about to be swatted.' Obviously, Time wins 0/10 for observancy, for not realising that Jake does not have brown eyes, but is it fair to describe Jake as a spaniel about to be swatted? Has anyone ever seen a spaniel swatted? I hope not.

The Daily Mail once conducted a most frightening experiment. Based on the votes of its readers, it put together composites of stars to create the superstar. The superhunk had Jake's mouth. While this is a good thing, the ideal mouth was let down by not being attached to Jake's other features. Instead, those perfect lips were lumbered with David Beckham's stubble, Ben Affleck's nose and the hair of someone I've never heard of but is apparently called Chad. The result is too ferocious to post here so you must follow the link.

The Telegraph described Jake's face as follows: 'Gyllenhaal's eyes are blue, and big like a cow's, his nose is solid-looking and he has a full and sculpted mouth which turns up at the corners.' While I would argue that I've never yet seen a cow whose eyes I wanted to drown in, the description of the mouth rings with more truth. Even in profile it shouts out for attention.

Of course, as you'll see from the pictures in this post, Jake's lips are neither flat nor fat and can be put to use for any number of comical, serious or sensuous expressions and moods. They also serve to conceal that other weapon in Jake's lethal arsenal - the tongue. To even attempt to do justice to the Gyllentongue in a post is foolish, and I won't try here, but Jake's tongue is so impressive, Jake once claimed it existed in a different time zone from the rest of him. During a London interview, Jake apologised: 'I flew in yesterday and my tongue is still on American time.'

I do like this description of the elements of Jake's face, which comes from a review of Donnie Darko: 'He [has] also something more durable than classic good looks - a face made for the transmission of complicated messages. A strong nose and a droll, downward tilt to the eyebrows collude with an upward twitch to the lips to produce a highly adaptable blend of melancholy and mischief.' Whatever the angle, whatever the expression, Jake's face is an endless source of mystery and intrigue, as well as wonder and delight.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. 'Melancholy and mischief' I like that very much. :)

    But Beckham's stubble should be nowhere near Jake's lips. Or any other part of him.

  2. Hey Rubes :D I like that too... and I agree that never should the stubble of Beckham approach Jake's lips - what a thought :/

    Hope everyone's having a good evening :D My word is curaccha - like some kind of dance!

  3. Oh I dunno, I could probably get behind a Beckham's stubble/Jake's lips scenario, myself :) As long as we weren't talking about one face, heh.

    My word is moncet, which is a kind of exotic cat.

  4. Chuckle, Nouskie :D Now, there's a thought. Can't say I'm liking it but it's making me giggle! My word is psympers which sounds like something I do a lot of over Jake :D

  5. oooh I love this!

    Hope you're all having a lovely evening.

  6. "I saw "Confessions of a shopaholic" yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. There was a three-second glimpse of the "Prince of Persia" movie poster, but if you blinked at the wrong time you would have missed it. (I refrained from blinking :-).)"

    Dear Paul, is there any possibility that you give us some more information about this poster? Like every bit and piece???

    What was Jake wearing? How does he look? Is there anything written on the poster? Did you take a picture with your mobile?

    Details please.:-)))

    Love all of Jakes faces, WDW, great post as ususal.

  7. LOL, I see Nouski is having the same kind of naughty thoughts I had...
    I could think of a few nice scenarios with some other guys stubble close to Jake... Ahem...

    Some great quotes there, WDW!

    Loved the tongue in the American timezone! :D :D That was a nice interview anyway! :)

    I agree with Ruby about the "Melancholy and mischief" quote!

    And this "upward twitch" of Jake's lips is one of the reasons why I love them so much!

    Yesterday I was looking at pics from the Jarhead press conference and was (again) speechless! He looks so beautiful, cute, funny, sweet in those pics! *sighs*

    This evening I saw a trailer for the upcoming showing of BBM on German TV... Gave me goosebumps. It's so weird, cause I have it on DVD and don't like to watch it in German anyway. And hate the idea of BBM being destroyed by commercials, but I still think it's a pity that I won't be able to watch it that evening, cause I won't be at home... It feels like such an important thing - BBM on public TV for the first time! And I won't be there!

    LOL at WDW's word curaccha... Some kind of dance... Isn't that also like some kind of cockroach (at least almost)? :D :D

  8. Hey TD! I'm so glad you enjoyed it :D I hope you're having a good evening too!

    Hi there Sandra and welcome! I'm off to see the film myself after work tomorrow so, as long as I stay awake through it (as I am as far removed from a shopaholic as it's possible to be!), I'll try not to blink. A commentor here posted the other day that it showed Jake shirtless so that's enough to get me going to see it - I am fully susceptible to Bruckheimer's marketing. I'll try and memorise what I see for the post tomorrow :D Thanks for commenting!

  9. Hey Uli! Posting at the same time :D Sorry to interrupt your stubble dreams... I really like the tongue in the American timezone interview too and that's one of my fave lines from it! It's such a Jake thing to say.

    I know what you mean about watching BBM on TV - at least here it's in English, but, even so, the pain of watching it with adverts etc. It still feels like I should watch it at all costs. It's only been on terrestrial TV here the once.

    No that sounds like a dance, not a cockroach!! The romance is all gone... Those Jarhead pictures are simply gorgeous.

  10. oh my... all those strange descriptions of Jake's face! Are they written by clueless straight men? :P

    I don't understand the point of picking out features from different actors - just Jake is the definition of perfection. No?

    I don't mind watching Confessions of a Shopaholic, I think it might be fun like "The Devil Wears Prada". But do give us a report, WDW!

    I just met some Brokies tonight and it's been great - but a few hours is not enough to cover all the things we want to talk about!

  11. Three seconds is not long enough to get a good look at the "Prince of Persia" poster, but what was striking about it was the emotion on the Prince's face. His mouth was wide open, I assume as an expression of anguish or perhaps defiance against those who were coming after him.

  12. Hi Eve! I hope you had a good time with the Brokies - much love to them *)

    Oh yes, Jake is the face of perfection. He's very special indeed, and so we're all still around for him years on :)

    I did enjoy Devil Wears Prada very much and the reviews of Confessions are pretty good so I'm hoping I'll enjoy it eyond the poster! It's a nice treat to see a film after work though :D So a report to follow.

    Hi Paul :D Thanks for that. I want to see this prince - he sounds amazing! The image and emotion you describe here isn't what I was expecting. I'm very intrigued. Hmmmm.

  13. . . . I assume as an expression of anguish or perhaps defiance against those who were coming after him.

    This does sound intriguing . . . I 'm thinking I may have to see COAS after all, a little escapism never hurts. Isla Fischer is lovely. I liked TDWP too. I've been seeing so many movies lately, tho for the Oscars, there's just too many good movies to keep up with! :)

  14. If Jake (in other life) happened ugly, I'd accept any part o Beckham to go with Jake, because Jake's brain would do a huge favor to Beckham's body. But hey! No need for that...

    I confess I'm not in conditions of refusing any part of Beckham either. Ahem...But let's keep things at their places, please...

    Jake is hot.
    Sorry, Becks.

  15. I've always liked Jake's lips because of the way they turn up at the corners. :)

  16. That Daily Mail picture was horrid!!
    I would never choose to disect Jake's face for anyone else!!

  17. Good morning everyone!

    Hi there Anon :D There have been so many good films out lately, it's hard making the time to see them, but I'm looking forward to seeing Confessions this evening. Could be a movie for popcorn. And I want to see Jake on the big screen even if it's just for 3 seconds!

    Hey Monnie O! Nothing against Becks, but he and Jake should just not be mingled. As you say, everything in its palce. Chuckle... Sorry, Becks... Jake is hot.

    Hi BandGeek :D It was that beautiful mouth that made me fall for him very hard with TDAT - sigh :)

    Morning Dailing! It is truly revolting! The idea of taking just one part of Jake's face... simply crazy.

    Have a good day everyone!

  18. I was horrified looking at all the pictures in that Daily Mail article. They were the stuff of nightmares:(

    I'm looking forward to seeing Confessions of a Shopaholic myself over the weekend. I got some of the books from a friend and they are really good.

    Thanks for all the great links aswell WDW.

    Have a great day:)

  19. I wonder how "Confessions of a Shoppaholic" will be translated to Portuguese. They like to invent Titles. It's scary!!

  20. Hi there! Just got back from Confessions - see new post :D

    Hi Carol :D That picture was horrible! I do hope you enjoy the film. It is a lot of fun. A treat for midweek.

    Hey there Monica O! They change the titles? That's not good... but it could be fun. I know that Renditio had some interesting names around the world.

    Hope you're all having a good evening!
