Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Jake Gyllenhaal in NYC for Peter and Maggie's opening night? And some bits and pieces...

While we hold our collective breath and wait for the release of the video for Jamie Foxx's new single Blame It, expected on 9 February and - as is the way with many Jake Gyllenhaal film appearances - delayed, there's time for a mishmash of a post. First - many thanks to Get Real for the link that suggests that Jake is, as widely hoped and speculated, in New York City! Tomorrow night (12 February) is the opening night of Peter and Maggie's Uncle Vanya. Coincidence? I think not. Jake could either be there tomorrow to cheer them on... or the babysitter dropped out at the last minute.

On to the sighting last night - Jake was seen in Allen and Delancey on the Lower East Side wearing a 'newsboy cap', which sounds very familiar. One aspect of this particular hat that I have particularly enjoyed is that it evokes so many different memories and meanings to people from both sides of the pond. But never mind the hat, what about the fodder - actually, never mind the food, what about the cocktail list? Be inspired here. Put me down for a Jalisco Trail.

So, talking of Jake sightings, someone else today mentioned on their site their own brief encounter with one rather flirty and rather delicious Jake Gyllenhaal. It bears repeating here: 'I have been kissed on the cheek by The Rock, Ewan McGregor, and one time i asked Jake Gyllenhaal what he had in his pocket and he said "Let me see...oh, I have your phone number!"' That's our Jake, all right, but it wasn't her phone number...

And, talking of Peter and Maggie, who are no doubt speaking around the home to each other in Chekhovesque as they prime themselves for tomorrow's opening, if you want their coats, you can have them - well, for a price. 'Maggie Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, and Lindsay Price – have donated autographed Mackage coats to Housing Works, which will be auctioned online at Bidding starts February 7th and ends on February 19th at 7:00pm.'

As for Jake, Forbes released its list of most bankable actors yesterday and at the top was Will Smith. However, Jake Gyllenhaal was a very respectable 52 - especially when one considers that Jake's films have been delayed for one reason or another and it's been a while. Clearly people are ready to wait. Not very patiently - but we wait. It's an interesting list - Robert Downey Jr is 21, for instance, and there are few youngsters. This list of Star Currency is based on the opinions of directors, producers and people directly involved with the industry. When you look at the breakdown, Jake fares far better with those from Italy than from Spain, for example, but, if it hadn't have been for Spain's result, Jake would have been much higher.

Jake's fellow Prince of Persia, Toby Kebbell, has been getting some attention in the wake of his rising star BAFTA nomination which, unfortunately, was not to be his. In an article yesterday, it was revealed why PoP director Mike Newell took to Toby: 'Kebbell impressed Newell deeply: 'For my story, Toby had to be butch, handsome and dim. He's very still in rehearsal; he concentrates, sits neatly paying attention, like a cat watching goldfish. A Yorkshireman; no wasted words. 'Then one day you realise he's built his character all round himself and he's not the same guy who sat watching at all. He's inside this crystal container of character. You can still - just - see him deep inside the container. 'You rap on the outside to talk to him and he calls back, "Go away. Don't bother me. I'm being someone else." I think one day they'll find out he's really very funny.''

'Butch, handsome and dim' - sounds perfect (except when you need him for the Pub Quiz). Right, then, Jamie, where's this video?

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. Jake has a sense of adventure in food and drink, it seems. :) I like "The Green Hour" cocktail, and Juniper, Spice and Alchemy sounds pretty good too!

    So happy that Heath won the BAFTA for BSA, more sweet than bitter now, I think, but I'll miss him always.

  2. This post is a 'Rhapsody in Blend', whimsical, lyrical with a soupcon of impatience; it all blends together perfectly to reveal the cameleon that is Jake Gyllenhaal. Great post WDW.

    I'm jealous of every person that glimpses Jake and has the good grace of restraint not to 'jump' or 'fangirl/boy' him. Hope Peter and Maggie 'break a leg' (not figuratively of course). I'm sure the 'effortless' performances run in the family :DD

    .......And yeah Jaime, what's the hold-up man?

  3. Hi there Anon! Oh I love these cocktails :D I'd love to know which Jake prefers - the sweet or the bitter.

    Heath's win was sweet :) Thanks for the comment :D

    Hey Sheba! Ooh thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I was in the mood for a blog chat! And yes good luck to Peter and Maggie - what a distraction Jake would be. Maybe he'd go in disguise - in a hat! Ahem - we have those covered.

    Yeah, Jamie?

    Hope everyone's having a good evening! It's been warmer...

  4. Surely Naomi will be there, doncha think?

  5. Hi Pia! Yes, I bet she will be there - a proud night for her :)

  6. Oh, it's me, it's me!

    So many things have been going on. I have been busy...falling in love:)

    I'll try to catch up with everything. So, there is no video yet, right? And Jake is in NYC, right? And he's still flirty.Great.

    The world is still in the right place.

  7. Heeeeyyyy Zodiac's falling in love! That is lovely - the world is definitely in the right place *) I suppose it's that time of the year for it. Things are goos (or will be, when we get the video and a film or two comes out...). So good to see you :)

    It's freezing here tonight - I've got the oven on and the cooker. I'm having to resort to maltesers :/

  8. So the spies say that Jake is in NYC? Mmm.... might be as cold as here! urgh.... I thought we should be getting warmer by now. I am so sick of this cold weather.

    you have the talent to pick the best pictures. I love that "just out of bed" hair he got there :)

    and yeah, where's the music video???

    I just saw Milk tonight, I like it a lot... is it just me? Or James Franco's looks a bit like young Heath in the film? In certain angles, maybe because of his hair colour and his complexion in this film... excellent film.

    Although it's rather sad how the Prop 6 there echoes Prop 8 now... *sighs*

  9. you got oven and cooker on?! I just ordered Chinese delivery... for myself only! and I just had left over pizza!

  10. Hi Winterbird! oh yes, when I said I had the overn and the cooker on, I actually meant the oven and the heater, as it's so flippin cold! I loved the NYC pics here too. I'm glad you like the pics I choose :) I thought Milk was such a good film and you're right some things have changed little. I'm glad they make films about it. james Franco was rather hot :D

    Enjoy the Chinese meal, I'm still eating maltesers :)

  11. I like James Franco in "Milk," too.
    He was wasted in "Spiderman 3." He could do so much...

    I laughed at Jake's reply to that girl. He should do a comedy. I would settle for "Nailed."

  12. Morning Paul! I definitely agree about Franco - I had no idea he was such a good actor. You'd never have known it from the Spidey films.

    I like Jake's quick wits too - we need to see Nailed...

    Have a good day everyone! New pics of Jake in NYC :D
