After what seems to have been a wonderful, albeit brief, trip to NYC, supporting Maggie and Peter in their joint theatrical enterprise, Jake Gyllenhaal is now back in LA. Here is Jake arriving at LAX on 13 January - without the redlined coat but with the cap still in place.

And the question is...? What is the answer?

Thanks to
IHJ for the pictures.
There goes my boy...
Monica, there's a reply to you in the last post's comments.
Morning, WDW.
Me again!
I love the interrogation mark upon Jake's head. Looks like he's asking himself some tough question. LOL!
WDW, Jeopardy Jake has a question for you in the last pic.
Y'all jealous of me now, ain't ya?
HAHAHAHA! Hat Question is great!
At first glance I saw the ? as a thought bubble too..that pic is crying out for funny-captioning. TD.
....but I can't think of one..I'm so bad at this stuff!
OT, I gotta tell you...I saw the Aurora Borealis last night! In southern England! Either that or aliens, and I don't know which is scarier. It was like a totally silent thunderstorm above the clouds, went on for about a minute (at 2am), mostly whiteish-blue, and then the sky went electric-green. It was incredible! I feel the need to report it, but I've no idea who to?
Morning everyone! OMG you lot are hysterical! I put this post up literally as I was off to bed and so I was three-quarters asleep. Jake could have been shirtless and I wouldn't have noticed - on second thoughts, that would have woken me up... I've updated the post!
Morning Monnie O! I'll go back and check the last post :D
Hey Alex Trebeck! He's saying 'Do you think I'm hot?'
Yeah, you are one lucky (and rather intelligent) hat :D
Morning TD! OMG that's so weird. I've seen the lights up in Scotland but not down here. It could have been a very high electrical storm? Those are quiet but light up the sky. We are getting some very odd weather. But what a sight! How about emailing the Met Office?
Have a lovely day everyone! I hope Jake works out what's on his mind!
Hey I have a question off the top of my head....
Hey Jake! And the answer is 'Yes! I'm all yours!' :DD
*Third attempt as posting* -
I think it's the same Austin Wells coat as he arrived in in NYC, it's just that its's part black/red lined. That really is a defining look, especially with the flat cap (which used to be a trade mark look for people from Yorkshire, England).
How nice to see him back in LA, for various reasons ;D
Question: What's a guy gotta do to get my own spot on Broadway? Sombody write a decent script willya.
Question: How can I get all my valentine cards, flowers and chocolate to all at WDW in time for tomorrow?
Hi Sheba! Sorry you're having troubles posting. It happens to me all the time so I always copy comments now before I try and post them. Pain in the bum.
That would make sense about the coat. Seems odd to have red lining on one side and black on the other but who knows! It is a lovely coat and I like this look a lot. I love the shirt too. He's almost reminding me of my Yorkshire kin!
Definitely question 2! And fortunately, you'll be glad to here that he managed :DD
have a good day!
Good morning, wet dark!
Our boy is so cute! I love the new hat!: D
Latino Review
Then there's the blink-and-you'll-miss-it outdoor advertising shot of Bruckheimer's upcoming epic production "Prince of Persia" on a billboard in Times Square. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but halfway through the film this billboard can be spotted as a reflection on the window of the cab Rebecca is riding in. This cab's windows must be made of special glass because the billboard's image isn't seen reversed like any normal reflection and it's easy to read what it says. That's not just obvious product placement, that's plain tacky!
Monnie O, glad to know you better.
Where is the link of your blog?
A great Sunday to all!:):)
Morning, WDW. It's a stay-in-bad kind of rainy Sunday down here. Delicious!
TD, what a wonderful/scary experience. I'd do almost everything to see something like that, scary or not(If it's not the aliens case.LOL!)
Monica, try this The Place
I recomend two posts named Jack an Monica. They are both part of something I'm writing. And yes...I'm not normal. LOL!
Back to bed. ;)
Oops..typo! Stay-in-BED!
You're right WDW, I should do that from now on. I was gonna say in the previous post: I'll cut to the chase too and talk about Jake's best sex scene which IMHO is Proof. It's sexy and tender all at the same time.
I was also gonna say something about the picture of Jake tickling the dog and wished I was Atti (also I remembered Bubo's composite which was funny).
...Also, something about Jake and chocolate sauce but I can't remember ;DD
Geez, you got me thinking "Jake and chocolate sauce". :/
Hi there everyone! I've been baking this afternoon, so I'm already for some Jake with chocolate sauce! Thanks for the image, Sheba :D
Waves to Monica!
Hi Monnie O :D A lazy day sounds like a good plan if it's weather like that.
Hey Sheba :) That scene in Proof is pretty much the only one I watch - ahem, for obvious reasons.
Hope everyone has a lovely afternoon evening :D
Hi everyone! Earlier I was about to post my discovery about the red/grey-black lining of Jake's coat, but saw that Sheba had been quicker... (and I have to admit that I was a bit embarrassed about having discovered it. And about checking out the label in the coat... Aubin and Wills... Kind of like "get a life" LOL! Oh, well...)
It's a pity that his stay in NY was so short, though.
MonicaO - I followed the link to your blog - of course I didn't understand a word. But the entry page is beautiful.
But I then followed the link to your English blog and learned about your acquaintance with C. Holy shit! What an extremely likeable person... Ahem...
Aaaaah, don't get me started about the sex scene in Proof... For a short while I even thought it beat SNIT! Of course it doesn't... Although on some levels it kind of does, maybe... Jake's gasping/panting/breathing in that scene... OMG, to die for... I think I need to lie down now... And watch that scene... And lie down some more...
See you later, LOL!
Hey Monnie O... think away... I'll share - only this once though seeing as it's valentines ;D
Hey Uli, glad I'm not the only one... and hey you... I got a life... I just hate it when it interfers with my Gyllenworship :DDD
Now, go put a cold wet towel over your head before it explodes with the mental images you've conjured up ;D
Hi there Uli and Sheba! I'm glad you two have got your eyes peeled when it comes to the coat - I didn't realise it had mixed lining - must be posh :D
Uli! I hope you're ok after your Sex Scenes with Jake overload!
Oh my hormones!
Can you guys stop? LOL!
Proof is good...but there's BBM's too, and (kill me) I should say that there are some "Jake's ways to look at girls" in Proof and in Midnight Mile that make me need that wet cold towel more than the love scenes!
Uli, I totally took the English blog out of the air after posting my link here, you avoid a re-acquaintance. I guess you've been faster. hahahah!
Rain stopped. My diet is killing me. I'm hungry.
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