And so, the couple can enjoy the experience for what it is - a chance to enjoy working together out of the movie world and, to some extent, out of the limelight. Fortunately, as they both admit, the publicity pull of Peter and his 'lover' is something that they appreciate for the play's success during a time when a theatre seat is a luxury.

This very enjoyable article in the New York Times, not only includes an interview with Peter and Maggie, but it also features audio interviews with the two, complete with the sounds of coffee cups and cafe life. In one of these, Maggie reflects on how she was able to combine motherhood with Batman. Now that Peter and Maggie are working together, a babysitter is a necessary need - fortunately mum Naomi is on hand: 'My mom kept saying: ‘Michelle Obama’s mom is going to the White House with them. It’s fine,’' Peter's satisfaction on working with his 'lover' is wide open. There is more about the play here.

Talking of Batman, following Christian Bale's little outburst on the set of Terminator 4, there has been talk that maybe he should hangup his tights and hand in the keys to his batmobile. For some, Jake Gyllenhaal might be a candidate... He's the number one choice for this site: 'At some point, Tobey Maguire was talking about leaving the Spider-Man franchise to do serious fare (cue Seabiscuit trailer), and in the slim amount of time between when that statement was issued and retracted, Jake Gyllenhaal had emerged has a favorite to replace him. So clearly, Gyllenhaal, who in the past has played Jennifer Aniston’s stalker, a gay cowboy and some guy in Jarhead who traipsed about in a Santa hat, has a distinguishable superhero mark.'

Years before Jake could be considered as a candidate for superheros, or for the Prince of Persia, he beat 'a cattle call of a thousand to play the teenage version of NASA science engineer Homer Hickam Jr' in October Sky. '"Forgive me if I'm a little daunted," grins the 18-year-old, fresh-faced newcomer, who embarks on his first starring role in October Sky, opening this week. With his blue-eyed, sensitive gaze and aw-shucks ways taking up nearly every frame in the film -- based on Hickam's autobiographical memoir, Rocket Boys -- the teenager is poised to become the thinking-girl's Leonardo DiCaprio. "I don't think I'm ready for that," he assures us.'

'"The passion that Homer has for his rocketry, I have for my acting," says Gyllenhaal, whose previous film work includes bits in City Slickers and A Dangerous Woman. On the black, dusty set of crumbled asphalt in Knoxville, Tennessee, Gyllenhaal met up with a true test of his talent -- the real Homer Hickman. "He pulls up and it had just rained and the sun was shining bright, reflecting off the black ground ... and Homer looked at us and was crying," recalls Gyllenhaal. "How honourable and flattering that was."'

'"The movie-making process is supposedly romantic," he laughs. "You think it's all walking on red carpets to the makeup trailer. But there was something strangely, uh, humbling about Tennessee." Between lighting changes and scenes, "I was doing math or taking a quiz," says Gyllenhaal, the youngest of the group, finishing up high school via tutor during the shoot. "It was a really delicate balance trying to maintain both at the same time. It was hard."'

'But as a freshman at Columbia University, the actor is adamant to keep on schoolin', even if fame beckons. "I'm reading your dead, white males," he jokes, of his homework of poetry and novels he's lugging around with him to scan between interviews. "I hopefully won't abandon school. Going to college is really about human experiences and being human and being ordinary among the 16,000 people that are there," he says, "instead of sitting around a table being interviewed and being the only one talking."'

'"Doing this movie is like a dream coming true," he says. "Some rocket has gone up for me in some strange way."'

Includes pictures from IHJ and links.
Thanks darlin' WDW for the Peter and Maggie interview that I missed - and oh my, I DO covet that orange necklace Maggie's wearing in one picture.
ReplyDeleteHey, so good to see you, Pia!! I love the interview and the pics, and I could listen to Peter's voice for more hours than there are in the day. I'll take a closer look at the necklace :D
ReplyDeleteI feel so pervy looking at pictures of young Jake. OH, well. Can't be helped.
ReplyDeleteJust got my tickets to see their play!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the lovely interview with M&P.
Good to see you Pia. Seems you have been only commenting in the Maggie and Peter posts lately. You are missed.
Thanks also WDW for the new Jake pics and wow great pics of England covered in snow!
Have a good weekend everyone.
Hi Anon! Best just to give in to it, I think :D
ReplyDeleteOoh, Get Real! You are so lucky! You must give us a full report (and secretly and unobtrusively blow peter a few kisses for me :DD). That's great!
Pia is missed, I'm hoping she knows that :) So good to see you, Get Real *)
hey Get Real, I really wanted to see Uncle Vanya - at one time I lived on West 13th St. next to Salvation Army swimming pool - had such a good time at that house, big fireplace, Mandarin House restaurant right next door!
ReplyDeleteTried to figure out NYC visit, I'd also LOVE to visit Bonard exhibit at Metropolitan.
Lucky you! ENJOY! ! ! ! and tell all!
Oh Pia, I love it when you talk about your time in NYC :D It feels a long way away to me right now. We must make Get Real tell us everything :)
ReplyDeleteSome people are just lucky to live in NYC and to go and watch Gyllenhaals:)
ReplyDeleteI love young Jake. Why do you feel pervy?
Hi WDW:)
Because I'm old enough to be his mother???
ReplyDeleteOh, I will let you all know how the play is! ;)
ReplyDeletePia, it's east 13th St. A very small theatre.
I wish you all could join me. (((Hugs))) to you all.
Hey! Zodiac :D I s'pose (although I am a spring chicken, obviously) it depends on the age gap a little... Good to see you!
ReplyDeletePosting at the same time here :)
ReplyDeleteOMG! That's the answer, Anon :D Thanks for the chuckle!
Thanks Get Real :D I wish we could all go with you and take over that theatre. Have a wonderful time.
Because I'm old enough to be his mother???
ReplyDeleteI think he likes "older women", so I wouldn't worry about that:)
"It's like a lesson"
Says the hottest tease to grace the surface of this planet
Get Real I know it's East 13th but oh so close - I also lived on East 12th so I know the neighborhoods so well and MISS them so much!
ReplyDeleteI met someone last week who had worked in NYC theatre at one time, and liv'd in MacDougal Gardens where Bob Dylan lived. My kid went to school a couple of blocks away, on Bleeker St.
Hi, everybody!
I saw a fine film called The Visitor, and many NYC scenes that just made me ache!
If I don't respond to Jake posts doesnt mean Ive gone off somewhere, Im just waiting to see him arrive back on the scene with new work.
Good point, Zodiac - I'll hang on to that!
ReplyDeleteGood to know you're still about, Pia - I'm hoping that we'll see more of Jake at work very seeon :D
Is it a co-incident that I've recently watched October Sky? That film has a power to tear me up every time I see it :( It's definitely my second favourite after Brokeback Mountain. And that young Jake is just captivating! So far has he gone since October Sky... Thanks so much for this post. It's like seeing an old friend after so long :)
ReplyDeleteHope to see a Broadway play one of these days. What a wonderful opportunity for Peter and Maggie to work together - there chemistry is undeniable. Wish I were there with you too Get Real. Reports please.
ReplyDeleteJust got back from watching Benjamin Button. All I can say is that how much more I appreciate Zodiac as a result. Fincher knows how to capture an audience. And I noticed a link to October Sky - what a coincidence.
Nezuko - thank you so much for that kind comment :) October Sky speaks to me too, perhaps more than any of Jake's films to date, because I'm from mining family and I know firsthand what these communities are like and how hard it is to escape the pit. When I saw Jake go down in the lift, the lamp on his helmet, into the darkness, I wanted to pull him out so hard. Thank you for that :D
ReplyDeleteHi Sheba! Posting at the same time - I'm glad you enjoyed the film. What was the link you spotted? Fincher is a master.
ReplyDeletePia, East Village such a fantastic 'hood! Wish you still lived here.
ReplyDeleteHey everyone. :)
I hope to hear about Jake and work soon too. I am amusingly waiting for the Jamie Foxx video that Jake is in, lol.
If you're old enough to be his great-great-great-grandmother then you might have something to worry about. Until then, enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI love that interview with Peter and Maggie. As I piece together the chronology, I realize that they filmed that short film just before (or maybe just after?)Maggie's poetry reading in Martha's Vineyard. In the interview, Maggie talks about being unhappy at the time because she had so little energy, and her mind was on other things.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what incident they're talking about regarding Christian Bale and "Transformers II." Most such things blow over after a while, meaning that Bale will be in the future Batman movies without anything giving it a second thought. Of course, there was also the matter of his mother and sister suing him for assault in a London hotel. In any event, Jake is going to be busy with the "Prince of Persia" franchise for quite a while to come. If he ever wanted to be Batman, that was before his sister was hired to play Batman's love interest. I know that movies are supposed to be make-believe, but it very seldom happens that a real-life brother and sister play lovers.
In any event, I don't see Jake doing Batman....
Sorry, I left out an important word in the previous post. It wasn't Maggie's poetry reading, but rather Maggie's father's poetry reading. Obviously, my mind is somewhere else now. :-/
ReplyDeleteIt's actually my favourite scene in that movie... And every scene with his father, I saw my father and I in them. I always cry at the end of the film, wishing we had a chance to make up, like them...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for sharing your story :)
BTW, I think the incident you were talking about happened on the Terminator 4 set?
Morning everyone! Cold out there...
ReplyDeleteHi Get Real! I can't wait for it - not long now :D
Very good advice, Dr Freud, that I endorese. I recommend it should be written on cereal packets :)
Morning Paul! Yes, I think at the time Maggie was pregnant and feeling slightly unwell and distracted by it. It's nice, though, that this film is from the time you saw her.
I got the films all muddled for the Bale incident - he had a screaming fit on the set of Terminator 4 and it's made the net. But yes I don't want Jake to be Batman.
Thanks Nezuko :D And thanks very much for the right film! I've corrected the post.
Have a good day everyone :D
I've looked up the Bale incident in question, and can say that I've known people (including one long-time boss) who could be depended on to blow up in ugly and embarrassing ways two or three times a year. You can't really "cure" someone of that, because it's in the DNA.
ReplyDeleteBut Bale's outbursts will never be hidden, just as Michael Phelps will never be allowed to smoke pot, because they are celebrities now. So, make your choices (you have to choose, alas!) between treating them as pariahs, or accepting that the best part of them is what you see on the movie screen or in athletic competitions.
If Jake had an explosive temper, I assume that the whole world would know it by now. ;-)
ooh thanks for that lovely peter photo wDW!
ReplyDeleteHi Paul :) I suppose that if you accept the endorsements and the sponsorship deals etc, a consequence is that you have to be seen to behave. Whatever was going on with Christian Bale, I'm never going to defend behaviour like that. If someone spoke to me like that I'd be crushed.
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure M! You know I love Peter :D