Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Tobey's Cannes 'thing' and Jennifer's luck with the 'beautiful, talented, young' Jake

Jeffrey Wells over at Hollywood Elsewhere had a chance to chat to Jim Sheridan this week and discovered from the horse's mouth, as it were, that Brothers probably won't make an appearance at Cannes International Fim Festival this May after all. This is partly (ie, maybe completely) because 'Tobey [Maguire] doesn't want to go there.'

I can see what Tobey means... all those 5 star hotels, the beautiful riviera coastline and restaurants, the chance to meet one's peers and fellow film makers and film movers, an atmosphere of excitement that makes those white tents along the Croisette and promenade quiver, and more than a few appreciative fans cheering you along the reddest red carpet that I've ever seen. It's tough, all right. Fortunately, Jake Gyllenhaal's own experience at Cannes in 2007 did nothing but leave the widest smile on his face.

Nevertheless, I don't think that we, who are so eager to see Brothers, should worry. A presentation at Cannes doesn't mean that your 'normal' film goers will see the film at that time, and the proIMDb release dates for parts of northern Europe for October and November may indicate that a festival later in the year, in Toronto or London, may be preferred - if Tobey doesn't mind, of course. And, at least we know that Sheridan is talking about the film.

ETA: It turns out that Tobey may have an excuse after all (something to do with babies...).

Jennifer and Jake

A couple of newly available videos about Jake focus on the charisma that exists between himself and that much-loved co-star of his, Jennifer Aniston. In this video, Jen sits next to Jake and describes the envy with which she was viewed by her friends for being able to make out with this stunner: 'The amount of women in my life that have seen this movie and go 'God, you get to roll around with this beautiful, young, talented... boy/man.'

The second video shows Jake receiving his Hollywood Film Award from his very own Mrs Robinson.

Includes pictures from IHJ and Just Jared.


  1. Those are two great videos! I loved to see a younger Jake in the first one, makes me realize how much he changed since October Sky. And the BBM bits at the end made me want to watch it again. I've been feeling that often lately, I think a rewatch is in my near future. And Jake hoped BBM would change something in people's life? Well, he sure got his wish! :)

    And I just love Jake and Jennifer together! They make a fantastic couple, they seem so confortable and you can feel this spark between them, it's beautiful to see. That's the kind of girl I wish for Jake, she seems fun and smart and like a nice person.


  2. Hey there Olympia :D You must be reading my mind, I've been feeling that a rewatch of BBM is well overdue and watching these videoes has made me keener than ever. Changed my life too :) Jake and Jen are absolutely wonderful together - there is so much affection there, she's just so likeable! Have a great evening :D

  3. That Jake is such a giggler. Those were fun vids, WD&W. I hadn't seen the first one, but the second I remember stumbling across over at YouTube. Jake's come a long way since those early days and he just keeps getting better. His thirties and forties are going to be breathtaking. That is, if he can manage to get movies made that actually get see the light of day. Jeez, what is Spidey's problem with Cannes. And could Nailed have been a bigger waste of time (as of now). 2008 was a real bust for Jake movies. I hope PoP makes up for the drought.

  4. Hi JoeAnn :D Yes, what is Tobey's problem with Cannes? Good question :/ It has been really unfortunate, that's for sure, over the last year - films get made but they still don't see the light of day. I do have high hopes for Nailed - I want to see Jake in a comedy like that. I've read the script and I really did enjoy it. But it's no good making films if they don't come out for us to pay to see! But... they will come out and, as has happened before with Jake, it'll be all at once, no doubt! We'll look back on this time, in the future, when we have three or four new films to enjoy. The wait's bloody frustrating though... I'm sure Jake feels similarly.

  5. From what I have read Tobeys wife is expecting their second child and the expected time of birth should/could be around Cannes.

    Jake and Jennifer have great chemistry and I like them very much together!

  6. Hi there Brothers :D Well that would make make a very valid reason for wanting to avoid a long trip overseas! Thanks for the information :)

    Jake and Jennifer have such amazing chemistry, it's so good to see them together. It's been quite a while since I saw The Good Girl - I should rectify that.

  7. Jennifer had said they fell in love with him almost immediately when he went to audition for The Good Girl.
    He was still a boy to her then & tho they certainly have a flirtatious quality - I think if they ever felt - even tho she is almost 12 years old - there was something there to be in a real realionship it would of happened.
    Feel he always was wanting a woman with a strong family feeling and someone he had things in common.

  8. Oops - 12 years older.

  9. Howdy WDW,
    Maybe when Tobey's wife has her second baby, early,:):) then Tobey might come on over. iwish-iwish.
    luv to ya,

  10. Great videos - thank you WDW!!! I just love Jake and Jennifer together...always have, always will. Now THAT is chemistry!!

    I'm glad someone popped in with that info about Tobey's second child being due around Cannes time (which absolutely without a doubt is certainly good enough reason to say "I'm staying home that week")! But, now that I think of it, couldn't they do it without him? They did Zodiac wonderfully with just David, Jake, Mark and Chloe there - I would have LOVED for Robert to be there too but they didn't NOT go because one actor couldn't make it. If Jim, Jake and Natalie can make it then I say do it! They can cover for Tobey - don't ya think?

    Just thinking out loud I guess.

    I still have hopes for Nailed too...there were too many smiles and hugs and mounds of paperwork between Jake and David O. R. when they met for lunch. Can't imagine all that for a meeting that ended in "sorry but the movie will not be released after all"! Just thinking out loud again.

    Going off to read now...Cheers! xoxo

  11. Wow, Jen and Jake sure do look hot together - especially where he's wearing that t-shirt sitting next to her. Also, in his tux receiving the award with her. She looks far from her age, and age is just a number anyway. I think they have a lot of chemistry together.

    I can't tell you how much BBM meant to me - it'll always hold a special place in my heart.

    Thanks for the cute vids, WDW! :)

  12. Morning everyone! A peasouper out there this morning :/

    Hi there Anon :D Jake and Jen do seem to be experts on flirting, they're very good at it. I'm the same age as Jen and so I heartily approve of the age gap ;D

    Hey there Sass! Good to see you :D The baby is a good excuse... Take care of yourself *)

    Morning BBMISwear! I do agree about Cannes - I was disappointed that RDJ wasn't there but I'd seen him in LA, so I don't think they all need to go to the all of the events. Unless Tobey actually wanted to be there and didn't want the film to go without him! I'm glad to learn about the baby too - makes it far more reasonable!

    I definitely have hopes for Nailed :D

    Hi there Anon! Oh yes, about the age thing :D I know what you mean here - you watch these fun vids and then there's a piece of music from BBM, and a scene, and it all comes flooding back and it's like a pool of warmth swallows me. Sigh.

  13. I'm the anon. with the 12 years older - and I'm not against that at all. If people get along great don't care what age anyone is.
    That also goes for a woman who is just 4 1/2 years older than the man. The one he has picked.

  14. Hi Anon :D Definitely with you on the age thing - shouldn't matter at all.

    Hope everyone's having a good day! The sun is out and the blossom is blooming :D

  15. I know Jake is taken, but just allow us a little reverie, Anon. For all we know, Reese may have completed her family, and is more career driven. Someone like Jen, on the other hand, may be ready to start a family, and I think it's as sexy as hell that she would have her first baby with the Gyllenhaal. Fortunately or unfortunately for her, she's had the unique experience of being married to one of the Sexiest Men Alive, Brad Pitt, and any new man is going to have big shoes to fill. The only one who could do it, IMO, is someone like the handsome and dashing Jake, and they would make such a sparkling couple, from their pics and chemistry. I wish Jen a lot of happiness, and I hope she finds the one for her. :)

    My word is drabio.

  16. Hi Anon! Brad Pitt and Jake, that would be something... I hope Jen finds the guy for her too :)

  17. Jake and Jenn have a wonderful chemistry together. :)

    Still :( about Cannes but hopefully they will be Toronto or Venice in the Fall. So, we can finally see Brothers.

    Still shocked and saddened by Natasha Richardson's death. She was a wonderful actress and seemed to have a beautiful marriage and family. RIP.

  18. HI there Get Real :) It's just terrible about Natasha Richardson - what a tragedy. I saw her on stage several years ago on London, as I have done her mother. It's such a loss.
