Wednesday, 3 June 2009

[Updated] Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway together on screen again?

Update: TNMC has now removed its post - hmmmm - although (at the moment) TNMC's link to it on the Jake Gyllenhaal discussion board on ProIMDb is still there: 'by deadpooltnmc 3 hours ago (Wed Jun 3 2009 09:46:07) More details here:' - Make of that what you will - so what was their reason for publishing and what was their reason for deleting? They had no source and made it up (posting links to their story on the Jake and Anne threads on IMDb) or they published prematurely? Time will tell.

WHAM! I didn't see this coming! And I don't know where it's come from or where it's going - I can find no corrobarative source. TNMC and TNMC alone have announced this today:

'Director Ed Zwick (The Last Samurai, Defiance) has tapped Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway to star in LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS. 20th Century Fox and New Regency are financing the film which will begin shooting on September 21st 2009. Scott Stuber, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz and Pieter Jan Brugge are producing the film. Charles Randolph wrote the screenplay which has been rewritten by Edward Zwick and Marshall Herskovitz. I've been able to confirm that this project is the former UNTITLED CHARLES RANDOLPH which was featured in the 2007's Black List. Here's the synopsis:“A humorous expose of the highly competitive and cutthroat world of pharmaceuticals, where salesmen schmooze doctors, nurses and hospitals to get them to use their brand of drugs.”'

The Black List mentioned was a list of the most popular unproduced scripts of 2007. One site elaborated: 'UNTITLED CHARLES RANDOLPH PHARMACEUTICALS SCRIPT by Charles Randolph. “A humorous expose of the highly competitive and cutthroat world of pharmaceuticals, where salesmen schmooze doctors, nurses and hospitals to get them to use their brand of drugs.” AGENT: Creative Artists Agency - Rowena Arguelles, Risa Gertner. MANAGER: Brillstein Entertainment Partners - Margaret Riley. UNAVAILABLE. Universal.'

One blogger at the time had this to say about the script: 'UNTITLED CHARLES RANDOLPH PHARMACEUTICAL SCRIPT was a really fun read. Think Thank You For Smoking with cutthroat pharmaceutical reps. Would love to see this get made with a great cast.'

After some searching around, this description of 'A humorous expose...' was also used to describe a movie that didn't happen for 'Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman', written by pharmaceutical rep Jamie Reidy. Charles Randolph is listed as the producer and writer so this is clearly the same project.

What of the other names? Ed Zwick was the Oscar winning producer for Shakespeare in Love and was the director and writer of the recent Defiance starring Daniel Craig. As for Anne Hathaway... Who wouldn't want to see Jake and Anne act together again? And then there's the date - 21 September. Is this a date to write in the diary? I know that we're all fit to burst waiting for one of Jake's films to actually come out - another potential movie in the pipeline doesn't help. But I like dates, give me a date.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. Unfortunately, this possible news thwarted this evening's post - but it is coming, Olympia!

  2. Cool! I love Anne and Jake.

    P.S. I wouldn't mind them as a couple either. :)

  3. New Jake casting news is always good news! (well... most of the time.. LOL)

    And yes, I love to see him with Anne on screen again :)

    Mmm... "The Last Samurai" - good. "Defiance" - err... not quite good. "Thank you for Smoking" - great!

    OK, I approve this project for Jake :)

  4. Hi Jake Fan! It is cool :D

    Hey there Winterbird :D I totally agree - I want to see the projects line up for Jake so that we have many films to enjoy after this long drought. And this is interesting, isn't it? Anne is a huge bonus, but also a good story - whistleblowing pharmaceutical reps, humour, scandal etc - and an interesting director. I enjoyed Last Samurai alot, actually, although I expected to hate it, and there are some other good ones of Ed's cv, although I've not seen Defiance yet.

    Yep, this has my vote too. And it's worth repeating - love to see Jake and Anne on screen together, sparking off one another. I like the date... Damn Yankees might have been in Variety but there was no sign of a date. Rendition was a quickie, this could be another. I seem to be thinking outloud again! I just love the sound of this.

  5. I so hope this is going to happen. It would be great to have Anne and Jake work together again:) Sounds like a good project aswell.

    Have to say I really liked Natalie Portman's interview with Jim Sheridan. It was interesting to hear him talk about the cultural differences between himself and Jake and Natalie. It's making me want to see Brothers even more.

    I'm intrigued by your main post tonight WDW. Another Jake body parts one...hopefully:)

  6. Hi Carol! It sounds great - all the ingredients I'd want. I'd find it interesting too as I worked in pharmaceutical publishing for three years and it was quite an experience being part of that world. The gifts that I was offered by reps... A world away from my archaeology digging and writing life!

    I'm glad you liked the Jim and Natalie interview - it intrigued me and it did make me want to see Brothers all the more!

    My post will have to wait til tomorrow now - any more news allowing - as I don't wanna rush it :D

  7. I'm not objective, but I think Jake and Anne were made for each other as actors. :-)

  8. I'm not objective either, Paul, and I totally agree! It would be GREAT! I'm worried to cross my fingers, but I will....

  9. Wow, this does sound good - and I would LOVE to see Jake and Anne on screen together again but I refuse to let myself get excited...LOL! Jake's name has been attached to so many movies lately it would be impossible for him to do all of them (but I wouldn't mind if he did...keep him busy for a while...ha ha)!

    Thanks for the great info WDW...and you're right...didn't see this coming at all.

    Been meaning to mention that I'm a bit bothered by the Jim Sheridan interview - it was a good interview (love Natalie's new website) and informative and only added to my excitement for this movie as I have thought since seeing the original trailer for the original Brothers movie so long ago that I will love this movie...the story line is simply wonderful, IMHO. But...I just do not like a word Jim has to say about Jake!! I thought he was insulting, actually. And I don't agree with him at all. But what do I know?! I've only watched all of Jake's movies over and over and over...

    *wonders how many Jake movies Jim Sheridan has actually watched*

    Okay, I'm getting bitchy again...I'll sign off now! :-)

  10. The link doesn't work. I went directly to the site but couldn't find it, where did you find it on the site?

  11. "I'm not objective, but I think Jake and Anne were made for each other as actors. :-)"

    Maybe not just as actors Paul. ;)

  12. I would LOVE to see Jake and Anne together. They made such a wonderful couple in BBM (though it was actually Ennis that Jack wanted to be with)

    they have such nice chemistry together. I hope this is real. I read an article about the moon project and it just didn't seem very well written.


  13. Thanks for the info, lets hope this is true.

  14. Well... whaddyaknow - as Anon spotted, TNMC have now removed the story from their site, leaving (for the moment) links to it on the discussion pages for Jake and Anne on ProIMDb/IMDb. So what was their reason for publishing and what was their reason or deleting?

    Hey BBMISwear - I know what you mean by the Sheridan interview. You listen to a good interview and suddenly at the end there's a sting in the tail and Jake is singled out. Of course we're biased but I think we know a bit about Jake's acting abilities after these years :)

    Thanks for letting me know, Anon :D Well, that's intriguing. What's got them so worried. It makes me wonder that maybe this was true but they didn't think anyone would pick up on it - but then why publish links on the discussion ProIMDb boards which is where I found it! Very strange!

    Hi Jake Fan - that is a temptation :)

    Hi Sweetpea! I did a post about The Moon Project a couple of days ago - it sounds quite intriguing! I hope this story is true but I wonder about the motives of TNMC now they've deleted their post.

    Hi there Jackie! I hope it's true too - but who knows...

  15. Good night, wet dark!

    I hope that is true! Jake and Anne has a great chemistry together!

    Anne Hathaway is taking singing lessons with the teacher Marianne Lee in NY. I think it's for the film about Judy Garland.

  16. Oh, I hope this news it true! Love Jake and Anne!! :)

  17. Hi Monica! I think Anne will be wonderful as Judy Garland - I was blown away by her performance at the Oscars.

    I hope this is true too, Get Real :) It seems strange to make it up - I'm hoping they deleted it because they were given this info but couldn't back it up. The date is interesting. Jake and Anne would be a joy on the screen again!

  18. I've seen Anne Hathaway in ten movies. She came out with 4 movies in 2008, and 3 in 2009 [counting TV performances, that is...]. She works hard.

    Not only that, she sang some of the songs in the soundtracks for those movies.

    Even if what Jim Sheridan says about Jake is true [and I see evidence to contradict it], it only means that Jake, like every other actor in Hollywood, can do some kinds of roles better than others.

  19. Hi Paul :) I think Anne is the HW actress I admire, like and respect the most these days. She's made a few duds but on the whole it's so hard not to warm to the characters she creates. She's extremely likeable and believable on the screen. She has an amazing future.

    And agreed about the Jim Sheridan quote. For me, it also has a lot to do with culture difference.

  20. It's Ok WDW, I can be patient! :D And this news, even if it's unverified, is very interesting. I would love to see Jake and Anne do another movie together and that script sounds fun. And we all know Jake and Anne can do humor very well.

    I had never seen that picture of Anne, Peter and Jake, it's great. And don't Jake and Anne look lovely together in that last one? Just stunning! It's always nice to see BBM promo pictures.


    PS: my word is "folical". Is that a clue about the next post? :D

  21. Thanks Olympia :D And Jake and Anne have great comic timing. I llove those pics from the BBM party - I love an excuse to post them :D Hmmm, not comment on the 'folical' question!

  22. I like this idea - a lot. Both the storyline and the stars! I loved The Last Samurai and Defiance, haven't seen Thank You For Smoking. :)

  23. Wow, I am curious to see what will come of this... With a shooting start date and all the other info it sounded so real!!

    And it would be lovely if it was true! I would love to see Jake and Anne on screen together again!

    But could please somebody sort out all of Jake's potential projects for us and give us a schedule??? There are so many - and I want to know which of them are for real...

    Not sure what to think about Jim Sheridan's comment about Jake...
    The places he can go emotionally is what I love so much about Jake's acting - I always felt he could go to every place and make it look and feel absolutely real!
    Now I am really curious to see Brothers (as if I hadn't been before, LOL)

    Have a good day everyone! If mine will be anything like yesterday it will be hell! :(

  24. Morning everyone!

    Hi Bertie! I like the idea a lot too. Fingers crossed for more news on it soon.

    Uli! I know just what you mean! Give us a schedule! Give Jake a schedule... (((Uli))) Have a much better day today *)

  25. All you need to know about Jake and Anne is a picture of them standing next to each other. Some people just go together perfectly, and they do. Rene Zellweger and Ewan McGregor are another great pair.

  26. Love it. Every Jake movie is worth of watching. :))
