Saturday, 13 June 2009

A PoP trailer to show at Comic-Com?

Last year, a major attraction at the comic book and game spectacular, Comic-Con, was the forthcoming, much anticipated Prince of Persia game. This year, a major attraction is likely to be the forthcoming, much anticipated Prince of Persia movie. The mega-event takes place at the San Diego Convention Center on 23-26 July and, as yet, the schedule has not been released. However, it has long been speculated that this event will see the first proper presentation of Jake Gyllenhaal as Prince Dastan, a feeling encouraged by an IMDb poster who has said that a five minute trailer will be shown to a private audience.

The LA Times has also speculated that this year's Comic-Com will be a big draw for the girls. Women may not be your traditional gaming and comic book crowd (although as a female with almost every game console going, not to mention a healthy addiction for the Spyro the Dragon games*, I do take umbrage with this stereotype) but the promise of Jake Gyllenhaal in an early medieval state of undress will reverse that. 'Women will be rushing the stage, offering to do star Jake Gyllenhaal's laundry on those washboard abs that he acquired for the film, since he spends much of it fighting, shirtless or both.'

We can expect much more at the Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim in September.

Jake's own comic book and gaming credentials are not known, although Maggie did tell us that Jake read Mad Magazine as a kid.

However stick a wii handset in Jake's hand and you can bet he'd play a mean game of tennis. How about the best of three, Jake?

*I heard a rumour that a Spyro the Dragon movie is also on the cards. I don't believe (so far) that any rumour has associated Jake Gyllenhaal with that one. Watch this space...

Includes pictures from IHJ.



    sorry, just saw your comment about Withnail and I on the last post. I love that movie. 'We've come on holiday by mistake'. :D

    *tries to think of relevant comment* ....

    Prince Dastan is hot! And I'm reading about Persians at the moment - in Mary Renault's novels. I think I like Persian boys. :D

  2. We want the finest wines available to humanity, we want them here, and we want them now!

    OMG I love W&I and I intend to spend a significant chunk of tomorrow evening watching it with said booze.

    Hi Rubes! That is an excellent book - Mary Renault and Evelyn Waugh are the two authors whose books I've read over and over again. Pince Dastan is hot!

  3. One of my favourite lines of all time: 'Don't threaten me with a dead fish.'....

    Jake is hot.

  4. Have a good Sunday everyone!


  5. Good morning, wet dark1

    My friend is angry. She lived in San Diego, but moved to another American city.
    She loves Jake and said it would be a great opportunity to meet him.

  6. Morning Monica! I'd be surprised if Jake went to Comic-Com himself, but you never know... Sympathies to your Jake-loving friend. Hope you're having a good weekend :)

  7. We had Comicon last month at Earls Court I believe. Bet you bottom dollar Jake should be there next year. If I pluck up the courage to go I may dress up as something maybe not of this current world.

    Speaking of butts. . . Come on James Blake!!!! He is half British :DD

    There hasn't been a man since Jake that makes my heart flutter but James is Hott!!!

  8. POP trailer at Comic-Con...YES!!

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday. :)

  9. Hey Sheba! That sounds like fun - you could go dressed as a medieval ninja :D

    I like Blake, but COME ON ANDY!!

    Good to see you Get Real! I hope you're having a good Sunday too :)

  10. LOL, I don't even know what that would look like. Gonna have to think about that one.

    Oh James, he's got a beautiful smile. Almost as beautiful as Jake's.

  11. Hi :)) Love that picture where Jake is with glasses i remember that Heath had exactly same one. Looking at Jake and Heath pics i realize that they had so much in common..
    I have good day today.. small trip and i loaded my batteries for tomorrow.
    Still no Jake out and about pictures.
    Now i am sad.. i thought i will have nice sleep with smile on my face :))
    Good rest of day to all :))

  12. Although I am happy that PoP stuff is starting to head our way I am extremely jealous of those on the west coast of the states as not only will there be PoP footage in San Diego in July as mentioned here but it has been reported there will be PoP footage shown at the Anaheim Convention Center in September at the D23 Expo - a Disney event. (I apologize if I am repeating old news already posted). To this I say: Hello?! What about us East Coast people!? Or us (you) Europeans?! *pouts*

    I know that soon enough we will all be getting more PoP stuff than we will be able to keep up with (although it will be fun trying)! But being the impatient person that I am I want it NOW!!

    Have a good rest of your Sunday everyone.


  13. Hi Sheba! Gotta say, I'm very happy Andy won :)

    I'm glad to hear you had such a nice day, Flower - me too :D I do hope we get new pictures soon.

    Hey there BBMISwear :-) I know, all on the west coast :( PoP may have been filmed here but now it's gone a long way away. Blimey, I want it all now too - what a wait.

    I hope everyone's having a wonderful Sunday! New post!

  14. The Persians--I mean iranians--are in the news right now, in a rioting and demonstrating way. Jake was once said to resemble the Iranian premier Ahmadinejad.

    There's a cover article about Shia LaBoeuf in Parade magazine today. Someone in this blog once observed that there was nothing particularly special about him. I think that he's very easy to identify with, which makes him ideal for those everyman roles. As it turns out, he started doing comedy monologues in public when he was 10, just after his parents divorced. He has a lot of drive. He also has no illusions about talent (mostly luck) or acting (acting is a con). He insists that he has no answers about life, and thoroughly understands that his good luck could change at any time.
    Disarmingly candid. I like that!
