Monday, 20 July 2009

[Updated] Defy the Future! Prince of Persia posters released! And Jake Gyllenhaal over the moon...

Empire has today published the first two posters for the Prince of Persia, featuring a stunning, powerful Jake Gyllenhaal as the prince and, on the other poster, Gemma Arterton as the feisty Tamina. We are told to expect more in the September issue of Empire, plus a set visit report.

Meanwhile, more from EW via ET.

Update: ComingSoon now has the Ben Kingsley poster - and it's not a little scary...

On with the moon post!

As we reflect on the fortieth anniversary of the moon landing, one is reminded yet again of those immortal and legendary few words, taught in every school across the land: 'What would have happened if Neil Armstrong had gone all the way to the moon and then never stepped on the surface?' (Jimmy Livingston's Dad). Imagine it, indeed. If it had not been for the events of July 20 1969, we may not now be having to endure the wait to see if Doug Liman really will require Jake Gyllenhaal to pick up where Armstrong left off and colonise the moon.

As night follows day, the moon pops up with appropriate regularity in Jake's career, and it is only a matter of time before we see him fully decked out in a spacesuit and in a spaceship (aliens optional). At one point, Jake's name was one of those bandied around to play the great man, Neil Armstrong, himself. Jake has many qualifications to play a space role, as befitting an actor who once said that he wanted to be an astronaut (as well as a policeman and fireman) until the age of 12 (when he decided he wanted to be a bird instead - note the air theme).

Jake has persistently chosen films solely for their lunar names - Moonlight Mile and Unnamed Moon Project, to name but two.

Jake has been finetuning his spacelook over the years - beginning with a makeshift but very bouncy bubble suit. Indeed, when wearing the bubble, Jimmy was asked if he was some kind of astronaut: 'No, I'm some kind of bubble boy', he replied.

Even in early medieval Persia, Jake refuses to do away with his moonboots.

Jake is not afraid of venturing down wormholes and through cracks in the spacetime continuum, having gained considerable experience of time travel as Donnie Darko.

Donnie Darko also prepared Jake for those moments when one might encounter, unexpectedly, giant talking alien rabbits.

Jake has demonstrated calmness and remarkable coolness in the event of sudden gravity loss.

Despite protestations of being no good at mathematics or nuclear physics or quantum mechanics or dinosaur anatomy, Jake has shown that he's very handy to have around when you need a rocket in a hurry.

In readiness for the the One Small Step, Jake has practised planting the flag on slagheaps.

Includes pictures from links, IHJ and Jake Gyllenhaal's I Wanna be an Astronaut scrapbook.


  1. Oh.My.God - Perfect! I couldn't have hoped for more. Just perfect, the touch of red makes it complete. His hair is perfect; I was hoping it wouldn't look too "done" - Dastan needs to look like a gorgeous hot disarrayed mess, IMO. This is just so beautiful, just right. :P Now I really can't wait to see it - and Tamina looks appropriately full of fire as well. Hooray!!!!

  2. Me again - this poster is just stunning, and believeably powerful. His arms look pefect, not overly bulky, but long, more wiry, musculature - which says more believable power and struggle, to me. Love the boots too, and the colors, the facial hair is perfect, lots of movement in his hair, and straighter hair. His facial expression is believable too, fierce but with a little pain in his eyes, and his gorgeous profile that we all love. Just like the videogame, only better. I like this much better than the first still we saw, even tho that was good too, - but this is just right - his hair is just right.:)

  3. Very entertaining post WDW!!! And the PoP poster...*THUD* I was looking (staring) at the Entertainment Weekly official pic just a half hour ago so to log on here and see the new poster was perfect timing to keep me in the PoP mood. Of course I'm still watching the Brothers trailer the Brothers mood has been never ending. *heavy sigh* I want to see these movies and I want to see them NOW!!

    Speaking of new movies...I got a little inside scoop recently re: Nailed. It wasn't confirmed either way if this movie is finished or not but according to a marketing person at the production company it "probably won't be ready for a fall release". Ho hum. Not good news. More waiting.

    *trying to be patient*


  4. Hi there Anon! I just sent an email to a friend when I saw this poster and its subject was Oh.My.God! Just everything about this poster I love - it's rough and powerful and sexy. Not cartoony, not clean.

    The hair is much better than I expected - it fits that facial expression. I love the armour, and the gaps in it and the little details. You sum up the expression perfectly :D I love the prince of the game and I can't see how anyone couldn't like this representation of him. I think this will win over a lot of hard gamers to Jake as the Prince.

    This poster reminds me of the fleeting glimpse from Confessions. The same power. These are the UK posters so there's going to be lots more!

    And Gemma looks amazing! I think this is going to be quite a publicity campaign over the next 10 months. Very powerful - and sexy! Thanks for commenting :D

  5. Hey BBMISwear - posting at the same time :-) I like this poster even more too. And I want to see Jake's movies right now - we've waited long enough.

    Thanks for the Nailed info :D I'm not surprised to be honest but it is a shame. I hope, though, that because they're saying it won't be ready for the Autumn they are planning on getting it ready at some time. More waiting... Thanks for sharing that with us *)

  6. Not cartoony, not clean.

    Exactly, WDW. His hair is just blunt and straight enough, but not cartoony, and with lots of movement to look real. I love the armour too, it's not overdone. I love the tag line too - "Defy The Future" - couldn't be better. I love it - now I'm really gonna be impatient waiting to see it! :)

  7. Absolutely, Anon :D I love the tagline too. I wonder what other phrases they'll give us. This reminds me of the marketing for the game, using taglines like this. I like it very much.

  8. OMG, you know I hadn't even embiggened the poster to really look at it? His face - just perfect, fierce enough to be frightening, but not so much that he isn't still exciting. :) I love the brow furrow, and the facial hair going down into his neck. The flash of red is exciting, the weapons are not too large, and I love the detail and engravings on them. The armour is gorgeous, not too much, and his legs look elegant as they descend into those great boots. The colors are awesome. Something about the first still bugged me, I don't know what, if the weapons were out of proportion, the hair too done, I don't know what. But this is absolutely perfect, IMHO. Wow! :)

  9. OMG, Anon! I love your description of the poster, and Jake's transformation into the Prince... I love how Jake looks beautiful here, as he is, but he's also resolute, determined and potent. It's good to get a better look at the armour too. I like the double swords. It really is wow :)

  10. I've been having a Jake-break. Yes I know, how can I? With huge discipline and will computer! But its good, its all so clear and fresh and Oh.My.God.ThatsthePrinceofPersia!! It is. The Prince. Perfect.

  11. I've been so bowled over by the Prince's poster that I hadn't had a chance to really look at the Princess' - her poster is beautiful too - her eyes. There's a landscape in them. Beautiful. :)

  12. Good night, wet dark!
    Is much better than I imagined!

  13. Good morning everyone! OMG the weather... good if you're a duck, I suppose.

    Good to see you back, TD! Yeah, a lack of computer would do it... but you're back! He is most definitely the Prince of Persia and I can't get enough of him - I've been showing him off to work colleagues this morning :D

    Hi Anon :D Gemma's poster is very beautiful. These posters really are like art. I didn't notice that about her eyes so I had anothr look, just lovely.

    Morning Monica! I'm glad the prince has won you over :)

    Have a great day everyone :D

  14. Updated the post with the new Ben Kinglsy poster :D

    Can;t wait to get a look at hunky Toby Kebbell...

    Keep em coming, Disney!

  15. ^^^ Apologies for spelling - over-excited...

  16. Good morning, wet dark!

    Ben it's amazing too!!

    'Love and Other Drugs' finds brother
    Josh Gad joins Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway in cast
    Hollywood Reporter

  17. Wow again! :)

  18. Hi there Monica :D The Ben poster is great! You can bet we're going to get a whole lot more. I saw that about Josh, that film is clearly moving :D

    Wow Anon! I can't stop smiling today :D

  19. Wow! What great posters! I'm still not crazy about the Prince's hair but the rest is wonderful and the touch of red is just perfect, so dramatic and powerful! The princess is very beautiful and Sir Ben makes a really scary and believable villain. Are they really gonna tease us like this with bits of information for another 10 months?! Argh!!!

    It's weird to think of Jake's image on all that merchandise. Will we have little Princes in cereal boxes like Heath with the Joker? I don't know if I'll buy the Lego set but if there's an action figure or a doll, I know I won't be able to resist. And I'd love a T-shirt. I could use it as a nightgown and say I'm sleeping with Jake. :DDD

    Nice Jake and the moon post. The first reference I thought of was the 2 full moons on Brokeback and Ennis feeling like he could paw the white off the moon. Can you tell I'm a Brokie? :D

    Have a nice day everyone!


  20. Hi Olympia! I'm glad you enjoyed the moon post - I knew as soon as I wrote a long post there would be new exciting pics - but so worth it!

    I love the red too :D Very striking. And yeah! They are gonna tease us to within an inch of our sanity. OMG a PoP night shirt... Hmmm, I could get Mr WDW one too :D I'm gonna start clearing space for a whole lot of PoP Jake products!

  21. POSTERS!!!! They look awesome!! So exciting...woohoo. Things are really gearing up. :D

    Jake looks so much like pics of the video game character and I still get annoyed at folks who are saying he doesn't look right for the part. Hello...he looks just like one of the games Daston's.

    Gemma looks beautiful and Sir Ben looks appropriately scary.

    Yesterday Pres. Obama had the astronauts who did the first moon landings at the White House. I hope we get renewed interest in the space program and NASA. Maybe the next trip could be to Mars!

    Have a good day everyone. Raining hard here. :/

  22. Hi Get Real! It's been chucking it down here all day too - horrible...

    I watched the press conference at the White House yesterday with Obama and those three amazing men. Fascinating stuff. I hope this sparks off interest again too.

    With all this rain, it's good to focus on Persia and its hot:D

  23. I really, really adore this poster, it's just outstanding. His hair is perfect, I love the silver bead, and I was hoping, hoping that the goatee worn by the videogame Dastan would suit Jake, and it does! He looks like Jake, but so very exotic. It's great - I love them all! :)

  24. Pention McGillicuddy...from County Cork21 July 2009 at 19:59

    Whew, WD! He's fierce and rough and intense and doesn't quite cover it...but I love it to pieces. It's just the right, absolutely perfect look.

    I've been out of pocket so to speak. We had a huge family reunion with all 52 branches of the McGillicuddy clan and as usual, controversy ensued. This time Dastan and his poster were the trigger.

    It seems the Persian branch now wants to claim Jake, (even tho heretofore, no McGillicuddy ever has!) and since we were all staying at their ski resort in the Himalayas we had to play nice.

    But then the Swedish contingent, the Israeli contigent, a Russian Jewish McGillicuddy branch now residing in Uzbechistan, I'd never met before, raised quite a ruckus! American McGillicuddys were NOT helpful.Yes, I'm toalking to all of you from the region of Manhattan Island vs. the McGillicuddys from a region encompassing Ojai, Beverly Hills, and allll the way up into Marin County on the Left Coast. You all raised quite a ruckus. The McGillicuddys from Martha's Vineyard were just there pouting, and Sheeesh! A real mess, ya know?

    Then some lady from Tennessee came up, along with a whole huge clan of people who were retired military (USA, USA!) and THEY insisted Jake "belonged" to them now. Percival McGillicuddy, from Washington, D.C. was the only sane person at the reunion. He was telling us a lovely story about Jake meeting President Obama recently and getting into a really cool conversation about arugula.

    Someone on another thread posited that "Nailed" might come out sometime in 2010, after Oscar, but before PoP. They are conferring with Terrence McGillicuddy about the soundtrack. Hope everyone is having a lovely summer. I'm due for less excitement now I'm back home.

  25. Hi Anon! I never expected to find Jake so sexy as the Prince, with the long hair of the game prince. But I really do - I love how they've done it. This poster is my new wallpaper and when I turned my laptop on this evening it gave me a wonderful jolt to see it again :)

    Hey it's the McGillicuddy clan! I've missed you - and what a lot of you there are... You're rigt, sexy doesn't quite cover it - this is something else. Jake as the Prince - sigh... I can see why such images have divided and united families. And now the Prince has put Jake out there for the whole world to enjoy :)

  26. I thought he was so adorable in Oct Sky. I think it will always be one of my fave movies (being it was the first time I ever saw Jake)

    and of course the 2nd time being BBM (my absolute fave of Jake's films he's made as an adult)

