June, 2004: 'Star can exclusively report that Gyllenhaal, 23 -- best-known for his roles in The Good Girl, with Jennifer Aniston, 35, and Donnie Darko -- beat out actors like Ashton Kutcher, 26 and Brendan Fraser, 35, to play the Man of Steel. Headshots of potential actors were on a wall under the characters' names in the film's production office, says an insider, adding: 'They used to have all these possibilities under Superman/Clark Kent. Now, there's only one headshot: Jake Gyllenhaal.''

July 2, 2004: 'Moviehole talked to a representative for actor Jake Gyllenhaal who confirmed that the actor is still in the running to play The Man of Steel. "Yes, Jake is being considered for 'Superman.' The WB was so impressed by Jake's strong second place showing for the run for Batman among the fan community and the Yahoo polls that he's being considered for the Man of Steel", the source says. "Since that project is still waaaay up in the air, I don't think there's a definite short list though some of the original Batman contenders would be on there. Jake pumped up for Batman and he was smart enough not to let the new bod go to waste."'

August, 2004: 'Meanwhile at last night premiere of the Exorcist that was held at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood IESB's very own Jeff Girard was able to speak to Big Brother's Nathan Marlow who recently auditioned for the role of Superman. " I auditioned for the role of Superman, you know it's kind of funny, I went in there and Jake Gyllenhaal was right in front of me and Josh Hartnett was coming in after me, I was surrounded by all these "A" list actors but I went in and auditioned for it and the casting director liked me but I think that I got to get away from all the reality buzz to be considered for Superman, the casting director is also the same one for X-Men 3 so I'm hoping to maybe get a part in that one" Marlow told the IESB.'

And now there's the chance that all may be starting up again as plans get underway to awaken Superman once more and there's no Brandon Routh in sight and Jake continues to tantalise on the horizon: 'Someone who certainly is no stranger to the silver screen, Gyllenhaal would add a huge boost in star power and name recognition to a Superman project. Gyllenhaal wouldn’t need much work to be physically ready for the film; consider his work in the film Jarhead, and he can certainly handle a demanding role, physically or emotionally, as seen in both The Day After Tomorrow and Brokeback Mountain. Imagine the buildup and anticipation with an actor of Gyllenhaal’s stature attached to a project with this much behind it!'

Jake: 'I think that the metaphor of the superhero is a really amazing one. When you play those roles you get in the suit and the suit plays itself, so if I were to play one of those roles I would be interesting in bringing myself to it. But then the fear is that then you become that thing and you're stuck with it. I would love to if it was great and I really believed in it and I felt like I could spend many months of my life devoted to it and then talking about it.'

Talking of comics, Disney has announced its line-up for this month's Comic-Con in San Diego: 'Oddly missing from their line-up is anything on Mike Newell's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time movie. Although you can be certain that Disney has got a few surprises in store for fans attending both of these presentations. Maybe we'll get to at least see the trailer for Prince of Persia during one of these panels at some point, I hope?' We all hope.

Includes pictures from IHJ.
Oh God I am so so so so so glad he was not Superman. Oh that would be appalling! Even spiderman and batman would have been better - but only just! God how unbelievably dull those roles would have made him - as interchangeable as a teen heart throb.
ReplyDeleteNice pics with Downey tho, never seen them.
Good night, wet dark!
POP is enough!
POP in Brazil: 04 June!
I will wait a week!
Hey TD! Me too - absolutely. I am no fan of superhero movies (bar Iron Man) and want Jake a million miles from them but I still like to hear people say how great he'd be in films that they enjoy. This was a great excuse to post pics of Jake with some superheroes :D (or superbaddies in Franco's case, I s'pose).
ReplyDeleteNight Monica! That's so good, PoP has a date for Brazil and not a long wait either :D
I hope everybody's had a good day - been a long one :/
Noooooooooooo! Just NO NO NO.
ReplyDeleteSuperman wears underwear OUTSIDE his pants/tights/trousers! Jake should have no part of that.
Enough of this nonsense. Superman was never cool. Unlike... erm, Jake :)
no.no Superman thanks.he's the most boring superhero.and his costume is hideous.i can only see Jake as Spiderman.he would have been great.but i'm glad Tobey did it.i really like Tobey's Peter Parker.(except the 3rd movie,that one was horrible)
ReplyDeletesuperhero movies lost their appeal to me.though the Wonder Twins cameo would have been nice.(emphasis on cameo)
Hi Winterbird! Jake wearing undies on the outside? NO WAY!
ReplyDeleteHey Gretchen :D I like the idea of a cameo... (in Iron Man perhaps). I was intrigued by the Wonder Twins too :D
I'm not a superhero movie kind of girl myself. I really enjoyed Iron man though, RDJ was excellent in it, but I would never have watched Batman if it weren't for Heath.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd like it better if Jake played a vilain, it seems like a more interesting kind of role and we've never seen him play a really bad person (Tommy looks like a bad boy but with a good heart). Although having seen how good Jake can look in spandex, can you imagine a whole movie of him in a very tight fiting costume... Not sure I would survive it! :D I still don't know how I'll be able to handle all that shirtless Jake in POP!
Sorry you had a long day, WDW, I hope your evening was better. :)
I don't know about Superman either - I'd have to think about it. I love Spiderman, and Ironman, I was surprised at how much I loved Ironman, so you never know I guess, but Spiderman is something special, to me. Can't wait for PoP tho. It's sounding better and better all the time! :)
ReplyDeleteMorning all! Gorgeous out there :D
ReplyDeleteI do agree, Olympia. I would never have seen TDK without Heath and Maggie in it and I doubt I'll ever see a Batman again. I've never even seen Spider-Man. I did see Superman though (because of Kevin Spacey) and quite enjoyed it.
I like the idea of Jake playing a villain too - I think he'd enjoy it. A movie full of Jake in Spandex may be too much, although I'm still hoping for Spacesuit (the close fitting type) Jake in the Moon thing :D
Morning Bertie! I loved Iron Man too :D Totally unexpected and I loved the way that it played with the genre. I even liked Gwynnie in it! I can't wait for PoP :D
Have a good day everyone - I'm so glad it's Friday!
Jake as a villain - OK. Jake in Iron Man with RDJ - muuuch better!
ReplyDeleteHappy weekends!
Hi TD! Bring on Villain Jake :D And Villain Jake in Iron Man - even better!
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, WDW now works as blogspot.com and just as .com - this may affect bookmarks but hopefully it should be ok :D
Good morning, wet dark!
ReplyDeleteDid not affect my favorites.
You saw the second part of Natalie's interview with Jim Sheridan?
Hi Monica! Glad it's working ok for you. I have seen that but the feed is very jumpy. I love Jim's accent :D
ReplyDeleteYou visited the site show bizz sky today?
ReplyDeleteHe's so hot!
I have, but the video for that doesn't work for me either! I need to get back home to see it - sounds like the paps are being dumb again... Great to see Jake though! I hope they'll be pictures so I can see him proerly :D
ReplyDeleteNice post WDW! No effect to my favorites either (and how did you know we had WDW in our favorites...LOL)?! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove all the Jake/RDJ Pics!!
Monica, did Jim talk about Jake in the second part of that interview? If he did, I hope he was a little more complimentary this time. Jeez. :(
Jake looks great in that very quick video..."Nice video camera man"...oh how I love that attitude! No anger, no sour expression, just a quick smiling comment and then move on. I hope he remembers that THIS is the best way to handle the paps. That way HE doesn't go insane trying to fight them off and WE get more pictures of Jake...it's a win/win situation!!
Just my opinion...I know there are lots of different opinions out there about Paps!
It's finally sunny in New England...just thought I'd announce that!
The video doesn't work for me. He always returns to the top.
ReplyDeleteIn the video Jim Sheridan talks about performance!
Summer is here too. I bought some bikinis!
Hi BMMISwear :D I always live in hope! :DD
ReplyDeleteI finally managed to see the video but no sound... I progress in small movements. I do like to see Jake with a smile. And I totally agree - there's no point being snarley with paps - it all only lasts a few seconds. And hopefully they'll behave better.
Great to hear it's sunny in NE! It was getting better here and then I saw the weekend forecast - ugh.
Ooh, can we have some of your sun, Monica!
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon all. The rain is bucketing down today but at least it's Friday at last:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad Jake didn't end up doing any of those superhero movies. Although saying that I would have liked to have seen him sharing the screen with James Franco. Thanks for the pic of them together WDW:)
I wouldn't have an ounce of interest in PoP if it wasn't for Jake. I'm probably looking forward to Brothers more than PoP but I'd say that will change once we get a trailer.
Just saw thar paparazzi video on Sky showbiz. It was a bit jumpy but Jake looked very hot in it:)
Have a great day:)
Ironman was an exception to the rule though. I enjoyed every minute of it much to my surprise and can't wait for the sequel.
Yes, can't believe the sun is back in NE, in time for the weekend! I forgot to add that I absolutely looooooooved Batman, especially with Heath's Joker. When you have such great actors in these superhero movies, like Heath, Christian, RDJ, Gary Oldman, and Tobey, it really takes them to a different level. Gary Oldman made the most amazing and soulful Commissioner Gordon ever. Enjoy that sunshine, all!
ReplyDeleteHi Carol! Sorry to hear about the rain :( I think, like you, I'll take the rain if it means a weekend - I'm very ready for it.
ReplyDeleteI love that pic of Jake with Franco. I'd like to see them act togetehr too. You're just like me with Ironman - I'm looking forward to the second :D
Hey Bertie! I hope you enjoy a sunny weekend :D I think for these films cast makes all the difference to give them an edge. TDK was a perfect example.
If it's going to be a wet weekend here, I need a movie to see and the only one I'm slightly interested in is Ice Age 3!
I saw Ice Age 3 in 3D and really enjoyed it. It's a kids movie but they put in a lot of jokes for the adults too. Is Up playing in Britain yet? You should see it if you can, I think you'll like it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with BBMISwear, that's the attitude Jake should have with the paps whenever possible. It's nice to see him smiling instead of frowning. And he looks good!
Have a good day everyone, it's Fiday!!!
Sometimes the paps don't say much and sometimes they are rude, hateful and sometimes Jake has taken it and sometimes he is bothered by it...the thing is you never know each time it happens just how they are going to be. If we were walking down the street or getting in our car & there were people around taking our picture and making comments to us that might be insulting and it happened more than one time, being a human being there are going to be days when you just don't want to take it. But none of us has had that happen in our lives so its hard to gage just how we would react if it happened as a "regular" part of our lives.
ReplyDeleteHi Olympia! Thanks for that I think I'll go ahead and see it - I did enjoy the others and I love, love dinosaurs :D Up's not out here yet as far as I can tell. Agree about the paps :)
ReplyDeleteHey Anon :) It certainly can be a tricky thing and on the whole Jake copes with it very well. You're right about a lot depending on mood and also the attitude of the pap. Fortunately Jake knows the trick of avoiding them much of the time.
New pics, new post - new poster!
I like it when Jake is grinning and teasing the paps a bit (like walking backwards to his car). I think his hair looks great in that Intelligentsia series. It looks as if he had his hair frosted, though that might just be a trick of the light. Jude Law's hair does that, too.
ReplyDeleteIf Jake makes a superhero movie, I'll go see it. If he makes a movie about a sanitation engineer, I'll go see it. I hope he never plays a serial killer, but if he does, I'll go see it. Do you see a pattern here? ;-)
The thing is, "The Dark Knight" featured a number of very fine actors who could beneift from the exposure. Eric Roberts, for instance, who at one time was as well known as his sister Julia. His career tanked recently. Mickey Rourke made some mention of his deserving better roles during the last awards season. But billions of people will have seen TDK, and they will see Heath and Maggie and Eric and all sorts of other fine actors. It's a good thing. But generally, I have little use for the character of Batman. Hollywood has all that money to throw around, and all those CGI gimmicks, and they waste it on retreads of superheros that have been overdone already? Doesn't give me much hope, really.