Sunday, 9 August 2009

Movie making risks: 'It's a person's choice to see a movie'

Back at the tailend of 2005, Jake Gyllenhaal's career took another shift of direction, rewarding audiences with more sides to Jake the actor. The Day After Tomorrow had been a surprise to some, and now, the three-setter of Brokeback Mountain, Jarhead and Proof, would surprise and astound many. The success of the first two in particular must have given Jake a wealth of those pinch-me moments that he's spoken about.

Here is a Q&A that Jake conducted with the Orange County Register a few days before Jake's 25th birthday. In it, Jake talks about the demise of Buff Jake, why Brokeback never fails to make people cry and how risktaking shapes a career and leads to these changes in direction.

'OCR: Where's buff Jake?
JAKE GYLLENHAAL: Buff Jake's gone. Fincher told me I had to lose 10 pounds on each arm because I'm playing a cartoonist.
OCR: How sad.
GYLLENHAAL: Yeah, it was emasculating. I really enjoyed being buff.
OCR: How do you get un-buff?
GYLLENHAAL: Have two movies come out in less than a month, and you'll lose the weight out of sheer excitement and sitting in hotel rooms talking endlessly about them.
OCR: And I imagine you stopped lifting?
GYLLENHAAL: I stopped lifting weights and started running a lot.'

'OCR: Congratulations on the strong opening weekend of "Jarhead." How do you think "Brokeback Mountain" is going to play to mainstream audiences?
GYLLENHAAL: I don't know. But journalists seem to be moved by it. I even had one journalist apologize for referring to it as "the gay cowboy movie" before he saw it.
OCR: Is that "gay cowboy movie" moniker a problem?
GYLLENHAAL: I think everybody has made a judgment on it, whether they're people who support it and are excited about it coming out, or they're people who think it's something other than what it is. It elicits a real mixed bag of emotion, but most of it is positive. A lot of people tell me they cried when they saw it.
OCR: Why did they cry?
GYLLENHAAL: I think they feel that the movie gives a real sense of what love is, what intimacy is and how complicated it all is. It's about loss and regret and compassion. I think people are moved by that.'

'OCR: Are you hoping it doesn't scare some other people?
GYLLENHAAL: No, I hope it scares people.
OCR: What if it scares them so much that they won't go to see it?
GYLLENHAAL: I know that some people are going to have a big problem with it, and that's OK. That's the nature of the way things are.
OCR: And that doesn't bother you?
GYLLENHAAL: Not at all. I understand. I had friends who said they couldn't see "Jarhead" because war movies upset them. I'm not going to force them to see anything by telling them it's a different kind of a war movie. It's a person's choice to see a movie. People have issues, and can't get past them. I'm not going to pass judgment on those people.
OCR: Do you consider "Brokeback Mountain" a risky career move?
GYLLENHAAL: My whole thing is that if a role isn't risky, why do it?'

'OCR: Speaking of risks, what was a nice indie actor like you doing in a big studio disaster movie?
GYLLENHAAL: I love those kind of movies. It was fun. But I also think it was political. I see something political in every movie I do.
OCR: Did you catch any flak from your actor friends?
GYLLENHAAL: Oh yeah. Some of them said, "How could you do such a thing?"
OCR: What did you say to them?
GYLLENHAAL: I told them that I think Robert De Niro is a genius in "Raging Bull," but I also think Will Smith is a genius in "Independence Day." Good acting is good acting; it doesn't matter what kind of a movie it is. A movie that makes a lot of money can be as rewarding as a movie that doesn't make any money.'

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. Night all! I hope everyone had a good day :)

  2. Just want to let everyone here know that a trailer for Parnassus is now up on Yahoo. Haven't seen it yet but a friend has told me it looks really good. Release date details are October 16th.

    Hope everyone has a good evening:)

  3. Morning Carol! Thanks for the info, I'll take a look.

    Have a good day everyone :)

  4. Good morning everyone!

    Here is a Chilmark picture of Jake reaching the finish:

    Jake picture

    Thanks to Monica!

  5. Thanks Carla and Monica! I was refreshing that site for ages last night! I thought they might not show them. Now there's a happy runner :D

  6. He looks very cute, and full of personality. :)

  7. Hi there Anon :) When I saw that my first reaction was, there's someone born to be on the stage!

  8. LOL! Love the finish line picture! He's so goofy! :D

    Thanks for another new interview to me, WDW. I wish I had known of Jake before BBM came out, it would have been a blast to watch and read his interviews in real time, like when Zodiac and Rendition came out. It's so fun to follow him during promo times, even waking up at one in the morning to watch him live on Conan. I can't wait for Brothers to come out, it's been so long since we had a "Jake week"!

    Have a good day everyone!


  9. Hi there Olympia! Goofy Jake, all right - I love it! Love to see Jake playing with the crowd :)

    I miss promo time too - it feels like it's been years! Well, it nearly is... I remember those late nights when I was in LA for all the Zodiac promo. Just exhausting and so, so exciting :) But, it won't be too long now. We could do with a Jake Week :D

    I hope you're having a good day too *)

  10. "It's a person's choice to see a movie. People have issues, and can't get past them. I'm not going to pass judgment on those people."

    I love it when Jake says things like that.

  11. Jake's picture does not come up on the link that FL posted. I see all the others of Naomi, Deacon but not Jake. :( Does anyone remember what number his photo is so I don't have to scoll through every pic...thanks. Would love to see him running!

  12. I love that too, Paul - and I really like that statement. We all have our prejudices and tastes when it comes to movies, and sometimes we get a real surprise, but you can't make someone go and see a film. It's an interesting statementt :)

    Hi Get Real :D I don't know which link you're referring to but having had a look at the photographer's site, it looks like he's taken Jake's pic down for whatever reason.

    update: He's sold it to Splash so no wonder he moved it. Since he's sold it I'll include it in the post.

  13. Thanks, WDW, that makes sense. I just saw it at Popsugar with an adorable pic of Jake taking a photo. :D

  14. It does, Get Real :) I'm glad he made some money from it. I've put the pics in the new post!
