Thursday, 12 November 2009

Jake Gyllenhaal to film 'Trip of a Lifetime' (aka UMP) in Eastern Europe? And you can go too! Brothers Oscar buzz and U2's Winter

If you have enough of the green stuff (or, if you're in Britain, purple stuff with some silver, a bit of blue and maybe some dark grey bits) you could bid for a day on the set of the new Doug Liman production. Not only that, you could get to flutter your eyelashes and test your chat up lines on its star, Jake Gyllenhaal!

Yes, there is a new auction up and running and it's important for several reasons (aside from the fantastic oppportunity of being able to distract Jake from his next shot with your 'I love you, Jake' tattoo): 1) This movie may still be going ahead after all (at a time to be determined); 2) It's no longer Unnamed - it's 'Trip of A Lifetime' (I think I prefer UMP); 3) Part of it is to film in Eastern Europe. Full details here - on the understanding that if you bid and win you have to take me. Вы понимаете меня? (apologies if that was accidentally rude...)

Brothers has had another TV Spot which you can see here (thanks Monica!). There's little new in it but it does strengthen my view that, as far as this film's trailers go, less is more. It also has more kissing in it - I like that in a trailer.

Brothers is starting to gather that sweet aroma of Oscar fever (a reference to Jake's appearance on Heart FM a couple of years ago). One site has seen a confirmation of category placements and this is what we see:

Maggie Gyllenhaal - Crazy Heart - LEAD
Seth Rogen - Funny People - LEAD
Meryl Streep - It's Complicated - LEAD
Alec Baldwin & Steve Martin- It's Complicated - SUPPORTING
Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince - pulling the same campaigning as "The Departed," it has it listed as For Your Consideration 'THE ACTORS'
Max Records - Where the Wild Things Are - LEAD
Tobey Maguire - Brothers - LEAD
Jake Gyllenhaal & Natalie Portman - Brothers -SUPPORTING

So, not only do we have Jake Gyllenhaal, we have Maggie, and we also have that same old situation of Jake being in a Supporting category potentially up against some fine actors, including a brother-in-law and a co-star (Peter Sarsgaard and Alfred Molina). Perhaps they could share.

Another Brothers Oscar possibility comes from its closing song - U2's Winter. No argument here. Enjoy.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. Argh! They will probably be filming in Bratislava, huh? And probably long after I am gone again from here!!!!! Bastards, LOL!

    Sorry, very short comment today... Could just quickly scan the post... :D :D :D

  2. Eastern Europe is BIG. But Hungary is also part of it. Oh please God, make them shoot the movie in Hungary!!! I want to attend, be an extra or I don't know. I don't think I'll ever have another chance to see Jake in person...

    Why don't I have 10000 bucks to bid???


  3. Uli! I thought of you in Bratislava when I read this :D Good to see you!

    Hi there Livia! It is wonderful to think of Jake just being in your own timezone - I love it when Jake's in the UK. With you on the bucks problem...

  4. I also prefer the name UMP! LOL... Trip of a Lifetime sounds... err... like "A Trip to Bountiful" :P

    If they are going to film it in Eastern Europe and recreate moon there, they probably need to find a vast wasteland or moors... you know I think London's Olympic site looks just like that! They can film it here!

    Nice to hear all the Oscar buzz for Brothers... although I suspect Jake is again in a role that have equal screen time but got put under "supporting" role. Sometimes these rules are so strange.

  5. Hi Winterbird! Agreed - a trip of a lifetime is to the Maldives, not the Moon. I could recommend to Doug the old copper mine mounds of Anglesey and Wales - they filmed Dr Who and Blake's 7 there - surely, that'd be perfect!

    I have no understanding either of these lead/supporting decisions. Jake's character may well have equal screen time with Tobey's whiile also undergoing a more significant transformation. Clearly it's the studios that makes these decisions, not viewers. But the buzz is good!

  6. I don't think we've seen Jake in bed like this since he and Heath were in the bed at the siesta motel :D

    thanks as always for the update and now the name for the moon project movie.


  7. Hi Sweetpea :D Unfortunately, not much of Jake in a bed here :D I reckon, but I'm hoping I'm wrong, that's Tobey in the bed. Please, please may I be wrong! My pleasure!

  8. ^^^ oops, I forgot I had the picture of sleeping Jake in the post. But not quite up to Rendition standards :D

  9. With you all on the bucks problem...though I do think there are also some great locations in Ireland where the Moon could be recreated also!!!!

    That lead and supporting actor is a strategy which the studios use to maximise award winning success. It doesn't always reflect the amount of screentime or character development which happens to an actor over the course of a movie. Just reading the background to the story I would think Jake has a lot of screentime before Tobey's character returns.

    I love seeing Maggie on the list aswell. Really looking forward to seeing Crazy Heart.

    Fingers crossed U2 will get a best song nod.

  10. A great article about original Brothers:

  11. Hi there Carol! And there is even more Oscar buzz today :D I really hope U2 get an award for this wonderful song - I'm hoping that the soundtrack CD will be announced in December too.

    Hi Monica and thanks for the link :D I still can't see anything about the original Brothers - I have to wait!

    Have a good day everyone - new post.
