Friday, 6 November 2009

[Updated] Jake Gyllenhaal with an octopus on his head... And a Brothers puzzle. New PoP stills

[Update: Just saw this tweet: 'i will meet Jake Gyllenhaal and Toby Mcguire on Sunday at special Brothers movie premiere, that are my wknd plans ;)' By the sound of it this event (a media screening of sorts?) will be in LA. It would be good to know more - well, there's an understatement. Jim's spoken about premieres in NYC and Ireland - let's hope we hear soon.]

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear - this is a very naughty octopus indeed. I would like to hope that no Jake Gyllenhaal was harmed during the making of this video. No wonder that octopus has a smile on its face....

It may be worth noting that Jake's word in the video is 'separate' and, according to the Sesame Street episode guide, that word features on December 4. Hmmmm.... And doesn't a certain film come out on December 4? Many thanks to Stephanie at IHJ for finding this gem. And it taught me to spell a word - bonus!

Maggie was also given a surprise...

Time to Play a Game

Thanks to the new Brothers trailer that was released yesterday we have a Spot the Difference game!

Many thanks to IHJ for the screen caps and for Stephanie's eagle eyes!

Updated to add new official stills from Disney for the Prince of Persia. Source.

Carey Mulligan, star of An Education and as good as Oscared according to many critics, spoke a little about Brothers to the Independent today: 'In the UK, however, she will next be seen alongside Jake Gyllenhaal, Tobey Maguire and Natalie Portman in Jim Sheridan's Brothers. A US remake of the Danish film by Susanne Bier, it's been in post-production for some time. Mulligan notes "it feels like a million years ago" since she made it. She plays the wife of a soldier accidentally killed by Maguire's character. "It's a small part but Jim's very playful, and he slotted me into lots of the rest of the movie. We improvised that scene more than it was written. He's such an amazing film-maker. I want to work with him and play a bigger part, if I'm lucky enough, because he's so amazing. In America is one of my favourite movies."'


  1. Squee...can't get enough of all the Jake goodness going on!!! So much news...yay! And AWWWW, at Jake on Sesame Street. Can't wait to see the full episode. Great to see Maggie got in on the fun too. :)

    And yeah to all the Brothers news and OMG we have a topless towel scene.....swoon.

    Love it all. :D

    Have a great Friday everyone! And a big YEAH BABY to my Yankee's, World Series champs!!

  2. Hey Get Real! OMG it's so exciting!!!!! And now another Sesame St vid - I'm so happy Stephanie found this one, she's had to put up with me squeeing very loudly! And the towel pic - amazing.

    Congratulations to your Yankees :D

  3. Look, I love you WDW but for god's sake, I'm trying to work here! You and Stephanie have to stop finding and posting these videos and pics, they're gonna kill me or get me fired! :DDD I just had to fake choking on my coffee to explain to my boss the weird noises I was making and the laugh tears in my eyes! I almost got caught squeeing and laughing at a video of a guy wrestling with a giant purple squid! :DDD

    Why did they erase Jake's cigarette in Brothers' second trailer? It looks just plain weird and boy did they do a bad job on the second shot. They massacred Jake's beautiful mouth! I'm pretty sure people won't be traumatised by seing someone smoking, this is ridiculous.

    Don't tell my boss, I'm going to take another look at the guy with the squid...


  4. I know just what you mean, Olympia! I've been trying to fit in a series of meetings today while laughing at a man with an octopus on his head! I had to lock myself in my office so I could watch the vid! So I won't tell anyone if you don't....

    Getting rid of the ciggie like that is preposterous! Why have it in one and not in the other? Crazy... like that naughty octopus.

  5. wow.. that octopus sure is, err... clingy! LOL. Jake looks a bit dorky there, but very cute!

    still loving the Brothers ex-con look Jake! And unlike many other actors, Jake smokes like a real smoker (OK... we know he used to smoke), to risk being politically incorrect - I like the way he smokes, looks very cool and badass!

  6. I agree with winterbird, nothing wrong with Jake smoking on film... plus I'm sure the role demanded it.

    What a surprise to see Maggie too on Sesame Street... and that octopus really is the luckiest sea creature in the world!!!

    Long live dorky Jake :)))


  7. Loads going on again today:)

    Another Sesame St clip. Must check that out when I get home. Can't play those clips on my phone.

    You will never guess who was in my dreams last night after yesterday's excitement!!!

  8. Hi Winterbird! I love the 'clingy'! I love Badass Jake too :)

    Hi Paola! It seems ridiculous to edit out smoking once it's already been seen! That is the luckiest octopus going!

    I hope you get to see the clips soon, Carol :) There's so much going on - love it!

  9. All facets of Jake are on display here cool, dorky, cute, sexy, romantic, kick-ass ... need I go on. Great news about Nailed too WDW and it's bound to attract a lot of interest now that PoP is being promoted. Just need to see it. Jake, in all your manifestations you make one heck of a MAN :DD

    Well done to the Yankees too Get Real (my son wears his hat with real pride now).

    Just wanted to know though, could anyone tell whose legs were Natalie's and which were Jake's?

  10. Jake is so adorable on Sesame Street!
    I'm anxious to see his participation.

    In Contention
    It seems like USA Today’s Anthony Brenican is the only guy who got his votes in after the big “Crazy Heart”/Jeff Bridges news, but suffice it to say the film would likely be a bit higher on the Best Picture chart and certainly Bridges and Gyllenhaal would be formidable in the lead actor and supporting actress fields.

    I'm with my fingers crossed for these two great actors.

  11. HAHAHA he looks so damn cute in that second picture. So so young! <33

  12. oh this is SO cute. I love how Jake and Maggie are a part of Sesame Street. I bet Ramona will love seeing mom and Uncle Jake on her fave show.

    I thought someone said Jake's ep was going to air on Dec 11th? (that would be the first night of Chanukah btw)


  13. Caryteli bonnefacio McGillicuddy,philospher and art critic6 November 2009 at 19:57

    I'm glad you were sensible enough to make the main theme the very relevant towel clip. The subliminal message is that whether he is being groped by an octopus or or whether he is fondling his dagger, Jake' real, true sexy self is always lurking beneath. Yes?

  14. Hi Sheba! I like that - each of Jake's manifestations - and we've seen so many over the last week - is adorable. What a week! I'm wondering if we're being teased and those are Tobey's legs!

    Me too Monica! Thanks for the link - I'm looking forward to seeing Crazy Heart :)

    He really does, 19:08! I can't tell you how many times my heart's melted this week with all these videos and pictures :D

    Hi Sweetpea! I've been matching some of the celebrities and their words with the dates on the Sesame street episode guide (which has dates). Maggie's word is 'surprise' and her date is November 19th - they match. And with others too. So judging by that Jake's show would air on Brothers' release day in the US! I can't see any show with a date of 11 December - but they do repeat!

    Hi Caryteli :D Oh yes indeed! I feel that a shower scene is relevant to every film whether it's in it or not.

  15. Once again an extremely hectic day has kept me away from my computer and I come home and find MORE MORE MORE! I officially dub November 2009 Jake Month and the week of November 2, 2009 Jake Week. It's official. Can we even count the new Jake gifts we have received over the past week?!?! I am loving every minute of it (well, the minutes I can find the time to enjoy it). I have a lot of things to catch up on and have designated Sunday as the day. I may not even get out of my pajamas at this rate!

    I can't even put into words my reaction to the Sesame Street's blowing me away and, again, I keep thinking about the diversity of Jake. The extremes of PoP and Sesame Street just make me smile from ear to ear for some reason!

    That Brothers trailer thing is just plain weird but so much of this movie has been weird I'm afraid.

    Lovely new PoP stills...thank you for passing those on WDW! And Elmo doing his Prince imitation is amazing - LOL!!

    Well, I have about a half hour before I'm out the door again (will this week ever end?) so I guess I'll go check out all this great stuff...AGAIN.

    BTW...Where IS Jake?


  16. Just got to see the new Sesame St clip now. It's so cute. Nice to see Maggie there aswell. I hope that octopus realises how lucky it was......:)

    I hope we get to see Jake's episode in full over here. All these little clips are putting a smile on my face:)

    I read about the buzz surrounding Crazy Heart today too. Really looking forward to seeing that one. I hope that Maggie and Jeff Bridges get the recognition they deserve.

    Thanks for the inclusion of the shower scene WDW. I would urge you to include it as often as you possibly can!!!

    This has been a great week. I have been loving every minute of it.

  17. Hey BBMISwear :-) I hope your week calms down on Sunday and you get plenty of time to soak it all up. I feel like I need to stand still and digest too :) I think this could be the first Jake week of many over the next year! We'd better hang on... :D Yeay Elmo getting in on the act - wonder how he got in there... ;-) Yep, where IS Jake! Have a good evening!

    I'm glad you saw it, Carol! Yes, that octopus is probably going to live off this down the pub for quite a while! This week has given me so many core photos - I've changed my WDW avatar twice! It's been an amazing week. I wonder what Jake thinks of it all :)

  18. I read some positive comments about Brothers. The trailer attracted interest from people.

    So anxious to see Carey in Brothers. I would love to see her on the scene with Jake, but I think she will have only one scene with Tobey.

  19. Hi Monica! It's good to see some buzz, that's for sure!

    Just saw this tweet: 'i will meet Jake Gyllenhaal and Toby Mcguire on Sunday at special Brothers movie premiere, that are my wknd plans ;)'

    This can't be 'the' premiere, but possibly some kind of big media event - it would be great to know more and hear a little about the premieres Jim spoke of for NYC and Ireland. Sigh - the waiting game. The not knowing...

  20. Hi Monica :) I doubt this is a public premiere - more like a media screening/event at a studio. Publicity would be good - pics of the cast together?

  21. Maybe.
    I think I will need moderators to help me in my forum about Jake.

  22. Caryteli bonnefacio, etc....7 November 2009 at 00:51

    " I feel that a shower scene is relevant to every film whether it's in it or not."

    WDW!!!! My third cousin twice removed was once so adamant about this very thing, she wanted a clause with that exact wording (or similar) placed in all Jake's movie contracts. We called her The ShowerLady.( :) )

  23. This latest Sesame Street clip with Jake is adorable - Maggie's too.

    I'm really looking forward to Crazy Heart - just my kind of movie. :)


  24. Morning Monica!

    Hi Caryteli! I remember discussing the very same thing here, and we were unanimous :D I'm very encouraged that Jim Sheridan heard us. I also demanded numerous deleted scenes for each DVD including the requisite naked shaving scene. I'm hoping that LAOD will meet our demands, Ed.

    Morning Bertie :D It'll be good to see Maggie - in that little 'surprise' clip I couldn't believe how much she looked like Jake :D I want to see Crazy Heart too. It's going to be a busy December...

    Have a good day! I'm off to London for a spot of good company, fine dining, luscious wines and Jaking! I won't be eating octopus.

  25. Good morning! I haven't had the time to be around here lately, but I enjoyed catching up with all the wonderful new trailers and pics and everything!!!!

    Jake is almost too cute to handle in the clip with the octopus!!! And he looks so young! Did anybody turn back the time??

    I love how you managed to sneak in the towel pic several times! You sure got your priorities straight, WDW!!! :D :D :D

    And I am getting more and more excited about PoP - I really like the trailers... And the interaction between Dastan and Gemma's character (uhoh, bad fan, can't remember her name...). ;D
    And how lovely that Elmo also got a part in PoP as the keeper of the dagger while Dastan is occupied with other stuff or the princess...

    It's Pine Creek day today - time to remember our boys and what brought me (and probably many others here) to Jake... *sighs*

    Have a lovely day and weekend everyone!!!!

  26. *waves at Uli*
    Nice to see you here, Uli.

  27. Hey Freetraveller!!! *waves back*

    I hope my avatar made you smile! ;D

    And hugs back at you!!! :)

  28. Of course it did (make me smile), even better, it put a big grin on my face!
    Take care, Uli

  29. Good morning everyone! And according to Mr WDW, I 'don't look to bad considering' :D A fabulous day - but c'mon tube service!!!! It was a lovely day for a long walk which is just as well....

    Uli! Good to see you here :D I hope you get some quieter time. Jake looks so young and adorable, he really does. We toasted Pine Creek yesterday as well as lots of other things!

    Hi Paola! Hope things are good with you :D Notice I'm not mentioning 'The Avatar' - ahem...

    Have a good day everyone :D
