Thursday, 5 November 2009

[Update] Jake Gyllenhaal sings for Sesame Street! A new trailer for Brothers! Includes a 'Jake Gyllenhaal wearing a towel' scene

[Update] You go two years with very little new Jake stuff and then it all happens in a week! We now have a video of Jake Gyllenhaal singing - repeat, SINGING - as part of Sesame Street's birthday celebrations. You can watch the video here!

If this doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will - and then you can cool off with the Jake in a Towel pic from the new Brothers trailer below. It's all too much.... Many, many thanks to Stephanie from IHJ, she found this one during our swap of videos this evening! Jake's in this more than once, so keep watching. Make sure you watch the end!

New Brothers Trailer

We have been crying out for publicity for Brothers and today we have a new trailer. It's shorter than the first, but it has new scenes in it, new levels of tension and excitement. It also has snowball fights and, deep breaths, a scene with Jake Gyllenhaal straight out of the shower, just as we asked for almost two years ago - Jim, you heard us!

Please give us more!


BBMISwear said...

HOLY S*%T!!!!

Be back soon....


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Aaarrrgggh! I can't cope! Is it wishful/fond thinking to think that Brothers are trying to keep up with PoP a little bit? About time!

Anonymous said...

Woowee! Very nice! I think this movie will be a little heavy for my taste at times but I will gladly stand it to see that adorable (there's that word again!) snowball fight scene and that very sexy shower scene.

My word is mosess. Holy Moses is right! Thank you Jim for that hot half-naked Jake. I'm still dispointed there's no shaving scene, though. :)

Boy, things are moving fast in Gyllenland these days!


Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Olympia! It does look heavy but there are certainly some compensations! I saw this trailer and I laughed because I remember how much we were insisting on the naked shaving scene - and some showering, and Jim has given us some of what we want :D I like that it made the trailer.

Very fast!

Carol said...

OMG....the shower scene

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi Carol! YES! we get the shower scene!

Carol said...

I can't believe it. Thank you so much Jim Sheridan for making me very happy:) I never imagined we were actually going to get the shower scene.

Hopefully this is the start of the full blown publicity machine for this movie.

Thanks so much for keeping us up to date with everything thats going on WDW.

Monica said...
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Monica said...

I waited so long for this? This trailer is very bad!
This film is a drama and not a horror movie!

Carol said...

How cute is that Sesame Street clip:) It really does put a smile on your face watching it. Nothing beats Sesame St to take you right back to when you were little.

I wonder when Jake's episode will be aired and hopefully we will get to see it.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hi there Monica :) I'm sorry you don't like it at all - it's just a minute long and compacts much of the same material from the first trailer. I think a big part of the trouble with Brothers isn't the film itself but with the way it's been marketed - they just don't know how to present it. The film won't be a horror film. I think we should have faith in the film, its actors and Jim Sheridan and take the 'publicity' with a big pinch of salt. I hope so :)

I know, it's too good to be true, Carol! And now Jake singing too! Like you, I was transported right back in time. This week we have seen so many Jakes - my heart is full and my bloggyness is worn out!

Monica said...

you read the test screening of the movie?

Wet Dark and Wild said...

I've read about several screenings over the last year and I think this film has changed repeatedly. I'm not worried about the film - I'm worried about how it's being promoted :/

Carol said...

The first trailer that was released for Brothers seemed to give too much of the movie away and this one is trying to make up for that I think.

The movie will be fairly intense and emotional which is probably too much all at once in a short trailer. I have a feeling it will be the type of movie which is going to take us on an emotional rollercoaster. I get the feeling it may be a bit like In America.

Night to all here. I still can't believe all that has turned up this evening. We are definitely having exciting times at the moment and long may they continue:)

Anonymous said...

Wow, such wonderful Jake news - I just love him singing the Sesame Street song, and the Brothers clip, well, he's delish, and he's a dream in PoP. Brothers is the kind of story I know I will be become engrossed in, I love Jim Sheridan. But I can't wait to see him on Sesame Street. What a week!

Thanks, WDW!


Wet Dark and Wild said...

I definitely agree about the trailer, Carol! This one gives less away and has more atmosphere in it. I like that. I do prefer this version. The chest doesn't hurt... But seriously, I agree that this could be a rollercoaster. What a night!

Hey Bertie! Oh yes! What a week! we've seen so many Jakes, it's hard to keep up with him :) It's wonderful.

Monica said...

I was referring to the recent test screening.

I'm worried about how it's being promoted
Me too.

winterbird said...

Woohee! alternative trailer with towel wrapping scene... finally, someone in Liongate understands the importance of, erm, marketing. *g*

Jake in Sesame Street -

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Winterbird you are so right! Jake in a towel = good marketing! At last, they realise this :D

Jake was born to be in Sesame Street :) The jury is still out on the singing, however.

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Morning everyone! Friday! I hope everyone has a good one :D

Anonymous said...

OK, I don't know how much more of this I can take... I'm on the verge of an overdose of adorableness and I have no idea how I'm gonna watch him do a whole segment (or many if we're lucky!) of Sesame Street without turning into a drooling giggling mess...

What I love about the Sesame Street pictures and clips we've seen, besides the almost unbearable cuteness, is how much fun Jake seems to be having. I would pay good money to see the outtakes, I bet he got very silly. :)


Anonymous said...

Me too - it really is cute. Silliness can be fun, especially with children. :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my... Jake and furry animals, what a perfect combination. Cuteness overload :)
I don't think Jake sings badly, it seems more like all the other singers too sing a bit out of tune in that video?
Maybe it's intended?

The new Brothers trailer, I agree, has more atmosphere in it. I can't wait to see the film. On IMDB it says it will be released in Italy on 23 December, so I'll be able to see it when I'm there for Christmas...

Thank you, hugs

Wet Dark and Wild said...

Hey Olympia! I'm afraid you have to put up with even more! See the new post :DDD Jake wrestling with an octopus - ahem... Jake looks like he had a very silly time indeed - love it!!!!

Definitely, Bertie :D

Hi Paola! It's all too much... I bet Jake has a lovely singing voice and we know he loves to sing. This all just seems like a laugh. I'd buy the CD!

I agree about the Brothers trailer - but see the new post for its... editing :D I hope you can see it for Christmas *)