Thursday, 17 December 2009

Jake Gyllenhaal in West Hollywood, 16 December, and Source Code off to Montreal in early March

It's been a while since we've seen Jake Gyllenhaal out and about, but here are new pictures of Jake in West Hollywood yesterday, quite possibly doing what many of the rest of us are either doing or putting off doing - Christmas shopping. Jake is rather heads down here, which is hardly surprising because I doubt the paps are yelling out 'What do you want for your birthday, Jake?' Ten out of ten for the new Nike.

It's been confirmed that Source Code, Jake's next project, will begin filming in early March. It now has a location: Montreal. This is, of course, where Jake spent many months filming The Day After Tomorrow, so at least he should already have insider knowledge as to some of the best restaurants. Duncan Jones, the director, tweeted last night that he is already 'In pre-production up here in Canada for a film I am doing with Jake Gyllenhaal.'

Many thanks, IHJ, for the pics!


  1. Good morning everyone! Very icy out here, not like LA. have a good day!

    Good to see Jake again :D

  2. I'm so behind in EVERYTHING but have been loving the little bit I've been seeing when I do get on line for a bit! All the PoP stuff is gorgeous! Jake is Lookin' Good out and about in West Hollywood (and you're right, WDW, about what the paps are probably shouting...I can only imagine how sick he is of hearing that name at this point - LOL)!

    The new movie stuff is sooooo exciting as it just seems like this guy is going from movie set to movie set to movie set these days (exactly what we LOVE)! I'll meet you in Montreal one day Olympia!!!!

    Like I said, I'm quite behind but thanks for keeping me up to date on things WDW. I'm looking forward to the weekend when I can really indulge in all that's been on line, on my television screen and in the (upcoming magazines). What a nice break that will be!

    I'm off...see you here later at some point!


  3. Morning BBMISwear! Good to see you and I hope you're enjoying the catchup - all those PoP delights. Yeah, Jake should wear his iPod walking around to block the paps out. It's so good to see him though :D Hope things settle down for you at the weekend!

    Hmm, my word is loginer D

  4. There is a studio there, in Montreal,where 300 shot interiors, and green screen stuff,but I was thinking Jones will also be shooting in Chicago as well. Trains.

    (That's the awful part. Going out and having paparrazzi shouting things trying to get any kind of reaction even a kick in the arse!)

  5. Hi there Anon! I was wondering about Chicago. But I'm wondering if that is where the film is set, rather than where it will be filmed.

    Jake's good at ignoring them most of the time, thank heavens. It would be so good if the paps could just take a couple of nice pics and keep their mouths shut. Comes back to reality...

  6. I always love some grey on Jake :)

    ooh... Montreal, it's going to be cold cold cold! Maybe we can see a dashing cashmere wrapped Jake soon :)

  7. The story of the film is set in the cities of New Jersey and New York.

    He lost weight!

  8. His character in the Source movie is suppose to be thin. He is probably getting to a certain weight for it and then try to maintain that.

  9. Hey WDW

    I am so glad that it's been confirmed that Jake is doing Source Code. It sounds like an interesting picture and something for him to look forward to in the new year. (oh to be in Montreal in March)


  10. Hi Winterbird! he'll have to get those cardis and scarves ready! I really want to know who the female lead will be and wh else will be in it.

    Hi Monica :D I'm just wondering why Duncan Jones has been referring to Chicago. We shall see!

    Hi Anon! Yes, he'll be getting ready. And I think that explains the hair too. I think his arms still look gorgeously muscly though - sigh...

    It's good news Sweetpea!

  11. I think Jake looks a little thin too and was going to suggest he should go to a couple of his favorite restaurants and a have some good meals. I hadn't thought it could be for a role but I hope that's the reason. It must suck to be on a diet during the holidays, though.

    I would like to say the pictures look nice but I don't like seeing Jake looking unhappy. I bet it'll be a while before we see him smile on paparazzi pics. Those damn paps really should just shut up and take pictures. Maybe be polite and nice for a change? I'd actually love to know what he wants for his birthday, that's an excellent question! :) I can just imagine what kind of crap they've been telling him. >:(


  12. Hi Olympia :D It strikes me that Jake could have had a bit of an unpleasant time with diet this year - having to lose the muscle from PoP but not gain weight. He's done a good job. I hope he can let loose over his birthday and the holiday season - Jake deserves it.

    Yep, the paps won't make things easy. I love to see pictures of Jake, but yeah polite would be good! Fortunately, Jake does such a good job of avoiding them much of the time. I hope things will settle down very quickly.

    New post!
