Thursday, 3 December 2009

Jerry Bruckheimer answers my question about Prince of Persia and Jake Gyllenhaal!

A second post is definitely in order this evening because Jerry Bruckheimer has answered my Facebook Prince of Persia question about why he cast Jake Gyllenhaal! Thank you, Jerry for making my day, week. month...

And Jerry's answer: 'Jake Gyllenhaal is a fantsatic actor. he's handsome. He's someone I wanted to work with for a long time and we're very fortunate that he liked the script we sent him. And also he was available to do it so that's why we wanted Jake. You've also got to find terrific actors to be in your movies.' Can you see me smiling? I bet you can!

Do check out the previous post with new video interviews with Jake - much more significant than this post!


  1. Congratulations, wet dark!

    I left an information on Source Code in the previous posting!

  2. OMG "Katie" This is soooooo exciting!!! You must have almost fell off your chair when you saw this!!! Good for you!!! I like your question and I like Jerry's answer - what a day, what a week, what a month - Whooowheee!!


  3. Ha! This is so cool, congratulations!

    I love the picture of Tommy sitting in front of the fireplace. All those pics and interviews are starting to make me excited about tomorrow. I know I'll enjoy all the scenes with Jake and the kids but I'm still worried about the very heavy stuff. Anyway, I'm sure Jake's gonna be an excellent charming a**hole. :D

    I wanted to ask you, WDW, how long will your flight be?


  4. Hi Monica! Thanks!! I'm thrilled :DD Thanks for your comment on Source Code. I'm very happy to chat in both threads because this happened just after I posted it. There's so much going on in that one, I want people to read it and forgive my indulgence for this one :)

    Hey BBMISwear :-) OMG, you shhould have seen me - I saw the tweet and I thought 'hmmmm that sounds familiar!', rushed over there and gasped. Mr WDW had a moment's concern... Just so excited! As you might be able to tell...

  5. Thanks Olympia!

    Oh these pictures of Tommy - it makes me desperate to see it. It'll be a very emotional experience. I'm sure I'll sit there in the dark and go to pieces - for watching Jake and seeing such a film. I can't wait to hear how you get up.

    My flight there is almost 10 hours. I get to Orlando about 4pm Eastern time on Saturday :)

  6. A 10 hour flight to see a movie?! Now that's dedication! You should get a special Gyllenhaalic medal or something. :)

    I'll report after seing the movie tomorrow night. I'll be careful not to mention any spoilers but I can tell you if I liked it or not. And if Jake was good. I'd be surprised if he wasn't, though. And even if he's not, I'm sure I'll enjoy just the fact that I can finally see him again on a movie screen. It's been so long!


  7. I know! I don't want to hear anyone complain about how they have to drive to the next town to see it! But Jake and Florida winter sunshine is such a winning combination!

    That sounds perfect. I'll be so grateful if people, while I'm travelling, post what they think but leave out any spoilers, just as you suggest, Olympia. A lot of people have a wait still.

    I love the idea of arriving and reading what everyone has said!

  8. Wow, that's so exciting about JB answering your question, WDW!

    Jake looks really good in all these pics, really believable as Tommy! I can't wait to see it this weekend. Safe travels, WDW! :)


  9. That's great you got Jerry B to answer your question WDW. Love the answer:)

    In case I don't get back online over the next few days safe travelling. I will try to get online during my own travels. Looking forward to hearing and sharing all the reaction to Brothers.

  10. Wow, I can't keep up!! All the videos and and interviews and reviews, etc, etc are brilliant!!

    That DJake show was lovely and it was just wonderful to hear Jake talk so personally about his family, the music, which I loved to hear, and how that influences him. :)

    OMG, WDW how excellent that Jerry B. answered your question!!! :D

  11. Morning! Just did a new post for the JK show!

    Thanks Bertie :D

    have a safe trip Carol and I hope we hear from you on your travels :D I'm hoping we'll hear from me too!

    Hi there Get Real! Oh I loved that radio interview. There's one side to Jake and the JK is another - all adorable :D

    have a good day - and more goodies!
