Monday, 7 December 2009

'Partial tongue, mostly lip' - Jake's Gyllenhaal's sacrifice for the art of cinema

It's possible, unless you are a cardboard cutout, that the Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman kiss is a highlight of Brothers. With many thanks to IHJ for letting us all in on the interview, we have had some insight from Jake into this scene, which was clearly traumatic to film.

The 'kissing scene was like partial tongue, mostly lip. People don't realise Tobey lost all this weight for the movie, Natalie met with all the army wives and the things I went through, I had to kiss Natalie Portman at least ten times, all different angles. So [shrugs] the great sacrifices you make for the art of cinema.'

Brothers was the third biggest film at the US box office this weekend, behind New Moon and Blind Side, not bad going at all for an R movie such as this.

Shock Till you Drop has posted its list of the top horror movies of the decade, and Zodiac got a shout out, which is well worth repeating: 'While this title may not be straight-forward, traditional horror, it is a tension-filled and suspenseful masterpiece that is one of the decade's best films period. It is simply in a class of its own. The sequence with Jake Gyllenhaal in the creepy man's basement carries more trepidation than most horror movies in their entirety. The kill scenes are some of the best ever put to film. Even in broad daylight in beautiful California the killer is horrifying. Has the act of stabbing someone ever been done better? This is the kind of film that makes you look under your car and check under your bed. It is an unnerving and haunting picture that will stand the test of time and be talked about 50 years from now.'

Includes pictures from IHJ. Holiday tip: Avoid Disney World on a Sunday.


  1. I saw Brothers again today. As with most Jake films, the second time was more meaningful and I saw lots of little things I should have caught the first time round. Tommy Cahill is quite irresistable!

    I love this 'tongue clip'! Here's hoping some of these extra angles feature on the DVD :D

    I hope everyone had a relaxing weekend :)

  2. Lovely clip, WD! Wonder if the reporter realized Jake was being jokey, ironic?

    Natalie's had quite a bit to say about Jake over the past two weeks, WD.
    I can only recall them rather poorly.
    When asked to react to the "greatest of your generation" comment: "Jake certainly is. He is great." The one that really stuck for me was when she said he was "beautiful!" I'd love a compilation of Natalie's comments about Jake.

  3. Ah, yes, this "partial tongue, mostly lip" quote has definitely become one of my favorite Jake quotes!

    One thing is for sure...Jake seems to be really enjoying is his job lately! Lots of talk about kissing and nakedness and merkins and his lovely female co-stars. Glad to see him so happy! ;)

    Isn't the second viewing always a great one, WDW? I'm going for viewing #3 tomorrow. Tommy Withdrawals had me trying to fit it into today but that's not working out as planned. Never enough Jake, never enough.

    Have fun, WDW...don't forget to share some pictures!!


  4. A patterns has been established where I will see Jake in the theater two or three times, tops. Then wait for the DVD and watch it endlessly!

    Jake is always so complimentary to his co-stars! He was actually making fun of the journalist, I thought! She wanted to talk to him about...."the kiss." He failed to mention the research he did visiting and spending time in jail with prisoners, and didn't he start some writing workshop for them? And get one of them a part in the movie?
    Jake is a pretty special guy.

  5. Just wanted to add, that I think sometimes Jake gets bored or impatient with reporters and the same tired, predictable,unimaginative questions.

  6. Good morning everyone from a wet and warm Disney World - perfect weather for the movies!

    Hi 5:01! I love to hear Natalie talk about Jake. However jokey it is, it's obvious they love to work together and are great friends. The 'beautiful' comment was just lovely :)

    Morning BBMISwear :-) Viewing no 2 is so special, I'm rather looking forward to nos 3 and 4 too! I definitely spotted lots more this time and caught some significant things that I missed the first time as I was so tired.

    I love all these jokes we're getting from Jake about working with Natalie, Anne and just his exuberance. It's good to see him enjoying himself.

    I'm never sure people want to see my pics, but I may put up a couple - with my own take on WDW!

    Hi there 15:10! I'm so lucky, I can enjoy the film here for a week - it's just perfect for my holiday. The go home, miss Tommy and then enjoy it all over again at the end of January and then it shouldn't be too long to the DVD and then there's PoP! Fabulous!

    Jake was definitely having fun with the journalist. I always think there's plenty in this short snippets that we haven't seen. But yeah Jake is a very special guy and he can mix the humour and the seriousnes. I think he does get bored sometimes with the same questions but here he's having fun with it. I've got to say it's quite a contrast to all the talk of rendition last time round. I like that he can do both and I enjoy how he plays with questions.

    I hope everyone has a good day - despite being Monday... I wish you were here with me so that you can make me go on some scary rides. I'm avoiding 'It's a Small World' at all costs.

  7. LOL at the clip. How did Jake manage to keep a straight face saying those things? I expected him to crack up any second. :D I wish we could see more of this interview, he looks just gorgeous.

    I'm glad you're enjoying your holiday, WDW and I'd like to see pictures. But if I were with you I couldn't make you go on scary rides because I'm scared of them myself. I'm such a wuss! :)


  8. Morning Olympia! Maybe we'd have to stick with the non-scary rides :D I know, I don't know how he keeps a straight face either!

    I just put up the Inside Reel interview. No snogging questions in that one.
