Jake Gyllenhaal is the Prince of Persia. And Mike Newell is definitely out of the Disney woodwork now, talking about this movie of his, and his prince: 'Well, I’ll tell you what it was. I mean, I can tell you what it was; I don’t want to lose part of the audience, but I knew what the guy looked like, I knew the world that he was in, I knew about sixth century Persia, I knew that he was a fantastic athlete and I had the huge good fortune of having Jake Gyllenhaal, who was a good athlete but who worked his socks off. You can’t know how hard he worked to make himself the physical personification of that tiny little video game character. And there he is, he’s real and he can ride and he can fight and he can shoot and he’s a marvelous action hero as well as being the guy that we know from ‘Brokeback Mountain’, who’s a fabulous actor. I was very, very fortunate with Jake. And so, what I was aiming to do was to not produce a simple copy of what was in the video game, but I wanted him to look like that, I wanted him to be able to fight like hell, and I wanted him to be a great action character. And that’s what he gave me. Then, we were very careful about certain kind of key sequences, big sequences in the movie. There’s a sequence– there’s a pursuit in a market, there are several huge fights, there’s the taking of the town…'

'So the casting process, I never had any doubt. It was me that brought Jake in toward this. From the very first moment that I read it, I knew that he was, for me, the one to beat. I saw lots and lots of excellent people, but I never found anybody who beat my idea of the character, who did my idea of the character, better than Jake, and I convinced Jerry of that.'

Heat magazine has done it again! Yet again Jake Gyllenhaal is their Torso of the Week! The image they picked is much like their last Jake Torso tribute (September 2009) but this time they have left out the offending and oh so innocent B-A-T. Many thanks to a friend who alerted me to this honour in an email that had so many red flags and IMPT, IMPT, IMPTs all over it that I thought I'd won the lottery for a moment. Obviously, Jake's better...

Talking of honours, Maggie Gyllenhaal has today been attending one of the Oscar perks - The Luncheon. I have stayed in the Beverly Hilton on a number of occasions and I can say that its wine is Very Expensive. I hope these stars budgeted for an expensive do. Maggie posed with Peter Sarsgaard - and Carey Mulligan also looked just gorgeous.
During the luncheon, Maggie revealed some more advice from brother Jake about how to deal with Oscar hoopla: '"I hope this isn't too much of a downer, but the one thing he did say to me, before I was nominated actually, was, 'There isn't actually anything at the end of the rainbow, it's a lot of fun, just enjoy it'.' Next, Jake will be saying there's no Tooth Fairy.

I've learned a lot of things today, including the fact that people across the Americas are today celebrating The Carnival, especially the Mardi Gras. However, not to be outdone (although obviously it's not a competition) the English celebrate today with a little bit of flour, egg and milk and maybe a dash of lemon and sugar. Who says we don't know how to have a good time? Show me who and I'll make them a cup of tea. And no doubt we all remember Maggie's earlier Oscar allegations that Jake was so excited by her nomination that he made her pancakes that even Ramona wouldn't eat. Thanks to everyone for sending me their receipes, which are now part of a future GyllenProject. If you have anymore, do send them to me. I'm considering the ingredients of a Mardi Gras Pancake now.
I would like to finish this evening by saying that it has been commented upon that I show unfair favour for the ostrich whenever I post about the Prince of Persia. To counteract such a claim...

Includes pictures with thanks from IHJ and links.
Pheeeeew! I'm worn out now and no chance to make or eat pancakes until NOW! Do keep the recipes/tips coming on this Pancake Day - I'm working on a Project :D
ReplyDeleteLots and lots of maple syrup. That's my tip. Waitrose do a very nice organic Canadian one.
ReplyDeleteI love the expression on Jake's face. Almost looks like he is enjoying navigating the paps.
Great post!
ReplyDeleteEnlarge the pictures and I think you'll agree - it has WDW written on it. Oh yes.
I know what is written. Jake talked about this ring in an interview.
I can talk?
Hi Rubes! Noooooo Maple Syrup is the work of the pancake devil - it is not good....
ReplyDeleteJake has a lovely expression on his face - it's cos he's wearing my ring :D
Thanks Monica! Jake has talked about his rings before - and I know he has a Carpe Diem one and some others (like the ones his mum and Kirsten bought him with their legends) but this one looks new to me. But I could be completely wrong, I can barely recognise my own jewellery... I hope you can talk!
It was about what I was talking about. Can you see a D and I in the second picture, so it should be Carpe Diem.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the interview of Mike Newel. Amazing how he always believed in the potential of Jake for the film. Very good.
well at least HEAT is aptly named. I remember people comparing him to John Kennedy JR.
ReplyDeleteWhat is BAT? and IMPT?
Heat magazine has done it again! Yet again Jake Gyllenhaal is their Torso of the Week! The image they picked is much like their last Jake Torso tribute (September 2009) but this time they have left out the offending and oh so innocent B-A-T. Many thanks to a friend who alerted me to this honour in an email that had so many red flags and IMPT, IMPT, IMPTs all over it that I thought I'd won the lottery for a moment. Obviously, Jake's better...
Oh. Good, good Jake smile. Love it! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd LMAO at other parts of the post! ;D
Okay, here's my future brother-in-law's pancake recipe:
ReplyDelete- 1 1/4 cup of milk
- 1 cup of flour
- 4 to 6 eggs (he says 6 tastes the best but my cholesterol level tells me 4 would be fine)
- some melted butter (to taste, apparently, but I would guess no more than 1 table spoon)
- a pinch of salt
Blend everything and let it rest in the refrigerator for an hour. I have no idea how many pancakes it makes but it's probably less than 27. :D I prefer to eat mine with some butter and molasses or corn sirup. To eat as a dessert, some ice cream and a drizzle of chocolate sirup is delicious.
As a Canadian, I feel it's my patriotic duty to say that maple sirup would be good too but boy is that stuff expensive, even here and my province is the biggest producer in the world.
Is the guy with Jake the same as the one at the basketball game? I wonder who he is.
And about what's written on Jake's ring, WDW, I think you're having hallucinations. :DD
Ruby - should I send her my yoghurt-pancake recipe? ;)
ReplyDeleteI just ate my pancakes the simple but extraordinarily stodgy variety and one was burnt due to the Winter Olympics!!! So for that I blame Anna for beating us in the curling and Olympia for hosting the blasted things (your name is painfully appropriate this evening ...)
ReplyDeleteHey Monica! It does like a D and an I. I also think that could be the edge of a W :DDDDD
It's a great interview with Mike - I loved it. He's totally behind Jake, just like Jerry. It's so good to read.
Hi Sweetpea :) BAT is referring to the Bat in the other picture which caused so much trouble because in America it's called a paddle. IMPT is an abbreviation for important.
It's good to see, Anna! I'm glad I gave you a chuckle :D
Hey Olympia! That's a pancake recipe and a half - and I've got to say it frightens me.... 4-6 eggs???!!! I only put one in mine with that amount of flour and milk. What sort of pancake is this? Has it legs? Can it walk off the plate?
I always thought you used Maple Syrup like milk in Canada. I didn't realise it was pricey.
It looks like the same guy to me too but various people have emailed me this evening to say that the ears seem silmilar but the eyebrows seem different. I fear we may be looking at these pics too closely! I'll go and take another look... :D
Anna, please don't.... Yoghurt does not go on a pancake. It goes with fruit. This is written.
Yes Anna, send her the yoghurt pancake recipe. Those babies were gooood.
ReplyDeleteMaple syrup is nice on porridge too. It's one of those items we always have in the fridge. :)
BAT is what you hit a ball with. Some people (people who are wrong) call it a paddle, but that's what you use to steer a canoe down the rapids. ;-)
I have never used the abbreviation IMPT. I think WDW made that one up today.
I like my word for this comment - roblicsu. :D:D
OMG Paddlegate has been awakened - thank heavens BBMISwear is away wrestling with a tinopeneer...
ReplyDeleteWas the yoghurt inside the pancake or on top of the pancake? It would make it go all sloppy.
It's a well known fact, Ruby. In fact I'd even go so far as to say LAW - that you must not put anything on porridge - especially not this maple syrup of which you speak. Porridge should be thick, made mostly with water and not milk, and have nothing on it but fresh ar. If your spoon can't stand up in it, I'm not interested. Jake would love my porridge.
I do agree with you on the Bat/Paddle thing. But nooooooo! Loads of people (ie me!) say Impt for Important! To anyone reading, if you love Jake, back me up :D
ReplyDeleteSo thrilled with Mike Newell's comments. It is wonderful how he was so effusive over Jake and how he championed him for the role and how hard Jake worked. So great to hear. :)
And OMG, that last post with Jake on a PoP type of set doing press....squee...can't wait to see that!
Jake is prepared for the paps in that car pic, but it looks like his friend is not.
Maggie looks so lovely, as does Carrie Mulligan, and Peter looks great.
Great stuff! :D
Maple sirup here costs about 5.5 pounds for a 18.26 ounces can. Most of us definately don't use it like milk! :D
ReplyDeleteMy FBIL's pancake recipe makes very rich pancakes and I've never seen one walk, yet. :D I was surprised too when I realized how many eggs there is. But they're really good, I swear!
I decline any responsability for anything happening at the Vancouver Olympics, it's at the other end of the country. And it's not my fault if your curling team came short! :D
A yoghurt pancake sounds real good to me...
Thanks Get Real! It was a whopper to do and then I had to chop stuff off as it grew too long...
ReplyDeleteJust fantastic to hear Mike, it really is - he loves his cast! This means better things for us. What a great thing for Jake and Gemma to hear.
I'm so glad you liked the last post! I was thrilled to find those pics - I went a little giddy :D
Olympia! I forgot to address one of your comments - moi, delusional? That ring was a gift from me to Jake, how can you say it's not got my name on it?... sob!
These Winter Olympics are exhausting...
The yoghurt goes into the pancake mix, instead of milk.
ReplyDeleteI think you are confusing porridge with cement. It's a simple distinction. You eat the former (with lots of milk and maple syrup), and build walls with the other (with lots of bricks).
Oh, and yes in deed Jake is the TORSO of the YEAR! ;P
ReplyDeleteAlso, have to say I respect Jake's comments about the Oscars to Maggie. I think it helps to be realistic. :)
And happy Mardi Gras/Carnival to everyone to can celebrate! Wish I was in New Orleans now.
LOL at the animal pics, WDW.
LOL at Ruby's porridge comment! I was thinking the same thing! :DD
Happy Mardi Gras to all celebrating and happy pancake day to everyone:)
ReplyDeleteI have spent the evening eating way too many pancakes and watching the Brit awards...OOOT have to say well done to Mr. Robbie Williams on his outstanding contribution to music award. May I say very well deserved!!
Great pics of Jake, Maggie, Peter and Carey Mulligan. All this praise for Jake as the Prince is good to hear:) May can't come soon enough.
Olympia! That's very expensive syrup. So expensive I recommend you don't bother with it :D I'm sure those pancakes are good - but they might kill you.
ReplyDeleteTalking aboout the Olympics, we've got more snow on the way here tonight - it looks snowier on the map than Vancouver! Don't mention the curlers...
* Shakes head at Ruby * who clearly has not eaten Proper Porridge. When I make it for lunch at work, I know I've made it right when people run from it with fear in their eyes.
I'd love to be in New Orleans too, Get Real! How fun would that be?! I love that Heat keep drooling over Jake. They don't mention him much but clearly someone there is a Gyllenhaalic :D I loved his advice to Maggie - it sounds calm and poetic at the same time.
Ignoring any other porridge comments...
Hi there Carol! Posting at the same time :D I've just been watching some Brit highlights on the news (those Gallaghers...). Congrats to Robbie. Lady GaGa's outfit was truly amazing. I'm not so keen on the return of the boyband...
ReplyDelete^^ :)
ReplyDeleteI was a bit disappointed that the boy band appear to have returned aswell. Some great and truly original acts lost out to "production line" pop:(
ReplyDeleteSome good performances so all in all a good nights entertainment:)
Hi Anon :)
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good night, Carol :D There's some incredible music around in the UK again at the mo, I hate it being hidden by this manufactured game show stuff. Glad to hear some good acts got through :D
I had pancakes on the plane on Sunday, don't know why they put stripes of fried bacon next to them and scramble eggs... then I saw the passenger next row dipped the bacon into syrup... ugh. I lost my appetite and asked for a glass of juice.
ReplyDeleteJake looks like he doesn't mind driving his friends around or being caught on camera, he's having a good time and he knows he looks dashing :)
Welcome home Winterbird! Ugh :( Someone at work today told me how she loves ham and egg pancakes. Mystery to me but then I don't eat meat. But syrup on it?
ReplyDeleteJake looks cool and sexy. Sigh :D
I don't like pancakes all that much, so I'm not going to try to make them. Sorry. I can't make them anyway. But if I could, yogurt would make them taste as if they had sour cream in them, which would be a big improvement over the way pancakes usually taste. A distinguished chef recently said that they really aren't a gourmet food anyway.
ReplyDeleteThe instrument that you play pin pong wiith is a paddle. it can be padded or plain. The thing that you use for a rowboat is an oar.
Yesterday I saw rwo movies with Jake links: "Wolfman," which had Anthony Hopkins in it, and "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the l;ightning thief," which had Catherine Keener in it. Catherine's lines were terrible, and they made her do all sorts of overacting and other indignities. It was terrible to see. :-(
Evening WDW & everyone from 4.5 inches of snow fell in Central Park NY,NY today. :lol
ReplyDeleteHow is the weather there tonight? It's really snowing a lot here this winter...arr
Pancakes, hmmm
I may make some later, premixed of course :)
The recipes sound delicious. Jake looks happy, for once, driving with pap cameras flashing. He is one delicious looking man.
The usual excellent post.
ReplyDeleteOne question: Is the animal in the final picture a Camel or a Llama?
Looks like a Llama to me.
More about the "Percy jackson" movie. Logan Lerman, who plays the title character, has been in movies with Heath Ledger and Maggie Gyllenhaal, namely "The Patriot" and "Riding in cars with Boys." He's interested in playing Spiderman if the franchise is rebooted. I was very impressed with his work in "My one and only."
ReplyDeleteOMG I think I am laughing too hard after reading these comments to even comment myself! But I'll just have to try - LOL!
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, I think we have a way to solve batgate: If someone is photographed with something that has different names in different countries it should be called not what people in each country call it but what it is called in the country the picture was taken in, no? Since the photos that Heat Magazine are apparently in love with were taken in the United States of America then he is holding a paddle. If they were taken in England he'd be holding a bat. Sound good?! :-)
Second, We've Got Ostriches!! And more to come based on what's been showing at the Toy Fair! Whooowheee...can't wait!
Third, pancakes! I'm laughing too hard to even eat any. Is pancake day over yet?!
And now the more important items of the day...Mike Newell's interview and Jake and his friend and his ring in the car! Well I just love what Mike has to say and I'm looking forward to hearing more from him (and Jerry and Gemma and that other guy...Jake). And the new photos? I love them! Know why? He looks like he's having fun. He doesn't look very bothered by the paps. So great to see him out and about and just hanging with friends. I will never get sick of photos like these! :-)
And the ring...well I don't know if it says WDW, Carpe Diem or Disney but it is one nice looking ring!! I want to see it close up so I can confirm for myself what it says. :-)
Thanks for the keeping us up to date as always WDW!
it says here that jake will be attending an event for the hungry in america project that his friend natalie portman will be a part of. i don't know if he is going to the ny or la one...probably the la one.
LOL, it is a paddle! :p
ReplyDeleteI'm cracking up here at the Great Porridge Controversy! Hilarious! Is it a foodstuff or a building material?
ReplyDeleteI was raised in Atlanta GA, shall we discuss grits??
I didn't think so!
Y'all never fail to be witty and fun!
Good morning everyone! Thanks for such a FUN evening and I'm very glad to see you still chatting while I was snoring.
ReplyDeleteHi Paul! They're certainly not gourmet the way Jake and I make them :D I totally agree about Catherine Keener in PJ and the LT - I did a review on MovieBrit and I thought her role was awful in it. I wished she hadn't been in it. Otherwise I enjoyed the film. I'll be giving Wolfman a big miss!
Hi sass! Ooh that's a lot of snow.. we were supposed to be getting a lot of snow today but instead we have torrential rain. Ugh. Jake is very delicious :D
Tas is on the Naughty Step for his camel comment :D
Hey BBMISwear :-) Yeay, glad you had a laugh. Me too! Hmmmm, your Batgate theory... That sounds reasonable until one examines the origin of the magazine in question which is British. Ergo ipso facto - the magazine thinks it's a bat so it is a BAT.
Oh no, you mean the ring might say Disney? It is a possibility... ;D Maybe it was a gift from Jerry! Its a lovely ring.
Morning Shoe! Thanks for the info :D I do like to see Jake involved with all these causes.
Hmmmm, Get Real, or is it?!
Hey JoJo! OMG grits..... don't be started on grits... When I was in Florida years ago I ordered mashed potato with my cat fish and they messed up and gave me grits instead and I didn't realise until I had a mouthful. People eat this???
Have a lovely day everyone :D
One for Olympia!
ReplyDeleteJake was seen on a plane flying out of LAX last night and judging by the location of the person who sat behind him on the flight, he was heading to Montreal!
How was Wolfman, PaulH? I have always had a soft heart for The Wolfman *swoon*, and vampires *swoon* - the other movie monsters, not so much. And those gothic time periods. Especially with Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. I'm tempted to go see it. :)
ReplyDeleteI was going through pancake recipes yesterday, and came across one for Moo Shi pancakes for vegetables. Yum, and a little change from all of the sweet ones. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm still laughing and really need to force myself to stay away from here if I am going to be productive at all today!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know, WDW (and Ruby since I know she is going to go with the British thing - LOL), think about all the publications in the world that report on things...what if the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal started calling things "American names" just because they are published in America? The world news wouldn't make that much sense. I'm sticking with where ever the person is the item is called what it is called in that area. I also Pahk the cah in the Hahvid Yahd so maybe I'm not a good judge!
You know I was joking about Disney on the ring, right?! But, ya know what? With Disney...I wouldn't even be surprised. Disney rings for everyone...with diamond chips!!
Love the "to Montreal" sighting but the timing is a bit curious since Duncan said recently he will be sneaking out of Montreal to go to the BAFTAS. Jake must have some pre-Source Code stuff to do before the real filming begins March 1st. Hey...maybe he'll continue on with Duncan to the BAFTAS?!?! I can hear those Brit WDWers' hearts skipping beats all the way over here!
Have a good day. Got some shoveling to do here - UGH!
I didn't know you designed jewellery, WDW!!!
ReplyDeleteWell, actually Mardi Gras is celebrated across Europe too (sorry, not the UK, I don't know why), think of Cologne Carnival in Germany, or in Nice in France, and in Italy pretty much everywhere...
Today is Ash Wednesday, first day of Lent, and we're supposed to stop eating pancakes and any Carnival-themed sweets, but I think I'll make an exception...
I love the ostrich picture and the one of that other "unidentified" animal!...
Take care,
Morning BBMISwear :-) You were joking? Chuckle :D I can so see Disney handing out diamente momentos. Yeah, I knew you were joking - obviously it says WDW. OMG that's Disney-esque too!
ReplyDeleteHi 12:29 :D I'm not one for beast movies - too scarey for me.
Ooh, that sounds intriguing, 12:34 :)
Yep, Jake can do his prep in Montreal and then go back to LA via London - pleeeeease! Ugh - shovelling... You could build a mogle course?
Hi Paola! Yeah, it's a lucrative sideline ;D s it? Well, I wonder why we don't here. I'm giving up giving up things for Lent.
That is a camel!
What?! Jake is already heading to Montréal? Not that I'm complaining you understand but it seems kind of soon. Wow, Jake might be just two hours away from me right know, how exciting!! I hope Montrealers have their camera ready! :)
ReplyDeleteYou know, after all that talk about pancakes last night, I didn't even have some for diner. :( I had to work late and I was too tired to cook when I got home. I still want pancakes!
I think BBMISwear's idea to resolve Paddle Gate is very good. Especially since Jake's pictures are mostly taken in the US. :DD
Yep, Olympia, you could be in for a treat later! Stay tuned :DD
ReplyDeleteIt was fun last night, but you were at work?? That's bad... You must eat double tonight.
Errrr, I think you'll find that's Batgate NOT Paddlegate...
Olympia, please could you give me a Montreal weather report? It's important for later!
Yeah, working late sucks and I'll have to do it a lot in the next 2 1/2 months, as well as working on the week-ends. I work as an acountant and here it's the start of income tax season. Yuck!
ReplyDeleteLOL! We can't even agree on what gate it should be called! :DD
Jake is lucky, the weather in Montréal will be very mild this week, even more than is normal for this time of year. It's lightly snowing right now and the temperature is 26F, feeling like 16 with the wind. The max today will be 32F, feeling like 23 and tonight will be 26F.
My word is paryt: it's almost a party! :D
That sounds rotten, Olympia - we'll try and amuse you with jake.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the weather report - that's mild?? It's averaging about 35 I suppose here. Not get much above freezing. I want the spring!!! Montreal will feel chilly after LA. He'll have to wrap up and look extra cuddly.
Olympia, BBMIswear's proposal may sound good in theory, but I think it is overlooking one very important factor:
ReplyDeleteonly one person has the ability to determine what language is used in the posts on WDW. No-one can edit the wonderful work that she does. If (British) WDW wants to (quite correctly) call it a 'bat' then there is bugger all any of us can do about it! :D:D :D
Dear Ruby, I'm sure your opinion has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you're British too, right? :DDD But I do agree with you about the "wonderful work" part. :)
ReplyDeleteYes WDW, believe it or not, this is a little above normal weather for February in Montréal and I hope Jake will be grateful to Mother Nature for that gift. :D And we're having a great winter snow wise, we didn't get very much especially compared to the last 2 winters which were hell. Europe and part of the States are getting this year kind of what we got the last two winters. We are very grateful and sympathise with you, we know what it's like! The only good thing about having harsh winter weather is how much it makes us appreciate spring and summer.
I am definately counting on Jake and you guys to help me through the next few months. And if I survive, I'll get rewarded with POP. (OMG, I just typed POOP! LOL!)
WDW, if you want to call it a bat, then call it a bat. But what do you call the implement that canoers use for propelling their craft? Paddle? Bat? Oar? And what do you call the stick that people use for hitting balls in games like baseball, roudners, and cricket? Just wondering.
ReplyDeleteAbout "Wolfman:" it is a very satisfying late Victorian gothic film, with shadowy figures in dark mansions with flickering candles and all the rest of the spooky efefcts that lovers of period movies have grown to love. If you are a werewolf fan, you will apprexciate it.)
I apologize everyone for going off-topic. Now, if you will excuse me, I'll go to WDW's other site to see what she said in her review of the percy Jackson movuie. ;-)
About "Wolfman:" it is a very satisfying late Victorian gothic film, with shadowy figures in dark mansions with flickering candles and all the rest of the spooky efefcts that lovers of period movies have grown to love. If you are a werewolf fan, you will apprexciate it.
ReplyDeleteHooray! :)
Olympia, I assure you that I am as unbiased and impartial as everyone else who has contributed to the batgate debate ;-)
ReplyDeletePaul, I'm not one for boats myself, I get sick crossing a puddle, but I would say canoers use paddles, rowing boats have oars.
Except in Oxford and Cambridge where they use a punt, which is like a cross between an oar and a vaulting pole. A strange and impractical bit of kit for the job if you ask me, although it can be amusing to watch (safely, from a dry bank).
Actually, it's the boat that's called a 'punt', the pole is just a pole, but my comments on the method of propelling the punt still stand. :D
ReplyDeleteRuby, I'm getting dizzy! :DD
ReplyDeleteOh! My word is "parties". It's not my fault if I don't get much work done today, Blogger keeps telling me to party! :D
Sorry if my babbling makes you queasy! :D
ReplyDeleteDon't fight the messages to party. What are we celebrating?
Jake being in Montréal, of course! :)
OMG what's going on? I'm busy doing a post and you're all chatting and I'm missing you - I'm out of the loup. I'll catch up....
ReplyDeleteAhhhh, hugs to the lovely Ruby for her completely non-biased, non-Brit sentiments about my correct usage of 'The Bat'.
Problem is, Olympia, we don't always get that summer! So, what would be best is that you take back the horrible winter (then they'd stop complaining at the Olympics about the slush) and let us have a hot summer - but without the midges. No midges. We'll try not to reward you with PooP.
Hi Paul! Canoers use a paddle or oar - unlike our comrades across the pond, we're not so hung up about word definitions (snort!).
I'm not a werewolf fan at all (except for American Werewolf in London - I still feel unease in the Tube) so this isn't for me. Oh good, I'm glad to hear you're reading the review! I'd love to include any of your reviews there :)
Hi Anon :D
OMG, Rubes, please don't talk about punting - that is a truly horrific activity and I have seen many a duck and swan placed in appalling peril due to the punting recklessness of tourists and students. Jake could punt me along the Isis though, that would be ok...
Yeah, Olympia, that'll do it! And there are pics! See my Olympian post :D