Wednesday, 17 March 2010

ShoWest countdown - Gemma Arterton asked about Jake Gyllenhaal and Fran Healey's 'sexy man'

Chance for a quick catch up before Prince of Persia's first screening to the critics tomorrow at ShoWest in Viva Las Vegas (sounds like the perfect excuse to dig up some holiday snaps...). First off, PoP creator Jordan Mechner has confirmed the presence of Jake Gyllenhaal at San Francisco for WonderCon on 3 April. To be more precise, noon in the Esplanade Ballroom.

The Princess of Persia, Gemma Arterton, is currently appearing in London (at the Garrick, where Jake performed) in The Little Dog Laughed. She and her fellow thesps appeared on Radio 1 last night - fresh from the boards - and were interviewed by Edith Bowman. Not surprisingly - and rather pleasingly - Jake popped up.

'What's Jake like?' she was asked. 'He is funny and he's a really, really talented actor.' Gemma could say no more because that perennial favourite of a question popped up: 'Is he tall?'.

'He's a couple of inches taller.... We worked together for 6 months and it was just me and him and so we have good chemistry in the film, I think... I really wanted to see his play... (laughter).' Edith then gives Gemma the news that Jake is in the new Vampire Weekend video - 'Is he?!' - and tells her to watch it straight away because it's so funny. Brits can listen to the interview on iPlayer for the time being. It sounds like the cast were definitely... unwinding.

Talking of people talking of Jake...Fran Healey and Andy Hislop of Travis have recently completed their acoustic tour of the US - which featured slideshows of Jake - and now the tour is available to buy (plug). The Moonlight Mile (a film about 'death and people dying and remorse and sadness') track Love Will Come Through is preceded by an appreciative discussion of 'a very sexy man', which includes another important question: 'Is he shaving his chest?'.

While Duncan Jones has tweeted today that he's been spending the day blowing up trains (that's one way to spend a Wednesday), Jake has been spotted at the bakery Olive and Gourmando in Montreal. Thanks very much to the tweeter for grabbing the pic of a smiling (and hungry) Jake.

Just in case you missed it, do take a look at the new Prince of Persia featurette on Young Dastan - aka William Foster - which also includes Big Dastan - aka Jake Gyllenhaal.

Includes pictures from IHJ.


  1. He!He! I love that third pic, Jake looks like a midget. A very sexy midget. :D

    I'm a little nervous about tomorrow's POP reviews, I hope they're good. Do we know if they are showing the finished version of the movie?


  2. Hey Olympia! I love that pic too - it's a gift! I imagine it's the whole version showing tomorrow. I think some critics will love to slag it off (jake's Donnie Darko and not Persian - all of that nonsense) but I reckon many will love it :D I know I will ... I shod have a ticket :) The hours I've spent in Vegas on work walking through those hotels :)

    I hope everyone's having a good evening!

  3. More catching up for me after being away from my computer most of the day - great stuff!!!

    Some regulars may be asleep right now but when you wake up you are going to LOVE the scans on IHJ of The PoP Visual Guide - Oh.My.God. I want this book and I want it NOW!!!!

    Will try to stop by tomorrow...this week has been insane though.


  4. Not posting much but I'll be back after a timeout to read, look all this and enjoy myself:)

  5. This "he's not Persian" thing is pretty much a handful of fan-boys who spend a lot of their time being negative about almost everything.
    I don't see actual critics even thinking too much about that.

  6. it's ALL GOOD! I just love the tweets, how did we live without twitter? I am glad someone took a pic of him at the bakery. It looks like all the eateries in Montreal are being treated to a visit from Jake.

    I've been to some cons over the years too bad Jake has never been to any of them.

    I hope they'll be pics from SF.

    Thanks WDW for all this wonderful info.


  7. oh yeah and pics from Vegas too!

  8. Morning all!

    Good to see you BBMISwear :-) I know you have a difficult day today so hope you get some down time later to spend with the gorgeous pictures of PoP.

    Good to see you, Sass! Hope things are good with you *)

    Hi 1:39 :D I hope you're right. It's as irritating as anything as well as being complete and utter RUBBISH!!

    Thanks Sweetpea :D It's a good job that Jake is such a foodie :) I hope we'll get SF pics too :D

    The PoP pics are too lovely to rush a post out - I'm gonna give them due care and attention *)

    Have a lovely day :D

  9. wow. those cops in Moonlight Miles set look straight out of YMCA :)

    Gemma definitely has chemistry with Jake in PoP.

    People need to stop the "he's not Persian" nonsense. Ben Kinsley was not Indian, Omar Sharif was not Russian... the videogame Danstan doesn't look that Persian either.

  10. Morning Winterbird! Jake and Gemma ooze chemistry! Love it :D

    But Zachary Quinto was Vulcan, no?

  11. PoP is being released in Sweden 19th May and in UK and US 28th May. Is that true? If so, no UK premier then :o(

  12. Hi Anon! I don't know when PoP is being released in Sweden but I do know that some dates are wrong (out of date) on IMDb.

    The USA opening is 28 May, the UK is 21 May and the UK premiere is on 9 May.

  13. Peas and long life.

    I don't know why but your Vulcan comment made me fall about laughing. The 'persian stuff' no longer has the power to bother me.

    Thanks so much WDW!

  14. I'm so glad I gave you a laugh TD :DD Have a lovely day!

  15. If an actor has to be Persian to play a Persian character, does this mean that a singer can't sing the role of Carmen unless she's had experience as a prostitute? ;-) It's all about suspension of disbelief; some people don't cooperate by trying.

    Jake must have a lot of frequent flyer miles by now. Montreal? Chicago? San Francisco? England? Morocco? Fenway Stadium in Boston? He travels way more than I do, and it all seems so natural. :-)

  16. Hi WDW

    Just wondering who the bloke is with Jake on most of the Montreal pictures? I think he is the same man on most of the pictures, shorter than Jake with brown hair.

    "But Zachary Quinto was Vulcan, no?" Ha ha!

  17. I posted this in the last thread but it still applies!

    WOAH, fantastic pics! More PoP pics....woohoo! And the young Prince is great. Getting very excited!

    Love Gemma's comments and Fran's too. :)

    So nice to see Jake about in Montreal!

    I hope things go well at ShoWest but I am nervous like Olympic. I find the "He's not Persian" stuff so damn annoying...ugh. Fingers and toes crossed for good reviews. :D

  18. Hi there everyone! Thanks so much for the comments :D I'm sorry I was whisked out before I could answer them for a Thai meal in the depths of Oxfordshire. Waves hello to Paul, Karen and Get Real!
